HL Chemistry IA Checklist Updated Dec 2011

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IB Chemistry

(updated December 2011)

Chemistry Internal Assessment Checklist

The IB Rubric for Design Design Aspect 1 Defining the Problem and Selecting Variables Aspect 2 Controlling Variables Aspect 3 Developing a Method for Collecting Data complete (2) Formulates a focused problem/research question and identifies the relevant variables. Designs a method for the effective control of the variables. Develops a method that allows for the collection of sufficient relevant data. partial (1) Formulates a problem/research question that is incomplete or identifies only some relevant variables. Designs a method that makes some attempt to control the variables. Develops a method that allows for the collection of insufficient relevant data. not at all (0) Does not identify a problem/research question and does not identify any relevant variables. Designs a method that does not control the variables. Develops a method that does not allow for any relevant data to be collected.

ASPECT 1: Defining the Problem and Selecting Variables Part 1: Defining the Problem Research Question or Aim clearly stated, with a sharp focus RQ identifies the chemical or reaction under investigation RQ identifies the technique used, when appropriate RQ/Aim includes specific references to IV and DV RQ allows for a quantitative investigation RQ is an investigation into a property of a system, and not a stoichiometric relationship RQ is not simply finding one specific value Optional: Background to investigation (short paragraph only) not required or marked, but it may have information that would be useful later in the conclusion Hypothesis not required or marked, but it may be helpful when you make your conclusion. if you include a hypothesis, keep these points in mind: It is quantitative. Prediction is explained using scientific theory, including chemical equations if relevant. Sources are cited. Part 2: Selecting Variables This may be presented as a table. IV correctly identified with units/ range DV correctly identified by a statement of what you will measure, with units Relevant controlled variables identified and the method of control described: State the value for the controlled variable, with method for achieving that value. Optional: Describe the effect on the results if that variable is not controlled.

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IB Chemistry

(updated December 2011)

ASPECT 2: Controlling Variables Method to manipulate IV described, including specific details of range or increments Method for measuring results clearly indicated, including units Materials list identifies appropriate types of and sizes for equipment used (uncertainty should NOT be included in this list or in the procedure) Explicit reference to how each variable is controlled must also be mentioned in the procedure. This means paying attention to every controlled variable listed and making sure you show in the steps of the procedure that you are paying attention to them. Be careful about the choice of equipment and the precision of the values given in the steps. Avoid saying the environment of the room (any aspect) will be controlled! Focus on the chemicals and the chemical reaction. When you are controlling the concentration of a solution, it may be useful to make up one large quantity of the solution, and then remove small volumes for each test/trial. Avoid using the word amount specify volume, number of moles, mass, etc. Be sure to MONITOR variables that are difficult to control but which may have an effect on the results. Measure them to ensure they are constant. Include monitoring steps in the procedure. Sensors that require calibration are calibrated describe the procedure to do this. Sensor settings that you choose are identified. The procedure is clearly written and could be followed by someone else. The procedure shows clear input of YOUR OWN work. The source of the technique is correctly cited.

ASPECT 3: Developing a Method for Collection of Sufficient Relevant Data Materials list is detailed, including sizes of glassware, brand of specialized instruments (e.g. sensors), types of instrument (e.g. digital thermometer vs alcohol thermometer, with temperature range if possible) Does the plan to collect data address RQ? Can you actually answer the RQ with the data you have decided to collect? (In other words, is the data relevant?) Are there 5 increments for the IV? Is a suitable range of IV selected? Are the appropriate measurements made for DV? (ie will they allow you to answer your research question?) Sufficient repeats at each increment to ensure reliability. Clearly state the values that you will measure AND RECORD. Include any conditions that are being monitored. DIAGRAMS showing the apparatus set up REALLY help for complex experiments, and can help show how variables are controlled.

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IB Chemistry

(updated December 2011)


The IB Rubric for Data Collection and Processing Data Collection and Processing Aspect 1 Recording Raw Data complete (2) Records appropriate quantitative and associated qualitative raw data, including units and uncertainties where relevant. Processes the quantitative raw data correctly. Presents processed data appropriately and, where relevant, includes errors and uncertainties. partial (1) Records appropriate quantitative and associated qualitative raw data, but with some mistakes or omissions. Processes quantitative raw data, but with some mistakes and/or omissions. Presents processed data appropriately, but with some mistakes and/or omissions. not at all (0) Does not record any appropriate quantitative raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. No processing of quantitative raw data is carried out or major mistakes are made in processing. Presents processed data inappropriately or incomprehensibly.

