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How to be

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A guide to healthier

shopping and eating

How to b e
dair y-free
4 A little about Viva! and the VVF…
4 What’s a Vegan?
5 Dairy-free, Hassle-free
5 Eating at Home? Eating Out?
5-6 Calcium Checklist
6 B12? Be Reassured!
7-9 What’s in the Dairy-free Fridge?
11–31 Recipes
11 Coconutty Sweetcorn & Red Pepper Soup Compiled by: Jane Easton
12 Quick Creamy Mushroom Soup Editor: Juliet Gellatley
13 Asparagus Gratinée Photos: Corin Jeavons
13 Mushroom Paté Food stylist: Lesley Jeavons
14 Macaroni ‘Cheese’ Casserole Design: Sussed Design
15 Vegetable Pancakes © Viva! and the Vegetarian & Vegan
15 Cucumber Raita Foundation 2005
17 Mexican Tacos
18 Baked Potato & Assorted Fillings Produced by:
18 Mushroom Stroganoff Viva!
20 Perfect Pizza 8 York Court
21 Sausage, Mash & Veg with Red Onion Gravy Wilder St
22 Celebration Cake Bristol BS2 8QH
23-31 Tofu Heaven Tel 0117 944 1000 (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm)
23 How to Cook Plain, Firm Tofu E
23 Soakin’ Sauce for Tofu W
24 Scrambled Tofu
25 Tofu Lasagne
26 Vodka Pasta Sauce Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation
28 Red Onion & Thyme Tart Top Suite
30 Chocolate Mousse 8 York Court
30 Maple Banana Custard Wilder St
30 Rhubarb & Ginger Fool Bristol BS2 8QH
31 Fruity Tofu Cheesecake Tel: 0117 970 5190 (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm)
32 Chain Gang – Food and Coffee Outlets E
32 Soya Milk Tips
33-34 Stockists

A little about Viva! and the VVF…
Viva! is Europe’s largest vegetarian and vegan for Life and Books for Life catalogues, contact
group that campaigns to end animal suffering Viva! and for the Vegetarian Shop catalogue,
and cruelty. It exposes conditions in factory contact the VVF. Or browse their web shops.
farms and runs The Dark Side of Dairy Contact details on page 3.
campaign – including a ground breaking
report and film on the conditions of modern So you’re thinking about ditching dairy? Well
dairy cows and the fate of their calves. It done! Not only should you feel better, look
produces books and Guides on all the main better and reduce your chances of several
veggie issues and a well respected and major diseases, but you will also help animals
enjoyable magazine, Viva!LIFE. and the planet.

The Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation is the UK’s This booklet is here to guide you through your
premier nutrition and health charity – path to a dairy-free diet. It’s really not difficult
educating the public about how to have a – so long as you want to do it!
healthy diet that promotes well being, instead
of disease. It runs the campaign White Lies –
including a scientific report on the impact of
dairy consumption on our health and how dairy
is linked to many diseases – from eczema and
osteoporosis to heart disease and
diabetes. The VVF can answer any
queries relating to diet and health; and
produces fact sheets and an excellent
mag, VeggieHealth.

Both groups run a merchandise and

book service (offering everything from
dairy-free chocolates to lots of vegan
recipe books and how to fight diseases
such as osteoporosis and breast and
prostate cancers through giving up dairy)
via the web and mail order. For free Gifts

What’s a Vegan?
A person that tends to be much healthier than their dairy and meat eating counterparts!
Why? Because a vegan eats no animal products - red and white meats, fish and other water
creatures, dairy and insect products (such as honey and cochineal) or eggs – that means no
damaging animal protein, animal fats or cholesterol in their diet. However, they can pack their
diet with a wide range of healthy, disease busting foods – high in vegetable protein, fibre,
complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and good fats and include fresh fruit and veg,
pulses (peas, beans and lentils), wholegrains (pastas, breads, rice etc), nuts and seeds, herbs
and spices and vegetable oils (esp flaxseed and virgin olive oil).

How to be dairy-free

Dairy-free, Pizza is still good without cheese. Pizza Express

and Domino’s Pizza both provide a dairy-free
Hassle-free base – just get them to pile on extra tomato
sauce and lots of luvverly veg. Pizza Express
Once you get the hang of the vegan basics, it is even sells vegan cheese pizza and soya cream in
very simple. Dairy-free options are available a few branches, so keep asking!
from all major supermarkets now, ranging from
chocolate to ‘cheese’, Ring ahead of time – any half-decent restaurant will
from sausages to soya be happy to accommodate you with a bit of notice.
milk! We’ve given you
pointers about lots of Motorway services are getting there – just.
new products. If you’d Many are brilliant and provide both soya milk
like to find out even and dairy-free meals. Others…! Again, keep
more, check out the asking nicely.
L-Plate Vegan, £1.50 inc
p&p or the Animal-Free Airlines – usually quite good at providing for
Shopper, £4.99 plus £1.00 different dietary requirements, but make sure
p&p. Both available from you confirm before getting on flight, as they
Viva! (contact details on sometimes forget!
page 3).

