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K.A. Robinson: I'm here whenever you guys are ready.

Adri: Hey! :)
LoverMichelle: Hi everyone ~ so eager, I love it!
K.A. Robinson: :)
LoverMichelle: Feel free to chit chat for the next 9 minutes as readers will trickle in. So where
does everyone live? I'm 40 minutes north of Atlanta, GA.
K.A. Robinson: I'm an hour away from Morgantown, WV. :)
K.pinson: Yay
Adri: Conway, AR
Alicia Wischmann: Heyy Pittsburgh pa here :)
LoverMichelle: I've heard of Morgantown. I'm originally from Williamsport, PA, so we drive thru
WV when heading back to PA.
K.pinson: Im in michigan
LoverMichelle: Woohoo, Alicia, are you a Steelers fan?
Alicia Wischmann: Definitely !! :)
LoverMichelle: Michigan? Wasn't there an area that just got 18 inches of snow last week?
LoverMichelle: Great Alicia, we are too! Love our Steelers.
LoverMichelle: Are you in the 'burbs of Pitt?
K.pinson: Not sure but it wasnt where I am
K.A. Robinson: We're practically neighbors! :)
K.pinson: But we do get weird weather
Alicia Wischmann: About 10 minutes from the city
Alicia Wischmann: we are so close lol
LoverMichelle: All Yankees, and I'm a transplanted Yankee. :)
LoverKaren: Yank here
Adri: i was born in Buffalo, NY but I've lived in the south all my life!
Adri: well, most of my life!
K.A. Robinson: Are y'all coming to the Pittsburgh signing in October then???
Alicia Wischmann: Absolutely went online and reserved tickets the day you posted it :)
LoverMichelle: I think one of the ladies from our blogging group is going.
LoverMichelle: Plus my author friend Katie Ashley (she lives 30 minutes away from me)
LoverKaren: Yes a Lover will be there in Pittsburgh in Oct
K.A. Robinson: Awesome! I can't wait to meet you all!
Alicia Wischmann: Can't wait either looking forward to it !
LoverMichelle: Well if any of you are new to our chats, it's a completely open forum.
LoverMichelle: We just want everyone to pretend they are sitting around together chatting and
ask questions.
LoverMichelle: K.A. it's up to you as to how much you want to reveal about upcoming books,
spoilers, etc. We'll leave that up to you.
LoverMichelle: We just want to provided a forum where fans can talk to their favorite authors
and have fun!
K.A. Robinson: Great! :)
LoverMichelle: K.A. Quickly, since I really don't know you, tell me (us) about you andhow you got
into writing.
K.pinson: very fun idea
LoverMichelle: And then we can get into the meat---your books!
K.A. Robinson: Sure! Let's see... I'm a reader at heart and have been since I was little. I have a
bad habit of living in my own head most of the time, making up stories. So I decided to write one
of them down. I'm in a book club with a few others and I showed them a little bit of what is now
K.A. Robinson: They threatened bodily harm if I didn't finish it, so I did. It was terrifying!!!
LoverMichelle: Did you have both books written before you released them?
LoverMichelle: There is only a month between the two so I was just curious.
K.A. Robinson: I didn't. I worked on Torn from November until the week before I published.
K.A. Robinson: Then I jumped right into Twisted and wrote it from Feb - March. :)
Killer: I loved the books....don't get me wrong....but why did you not show more depth between
the disco núm
K.A. Robinson: Disco num?
Killer: discovery and his sobriety
Killer: sorrysobriety sorry. Typo
K.A. Robinson: LOL It's okay! Do you mean at the end of Twisted?
Killer: Yes. It wrapped up so quickly
Aimz: Hello!
Mom#2: Hello!
LoverKaren: Hi everyone please jump into the fray and join the chat with K.A., this is a totally
open forum, where you the fans get to ask the questions.
LoverMichelle: Hi Aimz and all the other newbies.
LoverKaren: Hello Aimz and Mom#2
K.A. Robinson
See, the thing was... I felt that they had suffered SO much already and that six months they were
apart was NOT pretty.
The good news is, since so many of you asked for more details, I am working on Torn #3. The first
part of the book will be only Drake during that time so you WILL get to see what happened.
K.A. Robinson: Hi ladies! <3
Alicia Wischmann: Any news on a date for torn #3?
