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I am sending you this e-mail so that you, in your condition of Editor of Rotary-No-Tomo, may consider it, taking into

account the impact this subject may have in the international Rotarian Community - read below the comments made by several directors, former presidents of RI and other Rotarian leaders. I would like the publication committee to evaluate their interest, in this opportunity, to disseminate these texts to the Rotarian subscribers of the Bulletin. A volunteer association having in its ranks leaders like John Kenny, Ray Klinginsmith, Noriko Futagami, Kalyan Banerjee and so many others, is solid as a rock and can carry on its inexorable and permanent commitment to ethics in our community.

Regards from Brazil. Im sending below, with the purpose of inspiring reflection, my speech made in april, 30th , 2009 in Pirenpolis GO , at the opening session of the 54 District Conference. Your comments will be welcome. Sincerely, Ronaldo Carneiro - 4530 DG 2008-9

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4530 DG 2008-09 -

Translated from Portuguese by Andre


Obrigado Japo
Meus amigos, minha gente, Decidi fazer esta homenagem aos 100 anos de imigrao japonesa por entender que Rotary, enquanto conscincia da comunidade, deve um reconhecimento a esta laboriosa colnia que tem dado marcante contribuio para o desenvolvimento de nossa regio. Os japoneses permearam minha vida desde a infncia, na escola primria e secundria no

bairro do Ipiranga em SP, at a faculdade, na FEI em SBC-SP. Aps a universidade, tive a oportunidade de estudar planejamento econmico em Tkio Japo e estou certo que fiquei impregnado e contagiado pela viso de desenvolvimento econmico japons. Todo meu pensamento e desenvolvimento acadmico foram fortemente influenciados por essa jornada na sociedade japonesa, s tenho a agradecer por isso. Penso que a saga japonesa e sua filosofia de vida esto indissoluvelmente associadas aos valores rotrios na medida em que focam no essencial, reconhecem e respeitam o trabalho humano, dignidade, tica e respeito so condutas da colnia e valores essenciais de Rotary. Desta forma procuramos: Identificar a colnia a nvel distrital atravs de contatos com associaes nipo-brasileiras; Identificar os mais idosos e experientes para coleta de depoimentos que possam encorajar as novas geraes no vamos construir um futuro se no respeitarmos e valorizarmos o passado; Apresentao da cultura, costumes, msica, e sobretudo valores milenares japoneses. Agradeo determinao da comisso distrital, liderada pelo casal Wilson Wakashi e Sueli Maestri RC BSB oeste - ambos entusiastas da homenagem e com grande trnsito na colnia japonesa. Tambm contribuiu de forma decisiva nosso amigo Natal Furucho, diretor da Record Braslia, rotariano sensvel com marcante histria de vida. Devo muito colnia japonesa. Este um tributo de gratido. Fico feliz em ter esta oportunidade. Ronaldo Carneiro gov. 2008-9 D4530


Freedom is the most precious value for any human being. Your rotarian leadership enriches and strengthens the circulation of ideas in these transmillenial times, thus stimulating the free formation of opinions in our association. Your stature in service to society is a source of pride and inspiration for all. I hereby send you my warmest and brotherly congratulations during this Season of good will and joy. Let us keep in mind this lesson by Nobel prize-winner Jose Saramago in his "Essay on Blindness" those who can see have a greater responsibility in their community! During my term as Governor of District 4530 in 2008/09, I sent some texts for the Rotarian Community to ponder, basically proposing that the institution's credibility and planetary presence, in addition to its usual humanitarian and philanthropic actions, should include in our agenda a discussion on the causes of poverty. Nutrition, health and education have been RI Presidents' priorities year after year, along with our permanent quest for world peace. In my view the challenge we all share is simple: If the causes of poverty and hunger are not defined and resolved, their structural consequences will remain and grow in intensity! This inevitably motivates us to question the basic concepts and models of some thinkers who shaped capitalism and socialism as we see them nowadays. For this consideration, please focus your attention on some basic concepts: Economics is a science in which all agents are governed by the impersonal and inexorable law of supply and demand, whenever there is no market manipulation; Politics is an art in which the protagonists decide according to questionable, circumstantial and personalistic human desires. With these views in mind, let us consider some events of the modern world: Two world wars;

Race to space human visit to the Moon; Arms race cold war; Carbonization of the energetic matrix; Corruption in parliaments, business and government bureaucracies; Invasion of Iraq; Jewish-Palestinian conflict; 11 September/2001 and the new global terrorism. Government, as the Supreme human ethical creation, in Hegel's view, should be revised erring is not tragic, the tragedy resides in not learning from error! Whatever the posture adopted in relation to those events listed above, the villain invariably has a name and surname: the taxing system this massive amount of financial resources made available to a bureaucratic ruling elite. I have nothing against a legitimate ruling elite, if it decides according to the collective will but it seems that decisions usually are made according to a spurious public-private relationship of personal interests around economic power. The collective desire, as the sum of individual wishes, many times counts the least. This is the crux of the problem: if we want to search for world peace, we must reduce the resources raised by the tax system and increase the resources regulated by the market. Keynesian Monetarists legitimated the presence of Government in the economy, in a world destroyed by war. That was like taking an aspirin to relieve a headache but in the medium and long term its results have been disastrous. Back to basics economics and politics cannot mix they are like oil and water and their mixture is potentially explosive. The escalation of government interference in the economy will not lead anywhere it will only strengthen the growing dictatorship of bureaucracy and of professional politicians it will be the desire of a few, dodgind market laws.