Calcium Checklist
Eating at Home?
Dairy is not the only source of calcium, nor is it the
It’s a piece of (yummy vegan) cake, as you’ll see best. Huge numbers of people across the world
from our recipes! (See pages 11 to 31.) can’t digest dairy and still get plenty of calcium.
They obtain theirs from green leafy veg (broccoli,
cabbage, kale, bok choy, watercress etc), pulses (eg
Eating Out? soya – used to make tofu, soya burgers, soya milk
etc – red kidney beans, chick peas, broad beans,
Have no fear! There is far wider knowledge of baked beans), parsnips, swede, turnips, some nuts
what dairy-free and vegan mean nowadays, such as almonds, Brazils, hazelnuts, pistachio and
simply because our eating habits have changed some fruits (dried figs, currants, lemons, esp lemon
so much over the last decade or so. peel!, oranges) and olives – and exceptionally high
are sesame seeds. (Hummus, that gorgeous Middle
Many mainstream coffee outlets, service Eastern dip, contains sesame paste.)
stations and restaurants provide soya milk and
dairy-free meals. See Chain Gang on page 32, a Dairy is a difficult food group to digest and
quick guide to where and what. triggers the most allergies even amongst
Caucasians, who tolerate dairy relatively well
Ethnic food such as Thai (as they use coconut compared to people of African and Asian descent.
milk instead of dairy milk in cooking); Japanese
(again, don’t cook with dairy), Chinese, Indian, Westerners have the highest levels of
Italian, Middle Eastern and Greek restaurants osteoporosis (brittle bones) yet eat the most
usually have plenty of dairy-free options on dairy! Compare this to low levels of
their menus. osteoporosis in other parts of the world where
people eat little or none.

Diets high in animal protein (in dairy, eggs, B12? Be
meat and fish) actually rid the body of calcium,
so it’s far better to get your calcium from plant Reassured!
sources in the first place! Because animal foods
are very acidic, the body tries to neutralise the Vitamin B12 is made by microorganisms in the
acid by leaching calcium from its bones – bad soil – and that’s where our ancestors got it from
news for those on a typically heavy animal – by eating unwashed veg and from dirty water.
protein Western diet. And remember – low-fat We’re not recommending you go back to
milk and cheeses are high in damaging animal nature to that degree! – so instead you have to
protein too! get B12 from fortified products, (products
containing B12 will list it on the ingredients),
We’re the only species that continues to drink which include:
milk after we’re weaned (apart from ‘pets’ that
we control). Just think about going over to a • fortified soya milks and fortified vegan
cow, shoving her calf out of the way and margarines
suckling from her, and you’ll understand how • fortified breakfast cereals
odd – and cruel – it really is! • a B12 vitamin supplement if you like to take
a ‘belt & braces’ approach! (But we do not
Follow a balanced dairy-free diet, take regular recommend other vitamin supplements)
weight-bearing exercise such as walking, • yeast extract such as Marmite or Meridian
running or gym work, don’t smoke – and you Reduced Salt Yeast Extract (good on toast,
will have strong bones! or used as a stock in soups etc)

How to be dairy-free

What’s in the Dairy-free Fridge?

Butter – replace with dairy-free spread. Pure’s Hard – the main brands are –
Dairy-Free Soya Spread and Dairy-Free Redwood’s Cheezly (from health shops or direct
Sunflower Spread are sold at all big from Redwood – see stockists list at end of this
supermarkets and taste good. Other brands Guide for details and note - Viva! Supporters
include Granose, Suma, Biona, Vitaquell – all get a 10% discount on orders of £25 or more
available from most health stores. via mail order!) –