Killer: I'm all for it..... Thank you
Mom#2: K.A. Robinson... I just jumped in to tell you I'm very proud of you :) YOUR Mom #2
Aimz: While I love the idea of a third book, I am really interested in the story you started before
the demand for torn 3
K.pinson: Me too aimz!
K.A. Robinson: @ Alicia - I can not publish before November. If Torn 3 remains self published, I
will have it out late November, early December.
K.A. Robinson: If Atria takes it as well, I won't know the date until they tell me. :(
K.A. Robinson: @Killer - I'm excited to share TOrn #3 with you all. I've finished Part 1 and I hope
it helps you to understand the turmoil that Drake felt.
K.A. Robinson: Hi Mom two! Which of my moms are you? LOL
Killer: Can't wait!!!!! Thank you!!!!!
LoverMichelle: =D>
Alicia Wischmann: Awesome ! I Will patiently wait .... I LOVED LOVED LOVED torn and twisted
so just as excited to see what comes next !
Cjm: How'd you come up with Chloe was she spontaneous or was she based on someone you
know? Also love how you put at the end no one should suffer alone. Those numbers are important
K.A. Robinson: Aimz - The one with the undercover cop?
K.pinson: are you planning on releasing new story before torn3 or waiting to see if atria picks it
up as well?
K.A. Robinson: Thank you Alicia!
Mom#2: Beth your favorite Mom #2 :)
LoverKaren: If for some reason you question is not answered, Please Please ask again.
Aimz: Yes. It has such promise.
K.A. Robinson: CJm - Chloe is a mixed up soul. LOL A LOT of her came from me. I'm a smartass
by nature and I suck at clothes. I prefer band shirts and Chucks over any other clothes. The other
parts of her, well let me put it this way. I don't write the character, they write themselves. I just
share their story with you all.
K.A. Robinson: Yes, if I miss anyone, yell at me. IN SHOUTY CAPS!
K.A. Robinson: K. I have a super secret project that came to me in the shower last week. I've
been writing it and Torn 3 at once.
Cjm: Awesome response love how you are just so real! Like I could go to the val
LoverKaren: Super Secret, Do Tell, we will be quiet
K.pinson: Woooot. When can we learn more about it? ;)
K.A. Robinson: Aimz - I stopped writing it at the moment, but I hope to pick back up with it soon.
I was having trouble putting my emotions into it so I had to step away. I don't want to force a
story that I don't like and that you won't either.
Cjm: Bar and have fun with you!
K.A. Robinson: Thanks Cjm! <3
Alicia Wischmann: That was my next question as well lol you were asking about music the other
day so was going to ask the title of that book if any yet ?!?
Caroline: Hi ... Just stepped in, thanks for invite!
K.pinson: Shes very fun at the bar..lmao. I love k.a.
Cjm: No problem!
K.A. Robinson: K. When I'm a little closer to having it ready to go. I gave myself a July deadline,
but I will be moving in the next two months (Just found out today that it was happening that fast!
AH!) so between that and still at my day job, I'm stretched thin! Someone get me some
LoverMichelle: Hi everyone please jump into the fray and join the chat with K.A., this is a totally
open forum, where you the fans get to ask the questions.
klouise: im not sure on other peoples opinions, but in torn, i felt chloe was a bit of a player in her
own right.. did you see this too? how did you intend to have her some across given the 'love
K.A. Robinson: I have Torn 3's title picked out, but I haven't released it just yet. But I will, soon!
klouise: come across* damn auto correct
K.pinson: >:)
K.A. Robinson: The other super secret one, I don't have the title yet. I wait until it comes to me.
(Usually in the shower of all places!)
Alicia Wischmann: Yay !! Can't wait :D
K.A. Robinson: Welcome newbies! <3
K.A. Robinson: Thanks Alicia
Cjm: I started writing.... What advice do you give new authors?
Mom#2: K.A..... Have fun. You Rock :)
Mom#2: Bye bye
K.A. Robinson: Who are you Mom2???
Mom#2: Beth
Caroline: Catching up here. Congratulations on writing. I've not read but still want to hear all
about you
Aimz: I think your stories are amazing.
K.A. Robinson: klouise - Chloe's biggest problem is that she lacks self esteem. She has a good
heart, but she doesn't always think before she acts.
K.A. Robinson: Thanks Aimz!
LoverKaren: How hard was it to write Chloe and her esteem issues?
K.A. Robinson: Cjm- my advice? Write the story for YOU! There is NO way that you can please
everyone, so do what makes you happy. Just let it flow and the story will write itself!
