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Project Progress Report

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

The progress report provides complete update on the progress and budgeting details of the City of Niagara Falls, Fairview Cemetery Mapping project as offered by Wilson and Neal Consulting, Ltd.

153 Taylor Road Niagara-on-the-Lake Ontario L1H-8I7 (298) 868-3445 wilsonnealgis.ca

March 22, 2013 Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase 2), GISC201213-21 Janet Kuipers Manager of GIS Services City of Niagara Falls, Ontario 4673 Ontario Avenue Niagara Falls, ON L2E-2L3 Dear Janet Kuipers,

Re: Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase 2) Progress Report

On behalf of my associate, Jordan Neal, and myself, I am pleased to confirm the submission of a progress report regarding Phase 2 of the NiagaraFalls Cemetery Project.

This document outlines the developments that have been made in terms of the projects completion, and alludes to the changes that have been made to the projects costs and target dates for the completion of major tasks, specifically the georeferencing of the historical maps and the major tasks that follow. In addition, comprehensive analyses of the costs and work associated with the project up to this point are included within the report. Should you have any questions regarding the enclosed document, please contact me at your convenience via phone or e-mail. Thank-you for both your time and attention, and I look forward to your comments and suggestions.


Brianne Wilson Environmental Technologist B.W./ Enclosure: 1.) Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase 2) Progress Report

Project Proposal Report

Executive Summary
The Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase 2) focuses on Fairview Cemetery, an active cemetery maintained by the City of Niagara Falls. The provided aged maps illustrating the cemetery and its plots are drawn with ink on thick paperboard material, and are quite vulnerable to being damaged, or misplaced. Because these drawn maps are the only graphical and historical records of plot statuses belonging to the cemetery, the City of Niagara Falls has expressed interest in using GIS applications to digitize and map the 77.6 acres of land belonging to Fairview Cemetery. This would allow a much more safe, secure, organized, and user-friendly means of data storage both in terms of City employees, and for users from the general public wishing to determine the location of certain individual plots. The project began on October 11, 2012, and has a projected end date of June 14, 2012. The primary objective of the Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase 2) is the digitization of Fairview Cemeterys physical maps, to be used for expanding the IMS mapping point display and Genealogy search tool on the internet developed during Phase 1 of the Project in 2005, by Steve Zuppa and Alicia Mallette. Plot dimension drawings and additional analysis functions are to be added to the current online application, based on the newly digitized formats of the provided historical maps. A flat-bed scanner will be used for the digitization of the original maps, provided to Wilson and Neal GIS Consulting, Ltd. on behalf of Fairview Cemetery and the City of Niagara Falls. Manifold, ArcGIS, and AutoCAD Map 3D software will then be used for the display, processing, and layer-development procedures following the map digitization. The software used is outlined further in Section 5.0: Resources Required. A number of challenges face the project team but we are confident that they will be overcome without impacting the Project budget or timeline. Details can be found in the report. The major tasks associated with the successful completion of this project are the digitization of all mapped areas of the cemetery, the preparation of dimensioned composites of every plot within each mapped section, and the development of themed map layers based on information provided by the cemetery. The Updated total cost estimate of this project, including 13% HST, has been valued at $54, 115.48.

iMay 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

Table of Contents
1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................1 Project Understanding ..............................................................................................................2 Goals and Objectives ................................................................................................................3 Project Goals ................................................................................................................................... 3 Objectives Supporting the Project Goal .......................................................................................... 3 Summary of Progress and Proposed Tasks .................................................................................4 Progress ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Project Overview Statement (POS) .......................................................................................... 4 Project Proposal ....................................................................................................................... 4 Project Information and Client Sheet ....................................................................................... 5 Georeference Shapefile Composites ........................................................................................ 5 Bi-Weekly Project Status Reports............................................................................................. 6 Bi-Weekly Advisor Update Meeting ......................................................................................... 6 Progress Report ........................................................................................................................ 7

4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.2

Proposed Major Project Tasks ......................................................................................................... 7 Themed Shapefile Layers Based on Sales Data and Internments ............................................ 7 Production of Map Templates .................................................................................................. 8 Analysis of Sales Information, Modern Trends and Buying Habits .......................................... 8 Recommendations for Promotional Strategies ........................................................................ 9 Bi-Weekly Advisor Meetings .................................................................................................... 9 Bi-Weekly Project Status Reports........................................................................................... 10 Project Final Report and Presentation ................................................................................... 10