Chocolate – oh, yes. OK, here’s the bad news – • Melting Cheezly in blocks: Mozzarella
milk chocolate contains – yes you’ve guessed it – (Holland & Barrett), Cheddar (from Tesco,
milk! But here’s the good news… Holland & Barrett and Waitrose), Gouda
and Edam flavours
Milk style chocolate – scrummy alternatives, • Non-melting Cheezly in blocks: Garlic &
such as Free From and Plamil bars are available Herb, Nachos Style, Red Cheddar and
from supermarkets and health stores Cheddar with bacon-style pieces flavours
(from health shops or direct)
Plain chocolate – plain or dark chocolate is • Melting Cheezly Mozzarella and Cheddar
often dairy-free (just check there’s no butterfat) flavours in slices (health shops or direct)
and is widely available from supermarkets and
health stores. Brands to look for: There are also:
• Scheese (available from health stores) in no
Green & Black 70% less than nine flavours including Cheddar,
Lindt 70% Hickory Smoked and Mozzarella
Divine Plain • Tofutti melting ‘Mozzarella’ style cheese slices
Kinnerton’s Luxury Plain • Parmesan style Florentino Parmezano is
found pre-grated in little tubs at most good
Tesco Value After Dinner Mints are not only supermarkets and health stores. Very good
cheap but much nicer than their rivals! Ignore with Italian dishes
the cheapo packaging and dive into that thick
chocolaty minty heaven… . Usually next to Cream Cheese – dairy-free cream cheese is
After Eights – which are also vegan. delicious and comes in several flavours. It’s great
on crackers or toast – and the plain stuff makes
More chocolate! – the divinely decadent Booja- a mean cheesecake. Available in health stores:
Booja range… they have to be tasted to be
believed! You can buy them in good delis, • Tofutti – Original (plain), French Herb,
health stores – and from Viva!. In fact, check Garlic & Herb, Herbs & Chives
out our Gifts For Life catalogue (available free • Redwood – Sour Cream & Chive, Garlic & Herb
from Viva! – contact details page 3) to see the • Fromsoy – Horseradish, French Onion, Garlic
fabulous range of chocolate on offer, from & Herb
coconut choccy bars to chocolate covered
mango and everything in-between! Cream – you can still enjoy the richness of
cream, but without the health risks!
Cheese – you won’t be able to replace that hunk
of Brie or blue cheese and we’re not even going • Single – Provamel Alpro Soya Dream is
to pretend – but there are some good dairy-free available from major supermarkets and
alternatives. Here are some of our faves: health stores, Granose Soya Creem from

health stores creamy-licious and animal free, such as Plamil’s
• Double – Soya Too whipping cream and Soyannaise, which is available in big
squirty whipped cream are only available at supermarkets (try the Free From section) as well
present from branches of Fresh & Wild as health stores.
(London or Bristol) but you can buy them
mail order from Vegan Store (see stockists Milk – soya, oat, nut and rice, not stolen from a
at the end of this Guide) cow! Soya milk is another good source of
calcium and you can use it in tea and coffee, as
Custard – Provamel Alpro make superb custard well as on cereal and in cooking – just as you
in a carton. Their Soya Dessert (available in would cow’s milk. Good brands include:
Vanilla, Forest Fruits, Chocolate or Caramel) is
another winner – and as well as lavishing it on • Provamel’s Alpro Soya Sweetened (non-
fruit and so forth, try it as a filling in our chilled with vitamins and calcium) and
Celebration Cake recipe on page 22. Find these Alpro Soya (chilled) (available from
products in the Free From section of a good supermarkets)
supermarket or else at your health store. • So Good (chilled, with calcium and B12)
• Supermarket own brands (usually made by
Ice cream – Enjoy that summer moment Provamel)
without dairy.
See page 32 for the Viva! and VVF Taste Test!
• Swedish Glace is available in most big
supermarkets. Flavours include delicious Nuts – almonds and cashews make a great
Vanilla, Raspberry, Strawberry, Chocolate, cream substitute in both sweet and savoury
Mocha & Chocolate and Caramel. Their choc foods. Grind them down as fine as you can in a
ices are also excellent grinder/blender and then add to smoothies,
• Tofutti is another fantastic brand. Look out sauces and so on. Chock full of goodness too.
for Better Pecan, Madagascan Vanilla,
Strawberry Supreme, Chocolate Cookies and Tofu – the wonderfood! It’s made from soya beans
Vanilla Chocolate Fudge. They also produce and has been a popular standard in the Orient for
Rock’n’Roll, which is rather like Vienetta – thousands of years. It contains excellent levels of
but dairy-free of course! calcium, folate and other vitamins as well as being
• First Glacé Oat Supreme is another excellent high in healthy vegetable protein and low in
choice, available in health stores cholesterol and fat. The smoked and marinated
• Mother Hemp has its own gorgeous range varieties are great in savoury dishes and the silken
also: Vanilla, Strawberry and Mint Choc version in sweet foods. (See Tofu Heaven on page
Chip, made from creamy hemp seed milk. 23 for more ideas.)
Available from health stores
Try recipes such as Vegetable Pancakes on page
Free From Range – most of the major 15, Chocolate Mousse on page 30 and Red Onion
supermarkets have a Free From section, where & Thyme Tart on page 28 – and there are more!
you will find some dairy-free products. Try the
‘organic’ or ‘health’ sections, also, as these Brands to look for:
usually have goodies such as veggie • Cauldron – firm - plain or smoked - good
Worcestershire sauce, egg and dairy-free for stir-fries or lasagne. Available from large
mayonnaise and suchlike. supermarkets and health stores
• Mori-Nu – silken tofu, a wonderful egg-
Mayonnaise – not saturated with egg, but replacer for quiches, mousses and so on.