On the other hand, the market competition that we are witnessing today is like an athletic race: some well fed and accessing health and education systems are far ahead; most of the others are left far behind: the fair and decent minimum that can be done is putting them all on the same line of departure, giving equal opportunities for the manifestation of individual talents to benefit society as a whole. All my previous texts sought to stimulate meditation and to motivate solution-finding in the Rotarian quest for world peace and for fighting the causes of poverty. Considering that the market economy always produces what is profitable and not what is needed, only a new social pact will correct current distortions - a new pact in which the private sector (businessmen and the work force) will take directly to themselves the management of nutrition, health and education, freely buying for real market prices and making them available to all employees and families according to the proposed new social pact, where government reduces the corresponding tax charges labor is a transforming energy process to motivate humans in our pursuit of happiness. The lack of equal opportunities led some governments worldwide to take from the strong to give to the weak, impoverishing the rich to enrich the poor this robin-hoodian philanthropic view in fact destroys two of the most powerful driving forces of man: initiative and dignity. Human production is an energytransforming process. To make it occur, human energy based on nutrition, health and education must be managed a priori, and not as payment for the work performed. Just as a vehicle needs fuel to go, so does a human need nutrition, health and education to fulfill his god-given role in society. In return to the texts I sent, some comments that I received from the Rotarian World were very stimulating. Coming from leaders scattered around the entire planet,

they inspired me to share some of these thoughts with all of you see below. I therefore stimulate discussing the theme of poverty, not in the least propelled by pride or vanity : when the subjectmatter is food for our children, pride would be the most insane and unforgivable capital sin. I was very glad to learn from former President Wilf Wilkinson that he will take the subject to discussion in the Council of former Presidents of RI. He proved generously sensitive to the meaning and depth of my concerns. I also extend my thanks to EPRIs Clifford Dochterman, Bhichai Rattakul and Glenn Estess, for adding their rich experience to the consideration of the concerns I shared with them, given their very positive work done to improve human practices on this world. These two comments below were particularly felicitating for me, because they revealed a perfect harmony with my theses: "Regarding its proposal for the health sector, that is all that US Democrats have been willing for decades -health for all- but the proposal you present is neither like the British model, where the State does everything, nor like the Canadian one, where the State pays to private initiative: your proposal follows a third model, Republican-style, directly by private initiative!" When you thus associate economic profit to the health of people, you will have a tremendously positive impact on the ecological balance of the planet; "If the proposed criterion applies decentralization of resources from the hands of bureaucrats and politicians, in order to qualify democracy, then there are no real democratic societies on the planet, although all call themselves democratic."

Whatever the concept that one may have of democracy, the fate of citizens cannot depend on the virtue of their rulers. Dictatorships or strong regimes are defended only by those who would like to be lashing the whip; whenever placed on the other side, they will stand for democracy emphatically. Comments made by thinkers of the stature of Nayantara Ashok Mahajan, Sakuji Tanaka , Jeffrey Keahon ; Raffaele Pallotta, and many others I respect for their knowledge and experience, signal to me that the path I propose, innovative as it is, is bound to the proper direction. Comparing the current situation with my proposal, I came to the conclusion that the current situation is tragically unjust. Reading the comments made on my ideas by lawyers, professors, economists, businessmen, philosophers and Rotarian leaders from all over this small blue dot in the universe, I could see the potential influence of our association and of ideas in its domain, given the force Rotary radiates because of the quality, diversity and ethics of our fellow-members. I do believe that we Rotarians, given our institutional credibility and broad composition, can really make the world more fair and humane as it must be. We have solid reasons to be proud of Rotary I am sure that our founder Paul Harris (wherever he is now), is proud of our actions in these moments. It seems also appropriate to recall Platao's assertion "the punishment for those who do not engage in politics, and call themselves non-political, is to be governed by those inferior to them". Before it is too late, let us turn back to our best origins, and progressively correct our society to build a future of peace, health and excellence for all!

The quest for world peace is inexorably determined by the progressive reduction of resources in the hands of Governments, to take them to the private provision of nutrition, health and education for all. May you all have a moment of meditation on the current situation, in these moments of universal brotherhood. May God continue to bless our children! Ronaldo Campos Carneiro 4530 EDG 2008-09 - December 2009
Below: 1) comments on my texts to ponder; 2) Rotarian 4 way test in the Current Crisis; 3) Ethics and the Global Crisis.