4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 5.0

Current Project Costs .............................................................................................................. 12

6.0 Resources Required .................................................................................................................... 14 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Data ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Hardware ....................................................................................................................................... 14 Software ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Personnel ....................................................................................................................................... 14

7.0 Updated Schedule ...................................................................................................................... 15 8.0 Cost/Estimated Budget ............................................................................................................... 17 9.0 Work Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 19

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report 9.1 9.2 9.3 10.0 11.0 Work Summary Report .................................................................................................................. 19 Work Load Distribution ................................................................................................................. 20 Earned Value Over Time Report .................................................................................................... 21 Risks, Challenges and Assumptions ....................................................................................... 23 Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 24

Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 25 Appendix A: Terms of Reference ............................................................................................................ 25 Appendix B: Updated Gantt Chart .......................................................................................................... 27

Figure 1: Entrance to Fairview Cemetery ..................................................................................................... 1 Figure 2:Example of provided historic map .................................................................................................. 2 Figure 3: Resource Work Summary Report ................................................................................................ 19 Figure 4: Anticipated Work Load Distribution ............................................................................................ 20 Figure 5: Earned Value Over Time .............................................................................................................. 21 Table 1: Breakdown of costs by task .......................................................................................................... 12 Table 2: Task Completion by Major Task .................................................................................................... 13 Table 3: Revisions made to target dates .................................................................................................... 16 Table 4: Cost breakdown by task ................................................................................................................ 18 Table 5: Budget analysis ............................................................................................................................. 22

iiiMay 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report



Fairview Cemetery is located at 4501 Stanley Ave in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Originally composed of 23 acres in 1883, the purchase of the land was arranged by the chair of the cemetery committee of the Town of Niagara Falls at the time, Morton Buckley. Presently, the cemetery expands over 77.6 acres and is still in active operation. Operated by the City of Niagara Falls, Fairview Cemeterys services would benefit greatly from GIS techniques and methods applied to the cemeterys daily operations. This is the goal of the project team Wilson & Neal GIS Consulting, Ltd.

The team is composed of three individuals; Brianne Wilson, Project Manager; Jordan Neal, GIS Analyst; and Mike Wallace, Project Advisor. The varied collective experiences, knowledge, and skillsets of the team members afford them the opportunity to approach and complete this project in an efficient and professional manner

e purpose of this report regarding Phase 2 of the Niagara Falls Cemetery Project is to provide a formal statement of the projects status in three main areas: budget, schedule, and technical progress. For various reasons, modifications have been made to the projects schedule, which has influenced the anticipated budget. Details regarding these changes can be found within this formal report.

Figure 1: Entrance to Fairview Cemetery (City of Niagara Falls, 2013).

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report


Project Understanding

Pictured in Figure 2 is section F of the provided original historical maps belonging to the cemetery and the City of Niagara Falls, illustrating a map of the cemeterys multiple sections and designated plots. Clearly, the maps are quite weathered and are not very suitable for everyday use by city employees working at the cemetery information could easily be lost as a result of permanent damage or being misplaced. Because these maps are originals, they are not for public use, and additionally are not appropriate for use online to supplement the current application used for genealogy searches. The use of a flat-bed scanner and GISbased software, such as Manifold, ArcGIS, and AutoCAD Map 3D, will assist in the digitization and eventual analysis of the cemeterys plot layout.This will allow for the creation of detailed map templates for operational use as well as public use, ultimately serving to enhance the efficiency in locating and finding information regarding specific sections and plots.
Figure 2: Example of provided historic map (City of Niagara Falls, 2013).

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report


Goals and Objectives

3.1 Project Goal

The goal of the Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase 2) is to digitize the original maps belonging to Fairview Cemetery and the City of Niagara Falls in order to produce map templates to be used and referred to by both the public and cemetery staff members, using GIS software provided by Niagara College. These maps and dimensioned composites will also be used to provide further information to the public during their use of the IMS mapping point and Genealogy search tool found on the cemetery website. Wilson & Neal GIS Consulting, Ltd. plans on meeting all expectations outlined in the Terms of Reference located in Appendix 1.0.