How to be dairy-free

Available from large supermarkets, health Yoghurt – if you’re a yoghurt fan, no worries,
stores and Oriental stores you can now buy dairy-free varieties. And plain
• Dragonfly, Clear Spot and other brands soya yoghurt makes a mean Raita – cucumber
available from your health store, often and yoghurt dip used to accompany Indian
organic dishes. Try the recipe on page 15.
• If you live in a largeish town or city, look
for your local Oriental supermarket - they • Provamel Alpro – Yofu comes in plain and
also stock tofu of different varieties and it’s fruity varieties - available in big
often much cheaper than elsewhere supermarkets and health stores. The plain is
sold in a large pot, the fruity sort in large
Yeast Flakes – also add a slightly cheesy taste to and small pots
savoury dishes. Marigold (the vegetable stock • Sojasun – wider variety of flavours,
powder people) make it; it’s available in large available from health stores: plain in a 250g
tubs with ‘Marigold Engevita’ on the side. pot; 125g glass pots in: lemon, black cherry,
Available from good supermarkets or health apricot & guava, raspberry and strawberry
stores. Try Asparagus Gratinée on page 13 or
Macaroni ‘Cheese’ on page 14.

Get healthy
Get veggiehealth
So far it has:

• demolished the myth fish is healthy

• exposed the health time bomb
threatening our children’s futures
• highlighted the dangers of Atkins
• explained how veganism can help
manage the menopause
• showed why obesity mostly bothers
• revealed that vegans live longer,
healthier lives

Charity number 1037486

For only £15 a year learn how to separate science
fact from science fiction with the Vegetarian &
Vegan Foundation’s unique quarterly magazine.
It’s easy to read and contains the latest health news as
well as delicious vegan recipes. And by supporting the
VVF you’ll also be strengthening its campaigns to
promote the healthiest diet of all.

The VVF investigates the growing avalanche of health

research, helping the public and professionals by providing
accurate nutritional information through reports, individual
consultations, colourful guides, plus fantastic factsheets on
everything from where to get iron to being leather-free.

To subscribe to veggiehealth send £15 (payable to ‘VVF’) with

your name and address to VVF, 8 York Court, Wilder Street,
Bristol BS2 8QH. Or pay by credit card on 0117 970 5190
(Mon-Fri 9am-6pm) or online at For a
FREE VVF pack contact the VVF by post, phone or email with your details and mention this ad.
How to be dairy-free

Dairy-Free and Delicious –

Recipes to Get You Started
Coconutty Sweetcorn & Red
Pepper Soup Serves 4 If - like our VVF and Viva! teams - you love a
bowl of soup, this is a brilliant recipe. And if
25 minutes: 5-10 minutes preparation, 15 minutes you like your soup smooth rather than
cooking time. chunky, just whizz it up in the blender!

2 onions, finely chopped 1-2 tsp powdered ginger 115g/4oz/1⁄2 cup creamed
3 tbsp vegetable oil 850ml/11⁄2 pints/2 cups water coconut, chopped or grated
1 red pepper, finely chopped 225g/1⁄2lb fresh, frozen or Salt to taste
2 cloves garlic, crushed tinned sweetcorn Black pepper to taste

1. Sauté onions in oil for a few minutes.

2. Add red pepper and garlic. Sauté for a few minutes longer.
3. Add ginger to pan and stir well. Pour in water and bring to boil.
4. Add sweetcorn and creamed coconut. Add seasoning to taste.
5. Cover pan and simmer for a few more minutes before serving.

Quick Creamy Mushroom Soup
Serves 4

A classic and classy soup.

35 minutes: 10 minutes preparation, 25 minutes cooking time.