EPRI and outstanding RI authorities comments

De: Wilfrid Wilkinson [] Enviada em: segunda-feira, 6 de julho de 2009 16:25 Para: Ronaldo Assunto: RE: Ethics and the Global Crisis Hello IPDG Ronaldo Thank you for sharing your article on "Ethics and the Global Crisis" I agree that ethical behavior at all

levels of Government and Business is essential if we are ever to have peace. Rotary, with its emphasis on Vocational Service can continue to lead the way. This is why I appointed an R I Vocational Service Committee when I was President. I am told, that this was the first such Committee since 1991. I am pleased to see that my successors have continued its existence. It was also important that the 2007 Council on Legistlation included Ethics as one of the core values of our organization. What I am proposing to my club is that they distribute your document by e-mail one week before a designated meeting and then discuss the whole question that you raise. Assuming that this proves fruitful I will ask our District Governor to put it on the Agenda for one of his regularly scheduled meeting of his President's Club, which meets seven or eight times year. Finally, in my capacity as Chairman of the Past R I President annual meeting, held during the International Assembly, I will suggest to R I President John Kenny that this be one of the items discussed. I encourage you to keep up your good work, which is most important. Kind Regards Wilf -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

De: bhichai rattakul [] Enviada em: tera-feira, 30 de junho de 2009 01:19

Para: Assunto: RE: Ethics and the Global Crisis Dear Governor Ronaldo Carneiro, Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness in sending me your view on"Ethics and the Global Crisis" I agree with you that the world and Rotary are facing one of the most challenging tasks which will not be easy to overcome, but at least in Rotary we have to try, and try harder at all levels. I trust you have had a good and rewarding year as Governor. With best wishes, Yours sincerely, Bhichai Rattakul De: Glenn E. Estess [] Enviada em: sexta-feira, 7 de maro de 2008 16:18 Para: Assunto: RE: Rotary - Reflections about democracy.... I have read your message with interest. It obviously would require in-depth reading and study in order to make intelligent comments or evaluation. I concur with your comments of our having good reason to be proud of the service accomplishments of Rotarians and Rotary Clubs around the world. There is much yet to be accomplished. With more than 30,000 clubs, there could be 32,000 different approaches seeking similar goals.

You have a great year of opportunity ahead of you as you continue your preparation and then serve as District Governor in D-4530 during the year of 20082009. I wish for you and Ivani the very best in the months ahead. Sincerely, Glenn Estess -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------De: Wilfrid Wilkinson [] Enviada em: sbado, 15 de maro de 2008 17:47 Para: Cc: Ed Futa; Sharon Cyr; Patricia Groenewold; Themistocles Pinho Assunto: RE: Rotary - Reflections about democracy.... Hello DGE Ronaldo Thank you for sharing your extensive paper "Reflections about Democracy, Capitalism and Socialism" I did not have time to read it in detail but I have passed it along to our Programs Staff with a request that they see if there are ways under our existing policies as adopted by the "Councils on Legislation" and acted upon by the Board of Directors could capture some of your very humanitarian and future looking ideas. I recognize that most RI Boards would not be able to unilaterally introduce your suggested policy ideas but I agree with you that for billions of people in this world things are not very fair or just. I recently returned from your country and had an opportunity meet with both the Governor of Sao Paulo as well as the Mayor of the City. they outlined many of their problems including the size of their

populations and the the fact that in the city there were 2.4 million school children in the public school system. However I did also visit the Rio Branco campuses of the school operated by the Rotary Club of Sao Paulo Foundation and saw that for sixty years Rotarians in your country were trying to assist in helping the disadvantaged. I encourage you during your year ad District Governor to bring together a group of likeminded Rotarians who might draft proposals for the 2010 COL. As DG you won't have a great deal of time but your self appointed committee could certainly assist. Proposals, such as you would be presenting, must be received by December 31st of this year. It is possible, that your ideas would not be passed the first time they are presented because Our Rotary Legislators often hesitate to adopt new ideas but when those ideas are good, they historically do receive a majority of the votes. I commend you for your recognition that the current must change particularly if we are to have a lasting peace in our world. Rotary believes that "Peace is Possible" and is devoting countless hours and dollars to try and make it a reality. Thank you for your contribution. Wilf Wilkinson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------De: Cliff Dochterman [mailto:] Enviada em: tera-feira, 11 de maro de 2008 01:53 Para: Assunto: Re: Rotary - Reflections about democracy.... Dear Ronald: It was certainly a pleasure to meet you and your wife at the Rotary International Assembly in San Diego. I

appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending me a copy of your very interesting treatise on governments and the economy. You also raised a very significant question about the role of Rotary International in meeting some of the great and serious issues facing the world involving poverty, hunger, disease and extremely poor conditions in many parts of the world. I found your writings very interesting, although I am not certain that I fully comprehend all of your very thoughtful ideas. In a perfect world, I am certain that all Rotarians would wish to eliminate poverty, hunger, sickness, homelessness, low productivity and the other features of the poverty in the world. Unfortunately, the causes of poverty are extremely varied and the solutions are not fully in our control. Much of the poverty is the result of various leaders of the world with far different motives than ours. All leaders of nations, cities, and organizations are not benevolent, nor concerned about the conditions of the general population under their control or influence. Far too many are seeking wealth, power and control for their personal benefit. Other areas of the world reside in poverty because of the lack of natural resources or efforts to enhance the resources which are undeveloped. Some causes of poverty come from cultural, religious, racial and ethnic differences which frequently create differences of wealth and poverty. Many are faced with the lack of basic human freedoms or ability or education to improve their personal situations.

