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Address :

P. O.Box 218
Coventty , Ct. 06238
PublJsher: Lawrence
Editor: Barry Greenwood
Rates: $10 US, $15 Fotelgn
NUMBER 23 Harc h 1990
(CopyrI ght 1990)
1I0bert C;. Todd
t un hft. lur f aced whi ch furnishe. physical evidence that ems
10 implicate Bill Moore as the author of the a lleged ElIenllower briertnt, n
well u the Trullan-FoHestal ..,000 appandlld to the bdertnl'
An,body .. hO has ever been th' udpient of ... n f .. .,. Bill Hoo .. e "UI rllcolnh"
the rath ... dlstinctlv .... nutn ,ddre .. On hia envelopes (.ee nlll .... 2, 3, and
10) , krau.e of the tar s .. . I.u of the t7p' u."" in 1'100 ... '. rubbflr .te_p. his
r eturn addr ess appears sid ... a,.1 .... the .nveloplls. Koreover. '" ..... i d. nt I.n
Fllures 2 thtou,b 4 , it "w ... r. thU U tt Moo.,e ... el r .. bber IUIIp ... e.blo4
f ro.. ttt t il" D.e. IIOwobl., reu .. b1ll t7P' t hU 011"". 101 .. t o .. _. "P . n7
. U lIp he This Is indi eUed by seven1 ellancter h t l c.:
1. A. nluus 1, 1, and .holl. lIoor. uud the _ .he and style Of
type for addrea. al he nOli uses in his California , ddrla,.
2. In all occurunc ... of the l e tter "r" In "WILLIAM" .nd (ne
FiRures 3 Dnd tile hU.r h aUl htly raised. a charact<lrhtic cOIIIIIon to
rubber .tamps auch
3. Moore's addu .. hn rlther sloppy, unprohul.on.t to
I t . asaln SU'I .. tllat he ... e ... l ed the st."",. frOll a kit. [ltll.., that. a t
he had custom rubber s tampl .ada Dp, for hi., for both hh ArhOlla Ind
California addresses. by fi ... tllU doe."ntl,. shoddy "010_,
A co-.p.d ..... of Fi ... .,. ), .. hl ch h !lOon', ... t .. rn .ddt ... frOll the
\98S 0_ p,...lod. with FilDre 4, hh rUum address f .. 011 1990. " i ll .no.. thlt
the ZIP code ponion of the addre .. In the 1990 enllPh 1.1 plleed clout t o
Ihe .tate .IIbre"htlon for CaHfornh. A,ai n. thll ,u88u1.8 thn the 'U"",
"" un.bled ft <m a kit of ..,,,.ble, re .... ble type.
E..n ""r .. Int.rutln, _ ,... .
1111 Moore .... 10 .. f or hb
..... 11 f or the chuHleu
Ippe.r on t he
l"' t ln for th_ tt " nh""er
1I01l.ver . he hn .. or. 0".
to b"U"ve t ha t II ay inlleell hav .. mor .
t ll n til. t,... s trt ..
th. type. uyl l!
t hat
of thl! typ" is
. lIdres
.v.ry reuon
, ..... t yp" styh.
In adllhlo .. . t he cl ..... t He.Uo" link!"" Cu. Fiallr .. 1) tlln IppUt on thl!
Etn" h_er brhftn. pa""r a ho to b ... " be .. " applhd .. . 1", .. tubber
.U"", (rOIl ... k it .. lIployill, .elv.M ... r ..... abl .. typ., A,at" . "ote t ile
t.lltal .. r.1"d l uur i " th .. .. ord
110 . UIIIPlu .. eu tound o f Koou', r .t .. r n Iddt that '110" t )'pl ot til. U.o!
. I u ... t" ... t .... d (Dr til. ch uiUo.Uon .. nU" on the tl unh"""r btl.Unt
Th i h .... ld"' Co ... as any ... cptile because type !hn l ar,. II ...
1I .. 1ted Ule r or exollph. If Moon .. ere t o li t type .hl CDlllp,nblt to
that uoed for tl>_ eb .. U learion lIatl<lnGa On the btiefinl do""III"nt, his return
t ddten wouldn'l Ht on the ""lrel"pe U all. A .. noted . bove, the type she he
. Irudy 'ppneHly r "rce, ht. to .pply hh ,ddt'e .. lid .... y.. Ir I t were
any l ar, er , IHI ...... ll1nt b ... ble to u tb, . t .. p for hh " .turn
by Bill IIoon In his
to t be type uSld lrI the
.ppurin, on "" Tn.,n-
l las8 has al r dl pfQy,n that the silna tufl On the
m,.., I. a ph" t"c"py t org"ry.
IIlIlh H .... . t be that th.r. In _ ny .ueh r .. bber suorp
kits In eshtence, it ... n a15" be colt,id,red hi thl y slSlt Hieant coladden"e
that the saae p.tlon who is distrib .. tin, t M d"Ctaent .ho .. ... j ... t ..., h a
kit t hat .. pl oy. ty,. id . .. Uo;:al i n . tyl . t o t hat II . .... on t he chulrleuion
.. rkl"l .... 0 .. t M brieftA5 p. ,.r, .nd ide"ti e.1 lrI both
uyte and she t o th p"rtl .... of th. ehulftcuto" ..
'PP".rtn& "" t he TT1.Ip,,- f otTen ... l .. _, !low it would ... p,..r II, hne evidence
.uBBeni n!: t hat Bi ll ""ore, speeifie,ny . .. y be the author .
u ......
..... ...........