Aspect 2 Processing Raw Data Aspect 3 Presenting Processed Data

ASPECT 1: Recording Raw Data Table presents only raw, unmodified data - no averages, differences, etc. Tables have titles, starting with Table # and that clearly outline the information presented, including names of reactants/products or a reference to the type of reaction Units of IV and DV present in the heading, and are correct Uncertainties correct ( ______ ) and included in the HEADING (not in each cell) Check equipment first for uncertainty values. If not available, use standard values = p. 7 in the Student Guide for IA Sensors check the specs OR you may need to make an informed decision yourself REALISTIC uncertainty values are used, especially in situations where you must estimate an uncertainty value or have to time something. Also pay attention to the default precision for sensors you will need to make your own decision about what is appropriate for your experiment. All data are recorded to the correct number of significant figures Decimal points consistent throughout Decimal points consistent with precision of the measuring equipment All measured values are recorded, even those values mentioned in the procedure or variables list. If a value is used in the calculations, it must also appear in the data table. Include values for monitored values. Include concentrations of reagent solutions, showing appropriate sig figs. Uncertainty values are not required for solutions that have been prepared for you. Solutions prepared by lab techs record 1 M as 1.0 M If you use Data Studio graphs to directly measure values, you include a screenshot of one identified trial and you annotate it to show what data you are using and where you found it. Tables are well-designed, showing all relevant data in an easy to read (and easy to compare) manner. There is one table for all quantitative data, AND it all fits on the same page. Associated qualitative data (observations) MUST be recorded or zero awarded. It is best to keep the qualitative data separate from the quantitative data. Always aim for a minimum of THREE descriptors for each reactant and product. If there are notable changes during the reaction, make a note of them.
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IB Chemistry

(updated December 2011)

ASPECT 2: Processing Raw Data Calculations to determine DV carried out Calculations appropriate to the investigation and address RQ The calculations are CORRECT and free of major errors. (Major errors result in n.) Worked example calculations given for one clearly identified trial. Put the sample calculation BEFORE the summary table. Assumptions are noted, where appropriate. Uncertainties are clearly and correctly propagated in the calculations all steps should be obvious. The uncertainty for the final answer is converted from a percentage value to an absolute value, and the absolute uncertainty value reflects the precision of the final answer. Averages are taken at an appropriate point usually at the end of the calculations. You have done something more than simply graphing your raw data. Analyse any graph that you prepare by making a statement or two about the relationship it shows. Can you make a quantitative statement about the meaning of the slope? A clear final answer is made obvious, either in a summary data table or after analyzing a graph.

ASPECT 3: Presenting Processed Data Uncertainty Propagation Uncertainties in data are correctly propagated. There are never more than 2 sig figs in the %uncertainty values. Presentation of Calculations Significant figures are respected in all calculations All steps in the worked example are clearly laid out, including a mathematical statement of how the step is carried out (or by using a formula). It should be PAINLESS to match the numbers in the calculation to the data table. The sequence of the steps is clear and unambiguous. Watch out for steps in laid out in columns. It is great to save paper, but be smart about it. Consider numbering the steps. ALWAYS identify what you are calculating on the left side of the equation! Never start a calculation line with a number or an equal sign. Leave a double space between different parts of a calculation, or clearly indicate that this is a new step. Separate processed data tables from raw data tables for clarity of presentation A summary table of all calculations for all trials is given. The summary table shows the final value for each step, as well as the overall final value. Graphs Where relevant, there is a summary graph presenting the processed data. This graph should help you address the RQ. Graphs have clear descriptive titles, starting with Figure # or Graph # Consistent decimal places in the scale of the graphs watch out for Excel defaults! Appropriate choice of graph style Graphs are clear and easy to read. Data points are clearly marked. Axes labeled clearly, including metric/ SI units and uncertainties of values (where appropriate) Axes scaled appropriately also make sure the precision on the scale matches the uncertainty Error bars are not required in Chemistry. Best fit line produced by you, not Excel (unless it is a straight line). Tables Tables are well-designed and easy to follow. Tables include units and the values have the correct number of significant figures. Tables have clear descriptive titles, starting with Table #.
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IB Chemistry