Objectives Supporting the Project Goal

A number of objectives or major task groupings will be undertaken to realize the project goal: Project Proposal Digitization of maps Dimensioned composite of plots prepared Layers with varied themes produced using GIS software and SQL server database Development of map templates Analyses based on maps, database queries Progress Report Final Report and Presentation
This project will serve to streamline cemetery services, for the intended use of both the public and operational staff online, as well as in person. The operational efficiency will improve greatly, and allow for more secure use and storage of vital cemetery information.

3May 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report


Summary of Progress and Proposed Tasks

This section provides a brief summary of the projected timeline outlined in the project proposal versus the actual progress we have made, in addition to the estimated costs initially anticipated versus the actual costs accrued up to this point in time.



4.1.1 Project Overview Statement (POS) Completion: 100% Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost November 5, 2012 November 13, 2012 15 $2,070.00 Actual Start Date November 5, 2012 Actual End Date November 13, 2012 Actual Hours of Work 15 Actual Cost $2,070.00

Tasks: Research Deliverables Create POS Document Proof and Confirm Deliverables Submit POS

The Project Overview Statement is an overall encompassing document which outlines the details of the project itself. It mentions who the project is being executed by, who the project isto be delivered to and most importantly what the major deliverables are for the successful execution of the project itself.


Project Proposal November 26, 2012 December 11, 2012 19.4 $3,294.00 Actual Start Date November 26, 2012 Actual End Date December 11, 2012 Actual Hours of Work 19 Actual Cost $3,263.50

Completion: 100%
Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost

Tasks: Develop Gantt chart Organize proposed timelines, based on deliverables Create, present visual demonstration of proposal terms Generate formal report outlining proposal

4May 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

The project proposal serves to provide the client with an understanding of the approach being taken in regards to project management, as well as in terms of the methods and geospatial tools which are to be used to successfully complete the project. The tasks associated with the projects completion were outlined within a Gantt chart, in addition to projected time and allocationsand cost estimation. The client was provided with the formal report based on the proposal.

4.1.3 Project Information and Client Sheet Completion: 100% Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost Tasks: January 7, 2013 January 18, 2013 11 $1,460.00 Actual Start Date Actual End Date Actual Hours of Work Actual Cost January 7, 2013 January 18, 2013 11 $1,460.00

Research Deliverables Create Document Proof and Confirm Deliverables Submit Contact Sheet

This document serves to ensure both parties are clear on the deliverables of the project as well as ensuring that clear communications would be in effect with knowing the exact contact details of both the client and project team.
4.1.4 Georeference Shapefile Composites January 11, 2013 January 18, 2013 50 $4,335.00 Actual Start Date Actual End Date Actual Hours of Work Actual Cost February 25, 2013 Not Yet Complete 15 $4,175.00

Completion: 15%
Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost

Tasks: Obtain digital image files of the historical maps provided by the City Convert image files to *.TIFF file format, if necessary Define locational information of digital cemetery image files

The purpose of georeferencing the digital image files is to develop an accurate base tobe used for developing shapefiles to illustrate the cemeterys individual plots in each section. After obtaining the digital images files of the historical maps from the client, they were converted from JPEG file format to

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

TIFFs, in order to be compatible for use in ArcMap, version 10.0. Once converted, they were imported and then georeferenced, based on aerial imagery provided by Niagara College.

4.1.5 Bi-Weekly Project Status Reports Completion: 50% Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost January 11, 2013 May 21, 2013 10 $3,775.00 Actual Start Date Actual End Date Actual Hours of Work Actual Cost January 11, 2013 5 of 10 Complete 5 $1,887.50

Tasks: Prepare Bi-weekly Report Submit to Client on Bi-weekly basis

Report is an update on the projects progress for the two week reporting period. Included within the reports are key accomplishments from the previous two weeks; objectives for the next two weeks; risks and issues associated with the planned objectives; as well as future key deliverable dates.

4.1.6 Bi-Weekly Advisor Update Meeting Completion: 42% Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost January 11, 2013 June 11, 2013 36 $8,460.00 Actual Start Date Actual End Date Actual Hours of Work Actual Cost January 11, 2013 Not Completed 5 hours $2,508.35

Tasks: Prepare bi-weekly report for advisor review Discuss any challenges/setbacks/issues with advisor Plan for any changes with advisor

This meeting is to ensure the project is running on time and on budget as is intended. These meetings occur on a bi-weekly basis, and are where ideas are discussed, techniques and applications are evaluated and project information is reviewed by the project team and relayed to the project advisor.

