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Creative Lottery

Kirsty Fruin: OUGD303 Brief 4 D&AD: Its Nice That (1/4)

The Its Nice That Creative Lottery is a three week nationwide University campus tour where Creative Lottery tickets are given out to students. Each student is given the opportunity to win an iPad by simply entering their unique code online at Each ticket has a concealed code; the user is required to tear open the perforated strip in order to reveal their personal code. This incorporated element of interaction will excite the user and engage them in the process. Codes will be generated using the following number and letter coding system: int1234cl (Its Nice That 1 2 3 4 Creative Lottery)

1 6s 8 5 7 t 5 c 8 n4 39 2 t 74 n 2 3 0 c t5 1 6s 8 5 7 t n 45 6 9 9 3




Creative Lottery

1 6s 8 5 7 t 5 c 39 8 n4 2 t 74 n 2 3 c 2t5 1 6s 8 5 7 t n 45 6 8 n 4 51 3 9 74 n 2 3 2t59 1 6s 8 5 7 t 5 t 39 8 n4 6 5 t 7 4 n 2 3

So who are we?


Enter your code at

Its Nice That exists to champion creativity across a whole host of disciplines. We publish exciting, original and engaging work from both established names and talented newcomers. Since Its Nice That was launched we have supplemented our cultural musings with our regular features which bring a little order to the joyful chaos every week, month and year. Sure we like publishing but theres no substitute for actual, real-life people. Our series of events ranges from conferences to talks series and lets us revel in some old-school human interaction. Check it.


11-13 Batemans Row, London EC2A 3AY Tel: 0207 739 5222

Kirsty Fruin: OUGD303 Brief 4 D&AD: Its Nice That (2/4)

At the end of each week a winning code will be randomly selected from the codes entered over the duration of the week. The winner will recieve an iPad; this prize is fitting to Its Nice Thats budget whilst also being a desirable prize for creative students. More than one prize may be awarded each week, depending on the budget. In order to give the user more of an understanding of Its Nice That, the reverse of the Creative Lottery ticket also contains information and three points of contact; postal address, telephone and website. The ticket also contains a QR code for easy access to the Its Nice That website. The Creative Lottery tickets will be litho printed onto GFSmith Colorplan170gsm uncoated embossed vellum white stock. The attached instructions and code will be litho printed onto GFSmith Colorplan 170gsm uncoated embossed lavendar, park green or candy pink stock, with a perforrated strip. The Creative Lottery type will be white foiled onto the front.

intcreativelottery @intcreativelottery #intcreativelottery

1 6s 8 1 6s 8 1 6s 8 5 7 t 5 t 5 7 t 5 c 5 7 t 5 t 3 9 8 n4 8 n4 3 9 8 n4 39 1 t 7 4 n 2 2 t 7 4 n 2 1 7 4 n 2 3 s 9 2 t 5 3 c 2 t 5 3 5 72 t 5 1 6s 8 1 6s 8 6s 8 n 5 7 t 5 5 7 t n 45 6 t 5 4 Enter 3 9 8 n 4 51 3 9 8 n4 39 8 n4 9 9

Kirsty Fruin: OUGD303 Brief 4 D&AD: Its Nice That (3/4)

By directing recipients of the Creative Lottery tickets to the website to enter their code and potentially win an iPad, Its Nice That is being publicized and more users will visit the website. Once on the website, recipients will be inclined to engage with Its Nice That. The recipients can also access the code entry site on tablets, phones and other devices. Thus making it as easy as possible for recipients to visit the Its Nice That website. The CMYK colours of the printed tickets are translated through to RGB in order to use the same colours on screen as in print. The pattern is made up of the potential number and letter code combinations. Creative Lottery Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr accounts will be active during the three weeks in order to create awareness of the event through social media. This will enable Its Nice That to post updates on the tours location and remind recipients to enter their unique code online.

Creative Lottery


Creative Lottery

Creative Lottery

Creative Lottery

Kirsty Fruin: OUGD303 Brief 4 D&AD: Its Nice That (4/4)

The Its Nice That Creative Lottery tour will visit 17 of the UKs top Art and Design Universities for three weeks. As the map shows, one coloured ticket will be given out during each week. Its Nice That Creative Lottery flags will travel in the van and be popped up at each University location the tour visits in order to create a visual presence at the destination. Its Nice That Creative Lottery t-shirts will be worn by the tour staff to create visual awareness of the event. The t-shirt designs demonstrate how the number and letter combination pattern can be translated through to surface pattern design. The Its Nice That Creative Lottery team will travel the country in a VW tour bus. The same pattern will be applied to the vehicle in order to create visual consistency and allow the vehicle to be easily recognised as it travels the country.

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