K.A. Robinson: Thanks Caroline!
LoverKaren: If you don't ask a question you will go ideal, so ask away.
LoverKaren: idle
K.A. Robinson: LoverK - The self esteem issues were one of the things that came from me. So, I
know exactly how she felt. I mean,I've never been pursued by a hot rocker dude, but I can imagine
my reaction if some guy like Drake seemed interested in me.
Cjm: Thank you. Did I mention you rock!
K.A. Robinson: Rock chicks unite Cjm! <3
K.A. Robinson: Hi Beth, you silly woman! <3
Caroline: how are the reviews? And how have you handled the reviews?
K.A. Robinson: Okay, did I get everyone that asked a question? I don't want to leave anyone out!
Alicia Wischmann: So at the end of twisted you ended Chloe and drakes story did you think you
would be revisiting them or did more of their story just come to you ?
K.A. Robinson: Caroline- So far Torn has stayed right at 4.2/5 stars and Twisted 4.5/5 stars. Have
I received bad reviews? Definitely. When I released Torn and got my first few bad ones, I cried. I
have no shame in admitting that. I felt like I'd failed. But then I started getting more and more
good reviews, followers on Twitter, and likes on FB. I was like, wow. Maybe I CAN do this. Now, I
don't read reviews very often except for on Amazon. There are a few that bothered me because
they weren't directed at the books, but at me personally. But I've learned to accept them and
accept the fact that I can't please everyone.
LoverKaren: You mentioned the self esteem issue, how hard is it to write a character that mirrors
our a little minus rock star
K.A. Robinson: Alicia - I knew that I would be revisiting them in future Torn Series books, but I
never thought that I'd be writing about them again. Once I decided to work on another book for
them, I sat down and thought about where their lives would go once they started to heal. That's
what the other parts of Torn 3 are about. Healing and learning to love/trust again.
Caroline: That is excellent, the stars you've received. I can imagine crying as you put much time n
effort into it. Probably crying is the perfect emotion n pooh pooh on them.
K.A. Robinson: LoverK - It's hard. I have a habit of taking on the moods of my characters when I
write (My poor husband!!!) so it felt like I was dealing with the same issues as C&D.
K.A. Robinson: Thanks Caroline! It was hard at first, but it's part of being a writer sadly. There
are always people who will not like what you write. Or those who try to bring you down. You just
have to stay firm in your beliefs.
Caroline: Do you write in your name or a pen name? How long have you been writing? Do you get
a thrill when you know a paragraph, page or chap is really good?
klouise: how do you manage your time between family, work and writing? i have been following
your facebook recently and your life seems way too busy for me! haha
K.A. Robinson
Caroline - I use a pen name. Well, Robinson is my real last name, but K.A. are my initials. :)
I JUST started writing in November. I mean, I've always told stories in my head, but this is the first
one that I finished.
I do! I love when something just flows and shows so much emotion.
Alicia Wischmann: When you are writing your books do you picture your characters as certain
people as the readers place celebrities with characters from books ?
LoverMichelle: Hi everyone please jump into the fray and join the chat with K.A., this is a totally
open forum, where you the fans get to ask the questions.
K.A. Robinson: Klouise - I'm exhausted, I won't lie. I'm still working 40 hours a week because I
love my day job but I'm just not ready to accept that I'm a REAL author and give up the day job. I
work until 5, then I get home around 6, play with my son and answer emails until he goes to bed,
then I write until 2 or 3 in the morning.
K.A. Robinson: Alicia - I don't. I've looked around, trying to find Drake, Chloe, Jordan, Logan, and
the rest of the gang, but I haven't managed to find anyone that fits.
K.A. Robinson: Welcome to those of you who just joined in too by the way! :)
Caroline: So you've written two novels since November, I'm totally impressed, makes me wanna
get on it. Aha.
K.A. Robinson: Caroline - correct. I write really fast if I'm left alone. But lately things have been a
bit crazy between setting up signings, working with Atria, and working my day job. I'm a lot slower
this time around.
LoverMichelle: Is it different working indendently using an editor verses Atria's editor?
Alicia Wischmann: Well if you ever do find them please share would love to see how you see
them ! As everyone has different perspectives it's nice to see how everyones viewings are so
K.A. Robinson
LoverM - It is. I used NO editor for Torn because I literally COULD NOT AFFORD it. My mom helped
me. I have no shame in admitting that there were errors in it. With Twisted, I worked with Anne
Jacobs and she has been a blast and so helpful!
