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Preguntas 31 - 35 Dnde puedo ver estos avisos? En las preguntas - marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas. 31. a. The hospital b.

The supermarket c. The drugstore

32. a. The bookstore b. The library c. The pub

33. a. The mall b. The supermarket c. The mall

34. a. The hospital b. The school c. The restaurant

35. a. The hospital b. The school c. The supermarket

Preguntas 36 - 43 Lee las descripciones de la columna de la izquierda (36 - 43 ) y las palabras de la columna de la derecha (A-H) En las preguntas 36 - 43, marque la letra correcta A-H en su hoja de respuestas. 36. It is a room where people can cook. a.Park

37. It is a space where people can park cars. 38. It is a room equipped for taking a bath or shower. 39. It is a building in which people live. 40. It is a space where plants and vegetables are cultivated. 41. It is a place where you can buy food. 42. It is a place where you can keep money. 43. It is a place where you can run.

b.Bank c.Garden d. Garage e.Supermarket f.House g.Kitchen h.Bathroom

Preguntas 44 - 48 Complete las cinco conversaciones. En las preguntas 44 - 48, marque A, B, C en su hoja respuestas. 44. Where is the school? a. It is on the corner. b. It is over the living room. c. It is in my house. 45. Whats her name? a. He is Samuel. b. She is Sara. c. her name is Susan. 46. Are there any children? a. Yes, there are fourteen children. b. Yes, they are. c. He does. 47. Is it any toilet? a. Yes, it is b. Yes, it does c. No, it is not 48. Where are you from? a. She is form Peru b. I am from Bogot c. I am twelve years old. Preguntas 49 - 53 En qu lugar se encuentran los objetos? Observa la imagen y selecciona la respuesta de acuerdo al lugar en donde se encuentra el objeto. En las preguntas 49 - 53, marque A, B, o C en su hoja respuestas.

49. The cat is _____ the closet. a. In b. On front of 50. The dog is _______ the door. a. Next to b. Behind c. Across of 51. The guitar is _____ the bed. a. In the corner of b. On c. Next to 52. The radio is ______ the bed. a. In front of b. Over c. Under 53. The pants are ______ the bed. a. On b. Next to c. In front of Preguntas 54 - 60 Lee el texto y luego responde las preguntas. En las preguntas 54 - 60, marque A, B, C en su hoja respuestas.

THE RENT MAN Someone is knocking on Amandas door. Amanda is home, but she does not answer. It is the man who owns the house where she lives. His name is Mr. Campbell. Amanda calls him the Rent Man. He has comes by to get the rent money Amanda owes. Amanda does not have the money to pay him. Amanda lost her job at the auto factory three and a half weeks ago. I worked there for 15 years, Amanda thinks to herself. She is bitter. But it took them just one day to take my job away. Amanda has no idea when she will find another job. Lots of other people form her factory lost their jobs three weeks ago, too. She looks for work every day. She looks for work at a restaurant. You have never worked at a restaurant, the owner tells her. This job is not for you She looks for work ate the bookstore. We dont have any jobs right now, the clerk tells Amanda. She looks for work at the grocery store. I will call you to let you know, the manager says. Amanda is worried. She is running out of money quickly. There is another loud knock at the door. Amanda sits quietly in her kitchen. She hopes the Rent Man will go away soon. 54. Who is knocking at Amandas door? a. The restaurant owner b. Mr. Campbell c. The manager 55. What does Mr. Campbell want? a. A book b. A car c. Money 56. Why doesnt Amanda answer the door? a. She is feeling sick. b. She has very little money. c. She is not home. 57. When did Amanda lose her job? a. Ten days ago. b. Three weeks ago c. Almost a month ago. 58. Where does Amanda look for a new job? a. A restaurant b. A school c. A hospital 59. Where is Amanda? a. In her kitchen b. In her bathroom c. In her Living room 60. Why does Amanda sit quietly? a. She can think b. She can hear the door. c. She can work.

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