The pure demand for personal power and privilege by some leaders of governments, religions, cultures and resources prevent an adequate distribution of opportunities, equality of distribution or upward mobility. With all of these various conditions, we often wonder where Rotary International can best fit and use our human resources and desires to build a better community and a better world. Is it possible that Rotary can be a positive influence on some the worst conditions of the world? Rotary is structured to serve humanity, and does not often have the power to act in changing or influencing governments, if the leaders are powerhungry or do not have a real concern for the people. I am afraid that Rotary would soon cease to exist as a world organization if the organization attempted to change governments, except as serving as a means to serve humanity through our activities of humanitarian service. When we work to meet some of the basic human needs of water, food, medicine, shelters, sanitation, disaster aid, education and other similar needs, we are working to eliminate poverty and hopefully build a better and more peaceful world. At least these are some of my thoughts as I read your article. I wish you great success in the year ahead. With warmest regards, Cliff Cliff Dochterman, RI President, 1992-93

De: Bill and Lorna Boyd [mailto:] Enviada em: sexta-feira, 14 de maro de 2008 22h12min Para: Assunto: RE: Rotary - Reflections about democracy.... Dear Ronaldo, A sweeping analysis but not a task for Rotary. We improve the world when we help people and I personally believe that we need to keep our focus simple. I congratulate you on the work you have put into your thesis. Regards, Bill -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------De: Nayantara & Ashok Mahajan [mailto:] Enviada em: sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009 06:57 Para: Ronaldo Assunto: Re: The Quadruple Rotarian Test and the Current Crisis 5th June, 2009 Dear Ron, Greetings. Hope you find this in the best of your health and good wishes. Thank you very much for mailing me your thoughts on The Quadruple Rotarian Test and the Current Crisis which I have gone through verbatim. I do appreciate your feelings, your thoughts and your deep rooted emotions. I liked when you said Before it is too late, let us go back to our best origins to progressively correct our establishment and build a future of peace, health and excellence for all Indeed, this is the need of

the hour and we the Rotarians will have to put our right foot forward. I can assure you Ron, with your permission, I will certainly use some of the points of your speech in my future communications. I hope I have your permission to do so. Well said Ron! We need Rotarians like you to achieve our lofty goal of world Peace. With personal regards, ASHOK

Trustee, The Rotary Foundation (2009-13) Director, Rotary International (2007-09) Smile, Serve, Sacrifice, Satisfy

De: sakujitanaka [mailto:] Enviada em: tera-feira, 11 de maro de 2008 03:43 Para: Assunto: Re: Rotary - Reflections about democracy.... Dear Ronaldo, Greetings from Japan. Thank you for your e-mail along with academic thesis. I think this is wonderful ideas, but I am sorry

that I can't send you my comments at the present time. I pray for continued health and prosperity for you and your family. Thank you again. Sincerely, Sakuji Tanaka ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------De: Jeffrey keahon [mailto:] Enviada em: sexta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2009 13h04min Para: Ronaldo Assunto: Re: Rotary and international crisis Dear Ronaldo Carneiro, I have finally read your address. I enjoyed it. It was thought provoking. My Degree is in Philosophy. I do enjoy "interpreting" the world rather than transforming it. I am motivated by opportunities to be useful. I have, as you, 123 days left to be useful as a District Governor. I am not motivated by grand schemes of change. I believe that there is much in Marxist thought that is useful in interpreting the "modern world". While I do not think that the rich should be impoverished I believe that people like Bernard Madoff who stole 50 Billion dollars worth of investors money and who has as yet not spent one day in jail should be severely punished for his criminality. While I am fascinated by the big picture of human history, I choose to act in a "smaller field". Right now that field is District 7210. One of the values of Rotary is that it does allow you

to act on the "world Stage" should you choose to. A perfect example is Polio Plus or The Peace Scholars. In any event , I hope your year is successful in terms of how you define success and that you continue to look at "the Big Picture". Rotarily, Jeffrey Keahon District Governor 2008-2009 District 7210 "The Heart of the Hudson River Valley"

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------De: [] Enviada em: quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2009 20:57 Para: Assunto: Re: Rotary and international crisis BRAVO!! My fellow Governor Ronaldo Carniero! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us! Every day lately I live in fear that our noble experiment called America that has survived over 200 glorious years has fallen into the hands of socialism and will ultimately fail as a democratic society. It grieves my heart to say these words but in my heart I feel that this is our destiny. Your message is clear and I applaud your insight and

vision! My faith, as yours, is restored when I think of the good work of Rotarians throughout our world and how this great organization has brought us all together. I regret that we did not have occasion to meet at the International Assembly last year as I would have enjoyed speaking with you. Perhaps our paths will cross again in Birmingham, England or Montreal, Canada but regardless of where it will be, I will look forward to making your acquaintance. Sincerely yours in Rotary service, Ronald F. Richards, CFP District Governor 2008-09 District 6940 Florida, USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------De: Raffaele Pallotta [mailto:] Enviada em: quarta-feira, 12 de maro de 2008 15:30 Para: Assunto: Re: Rotary - Reflections about democracy.... Dear Ronaldo, I thank you for the mail that you have sent me. I am very concordant with what you say and I have founded all of my life of Rotarian upon the concepts that you express very well in your interesting thesis. You now have the gratifying and difficulty assignment to govern your district and me I implore to want that you to address the activity of your clubs according to the healthy principles that you have. The Rotary of the whole world to you will be thankful. A dear affectionate wish of Good Job from your Italian friend. Raffaele