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report 4.1.7 Completion: Progress Report 100% January 7, 2013 March 22, 2013 26.2 $3,813.00 Actual Start Date Actual End Date Actual Hours of Work Actual Cost March 16, 2013 March 22, 2013 19.4 $3,294.00

Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost

Tasks: Create, and present for review the technical progress and status of the budget and schedule for the project Generate formal report The purpose of the progress report is to the provide the client with an update on the developments that have been made in terms of the projects completion, challenges which have been encountered, alterations to the projects costs and timeline as a result of these challenges, and any additional information which may be of interest to the client. The client was provided with the formal report outlining the progress of the project.


Proposed Major Project Tasks

Listed and outlined below are the major objectives associated with the project, including the estimated duration, and timelines of each. The objectives are then further broken down into sub-tasks, in order to provide further insight into the project completion process.

4.2.1 Themed Shapefile Layers Based on Sales Data and Internments Completion: Revised Ending Date of May 15, 2013 Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost March 31, 2013 May 15, 2013 52 $4,655.35 Actual Start Date Not Started Actual End Date Not Completed Actual Hours of Work Actual Cost to date: $0

Tasks: Process Shapefiles to be used by operations for varying purposed, including aspects of sales data and internments Submit shapefiles for client approval Update proofed shapefiles from client Resubmit shapefiles to client if necessary

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

This task will see themed shapefile layers created to display both the sales information of the cemetery as well as the internment data of the cemetery.

4.2.2 Production of Map Templates Completion: Revised Ending Date of May 15, 2013 Revised Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost March 31, 2013 April 30, 2013 33 $3160.00 Actual Start Date: Actual End Date Actual Hours of Work Actual Cost to Date: April 8, 2013 Not Completed 1 $455.00

Tasks: Map templates with shapefile layers illustrating location, trends and buying habits Submit maps for client approval Update proofed shapefiles from client Update and resubmit shapefiles if necessary

This task will see a standardized map template created for both public users as well as users on the operational end of the cemetery processes.

4.2.3 Analysis of Sales Information, Modern Trends and Buying Habits Completion: Revised Ending date of May 31, 2013 Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost April 30, 2013 May 31, 2013 16.8 $1588.50 Actual Start Date Not Started Actual End Date Not Completed Actual Hours of Work Actual Cost to Date $0

Tasks: Update proofed report from clients Resubmit report based on recommendations from client Project Report Outlining Buying habits and base on layer attributes and processed information Research Report Deliverables Assimilate Information Formulate Report

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

Report Formatting Proof Reading Submission to Project Manager Project Manager Review Final Report Drafted

This deliverable will also have an attached report which will discuss the buying trends and analysis completed on the cemeterys newly created dimensioned plots. A significant amount of time will be spent on preparing this report to ensure its accuracy. Liaison with the client in regards to the buying data will need to occur.

4.2.4 Recommendations for Promotional Strategies Completion: June 7, 2013 Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost May 27, 2013 June 7, 2013 18.6 $3235.00 Actual Start Date Not Started Actual End Date Not Completed Actual Hours of Work Actual Cost to Date: $0

Tasks: Research Report Deliverables Assimilate Information Formulate Report Report Formatting Proof Reading Submission to Project Manager Project Manager Review Final Report Drafted This associated report will offer tools or strategies to help better advertise the Citys cemeterys search function which is currently operating as component of the corporate website.

4.2.5 Bi-Weekly Advisor Meetings Completion: June 14, 2013 Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost January 11, 2013 June 11, 2013 36 $8460.00 Actual Start Date: January 11, 2013 Actual End Date Not completed Actual Hours of Work Actual Cost to Date: $2508.33

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

Tasks: Prepare bi-weekly report for advisor review Discuss any challenges/setbacks/issues with advisor Plan for any changes with advisor This meeting is to ensure the project is running on time and on budget as is intended. These meetings occur on a bi-weekly basis, and are where ideas are discussed, techniques and applications are evaluated and project information is reviewed by the project team and relayed to the project advisor.
4.2.6 Bi-Weekly Project Status Reports Completion: May 21, 2013 Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost January 11, 2013 May 21, 2013 10 $3775.00 Actual Start Date: January 11, 2013 Actual End Date Actual Hours of Work Actual Cost to date: $1887.50