PTG. I -- CI.,.tttc.ti.,. .. r ki ng f r".
Ei .,aholler brl.fln, papt c,
t op of p'g .....
nG. 2
DEWEY, AZ.86327
Hoot,', ,
hbruu y 1914 .
4219 W.OLlVE. SUITE 247
FIC. 3 -- lIoon 's retul addt " _, circa
!larch 1985.
4219 W.OLIVE. SUITE 247.
FTC. 4 __ Hoore' .... nUrIl address, ci.ea
J anuary 1990.
FIG. 5 -- CIao.iric.tion . ark!n,. fro. top
of Tru-lIo-Forrutal ...... " .
n e . 6 -- OIlLY" of ch .. iflea-
tion at bot t". or pas. 4,
that t roe to
that of ponion In
nc. 5.
PO BOX 189
FIG. 7
1984 Hoore Sa .. p1 ..
4219 W.OLIVE. SUITE 247.
FIG. 8
1990 Hoore SUlple
1I0T[, Type s tyles in 7 and 8 are identical to t1Jl"
stJl u tn 5 and 6. Shu of t ype in
7 and 8 .... . too id. ntical to HYS ONLY" portion of
Fisure 5 .
Rep r oduc ed
of Moore's
le t ter in
1s a 1985 advertisement f rom that year's August
newslette r. If one compa res the "TOP SECRET "
t he ad to t he security mark ing on t he Truman!
S on this page from To dd' s article you
sa mp le of stamp style between MJ- 12
rUbber us ed
On Ti mothy Good's Sour ce of the HJ.1 2 Briefing Paper
I n t he 1987 book ABOVE TOP SECRET, author Good rep r ints
seven pages of the f amous "Operation MI Jesti c 12" briefing paper for
President Eisenhower . The docu. ent explains in great det ail the al lege d
e i rcu.stances sur rounding the Roswehl uro c ra sh of 1947, and it's sub
sequent investlga ti on In e l i te pane l of government exper ts.
Good sa id in ATS that the paper wa s made avai l able to him un-
offic i al l y In early 1987, before t hei r r elease to the U.S. press. And
r ecently In hI s new book THE UFO REPORT _1 990 , GOod ellborat es, sayi ng
that it WIS "obtained from a CIA source."
Now i f the brie fing paper wa s obta ined from a CIA source, t hen
a Signif i Clnt argument coul d be made for the HJ - 12 story being official ion. CAUS has conCluded wi thout doubt that the various doc -
uments ar e no t genuine reieases, so the onl y que s tion re_
gardi ng the orIgin Of the documents is whether they I r e of ficial or
unoffi cial hoaxes.
Accordlng to Moor e, his copy of the pape r came on a
rol l of 35mm film sent anonymously to I colleague, J aime Shande r a,
i n December 1984. Moor e re leased hi s copIes, made from the fUm, in
his Focus newsletter of AprIL 30, 1981.
I f i t Is true that Moore 's and Good's copi es of t he bri e finq
paper were r eceived independent l y f rOM governMent sources , then a
co. parlson of each person ' s copIes Migh t yield interesti ng c l ues as
t o t he per petrator of t his fllse inforMation .
For purposes of compa rison I have chosen pages 1_3 of Moore ' s
co py of the Eisenhower br ie fing as r eproduced f r om r oc us for April )0,
1981, Moore ' s first public release of this document . Also chosen sre
pagas 13 or Goo d' s copy of the briefing from hi s CIA source as re-
produced in AaOVE TOP SECRET.
1) The "Hagic Marke r " Delet ions - A of t he i nk de-
let ions of t he security ma rkings on the Moore and Cood ve r sions re_
veals that Whi le the dele t ions are not identical the r e Is a marked
simi l arity. They are s l ash. type de let ions, probably done with one
stroke in mo st cases. I n nei ther case do t he del e ti ons completel y
oblit er at e the security markings, allowing one to read what t he
c lassification had been. Ea r ly in the MJ- 12 debat e Moore had a l readI
admit t ed sel f -censor ing hi s copy to pr otect hi msel f I n case a secur ty
Ques t i on wa. reised as to hIs possess ion of the docu.ent. One sees
no significant di f f er ence be t ween t he Moor e and Good ver s i ons in the
way the Markings were applied.
2) The "vertical R.ld\jes" _ If one compares pages from both
versions of t he document you will notice a pattern of pho tocopier
"noise , i.e. , a genera l dir tiness of the photocopy Piper ceused by
an unc l eaned machi ne . This noise t akes the f orm of ver t ical pa ra lle l
r i dges ac ross port Ions o f t he copi es. As in t he case o f the magic
del et i ons, the pattern is not identIcal but is very simil ar .
The density and c la ri t y of the noise pattern cen vary frOM copy to
copy , depending upon t he msi ntenance Of the machine, but the same
general Plttern IS ther e , as can be clearly seen in both copies. And
the patt ern can be seen 1n the same genera l area of particul ar pages
(No te areas be tween pa r ag raphs on pages 2&3). Suggest ed here is that
the t wo ver s i ons were copi ed at diff er ent t iMes but on the same machine.
3) The "Fi nger pr int" _ If one notes the circled area of Moore' s
page 2, you wi l l see two l ines at rou\jh l y 30 degree engles t o the
horllontol bottom Of the page . The lines also appear on Moore's page 3,
between paragraphs 1 and 2 (circled). These lines also appea r on Cood's
page 1 (unde r EVES ONLY) Ind on page J, between paragraphs 1 and 2. I t
appears as we ll on Good ' s page 4 and his list of to
the briefing (not reproduced her e but (ound In AT S) . The mark Krlosts"
on the various copies on Which it appears, apparlntly a rlaw in the
photocopier roller t hat beeewas Impr inted onto va r ious areas of the
papers 8S they pass t hrough the machine . Since t he Qarklng appears on
bol h copies , I rotced t o belI eve that both ca.8 from the same copy
machine at different times .
It Is important that the various anomalies cited above are not
identical in every as far as clarity, positlon and