De: Sergio Tripi [] Enviada em: segunda-feira, 6 de julho de 2009 06:45 Para: Ronaldo Assunto: Re: The Rotarian four-way Test and the Current Crisis Dear Ronaldo, Thank you for your very meaningful and timely reflections, that once again testify man's ability to rationalize, understand and renew the general path to the common good. I think your point of observation, .i.e. the perspective of liking or not certain high caliber persons as new members of our Rotary, is a fresh new perspective that poses in practical terms the kind of contribution we all would welcome in order to recognize and support the progress we strive for. To the outstanding people you mention - some of whom I do not know so well to express an opinion, like Regan for instance - I would certainly add Barack Obama, who has been elected by the real 'voice of the people' for his vision of the common good based on unity in diversity and on sharing. As to the basic distortions that account for the present crisis, you rightly place an emphasis on 'capital without productive work', which I fully agree on. But I would also emphasize strongly the root for that, i.e. sheer greed. Which can be exposed to by an enlightened public opinion, the only social force, I think, capable of opposing those threats and of fostering opposite trends based on a true responsibility for the common good. Sincerely, Sergio Tripi

De: [mailto:] Enviada em: sbado, 20 de dezembro de 2008 06h48min Para: Assunto: AW: Rotary and International Crisis Dear Rotarian Friend, Many thanks for these outstanding reflektions. I agree with You! Merry Christmas and an Happy New Year with Peace in the World Hansjorg Melchior Hansjoerg Melchior DG 1820 - 2008/09 Terrasse 15 / D-34117 Kassel Tel: +49 561 771407 Fax: +49 561 16682 De: [] Enviada em: sbado, 7 de fevereiro de 2009 15:58 Para: Ronaldo Assunto: Re: Rotary and international crisis Dear Governor Ronaldo, Thank you for your messages and your great concern about the great differences we have in this world about poverty, health and education. I agree that we have to work at it worldwide in cooperation with the United Nations, the NGO's , the Service-Organizations like Rotary and of course with the participation of private persons. Only when we work together and we have high

moral and ethic standards we can improve and realize good and useful things. The financial crisis we now have in every part of the world is caused by the greedeness of to many people. Let us share our richness with those who have so little. Rotary Greetings and all the best, Joost Hoffscholte, DG. 1580

De: Leif Nordenstorm [mailto:] Enviada em: sexta-feira, 20 de maro de 2009 04:24 Para: 'Ronaldo' Assunto: SV: World Awareness Dear Ronaldo, Thank you for your letter. Yes, your reflections are very important. It is important that Rotary isnt only a club for people, who would like to meet each other, but for people, who would like to do something for the world. In fact there are two reasons that our Rotary club wants to support Bona Espero. The first is the words of Dong Kurn Lee, which you quoted: "In 2008-09 I will propose to put children at the top of our attentions The other reason is that I speak Esperanto, and some esperantists support Bona Espero. Yours Leif Nordenstorm De: Tony Hayes [mailto:]

Enviada em: quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2009 20:33 Para: Ronaldo Assunto: Re: Rotary and international crisis Thanks Ronaldo It is obvious that you put a lot of thought and research into your presentation. It is likely that I will plagiarise in some future presentations and also re-open some of the works of the philosophers that I haven't really considered for many years. Yours in Rotary Service Tony Hayes (9640) De: Sergio Tripi [mailto:] Enviada em: sbado, 21 de maro de 2009 11h54min Para: Ronaldo Assunto: Re: World Awareness Dear Ronaldo, I think one would be blind not to see that your writing reflects the feeling and belief we all share, that is that we must go beyond the present schemes and focus on what needs to be readdressed in the human life: values, ethics, behaviors, expectations, commitments, readiness to help, to heal, to share... As to the Bretton Woods agreements, it is appropriate we bear in mind they were written in a very different period of our history, almost for a different kind of men who had not brought yet their greed to the extreme consequences of the past two decades. Regards, Sergio Tripi

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------De: John Pike [] Enviada em: domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2009 08:40 Para: Ronaldo Carneiro Assunto: Re: Humanism and Rotary Good morning Ronaldo. Thank you for your excellent message. I share this with you and this will be reflected in 'Rotary Today' in 2010. I also thank you for your good wishes at this festive season, and in return, I wish you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas. You are many miles away and yet we share in the same ideals. With such a strong message I hope to hear from you again. Regards John Pike, Editor, 'Rotary Today'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------De: Ulrich Baberg [] Enviada em: tera-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2002 21:26 Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro' Assunto: Rotary: Christmas Greetings Dear Ronaldo, thank you for your christmas Greetings and your most interesting letter with the perfect translation in German language. I agree with you , for the multidistrict of all German speaking Governors 2007/2008 work on this questions since two years. In two weeks we meet at a workshop with important members of the German churches, Public and Politik ( ). I wish you, your family, your friend, your Rotary club and all Rotarians of your District a merry christmas and a happy New Year. Sincerely yours