1 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp fresh parsley, minced or Soya sauce (such as Kikkoman,
340g/12oz mushrooms, sliced 2 tsp dried Sanchi or Clearspring) to taste
⁄2 cup minced celery leaves 1
⁄2 tsp fresh thyme, minced or a 1 cup soya milk
2 tbsp dry sherry pinch of dried Soya cream to serve
31⁄2 cups vegetable stock Salt and black pepper

1. Heat oil in large saucepan over a medium heat.

2. Add mushrooms and celery leaves and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes.
3. Add sherry, stock, parsley and thyme and simmer for 15 minutes.
4. Season with salt and pepper.
5. Remove from heat.
6. Taste soup and add a little shoyu if necessary.
7. Whizz up the soup in a blender or food processor.
8. In a small bowl, combine the soya milk with 1⁄2 cup of soup, blending well.
9. Stir the mixture into soup and serve in individual bowls, each with a swirl of soya cream on the top.

How to be dairy-free

Asparagus Gratinée A luxurious taste of early

Allow 5-6 large spears per person, more if spears are thin summer – best when asparagus
is in season, if at all possible!
15-20 minutes: 5 minutes preparation, 5-10 minutes steaming,
2-3 minutes under grill.

Fresh asparagus spears, as above Salt and black pepper

2-3 handfuls of Marigold nutritional yeast flakes Nice bread to accompany
Extra virgin olive oil

1. Cut away any hard parts from bottom

of spears.
2. Steam until cooked but firm
(5-10 minutes).
3. Spread tinfoil over bottom of a grill pan
and place spears on it, side by side.
4. Sprinkle yeast flakes over spears.
5. Drizzle generous amounts of olive oil
on top.
6. Grill on full until gratinée is golden –
takes approximately 2-3 minutes.
7. Transfer to individual serving plates,
scraping any residue from tinfoil (add more
olive oil if preferred).
8. Serve with nice bread.

Mushroom Paté The essence of mushroomyness! A creamy,

Serves 4 luxurious starter or snack. (We use
vegetarian Worcestershire sauce because the
15-20 minutes: 5-10 minutes preparation, regular variety contains fish.)
10 minutes cooking time.

2 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp plain flour 1 tsp good quality soya sauce, such
225g/1⁄2lb mushrooms, chopped Good pinch black pepper as Kikkoman, Sanchi or Clearspring
(field mushrooms best if you 1 tbsp vegetarian Worcestershire 1
⁄2 cup silken tofu (red or blue
can get them) sauce (available in good packet), well drained
1 cup onion, finely chopped supermarkets and health stores) 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 clove garlic, crushed 1
⁄2 -1 tbsp soya cream (optional)

1. Heat oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat.

2. Add mushrooms, onion and garlic and sauté for about 5 minutes, stirring well.
3. Stir in flour and pepper and mix well.
4. Add the Worcestershire and soya sauce and cook until floury taste has gone.
5. Blend in tofu and lemon juice and cook until heated through but do not boil.
6. Taste and add a little more soya sauce if necessary.
7. If mixture is a bit dry, add a little soya cream, making sure this doesn’t boil either.
8. Serve warm with toast or crackers.

Macaroni ‘Cheese’ Casserole Yes, you can have your old
Serves 5 favourites and be dairy-free!

30 minutes: 10 minutes to cook macaroni and make sauce, 20 minutes oven and grill time.

425g/1lb/31⁄2 cups dried 1

⁄2-1 tsp salt, added gradually 1 cup nutritional yeast flakes
macaroni to taste (Marigold/Engevita brand
⁄2 cup vegan margarine 2 tbsp soya sauce available in large supermarkets
⁄2 cup plain white flour 11⁄2 tsp garlic powder or 1-2 and health stores)
31⁄2 cups boiling water cloves fresh garlic, crushed Paprika
Pinch turmeric

1. Preheat oven to 180ºC/350ºF/Gas Mark 4.

2. Cook macaroni in boiling, lightly salted water according to packet instructions.
3. When cooked, drain in a colander and return to pan to keep warm.
4. While pasta is cooking, melt margarine over low heat.
5. Beat in flour with a wire whisk and continue to beat over a medium heat until the mixture
(called a roux), is smooth and bubbly.
6. Whip in the boiling water, salt, soya sauce, garlic and turmeric, beating well to dissolve the roux.
7. The sauce should continue to cook until it thickens and bubbles.
8. Whip in yeast flakes.
9. Mix part of the sauce with cooked macaroni and put in a casserole dish.
10. Pour rest of sauce on top.
11. Sprinkle with paprika and bake for 15 minutes.
12. Put under grill for a few minutes, until sauce gets stretchy and crisp.

