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Manitoba's Largest

Rural Weekly


Second Section

A pictorial report

At the pop festival

It was dtay anlike any other ever seen in this area. Jamming into a small field, one and ofe4ialf miles east of PTH 59 on PR 305, owned by a fiSvervflle farmer* the crowd bad prepared for everything but the rains. ' , ' ' ! " , Original ecstatic estimates of the size of the crowd went as high as S,tit. A more realistic estimate, however, was 12,000 Admitting the idea of a pop festival from the several saccessul such evefits held in the United States last year, especially the one at Woodstock, N.Y, which drew 400,690 people; the organizers had lined up 30 bands to playv ' The atmosphere afl day was one of freedom; of "doing your own thing". The mass of people contained the young and the old, the "hip" and the Straight", the beautiful people and the motorcycle gang members*'--" _ ". . r . Fottr hands had played... Thea the rains came.. .and the pop festival was over. Joey Gregorash and "The Walrus" performing at the Niverville Pop Festival heW Sunday near Nhrervtlle.


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Uke the pilgrimage to Mecca, the line-up of people and cars stretched for miles. Roads in the vicinity of the festival were jammed for hours. Traffic con-

trol was cited by organizers as One of their major problems.

Just one of the many pretty faces in the crowd, estimated at over 12,000 Sunday at the pop festival. Her beautiful smile was captured minutes before the rains came.

With the traffic problems being what they were, the motor- get close to the action. But then the rains came. Motorcycle cyclists enjoyed a kind of maneuverability that allowed them to groups from as far away as Minnesota were in attendance.

Part of the huge crowd on the festival grounds. The festival was characterized by the friendly altitude all the spectators exhibited to each other.

A face in the crowd.

One of the many cars that had to be abandoned at the festival site. Four others can be seen in the background along a dirt road.

afternoon heat forced many to seek solace In various types of refreshments. In the to Kirt Winters, formerly of the "Brother", now of "The Guess Who .One of the of the festival, he kept this wine bottle well filled with beer for himself and other behind the bandstand.

The aftermath! Motorcycles and cars were stranded on the muddy scene of the festival on Monday morning. Area residents worked all fields and roads after the heavy downpour began at 6:00 p.m. Ap- night to move automobiles and aid spectators, proxlmately 75 cars and motorcycles were still stranded at the

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