Tasks: Prepare bi-weekly report for advisor review Discuss any challenges/setbacks/issues with advisor Plan for any changes with advisor This meeting is simply to ensure the project is running on time and on budget as is intended. These meetings occur on a biweekly basis. This meeting is where ideas are investigated, techniques and applications are questioned and project information is relayed to the advisor.
4.2.7 Project Final Report and Presentation Completion: June 14, 2013 Proposed Start Date Proposed End Date Estimated Hours of Work Estimated Cost Tasks: May 27, 2013 June 14, 2013 26.2 $3235.00 Actual Start Date Not Yet Started Actual End Date Actual Hours of Work Actual Cost to Date: $0

Project Final Presentation o Research Presentation Styles o Develop Presentation o Proof Presentation o Deliver Presentation Project Final Report o Research Report Deliverables o Assimilate Information o Formulate Report

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

o o o o o o o

Report Formatting Proof Reading Submission to Project Manager Project Manager Review Final Report Drafted Submission to Project Advisor Submission to Client

This final deliverable will serve as a culmination of all project tasks in the form of a formal project report, which will discuss all of the completed project task, their associated budget, and the amount of hours in work each deliverable took. Additionally all data, will be delivered to the client in a timely and efficient manner. Table 2 shows the Major Tasks, anticipated completion, Cost and Percent Complete.

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report


Current Project Costs

Initial projections of the project costs, including hours worked while completing project tasks as well as resources required, amounted to $54, 436.89. At this point of the projects development, the total actual cost of the project is $26,593.00, and the overall project is 24% complete. Table 1 illustrates the cost breakdown of the major tasks accomplished thus far.
Table 1: Breakdown of costs by task

Task Project Overview Statement Project Proposal GeoreferenceShapefile Composites Project Information & Client Contact Sheet Bi-Weekly Project Update Report Bi-Weekly Advisor Meetings Progress Report

Hours Committed 15 19 8 11 5 5 19.4

Cost $2070.00 $3263.50 $4335.00 $1460.00 $1887.50 $2508.35 $3294.00

Percentage of Projected Total Budget 100% 99% 14% 100% 50% 26% 86%

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

Table 2: Task Completion by Major Task

Task Completion by Major Task Niagara Falls Cemetery Project Project Deliverables Geo-Reference Shapefile Composite of Dimensioned Plots by Section within the Designated Cemeteries

Cost $51,407.00 $16,986.00 $4,335.00

Start Sun 9/30/12 Mon 10/1/12 Mon 12/17/12

Finish Fri 6/14/13 Fri 6/14/13 Thu 1/31/13

% Done 36% 5% 14%

Themed Shapfile Layers base on Sales Data and Interments Production of Map Templates for Public and Operations Based Print Outs Analysis of Sales Information and Modern trends and buying habits Production of recommendations for promotional tools/strategies to better advertise the application

$3,835.00 $4,555.00

Thu 1/31/13 Sun 3/31/13

Sun 3/31/13 Tue 4/30/13

0% 0%


Tue 4/30/13

Fri 5/31/13



Mon 5/27/13

Fri 6/7/13


Project Overview Statement Project Proposal Tasks Project Progress Tasks Project Information and Client Contact Sheet Bi-Weekly Project Status Report Bi-Weekly Advisor Update Meetings Project Marketing Media Project Culmination Tasks Project Final Report Project Final Presentation

$2,070.00 $3,738.00 $3,813.00 $1,460.00 $4,152.50 $8,460.00 $1,460.00 $3,813.00 $3,293.00 $520.00

Mon 11/5/12 Mon 11/26/12 Mon 1/7/13 Mon 1/7/13 Fri 1/11/13 Fri 1/11/13 Mon 4/1/13 Mon 4/1/13 Mon 4/1/13 Mon 4/1/13

Tue 11/13/12 Tue 12/11/12 Fri 3/22/13 Fri 1/18/13 Fri 6/14/13 Fri 6/14/13 Fri 4/12/13 Fri 6/14/13 Fri 6/14/13 Mon 6/3/13

100% 100% 71% 100% 45% 42% 0% 0% 0% 0%

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

6.0 Resources Required

Listed and described below are the data, hardware, software, and personnel resources to be used for the execution of the objectives which comprise the project. Resource costs are addressed in the section titled Costs/Estimated Budget. Those items in italics have been actively used to complete this project.