How to be dairy-free

Vegetable Pancakes Roll up, roll up for these fantastic savoury

Serves 2 pancakes! Quick, very tasty and easy. Just get
everything prepared and they almost cook
20 minutes: 15 minutes preparation, 5 minutes themselves! The wraps look lovely, and are
cooking time. posh enough to impress visitors.

Sauce Pancakes and filling 2 tbsp rice wine or dry sherry

⁄4 cup soya sauce such as 4 tortillas 2 large red peppers, diced
Kikkoman, Sanchi or 2 tsp oil (not olive) 1 very large head (or
Clearspring 2 tsp fresh green chillies, finely equivalent) of broccoli:
⁄4 cup water chopped (remove ALL seeds dice stems and keep them
2 tbsp rice vinegar or dry sherry unless you love very hot food!) separate. Chop rest into
2 tsp brown sugar, or date or 2 cloves garlic, crushed florets (heads)
maple syrup 2 tbsp Chinese black bean sauce 170g/6oz firm tofu, cubed
2 tsp cornflour, dissolved in (available from most
⁄4 cup cold water supermarkets and good food
shops). Hoisin sauce is also good

1. If using oven to heat up tortillas, turn it on to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4 while you prepare the
veg etc.
2. Combine sauce ingredients: place soya sauce, water, rice vinegar/sherry, brown sugar/syrup and
dissolved cornflour in a small bowl and set aside.
3. Choose your tortilla heating method!
a. Stack tortillas together, wrap and carefully seal them in tinfoil, then bake in warm oven for
about 5-10 minutes until heated through or
b. Wrap in a paper towel and heat in microwave for a minute or so on medium heat, making
sure you don’t cook them too long as they’ll be chewy.
4. Meanwhile, heat oil in wok or large frying pan.
5. Add chillies and garlic and stir-fry for one minute.
6. Add black bean sauce.
7. Add rice wine/sherry and when thoroughly hot, stir in peppers and broccoli stems.
8. Stir-fry for another minute then add broccoli florets, tofu cubes and 1⁄4 cup water.
9. Cover and let steam for about 2 minutes, until broccoli is just tender.
10. Pour in soya sauce mixture and stir-fry until sauce begins to thicken and bubble, then remove from heat.
11. To serve, place one warm tortilla at a time on a flat surface, put 1⁄4 of filling on the half closest to
you and roll up!

Cucumber Raita
Serves 4 Not only is this good with curries, it is
5-10 minutes. also very good as a starter/snack with strips
of raw veg such as peppers, carrots, celery -
175ml/6fl oz plain soya yoghurt and pitta bread.
100g/4oz cucumber, finely chopped or with
medium holes on a grater
2 rounded tbsp fresh coriander leaves, chopped 1. Mix the first 4 ingredients together.
Black pepper 2. Sprinkle a little cumin over raita and serve.
Cumin powder to sprinkle on top

How to be dairy-free

Mexican Tacos This has to be one of the fastest dinners

Serves 2 ever – and it tastes good!

15 minutes: 5-10 minutes preparation, 5 minutes cooking time.

4 taco shells 1 avocado, stoned, peeled and diced

30ml/2 tbsp oil 1 tomato, skinned, seeded and diced
1 small onion, chopped Salt and black pepper
1 green chilli, seeded and sliced Lettuce leaves
50g/2oz baked beans, mashed (or kidney beans)

1. Place taco shells in oven to warm while preparing filling.

2. Heat oil in frying pan and stir-fry onion and chilli for 2 minutes. Add mashed beans and cook for
further 2 minutes.
3. Stir in avocado and tomato and season with salt and pepper.
4. Line taco shells with lettuce leaves and spoon bean mixture on top. Serve immediately.

Baked Potato & Assorted Fillings Sometimes the old favourites are the best…
Serves 1

25-95 minutes (depending on cooking method and size of potato): 5 minutes preparation and for
getting filling ready, the rest for cooking time.