PDG Ulrich Baberg, District 1900 Ulrich Baberg Am Ramsberg 23 58509 Ldenscheid Tel: 02351 23321 Germany -----------------------------------------------------------------De: sakuji tanaka [] Enviada em: tera-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2009 23:01 Para: Ronaldo Carneiro Assunto: Re: Humanism and Rotary Dear PDG Ronaldo, Thank you for your e-mail. Much inspiration can be drawn from it. It is encouraging to know that we have someone of your intellectual stature in our midst. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Warmest Regards, Sakuji

De: Dr. Peter Iblher [] Enviada em: tera-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2009 20:25 Para: Ronaldo Carneiro Assunto: Re: Humanism and Rotary Dear Ronaldo, thank you for the essay you sent as a perspective to the new year It is something to consider during the quiet days until the turn of the

year. Thank you very much and all the best to your whole family and especially yourself in and out of Rotary. Peter Dr. Peter Iblher RC Nrnberg-Reichswald PDG 2008/09 RI 1880 De: sakuji tanaka [] Enviada em: quinta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2010 19:53 Para: Ronaldo Carneiro Assunto: *****SPAM***** Re: Humanism and ethic Dear Ronaldo, Thank you for your kind e-mail. As the challenge period is still remaining until October 1st 2010 I haven't yet officially been appointed, but I am grateful for your message. I will leave Japan on Saturday 18th November 2010 to Nigeria in Africa to attend the Polio Summit. Kyoko joins me in sending our warmest regards to you and the staff. I look forward to seeing you in Brazil in the near future. Best regards, Sakuji

Regards from Brazil. Im sending below, with the purpose of inspiring your meditation, my speech made on April, 30th , 2009 in Pirenpolis State of Goias, Brazil, at the opening session of the 54th District Conference. Your comments will be welcome. Sincerely, Ronaldo Carneiro 4530 DG 2008-9 -
Obs.: Text available in several languages.

The Rotarian Four Way Test and the Current Crisis

In my meditation on the major goal of Rotary, this formidable institution with about 33,000 clubs in 208 countries, constantly searching for peace in the world, I questioned myself: which personality deserves the recognition of my generation? About 3 decades ago, this world lived an absurd competition - human folly had created conditions for the selfdestruction of all forms of human life on Earth - the arms race where two superpowers, with ever-growing budgets, searched for domination by force. Then the Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev - quit the competition. For those idolizing the competition for selfish purposes, he had lost the battle, but for us, rotarians and humanists, this leader took a giant step towards "dtente" and possible understanding. Each planetary citizen owes him very much and I understand that Rotary, as a global institution endowed with responsibility for Mankind in each society we belong to, should promote - mirroring the Nobel Peace Prize already granted to Mikhail - some recognition for his outstanding services rendered to the global humanitarian cause. Of course one must stress the expressive and dynamic leaderships of that time, that stimulated the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989: Pope John Paul II, who entertained a private meeting with Gorbachev just before the fall of that wall - I wish I had been a fly, listening to the advices of this Polish citizen, who saw during his youth the atrocities of communism in Poland and was sensitive to the vast social exclusion that had resulted from capitalism as well, in the parallel historic moment. Ronald Reagan, leader of the opposing superpower, at the beginning of his first term defined his

concept: "Government cannot help us solve problems; Government is the problem". I also pondered the rotarian presidential concerns: nutrition, health and education, as well as the creative and future-minded thinkers who molded the world we live in today. Who among these thinkers could be invited to join a rotarian club? And which of them would be excluded by rotarian values? I would proudly welcome, in my own club, Adam Smith, the Scottish Professor of Ethics and Moral who lived in the second half of the 18th Century. Not only for his masterpiece, "An Essay Concerning the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations", but mainly for his littleknown book that was the philosophical, ethical and moral bedrock for his thought: "A Theory of Moral Feelings", of 1759. The polemic and fertile humanist thinker Karl Marx, an icon of socialism and probably the least understood of our thinkers [he died in 1883 and the Soviet Revolution occurred in 1917]. Never so many speculated so much about his intentions as recently. In his name abhorent acts were commited, by fanatics hallucinated by power. One must dessacralize his work. Many were sensible enough to recognize errors in capitalism, but they acted as marxist priests, burning incense to their demigod. The fact is that Marx focused much of his analysis on a critical approach to capitalism and did not much explain the operationalization of socialism! One can divide his thought into two ample phases: the young Karl and the old Marx. I Would be much pleased to have the young Marx in my rotarian Club. His conceptual criticism of human labor in capitalism has never been contested: "Upon selling his labor [and the worker is forced to do it in the current regime], he yields to the capitalist the right to expoit this force, but within certain rational limits. He sells his labor to keep it sound, save for the natural wear and tear of passing years, but not to have it destroyed." In another passage, Marx stresses: "The man who does not have any free time and whose life, except for the purely physical interruptions of sleep, meals, etc., is all absorbed by his work for the capitalist, is less than a beast of burden. He is a simple machine, physiclly wrecked and spiritually animalized to produce alien riches." These two icons of western thought, who had deep and broad socioanthropological repercussions for Humanity, were followed by the General Theory of John Maynard Keynes. One must recognize that the monetarist