(updated December 2011)


The IB IA Rubric for Conclusion and Evaluation Conclusion and Evaluation Aspect 1 Concluding complete (2) States a conclusion, with justification, based on a reasonable interpretation of the data. Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect of identified weaknesses and limitations. partial (1) States a conclusion based on a reasonable interpretation of the data. Identifies some weaknesses and limitations, but the evaluation is weak or missing. Suggests only superficial improvements not at all (0) States no conclusion or the conclusion is based on an unreasonable interpretation of the data. Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and limitations.

Aspect 2 Evaluating Procedure(s) Aspect 3 Improving the Investigation

Suggests unrealistic improvements.

ASPECT 1: Concluding Stating the Conclusion Always start by making a concluding statement that reflects the RQ. What did you find in the investigation? Do NOT repeat the steps used to come up with the value just state it (and the uncertainty). Avoid starting by saying your experiment was a success or failure. Avoid those statements altogether. Patterns and trends in data are stated, with reference to the graph/ tables (i.e. your data). Identify the graph or table # so the reader can easily find the reference. Comparisons, if appropriate, are made. Justification Data is related RQ and a statement is made about the extent to which they agree or disagree. Appropriate language is used Supports my hypothesis (not proves or my hypothesis is correct) A scientific explanation for results is included. Your results are compared with literature values Percentage errors are referred to, to assess accuracy of results (where appropriate). Note that you do NOT include % uncertainty values in this calculation. Sources for literature values cited appropriately The extent and direction of systematic error is described. Sometimes a graph with intercepts other than zero can help you identify systematic error. The contribution of random errors is commented upon. Comment on the reliability of results Consider the magnitude of the experimental uncertainty Think about the range of values in the trials for each IV increment. The degree of confidence in the final result is commented upon.

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IB Chemistry

(updated December 2011)

ASPECT 2: Evaluating Procedures This should be in a separate section. Start by making some statement about your RESULT error first. Then discuss the specific procedural errors (systematic and random) that contribute to that error. THINK ABOUT WEAKNESSES IN THE INVESTIGATION instead of errors/mistakes. Start with the most significant weakness first. Some things to consider in this section, by giving specific comments on: Was the method of controlling variables successful? Was the choice of equipment appropriate? Was the equipment correctly used? Was sufficient data collected to address the RQ? Was the range of IV appropriate? Was the data reliable? Is there any qualitative data that indicates any source of error? Be sure to include specific references to your results (quantitative and qualitative). Always indicate HOW an error/weakness affects your results. Avoid the word affect. Use increase / decrease instead. Make sure the stated errors shift the answer in the same direction as your percentage error. Avoid blaming things out of your control like the air con, room pressure

ASPECT 3: Improving the Investigation This should be a separate section. Each improvement must related to a weakness identified in the evaluation section. An improvement is given for each major weakness in the evaluation. Think about ways to IMPROVE the experimental design to remove or reduce the impact of the error. Dont just focus on fixing minor errors. Look for ways to remove systematic errors. Look for ways to reduce random errors, but do not rely only on saying do more trials. Give realistic and achievable improvements, remembering that you are in a high school setting. Give sufficient DETAILS about the improvement so that someone could actually implement it. Avoid trivial, superficial improvements (like being more careful when measuring something).

GENERAL FORMATTING POINTS Title specifically reflects investigation (not Energetics Design Lab or Chemistry Lab) Report has been checked for grammar and spelling Clear font, no funny colour-schemes Tables and sections are not split on separate pages. All parts of any given calculation are on one page. Logical order, with clear headings for each section Start each section on a new page, or at least leave 5+ lines between major sections Citations included, using MLA format Include at the top right or left of the first page: your name, IB candidate number, course name/code, date Include page numbers. Print on both sides to save paper. RANDOM THOUGHTS NEVER say proves. Avoid saying affects be more descriptive about the direction of the effect (higher, lower) and the magnitude of the effect. Avoid the word amount use a more specific quantity mass, volume, etc
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