Content Based Instruction

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Content-Based Instruction Demo-Teaching Subject Matter: English and Geography

The teacher will ask the students what a globe is. The teacher will show the class a globe and will ask the students what they know about it. The teacher will write the answers of the students on the blackboard, and will supply some missing language if necessary. The teacher will distribute a handout based on a video that will be shown later. The teacher will read the vocabulary words listed on the handout and would ask the students to listen to every word. The students will read the passage and they should fill in the blanks the missing words using the words in the vocabulary list. The students will watch a video. As they are watching the video, the students will fill in the remaining blanks with certain vocabulary words. After the video, the students will pair up and check their answers. The teacher will now take a look into some verb pattern: present passive (are located, is used, etc.) The present passive will be used in the next activity. The teacher will now explain how latitude and longitude can be used to locate any place in the world. The teacher will give some examples using latitude and longitude lines integrating the use of present passive. The teacher will now call one student to locate the given latitude and longitude. The students will now have an activity on naming countries using the latitude and longitude lines. As for the assignment, the students will be given a map and a description of Australia. They have to read the description and label the major cities and points of interest on the map.


Group 6 Charmaine Baes Ritz Capul Gina Martinez Darleen delos Santos Alex Roble Relyn Mutoc

Passage: A globe is a model or small copy of the Earth. Like the Earth, the globe is round. At the top of the globe you can see the North pole. The North pole is the northernmost place of the Earth. At the opposite end of the globe is the South pole. The south pole is the southernmost place of the Earth. Half way in between the two poles is an imaginary line that goes all around the Earth. This line is called the equator. It divided the Earth into two halves, the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. The word hemisphere means half a sphere. A sphere is a round object like a ball or in this case the Earth. Each hemisphere then is half the Earth. There is another line that circles the Earth the other way, running through the north pole and the south pole. This line is called the Prime Meridian. It divides the Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Geographers have created a whole series of these imaginary lines to help locate places on the Earth. Lines that run east and west are called lines of latitude, lines that runs north and south are called lines of longitude. These lines intersect to form a grid. Geographers can use these grid to describe the exact location of every place on Earth.

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