1. Scrub a large potato – prick it in a few places with a sharp knife or skewer and pop in a pre-
heated oven, 220°C/450°F/Gas Mark 8.
2. Bake for 1-11⁄2 hours, until potato feels soft when a knife is stuck in.
3. Alternatively, scrub, prick and microwave on the highest setting for about 12 minutes
depending on your microwave. (For that nutty, crispy skin taste, stick potato in hot oven for 5-
10 minutes afterwards.)
4. Add vegan spread such as Pure, if you wish.
5. Choose your filling:
• Baked beans
• Veggie curry such as Tesco Vegetable Dhal or Mushroom and Spinach Bhaji
• Veggie chilli like Pure & Pronto Mixed Bean Chilli
• Pasta sauce (such as Meridian brand or Dolmio) with tinned lentils, drained and rinsed
• Bean salad – available from deli sections in supermarkets. Or make your own with a tin of
drained and rinsed mixed beans, some vinaigrette dressing and chopped salad veg of your choice

Mushroom Stroganoff If you love that sexy stroganoff taste, this

Serves 4-6 is an excellent version and good for a special
occasion. It might seem like a lot of
50 minutes: 10 minutes preparation, 40 minutes mushrooms, but they do cook down!
cooking time.

75g/3oz/1⁄3 cup vegan margarine ⁄4 tsp paprika


1 onion, chopped 150ml/1⁄4 pint/2⁄3 cup white wine

2 garlic cloves, crushed 15ml/1 level tbsp cornflour
1.6kg/31⁄2lb mushrooms, quartered. (Try to use a 300ml/1⁄2 pint/11⁄4 cup soya cream
variety of mushrooms if possible. Field and 15ml/1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
chestnut mushrooms are very good. Or white Salt and black pepper
with chestnut) Boiled rice or pasta for 4

1. Melt margarine and sauté onion and garlic for a few minutes until softened.
2. Add mushrooms and simmer for up to 30 minutes until liquid has evaporated.
3. If serving with rice or pasta, put water on to boil now and cook. Keep rice/pasta warm when done.
4. Add paprika to stroganoff mixture and stir in well.
5. Add wine and simmer for 5 minutes.
6. Mix cornflour with a little water, then stir it into pan.
7. Bring to boil, then simmer for another 5 minutes until thickened, stirring continuously.
8. Add soya cream but don’t boil.
9. Add lemon juice and seasoning.
10. Serve hot on a bed of rice or pasta.

How important
are vegans?
They help to save animals from cruelty, stop environmental destruction, prevent global
starvation and face a healthier future as a bonus. That’s pretty important and Viva!’s
campaigns are leading the way.
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why Viva! is doing all it can to end it. With your support, we can be even more effective.

The only way to save

animals from suffering
is to stop eating them

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Perfect Pizza Makes 1 small pizza – enough to feed 1-2
people, depending how hungry/greedy you are!
25 minutes: 10 minutes preparation, 10-15
minutes cooking time.

1 pizza base (Safeway/Morrisons own brand of Other veg of your choice: sweetcorn, olives,
ready-made base and Heinz’s base are dairy- tinned artichoke hearts cut in half, thinly-sliced
free. Or else buy one from your health store) onions etc are all very good
1 jar pizza topping or pasta sauce or your own Olive oil
home-made thick tomato sauce 2-3 slices melting vegan ‘cheese’ such as Redwood’s
3 medium mushrooms, sliced Melting Mozzarella or Melting Cheddar
⁄2 small red pepper, cut into thin rings or slices Freshly ground black pepper

1. Preheat oven to temperature according to instructions on pizza base packet.

2. Lightly fry vegetables – except for ready cooked items such as sweetcorn and artichoke hearts.
3. Leave mushrooms until last and don’t overcook.
4. Spread pizza base with topping, then arrange vegetables and cheese artistically on top.
5. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until veg just tender and cheese has melted.

How to be dairy-free

Sausage, Mash & Veg with Red Another old favourite! This one has a
Onion Gravy Serves 4 slight gourmet twist, with a delicious gravy.

35-40 minutes: 5 minutes to prepare potatoes, 25-30 minutes to make gravy. The vegetables can be
prepared and cooked while the gravy is simmering.

8-12 vegan sausages such as Fry’s, Linda Gravy Ingredients

McCartney or Real Eat, depending on how 1 red onion, diced
many each person can eat! 2 tbsp oil
850g/1kg potatoes, peeled and quartered 2 tbsp plain flour
veg of your choice, such as broccoli, cabbage or Clove of garlic (crushed)
carrots – or a combination 450ml/15fl oz vegetable stock
Veggie gravy 1 tsp yeast extract
1 or 2 tbsp soya sauce such as Kikkoman, Sanchi
or Clearspring
Black pepper

