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thinks about the balance of sedentary adults in industrialised and developing sufficient public health approach to prevent obesity—
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behaviour and activity in all aspects of countries spend sitting in their 15.5 ‘‘non- 4. Healy GN, Dunstan DW, Salmon J, et al. Objectively
daily life, including transport, occupa- exercise’’ waking hours. A particular con- measured light-intensity physical activity is
tional settings, domestic work and leisure, cern for this new research agenda is how independently associated with 2-h plasma glucose.
especially around obesity management to approach reducing or breaking-up Diabetes Care 2007;30:1384–9.
5. Anderssen SA, Engeland A, Sogaard AJ, et al.
and the role of total physical activity in prolonged sitting time, and how this Changes in physical activity behavior and the
the prevention of further weight gain. might relate to increasing light intensity development of body mass index during the last 30
This involves some re-orienting of the and moderate to vigorous intensity phy- years in Norway. Scand J Med Sci Sports
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sical activities. Other research opportu-
6. Levine JA. Nonexercise activity thermogenesis—
well-established focus on LTPA to a nities include carrying out studies on how liberating the life-force. J Intern Med
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in addition to moderate to vigorous obesity in China. Obes Res 2002;10:277–83.
will also involve studying the effects on intensity activities), in the context of the 8. Brown W, Ringuet C, Trost S. How active
health outcomes of shifting the balance of ubiquitous environmental and social dri- are young adult women? Health Promot J Austr
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guidelines. Commonsense might suggest larly strong for women and examining the 11. Brown WJ, Williams L, Ford JH, et al. Identifying the
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every hour. However, more specific advice much sitting has challenging implications 12. Healy GN, Dunstan DW, Salmon J, et al. Breaks in
will require dose-response relationships for future healthcare practice and will sedentary time: beneficial associations with metabolic
risk. Diabetes Care 2008;31:661–6.
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sedentary behaviours are the norm. grant. overweight and obesity among adults, 1989–90 to
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Is the measurement of maximal similar athletic ability and of the changes in

performance that occur with continued train-
ing should encourage both basic and applied
oxygen intake passé? sports scientists to reconsider the real value of
this iconic test.’’
A number of the arguments that are
Roy J Shephard advanced in this review seem to need
correction or refutation. Specifically, this
A recent and controversial review1 sug- oxygen intake is passé. The author con- riposte will examine whether a maximal
gests that the measurement of maximal cludes (p. 554) ‘‘It is now time to develop treadmill test is an unrealistic procedure for
novel testing methods....That the measured athletes, whether a unimodal approach to
Correspondence to: Roy J Shephard, PO Box 521, VO2max is a relatively poor predictor of both testing is appropriate in sports medicine,
Brackendale, Canada BC V0N 1H0; the performance potential of athletes with and whether an alternative laboratory test