With Atria, things are more precise and there are deadlines. But I. Love. Them. I couldn't have
asked for a better publisher to pick me up. They are SO great to work with.
K.A. Robinson: Alicia - That's the thing that I love about books. Drake can be someone different
for every reader. That's why I didn't want faces on my covers, I want Drake to be yours and yours
LoverMichelle: >:D<
Caroline: Who's your publisher?
K.A. Robinson: BUT if M. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold ever wants to be on my cover, you're all
K.A. Robinson: Caroline - I was picked up by Atria, a subsidiary of Simon and Schuster.
Alicia Wischmann: And that was the one of the things I absolutely loved about your books the
covers it left so much for the imagination you weren't forced to picture them as certain people !!!
Awesome job!!
Cjm: Did you dream of becoming an author as a kid? I was thinking when I started to write and I
remember sitting next to my mom creating new stories for my American girl dolls
Alicia Wischmann: Lol
Caroline: So that's awesome. Do you like that?
K.A. Robinson: Thanks, Alicia! My original hand covers where done by a friend. I wanted to send
a subtle message about the feelings in the book. With Atria, they worked with me until I was
happy. I LOVE the fact that "Chloe" has the rings on her fingers and purple through her hair, just
like in the story.
LoverMichelle: please jump into the fray and join the chat with K.A., this is a totally open forum,
where you the fans get to ask the questions.
K.A. Robinson: Cjm- I did. I always wanted to write, but I always felt that I wasn't good enough.
I remember writing down a story when I was ten, but I never finished it. I can't even remember
what it was about, but I wish I did!
K.A. Robinson: Caroline - I do. :)
Cjm: What is your favorite book and why?
Cjm: Sorry for all the questions went to school for journalism and yeah we ask a lot of questions
K.A. Robinson: I have so many favorite books. In the NA genre, it would have to be Easy by
Tammera Webber. I also am a huge fan of the Divergent series by Veronica Roth and all of
Cassandra Clare's Mortal instruments/Infernal Devices series'.
K.A. Robinson: Why - they just pull me in and I can't look away. They transport me to a whole
new world.
K.A. Robinson: It's totally fine Cjm! :)
Caroline: Wonderful! I'm happy for you and good luck. I shall put your book on my growing list.
All the best. One further question ... How many drafts before done? Thanks n good night.
Cjm: Are you excited to meet Colleen Hoover ? Super jealous not gonna lie read hopeless the
other day and wow what a beautiful story
K.A. Robinson: Thanks, Caroline! For me personally, two. Night!
Caroline: Great. Night.
Alicia Wischmann: What is your favorite thing about writing ?
LoverKaren: Question that we Like to ask our guest, What book influenced you the most growing
K.A. Robinson: It IS a beautiful story. I cried when I read it back in December. I am SO excited
and nervous to meet her. I never thought I'd EVER be signing next to her!
LoverKaren: Hi Everyone if you don't ask a question your color will go idle, so Ask a question, join
the fun. Rockers have such great romances.
K.A. Robinson: Alicia- letting go and letting the characters take over. It's just like reading, only
10x better. When I write, I'm someone else for that time period.
K.A. Robinson: LoverK - Harry Potter! I picked it up in sixth grade and was captured by the detail
and the writing of J.K. Rowling!
Alicia Wischmann: Exactly how I feel when I read hubby unfortunately suffers as I am lost for
the time frame it takes me to finish a book lol
K.A. Robinson: My husband yells at me all the time because he will be talking while I write and I
won't hear a word that he says. Whoops...
LoverKaren: Squeal, Huge HP fan. Did Rowling influence your want to express yourself with
words. To make your own worlds.
Cjm: Best kept secret pleasure? How do you handle writing sex scenes?
K.A. Robinson: LoverK - she did. No one writes like JK. She's a genius! And her story is a lot like
mine. While I didn't write Torn on napkins, I didn't do it in a mansion either.
Haley: When will your books be in bookstores?
klouise: ahhh i wish i had all that time to read books. i have a very demanding 1.5yo and the only
time i get is when shes sleeping. lucky shes cute haha
K.A. Robinson: Cjm - I'm blushing right now. When I did my first one in Torn, it was horrible. I
felt like crawling in a hole and dying. I went back and reread it and decided that it had to be
redone. So that's what I did. I rewrote it all over again. I just reminded myself that it was Chloe
and NOT me.
