Word Limit:1000 Deadline: 25/05/2013 12 PM Mentor: Rajib Comments/Instructions: Topic - Business Applications

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Word Limit :1000 Deadline : 25/05/2013 12 pm Mentor : Rajib Comments/Instructions : Topic - business applications

Module Name: Business Applications of IT

Learning Outcomes Learning outcome S1

Students will typically Successful students will typically have an understanding of: 1. A range of information processing and communications technology aspects, concepts and issues, suitable for an organisational or business context. 2. The capabilities and limits of technology, how it is suited to certain tasks and how computer based systems can meet the information requirements of organisations. Successful students will typically be able to: 3. Identify where and how IT can be used to tackle particular tasks or problems posed in a business or organisational sphere. 4. Apply standard IT packages to solve business problems.

Learning outcome S2

Part 1 These activities are based on the accompanying database file StaffFile.mdb Task no 1 Activity Use the report wizard feature of Access to make a report showing all the office addresses in a neat and readable form. Name your report rptAddresses. Evidence to be submitted The amended database file containing the report. Mark Availabl e

The manager of the London office wishes to offer a healthy living course to all the male smokers who work at that office. Use the query feature of Access to make a list of these people showing surname, forename in alphabetical order. Name your query qryLondonMaleSmokers.

The amended database file containing the query.

Export all the data in the employee table to an Excel spread sheet, adjust the column widths appropriately. Use Excel to produce data and graphics for a brief report comparing the features of the workforce in Europe and the USA. Add to the spread sheet a header showing your name and course, and a footer showing the page number. Ensure spreadsheet results labelled and positioned appropriately and that the Spreadsheet is printable without errors. A written report (minimum of 500 words) discussing such matters as the sex distribution and age structure and the prevalence of smoking and vegetarianism. Your report should include: Accompanying data tables and graphics, Title page and appropriate use of margins and page breaks, header and footer, appropriate range of font sizes and styles, table of contents and be written in the third person in a suitably formal style. References and Bibliography included.

Your spreadsheet file. Your spreadsheet file amended to produce the required results

Your report as a Word document.

Part 2 Scenario : A Powerpoint presentation is required for use in the induction program given to new employees at head office of your company which is a retail organisation with about fifty shops and a large and growing internet presence. You are to create the slides to be use in the presentation and have been asked by your manager to include the following. The importance of IT to the company The difference between word processor, spreadsheet and database (for people who really dont know) How to decide whether a task is suitable for a database or spreadsheet solution. The meaning of the term relational applied to a database and why the concept is important. The main provisions of the law on data protection and computer misuse. Advice on security including good practice relating to passwords.

Part 1

1 2 3 4 5 Part 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Marks available for minimal errors of spelling, grammar and presentation Total

Mark Available 8 8 5 10 20 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 100

Mark Awarded

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