proposals were conceived in a post-1929 crisis and discussed in Bretton Woods in 1944, in a world where Europe had been destroyed by World War II. Though recognized in its time, in the long run the Keynesian theory proved to be a disaster. After 64 years of practical application, this economic formulation exposed stagflation as its best result: a compromise solution between unemployment and inflation. An offence to human intelligence. By enthronizing government in the economy, that is, by replacing the inexorable and impersonal law of supply and demand by the questionable and personalist aegis of human will, Adam Smith and all responsible thinkers must have revolved in their tombs, trying to understand the obscene inconsequences of the Keynesian theory. I blame the monetarist theory for the vast social exclusion disseminated all over the world and for all the armed conflicts too: many resources in the hands of a few, to decide according to human will is antidemocratic by definition! And children are lacking food and minimal comfort! Keynes made a heresy possible. It will not resist the Rotarian four way test. I would not feel comfortable in a rotarian club, in the presence of this gentleman: his followers were even more irresponsible and inconsequent. They created a vicious circle in the economic process: capital generation without productive labor. They built castles in the air, which are crumbling in the deep and widespread crisis the world now assists. Before it is too late, let us go back to our best origins to progressively correct our establishment and build a future of peace, health and excellence for all. May God bless our children, one by one, in each nation. Ronaldo Carneiro - 4530 DG - 2008-09 -

We are now finishing this beautiful trip through our rotarian year.

This is my last text as governor of district 4530 in Brazil. It presents a proposition for a new world, more fair and human and free from conflict, where peace will finally prevail. These ideas are sent to you for your consideration, because I esteem you are sensitive to them, as a rotarian. It is my understanding that our institution can include after-crisis attitudes in its world agenda, to be broadly discussed. As our thinker said: "Philosophers limited themselves to interpreting the world; it is now necessary to transform it accordingly". Force is the weapon of incompetence, whereas intelligence is the instrument of the sensible. Whatever cannot be improved by intelligence, will never be transformed by force. Contemporary Man is homo sapiens, according to the classification of anthropologist Linneu, and we can only thus call ourselves in Latin. We managed to co-create superb technologies in some sectors of our society and are toddling to define proper rules of coexistence for ourselves. There are solutions, however, if we become aware of the fact that the hottest places in hell are reserved for the undefined, the passive and the opportunist. The world assists today, between perplex and impotent, the supremacy and domination of the class of bureaucrats, because the practical evolution of capitalist and socialist models tend to converge inevitably to authoritarian regimes. That is to say, the inequality of opportunities under the rules of human interaction has been generating a terrible process of domination and of human bondage: the dictatorship of bureaucrats. I am certain that your group within Rotary has much to contribute for the discussion of the ideas contained in my text below. I hereby authorize each rotarian reader to use the concepts and values herein exposed with no mention of authorship - the least important. An author is a mortal human being, like all others: neither better, nor worse, but in my case, determined to create conditions for the equality of opportunities for all, especially for all children who did not ask to come to this world. In case you agree with the ideas here considered, it would very much please me if you tried to discuss this proposition in your rotarian club, in your office, in your family, or even send it for people in your community who show interest in the matter. We need concrete actions, I think, to disseminate and make possible this proposition. In case you disagree, please just delete it and forgive me for invading your computer with a good

intention. But please do not forget that "It was granted to us the task of maintainng order and decency on our small and cozy world." This was the message of our inspired Paul Harris, the founder of Rotary International during the Convention of 1935 in Mexico. At the Convention of 1921 in Edimburg, Scotland, he had stated: "Much has been said since the beginning of civilization. In my view, however, if there exists a quality distinguishing Rotary from other organizations, it is our capacity to act." Never forget we are discussing about the plate of food required by millions of children all over the world. With Ivani's and my best wishes, Ronaldo Carneiro 4530 DG 2008-9,

Ethics and the Global Crisis

What do we rotarians have to do with the global crisis? What is the role that Rotary must play in this context? It is certainly prudent not to bring to discussion, in the rotarian milieu, matters that divide us, such as partisan politics, religion, etc. Nevertheless, whenever the subject involves presidential mentions, I understand that we are forced to adopt a consistent posture - we have values to defend and to explain to the communities we belong to. To search for the causes of poverty, without ideological divisions, or to abandon the doubtful logic of stratified ideas, so as to replace them by the unvarying logics of life everlasting is, yes, a task for Rotary. If we cannot or will not stand for our values, then what is the purpose and meaning of our institution? The world now assists, between perplexed and impotent, scandals in our parliaments and in the bureaucracy of our governments - the matter is: will we change anything by simply replacing the powerful on duty? The truth is that this curious biped, the human being, has catechized since the times of Moses and later, 4000 years ago, Melchizedek and Patriarch Abraham, who originated the 3 monotheistic religions, but selfishness seems to have prevail. This is been since main not a

