Pathfinder Fumble List

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Pathfinder Fumble chart: Melee: Melee fumbles triggers on the roll of a 1 on the to hit dice.

If the character that rolled the dice fails to hit the target on a second roll, the fumble is confirmed. 1-10: Overextend (You provoke an attack of opportunity from all adjacent opponents.) 11-20: Off balance (-4 to attack rolls for all attacks for 1 round.) 21-30: Slipped! (You are knocked prone.) 31-40: This sword is heavy! (You are fatigued.) 41-50: Awkward attack. (You take a -2 penalty to AC for 1d4 rounds.) 51-60: Wrong target! (Your attack hits the wrong target. Roll a random target within reach including the attacker.
Re-roll to hit.)

61-70: Bonk! (You are stunned for 1 round.) 71-80: On the receiving end. (The attack deals damage to you instead of the target.) 81-90: Head, meet wall! (You are dazed for 1d3 rounds.) 91-97: Everything you got. (You are exhausted.) 98: 99: 100: Care to share? (reroll the fumble, everyone within 5' of you get the same effects.) WAIT! WHAT? (You are confused for 1d4 rounds.) We have a wiener (You fall unconscious for 1d6 rounds.)

Ranged: Ranged fumbles triggers on the roll of a 1 on the to hit dice. If the character that rolled the dice fails to hit the target on a second roll, the fumble is confirmed. 1-10: Errant aim! (You attack the creature closest to the one you were aiming for. Re-roll to hit.) 11-20: Wide open! (You are considered flat-footed for 1 round.) 21-30: Klutz! (You drop your weapon.)

31-40: Lost the target! (You take a -4 penalty on all attack rolls for 1 round.) 41-50: Amazing miss! (You are stunned for 1 round.) 51-60: In the line of fire! (Your attack hits the nearest ally and is a critical threat. Roll to confirm critical hit.) 61-70: Lowered guard! (You provoke attacks of opportunity from all threatening foes.) 71-80: Weapon jam! (Your projectile weapon jams, or your thrown weapon entangles in your gear. Spend one
standard action to clear up the mess.)

81-90: Recoil! (You move backwards 1 square and fall prone.) 91-97: Overcompensate. (All targets with cover gain an additional +4 bonus to AC against you for 3 rounds.) 98: 99: 100: Care to share? (re-roll the fumble, everyone within 5' of you get the same effects.) Huh? (You are confused for 1d4 rounds.) Bulls eye! (Your shot ricochets and hits you near the eye. You are blinded for 1d3 rounds.)

Magic: Magic fumbles triggers on the roll of a 1 on concentration checks. If the character that rolled the dice fails the concentration check the second time, the fumble is confirmed. 1-10: Mind Drain (You take 1d4 points of damage to int, wis or charisma determined randomly.) 11-20: Power Drain (You lose one prepared spell or spell slot (determined randomly)) 21-30: Tiring Spell (You are fatigued) 31-40: Distance Rift (You are teleported to the nearest square adjacent to the target) 41-50: Arcane Fire (You take 2d6 points of fire damage) 51-60: Reflection (The spell hits you instead of the target.) 61-70: Not me, you fool! (Your attack hits a random target in the vicinity of the intended target.) 71-80: Monster Rift (Your spell is converted to a summon monster spell that attacks you.) 81-85: Blastoff (You are thrown 1d6x10' into the air (or in a random direction if flying.) 86-90: Vertigo (You are sickened for 1d4 rounds) 91-98 You made him stronger! (The intended target(s) gain +8 str for 1d4 rounds.)

99: 100:

Magic Fatigue (You cannot cast any spells for 1d3 rounds.) Wild Magic (You have created a temporary rift in reality, all spells will trigger wild magic for 1d4 rounds.)

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