Includes any documents, both hardcopy and digital formats, to be used for the effective completion of any and all objectives. Documents pertaining to use and operation of Cemetery 2000 Original historic maps



The equipment to be used for collecting, managing, storing, and processing data. Flatbed scanner Computer Printer External hard drive



Includes computer-based programs for managing, manipulating, creating, and processing data collected. Also used for generating formal reports and charts. ESRIs ArcGIS Manifold Microsoft Business Package (Word, Project) Cemetery 2000



Resources associated with team-members, and efficient execution of project goals and objectives. Time Transportation

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

7.0 Updated Schedule

The major bulk of the tasks were expected to be completed during the month of March, however with an intense academic course load, the majority of the work will now be more equally distributed over the months of April and May. 120 hours per month will be dedicated by the project team. Table 3 shows the exact schedule Wilson and Neal GIS Consulting Ltd will undertake to ensure the projects deliverable are met in a timely fashion

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

Table 3: Revisions made to target dates

Task Name
Project Overview Statement Project Proposal Tasks Project Report Proposal

Mon 11/5/12 Mon 11/26/12 Tue 11/27/12

Revised Start

Tue 11/13/12 Tue 12/11/12 Tue 12/11/12 Tue 12/4/12 Fri 6/14/13 Fri 6/14/13 Fri 3/22/13 Fri 3/22/13 Mon 3/11/13 Fri 1/18/13 Fri 4/12/13 Fri 6/14/13

Revised Finish

Project Proposal Presentation Wed 11/28/12 Weekly Project Status Report Fri 1/11/13

Weekly Advisor Update Meetings Fri 1/11/13 Project Progress Tasks Project Report Progress Mon 1/7/13 Mon 1/7/13

Project Proposal Presentation Mon 1/7/13 Project Information and Client Contact Sheet Project Marketing Media Project Deliverables Geo-Reference Shapefile Composite of Dimensioned Plots by Section within the Designated Cemeteries Themed Shapefile Layers base on sales Data and Interments Production of Map Templates for Public and Operations Based Print Outs Analysis of Sales Information and Modern trends and buying habits Production of recommendations for promotional tools/strategies to better advertise the application Project Culmination Tasks Project Final Report Project Final Presentation Mon 1/7/13 Mon 4/1/13 Mon 10/1/12 Feb. 25, 2013 Mon 12/17/12 March 31, 2013

March 14, 2013

April 30, 2013 Thu 1/31/13 April 30, 2013

Thu 1/31/13

Sun 3/31/13

Sun 3/31/13

Tue 4/30/13

Tue 4/30/13

Fri 5/31/13

Mon 5/27/13 Mon 4/1/13 Mon 4/1/13 Mon 4/1/13

Fri 6/7/13 Fri 6/14/13 Fri 6/14/13 Mon 6/3/13

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

8.0 Cost/Estimated Budget

*The cost estimates for this project are only provisional and intended for educational purposes only The work to complete this project will be donated to the client by the GIS student consultants, Niagara College and the advisory staff** The Project Manager at Wilson & Neal is charged to the client on an hourly basis. The rate for the services of the Project Manager is $80.00 per hour. The GIS Analyst with the firm is charge to the client at $75.00 per hour. The rate for the Project Advisor is charged at $150.00 per hour. All of these costs are subject to Harmonized Sales Tax as required by the province of Ontario. Wilson & Neal Consulting Limited originally estimated that this project will cost $54,436.89 which includes 13% Harmonized Sales Tax and contingencies. After completing roughly 20% of the project we now are estimating the cost to be$51,407.00. The cost estimates are broken down in Table 4.

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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

Table 4: Cost breakdown by task

Task Name

Est Cost

% Complete




Actual Cost

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project Project Overview Statement Project Proposal Tasks Project Information and Client Contact Sheet Project Progress Tasks Project Marketing Media Bi-Weekly Advisor Update Meetings Bi-Weekly Project Status Report Project Deliverables Geo-Reference Shapefile Composite of Dimensioned Plots by Section within the DesginatedCemetaries Themed Shapfile Layers base on Sales Data and Interments Production of Map Templates for Public and Operations Based Print Outs Analysis of Sales Information and Modern trends and buying habits Production of recommendations for promotional tools/strategies to better advertise the application Project Culmination Tasks

$51,407.00 $2,070.00 $3,738.00 $1,460.00 $3,263.50 $1,460.00 $7,443.33 $3,775.00 $16,973.50 $4,335.00

21% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 19% 50% 5% 14%

315.8 hrs 15 hrs 25.2 hrs 11 hrs 19 hrs 11 hrs 26 hrs 10 hrs 172.4 hrs 52 hrs

Sun 9/30/12 Mon 11/5/12 Mon 11/26/12 Mon 1/7/13 Mon 1/7/13 Mon 4/1/13 Fri 1/11/13 Fri 1/11/13 Mon 10/1/12 Mon 12/17/12

Fri 6/14/13 Tue 11/13/12 Tue 12/11/12 Fri 1/18/13 Fri 3/22/13 Fri 4/12/13 Fri 6/14/13 Fri 6/14/13 Fri 6/14/13 Fri 4/26/13

$19,182.33 $2,070.00 $3,738.00 $1,460.00 $3,263.50 $0.00 $2,508.33 $1,887.50 $4,255.00 $4,255.00



52 hrs

Thu 1/31/13

Wed 5/15/13




33 hrs

Sun 3/31/13

Wed 5/15/13




16.8 hrs

Tue 4/30/13

Fri 5/31/13




18.6 hrs

Mon 5/27/13

Fri 6/7/13




26.2 hrs

Mon 4/1/13

Fri 6/14/13


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Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report


Work Analysis
9.1 Work Summary Report

Wilson and Neal GIS Consulting Limited has invested roughly 100 hours of work into this project to date. There is roughly another 240 hours of project work remaining which is split relatively equally between the Project Manager and the GIS Analyst. Figure 3 depicts the work distribution between project team members.

Figure 3: Resource Work Summary Report

19May 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report


Work Load Distribution

Wilson and Neal GIS Consulting Limited has committed to an even workload between project managers and Analysts. Figure 4 illustrates the anticipated workload distribution for the remainder of the project. 50% of the remainder of the tasks have been allocated to the GIS Analyst, 45% to the project Manager and the remaining 5% is allocated to the Projects Advisor.

Figure 4: Anticipated Work Load Distribution

20May 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report


Earned Value Over Time Report

Earned value (EV) is the value of work performed expressed in terms of the approved budget assigned to that work for an activity of work breakdown structure component. It is authorized work that has been completed, plus the authorized budget for such completed work. (Project Management Institute, Inc. , 2008) At the time this report was published, this project is running slightly behind schedule. This is due to academic obligations of key members of the project team, from January 2013 to March of 2013. Due to a lack of time invested in project tasks, Wilson and Neal is currently running a budget deficit of $1,550.00. However, we are confident that the deficit will be made quickly and much progress will occur of the next three months.

Earned Value Over Time Report

Earned Value 30000 25000 20000 Cost 15000 10000 5000 0 Q3 2012
Figure 5: Earned Value Over Time

Planned Value



Q1 2013

Table 5 shows the budgeting figures as they relate to the earned value of the project, the cumulative planned value of the project and the variance of the schedule.

21May 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

Table 5: Budget analysis

Budget Analysis Budget at Completion Cost Variance Schedule Variance

Values $51, 407.00 $(8, 944.50) $(3, 835.00)

Comments Updated Cumulative Planned Value Over Budget Behind Schedule

This budget analysis depicts the project is running behind schedule and over budget. This has been caused by the heavy academic workload of the second semester. At Wilson and Neal we are still very confident that this project will be completed on schedule and on budget.

22May 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

10.0 Risks, Challenges and Assumptions

As professionals at Wilson & Neal GIS Consulting Ltd., we feel its very important to ensure our client is aware of any potential risks, challenges and assumptions we may take while completing this project. Discussions contained in this section are related to such. As a requirement to complete this project by June 14, 2013 we are assuming that: All data and historical plot plan information will be provided by the City of Niagara Falls. We will have access to the Cemetery 2000 application and associated data, including sales We will have full access to the GIS Laboratory located at the Niagara College, Niagara on the Lake campus. One of the major risks associated with the project was not being able to locate a flatbed scanner in time to meet the target data, and delaying further progress. This risk was mitigated, as a suitable scanner was indeed located and used to scan the oversized historical map documents. Additionally, half of these scanned documents have been georeferenced. A major risk to ensuring the timelineof the project is not compromised was locating a suitable flatbed scanner capable of scanning digital copies of the historical map documents. Wilson and Neal, Ltd.is happy to report that this scanner was located, the documents were scanned and have been georeferenced. The major constraint associated with this project, continues to be the final deadline imposed of June 14, 2013. There are no opportunities for this project to run over the allocated time budget. This project must be completed within this time frame. The professionals at Wilson & Neal will take every measure possible to deliver a quality product on time. One of the factors to the successful execution of this project is to ensure solid communication continues between the client, project manager, and subsequent project staff. As this project is completely focused on creating appropriate data for use by the City of Niagara Falls and the public, its safe handling and storage is a critical factor to the projects success.