grief-stricken complaint, but a matter of fact. If only everyone obeyed the religious Commandments, human coexistence would be made really felicitating. Our problem is of a systemic nature and it is urgent to protect this enormous amount of financial resources from frail human will. Rotary is not, definitely, a charitable institution only, no matter how proud we may be of the thousands of humanitarian projects conceived and developed by rotarians around the Earth. I think we are the conscience of each community, trying to rescue the values dear to our founders. Discussing the global crisis is, above all, a necessary ethical exercise: comparing the invariable market economy with the questionable and vulnerable command economy. The presence of government in the economy revealed itself as necessary, only because we have three economic sectors that cannot work alone: agriculture, health and education. All governments, around this blue dot, must somehow stimulate these sectors so as to make them properly operational. This seems surprising, but these are exactly the three areas in which government intervention is legitimate, in addition to the infra-structural domain, such as road and bridge-building and maintenance, water supply and residue treatment. All other interventions by the government result from the inequality of opportunities so evident among us. As an irony of sorts, these three sectors are exactly those that may determine an equality of opportunities for planetary citizenry: people need to eat every day and to have access to the health and educational systems. Market Economies Will Produce Profitable Goods and Services, Not Products Needed. The unforgettable Dame of european economy, Joan Robinson, identified this paradox very clearly, but she did not present a solution at that time. This paradox of western capitalism can only be overcome with a new social pact, where labor is viewed as a process of transformation of human energy into physical or intellectual energy for the good of the broad community. For this transformation to occur, one must ensure food, health services and education to all workers and their families. This is a "sine qua non" condition for the economy to have real human labor. It means recognizing that hunger and disease do not vary according to the market: they are biological needs, in tune with the logics of life. Nobody is born to live from charity and we shall not strenghthen the

weak at the cost of weakening the strong. All can spiral up in balance, I am certain. This appeal is not of an emotional-philanthropic nature, but the only way to minimize governmental presence in the economic process. Once more we are dealing with ethics: this is an acknowledgement of problems in human nature. We must evaluate Creation, so as to understand the Creator. These 3 sectors: food, health and education are interdependent, non-accumulative and independent from human will. They are prerequisites for staying alive. Just as the vehicle that needs combustion fuel, the human body needs food and health in order to study and work and engage in progress to perfection. This can be seen as a volunteer public-private agreement, in which private initiative takes these social responsibilities when it purchases what we mentioned, for free market prices. To close the equation, it is evident that the government will reduce all taxes referring to these new social responsibilities taken by the entrepreneurial sector. Governments can thus withdraw from the economy, because agriculture, health and education become self-propelled. Let us name as Humanism this new regime, in relation to capitalism and socialism, and then analyse the deep changes that can be brought in. In a free economy with the government out of the market, we shall have full productive employment. This generation and many others that came before, do not know what this means. Salaries will tend to go up naturally, according to market forces and it will not be necessary to establish a minimum wage. All economic equations will invert themselves, inflation will vanish and armed conflicts will be made impracticable. Universal voting will qualify democratic societies among us - free and sovereign voting, but with a healthy deconcentration of resources under the control of government bureaucrats. We will be very close, in many aspects, to the conditions prevailing at the beginning of the XIX century, as predicted by Adam Smith, but incorporating the uncontested criticism made by the young Karl Marx - the working force must be preserved and not worn out or destroyed. Here we come once more to the domain of ethics. Those two thinkers are classic, that is, their work is like a Beethoven symphony or a statue by Michelangelo. The excellence of their work is not time-dated: they are of perennial value. They will be appreciated in a thousand years, so our mention of the two thinkers who influenced our recent civilizational advancement comes not out of an extemporaneous cult of the past, but out of the yearning to expose and value ethics in a pure condition in

contemporary society. In this way we will make honestly aplicable the well-meaning and highly inspired collective decisions adopted in the United Nations Organization, mainly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration of the Rights of Children and Teenagers, as well as the Goals for the Millenium. They beautifully revealed a consensus founded on ideas shared sacredly, but we seem to have forgotten to determine who really pays for the bill!!! Let us not be fooled. Current models of human interaction, as they are, tend to converge to an inevitable totalitarian state. I would dare try to complete the call of Marx, saying: "Workers and bourgeois of all the world, unite!" In the name of ethics, we cannot allow the class of government bureaucrats and some unethical professional politicians monopolize the supremacy and control of societies. Human will must not prevail over the invariable and impersonal market economy. Each one must have enough for his biological needs and afterward, according to their capacity." In this way our rotarian work shall be reduced, dear colleague, and we will be able to dedicatedly integrate our communities' conscience, instead of limiting ourselves to philanthropy and charity. This is my contribution to take the matter to the rotarian agenda. It s my understanding that this must be exhaustively discussed, given the importance of these ideas and the deep consequences they may have in these challenging moments of correction. George Bernard Shaw, the bright Irish thinker pontified: "No one is entitled to enjoy happiness without creating it, neither to consume wealth without producing it." Each child coming to this world shall be welcomed with solutions for its future, not hindered by problems we have not agreed upon to solve. Each one of them will once again come as a divine blessing. Let us celebrate life!!!

Ronaldo Carneiro 4530 DG - 2008-9 -

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