concerned. If they were it could be argued that the or l gina l

, photographed and sent to Shlnderl , and Illegedly copied and
to Good by a CIA source , possessed these anomalies. As such each
person's version could stIll be attributed to -a government source. Thi s
is not the else her e.
The Hoore/Sha ndera copy wa s recei ved i n 1984. HardCOPY had to be
made from the photographiC f l1., r esult ing in caples possessing t he
InomaiilS particular to the photocopy .Ichine used by the . Timothy
Good.'s copies contain the same kinds of anomalies, lIIeaning that the
machine used by Hoore/Shandera was the source of Good's copies.
Press lecount, in 8ritain quo ted Good as say ing tha t the documents
were f rolll a "reliable l can liource who hali cl ose connections with
the intel ligence community." Moore has claimed this all along. So the
remark seams to be a good descript i on of Hoare. Th en how does one ex-
plain Good' s sta t ement in his THE REPORT- 1990,that hi s source was
Ei thn:
1) Good
is ly
" ,
vehe.ently denies.
be CIA, which in fact he I sn ' t.
in the past that Moore
which Graham believed
(DIS) badge (s ee Graham
ti me gave MJ _12 papers
inci dent a nj oke"
In a
Hoa re i ndicated t o
ana that 1 t
at the
[ 11
e". ";
and 1 do
. Moore at the
cal led the badge
on Grahllll.
letter t o Good from Lee Grahata, Graha. said , "Bll1
function -to release the MJ-12 document 1n England
he did in the U.S .. -
Good rel eased the papers and that
them in Graham continued:
He also
o circulating the
t hat Timo t hy Good explain this sItuat I on.
and respect his hard Ma rk in research,
caught in an awful mess.
Barry Greenwood
2- 18-90


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MO:AOQ"AItT0:"8 AlII 0""'1;0: INVESTlGATlOM8
AI" !'OReE .....,.E DC 2OD:I.-..... ,
HI: Lawrena! Fawcett
P.O. Balt 2lB
OJnventxy cr 06238
Dear HI: Fm:::ett
'nlb 18 reapcmae to lOU" 18 Dec 1_ 1969, requaat fOI' in:6:aL 'tic;n which we
received Z1 I>< i er 1969.
. .
A search of the Defense CentJ:al Index of Inveatigatiaw jIX'ITj, using the
identifying aata furniltIhed in )QK letter, has (Ii")' AU-1Wce
Office of Special I.oveatigatialS IAFaII) is not IiIllY fil.e8:
identifJable with }'OUr request. 'lbI!! OCII is OOOIK)lidated li8ting of filea
held i;ly the inve6tigative I' a(a ....... ts of the DepartIIIent of
I n his September }O, 1989, Focus newsletter, Moore Claimed that
he was aware of covert interest In La rr y Fawcett by the Air Force
Office of Special Investigat ions (OSI) . Our book was said to have
been obtained by the OSI through an "operative" and that surveillance
of Fawcett was through "someone who knew him well."
Since this editor, according to Moore, was not of suffiCient in-
terest to warrant OSI surveillance, we dec ided to pursue bnly Fawcet t' s
alleged OSI file . A request was sent on December lB, 19B9.
As evidenced abovl!, WI! are unable to verify Moo re's claim .8nd
regard it as spurious.
CLEAR INTENT is due to be rl!issued under the title THE UFO
COVER-UP in the next few months. We will keep you advised as to
the book's availability.

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