Br J Sports Med February 2009 Vol 43 No 2 83


will be developed to categorise the perfor- tactical skills. The motivating power of be determined to a small fraction of a
mance of individual athletes. Comments the observer is important to the reaching second. This compares very favourably
will also be made on the place of maximal of an oxygen consumption ‘‘plateau’’, and with the laboratory treadmill, since even
oxygen intake assessment in various areas laboratories that have difficulty in careful determinations of maximal oxy-
of science, sports medicine and clinical demonstrating this phenomenon6 prob- gen intake have an experimental error of
medicine. ably need to upgrade their motivational 2–4 per cent, and superimposed upon this
skills. Mechanical efficiency can be esti- is an intraindividual biological variation of
IS THE MAXIMAL TREADMILL TEST AN mated roughly from treadmill data, 10–20 per cent.15
UNREALISTIC PROCEDURE FOR although other forms of ergometer pro-
ATHLETES? vide more precise values.7
Noakes argues1 that the treadmill test is MAXIMAL OXYGEN INTAKE
an unrealistic approach to the testing of IS A UNIMODAL APPROACH TO TESTING DETERMINATION?
athletes for three reasons: the duration of APPROPRIATE? Maximal oxygen intake tests are of little
the exercise is not known to the subject, Another puzzling feature of the recent help in ranking athletes of similar ability.
there is a steep and progressive increase in review1 is the apparent assumption that However, this does not imply that such
the intensity of exercise, and the person everyone will be tested on a treadmill. The measurements are passé. On the contrary,
who is tested has no control over the International Working Party that standar- the testing of maximal oxygen intake has
ultimate intensity of effort. All of these dised procedures for the measurement of many appropriate and important applica-
criticisms may be true of the test protocol maximal oxygen intake suggested that tions. This concluding section highlights
used in some laboratories. However, the three possible modes of testing were suita- just a few such applications, in integrative
standard recommendation is for a tread- ble for ordinary, non-athletic individuals, biology, sports medicine, doping control,
mill test lasting 9–11 minutes, and this based on a treadmill, a double step and a epidemiology and clinical medicine.
should be explained to the subject. The cycle ergometer.8 In non-athletic indivi-
appropriate treadmill slope and speed duals, the largest values were obtained on Integrative biology
should be ascertained by preliminary the treadmill; step test readings were on Analysis of the oxygen conductance equa-
submaximal testing; this allows the defi- average 4 per cent smaller, and cycle tion under conditions of maximal aerobic
nitive test to commence close to maximal ergometer values 7 per cent smaller. effort16 provides helpful insights into the
steady-state effort, thereby avoiding a Intermodal differences in maximal oxy- factors limiting various types of physical
steep ramp of intensity. Moreover, the gen intake are thought to reflect the performance.9 In activities that involve
maximal value can be determined by differing proportions of the total muscle large muscle groups, oxygen transport is
carrying out a series of tests on successive mass that are used in the different determined almost entirely by maximal
days, although the values obtained in this protocols9; intermodal differences are cardiac output, and, taken together with
manner do not differ materially from those much larger in athletes who have trained determinations of heart rate, the measure-
seen with an appropriately conducted one particular group of muscles. For ment of maximal oxygen intake offers a
continuous test protocol.2 Finally, proto- athletes, it is thus critical to select a test useful method of examining cardiac
cols are available that allow the subject to modality that allows use of the muscles stroke volume during maximal aerobic
regulate the speed of the treadmill himself engaged in their chosen sport; for a exercise. If the external work is measured,
or herself as the test proceeds. cyclist, the natural choice would be a the mechanical efficiency of various types
There are thus ways of dealing with the cycle ergometer or a racing bicycle of activity can also be determined.7
problems cited by Noakes. However, there mounted on rollers,10 for the oarsperson
remain some important differences a rowing ergometer or the collection of
between a laboratory treadmill test and Sports medicine
gas samples during actual rowing,11 for the Grouped data on the maximal oxygen
athletic performance that Noakes does cross-country skier a skiing ergometer or
not discuss. Most treadmills cannot intake of top competitors provide insights
uphill skiing,12 and for the swimmer a into the extent of aerobic demands in
match the speed of short-distance run- flume or the collection of gas samples
ners. While on a treadmill, an athlete does various forms of sport.17 Comparisons of
during swimming in a pool.13 14 Plainly, for the grouped physiological profile with the
not encounter wind resistance3 and can- many categories of athlete, the treadmill
not profit from ‘‘drafting’’.4 Few labora- individual’s personal data may suggest
is an inappropriate test modality. how large an emphasis the individual
tories simulate radiant heating or cooling
by cross-winds, and the running surface should place upon enhancing his or her
of the treadmill differs substantially from CAN LABORATORY TESTS OFFER A aerobic power. Careful records of an
the usual track. However, these various USEFUL PREDICTION OF ATHLETIC individual’s maximal oxygen intake are
limitations apply only to laboratory mea- ABILITY? also helpful in evaluating the extent of
surements, and do not negate the value of Given the various constraints noted any deterioration in aerobic function
maximal oxygen intake testing, since it is above, it seems unlikely that any labora- following injury or overtraining, and in
quite practicable to measure oxygen con- tory test can be devised that will categor- monitoring the recovery of aerobic func-
sumption when an athlete is running on a ise athletes of similar ability with useful tion following such episodes.18
standard track.5 accuracy. Rather, athletes should be
Other factors affecting athletic perfor- ranked based on the actual performances Doping control
mance include an appropriate choice of achieved over several recent competitions. A variety of drugs19 and manipulations such
tactics (including selection of clothing), Here, tactics, motivation and mechanical as blood transfusions20 can induce small
motivation of the individual, and the efficiency all come into play, and the increments of maximal oxygen intake
mechanical efficiency of movement. No mode of exercise is entirely natural. that have an important influence on the
laboratory test seems likely to evaluate Moreover, individual performances can outcome of endurance competitions.

84 Br J Sports Med February 2009 Vol 43 No 2


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