23May 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

11.0 Conclusion
Despite the changes that have been made to the schedule, described below, initially proposed for Phase 2 of the Niagara Falls Cemetery Project, all members of the Wilson & Neal GIS Consulting, Ltd. team are content with the progress that has been made up this point. All of the historic maps have been scanned, and converted from *.JPEG image format into *.TIFF image format, and the georeferencing portion of the project is complete. Following the completion of the georeferencing process, the maps will collectively form a base illustrating the cemetery and its plots in its entirety and will be used for generating themed shapefiles. The start of the georeferencing portion of the project was delayed six weeks, which has pushed back all of the major tasks that follow. These major tasks include the development of themed shapefile layers based on sales data and internments, with the associated target date of completion changed from March 31 to May 15, 2013; the production of map templates, target completion date changed from April 30 to May 15, 2013; and finally, the formal analysis of sales information, modern trends and buying habits, with a revised start date of May 15, changed from the proposed start date of April 30, 2013. The target dates associated with the report summarizing recommendations for promotional strategies remain unaffected by the schedule modifications. At this point in the project Wilson and Neal are running over budget and are behind schedule. However significant progress has been made on the most challenging component of the project, the georeference plot creation. Wilson and Neal remain confident that this project will be completed on time and on budget.

24May 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

Appendix A: Terms of Reference
Project ID: 201213-20 (for our office use only)

Contact Person & Organization Details

Contact Person Name: Title: Telephone: Fax: Email: Organization Name: Address: Website: Date: Janet Kuipers Manager of GIS Services 905 356 7521 e 4109 905 374 2880 janet@niagarafalls.ca City of Niagara Falls On 4673 Ontario Av Suite 203 Niagara Falls On L2E 3R1 www.niagarafalls.cawww.fallsviewer.ca Sep 17 2012

Project Details
Project Title

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project Phase 2

Project Background Project Problem/Opportunity:Currently, the city has developed a Cemetery project which links the Cemetery database to an IMS mapping point display and Genealogy search tool on the internet. We would like to quality control and expand this application to include plot dimension drawings and further analysis functions. Business Goal:Enhance and Promote the Citys cemetery applications to improve operational efficiencies for the corporation and to improve over the counter and on-line customer service. Primary Project Objectives [Provide a list of the project objectives.] Review/Research the current cemetery data, online application and operations procedures. Scan/Geo-reference historic plot plan images for defined sections within designated cemeteries. Prepare a dimensioned composite of all plots within all sections of the designated cemeteries. Update digital photography and scanned document attachments as required. Prepare themed layers based on dynamic queries of the SQL server database Build map templates for both public and operation based print outs of individual cemetery plots. Analyze sales information, modern trends and buying habits to improve plot configurations and sales. Recommend ways to better promote the application to the public. Prepare a recommendation report for service improvements and/or error reporting.

Primary Project Deliverables [Provide a list of the project deliverables.]

25May 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

Monthly submissions of data/mapping/report submitted as draft proof of concept and deliverables. Geo-referenced shapefile composite of dimensioned plots by section within the designated cemeteries Themed shapefile layers based on sales data and interments. Analysis of sales information and modern trends and buying habits. Map templates for public and operations based print-outs. Recommendations for promotional tools or strategies to better advertise the application. Recommendation report and presentation of suggested improvements to the system.

Number of students required to complete the project: Equipment required (if any): Data required (if any): Software required (if any): 1-2 Own means of transportation to meetings in NF, digital camera, scanner City will supply base info and access to current applications GIS, CAD, Internet, Word Processing Cemetery staff will be consulted when needed. Access to historical plans will be on-site at the cemetery only. Other comments (if any): Additional City representative for this project will be Karen Canali kcanali@niagarafalls.ca phone extension 4506

26May 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

Project Proposal Report

Appendix B: Updated Gantt Chart

27May 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Cemetery Project (Phase2)

153 Taylor Road Niagara-on-the-Lake Ontario L1H-8I7 (298) 868-3445 wilsonnealgis.ca

Gannt chart total cost doesn't match section 8

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