LoverKaren: klouise, if your daughter sees you read, she will become a reader. Plus as they get
older you'll have more reading time
K.A. Robinson: klouise - I know what you mean. My son is 2 1/2. Crazy kids!
K.A. Robinson: I hope that my son wants to read when he's older. My husband hates to read and
refuses to. :(
LoverKaren: No K.A. you said your Mom helped you edit, what was it like to have MOM read the
LoverMichelle: #TrueStory I was editing a book for an author who is young enough to be my
daughter, and I had to entire the blowjob scene. Talk about embarassing. :)
LoverMichelle: ...had to "edit" the entire blogjob scene. See, I'm all flustered thinking about it.
Alicia Wischmann: I have a 5 and 2 1/2 year old and work 40 hours a week know exactly what
you mean klouise lol
Alicia Wischmann: Lol LM
K.A. Robinson: Oh, duh. Sorry. I published Torn before she helped me. She went back through it
a few weeks later. When she told me she bought it and read it, I wanted to crawl in that same
hole. Oh. My. God.
K.A. Robinson: LoverM - That is too funny!
K.A. Robinson: I always feel a bit awkward when people I know tell me that they've read my
books. So embarrassing because I'm REALLY shy in real life.
klouise: ha! shes going to be a reader just like her mum. she loves to pull all my books off the
bookshelves and 'read' . she is yet to destroy one book, she just opens them up and looks lol. i
would love to write my own book someday but dont think i would have the nerve to go anywhere
with it. i wish i had your courage K.A
LoverKaren: Haley wanted to know when books will be on shelves
K.A. Robinson: I wasn't courageous. I had Amber, Chrissy, Wendy, and a bunch of other girls
threatening bodily harm if I didn't publish it!
K.A. Robinson: Haley - Torn will be available... September 3rd I believe. And Twisted will be
November... something. I can't remember the exact date. Atria just gave me the info the other day.
Cjm: Sorry for that! Yep I'm the girl that can't handle walking into a sex toy shop but can read a
book like yours and be fine
LoverKaren: As you all just admitted, you have wee ones so, we will be wrapping up the chat at
10, so any final questions for K.A.
LoverMichelle: haha
klouise: im with ya there cjm
K.A. Robinson: Cjm - I know that feeling! My friends forced me into one last month and they
literally had to drag me (I'm sure we were great entertainment!) from the car!
LoverMichelle: K.A. Are you surprised at the response to your books?
K.A. Robinson: Speak now or forever hold your piece! :P
Haley: How exciting. While I LOVE the new covers, I'm so happy that I have signed Indie copies.
That's my favorite when indie authors get picked up and I have indie versions! :)
Cjm: Thank you answering my 21 questions!
K.A. Robinson: LoverM - I AM! Oh gosh. I expected to sell MAYBE 100 copies. The response I've
had is mind blowing. I honestly don't think that I've truly accepted that this is really my life now.
K.A. Robinson: Thanks Haley!!! <3 I love both sets of covers so much!
K.A. Robinson: Always Cjm! Thanks for coming to talk!
Alicia Wischmann: Well it was so nice to speak with you K.A I wish you nothing but luck and
good fortune for the future and am super excited for all of your future BOOKS to come and can't
wait to meet you in October !!!! Have a wonderful night everyone ! :)
K.A. Robinson: Thanks Alicia!!
K.A. Robinson: Anything else before we wrap it up? :)
LoverKaren: Love it when a writer achieves their dreams.
K.A. Robinson: It's amazing Karen. I couldn't ask for a better group of fans. They're all so
Cjm: No problem thank you for taking questions with your crazy busy beautiful schedule
LoverKaren: Thank You K. A for coming to chat and interacting with your fans.
LoverMichelle: So excited for you and your future.
LoverKaren: Come back anytime this was really fun
LoverMichelle: Let us know how we can help you in the future and be sure to come back and
chat again.
K.A. Robinson: Thanks ladies! I had a blast. You guys rock!
K.A. Robinson: I will! Goodnight everyone!
LoverKaren: We Loved helping in your cover reveals for Torn and then Twisted,
LoverKaren: Anything we can do just holler
K.A. Robinson: I will definitely be in touch with you all the next time(s) around!
LoverKaren: :) Night
K.A. Robinson: Goodnight! <3

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