1. Put prepared potatoes in a pot of cold water, salt lightly, bring to boil and cook until tender –
between 12-18 minutes.
2. Heat up grill for sausages and cook them while gravy simmering.
3. Make gravy:
a) Fry the onion in the oil for 5 minutes.
b) Add the flour and cook for a further 5 to 10 minutes until the flour and onion are nut-
brown and the onion is soft and slightly pulpy.
c) Add the garlic then gradually stir in the vegetable stock (or fresh vegetable cooking water).
d) Bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes. (Remember to cook sausages at this point –
and turn them over halfway through to stop them burning!)
e) Add the yeast extract, soya sauce and black pepper. Stir well.
f) If it goes lumpy, use a balloon whisk to beat out lumps, or pour in blender.
g) Strain if you like, or serve as it is.
Notes. As a variation, try adding a diced red pepper, a handful of cashew nuts, about 8 diced
button mushrooms and a dash of red wine. Rather than straining the gravy, whizz it in a blender.
4. While gravy and potatoes are cooking, prepare vegetables and steam for a few minutes.
5. Check potatoes. When ready, mash with a little vegan margarine and soya milk. Season if necessary.
6. Serve on warm plates.

Celebration Cake Moist and light. Mmmmm! It’s also very
Serves 8 large slices easy and quick to make.

Wet ingredients Dry ingredients

1 cup soya milk 2 cups fine wholemeal flour
⁄4 cup maple syrup 1 level tbsp baking powder
⁄2 cup mashed banana (1 medium or 2 small) Pinch salt
⁄3 cup sunflower oil
2 tsp vanilla extract Filling
2 tsp cider vinegar Jam of your choice (We like blackberry, but
apricot would be good too!)
Provamel Vanilla Soya Dessert

1. Preheat oven to 180ºC/350ºF/Gas Mark 4. (If using a fan-assisted oven, see maker’s instructions
and alter time/temperature accordingly.)
2. Lightly oil or spray 2 shallow 9 inch cake tins. Loose-bottomed or spring form are best.
3. Place wet ingredients in a blender or food processor and process until smooth.
4. Place dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl and stir them together.
5. Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and beat well, using a wire whisk or electric beater to
make a smooth batter.
6. Pour batter equally into the prepared cake tins.
7. Shake pans back and forth to even out batter, then tap on a work surface to rid the batter of
any air pockets.
8. Bake for about 25-30 minutes (less if in a fan-assisted oven), until a skewer inserted in the
centre of each cake comes out clean. You may have to swap oven racks to ensure that each cake
is cooked evenly.
9. Remove cake tins from oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes.
10. Gently turn them out of the tins – a long spatula is handy for this – and allow to cool completely.
11. While cakes are cooling, get the filling of your choice ready.
12. If using our filling suggestion, spread jam on each half of cake, then the Soya Dessert. Put the
two halves together, slice the cake and serve.

How to be dairy-free

Tofu Heaven
What & Where? 3. Spread garlic paste over each side.
Tofu is the Japanese word for bean curd. It is 4. Sauté the tofu (fry gently) in a little
made from soya beans which means that it’s sunflower oil ‘til golden brown on each side.
very high in protein and low in fat. In fact it’s 5. When it’s done, add a bit of shoyu in the
the richest and cheapest source of protein pan and let it coat each side of the tofu.
available in the world. It is sold in packets in the 6. Drain on kitchen paper.
following varieties and locations: 7. You can use these tofu steaks as they are or
else slice into cubes and add to the rest of
• Plain medium-firm, such as Cauldron Foods the ingredients near the end of cooking time.
brand – available in most supermarkets in
the chilled cabinets. Oriental supermarkets Soakin’ Sauce for Tofu
are also a good source (and often cheaper) Here’s another way to prepare plain tofu for a
• Smoked tofu – also Cauldron but you can stir-fry or similar dish.
buy other brands in health stores
• Marinated tofu – Cauldron and other 1 pack plain tofu, sliced lengthways into ‘steaks’
companies – available in health stores 1 heaped tsp grated ginger
• Silken tofu – Mori-Nu make silken tofu, a 2 cloves garlic crushed
wonderful egg-replacer for quiches, mousses 2 tsp brown sugar
and suchlike. It comes in different coloured 1 tbsp vegetable oil
packets. We tend to use the red (soft) or blue 2 tbsp soya sauce (see above for suitable brands)
(firm) varieties, but they also make an enriched
(higher in calcium) version, as well as ‘lite’ 1. Mix all the above together, place tofu
versions, which take this already low-fat food ‘steaks’ in a dish and pour liquid over them.
down to zero! Available from large 2. Mop up excess liquid with kitchen paper or
supermarkets, Oriental stores and health stores. a clean tea towel.
3. If you’re in a rush, fry tofu straight away,
How? until golden brown and crispy on outside.
It looks and feels a bit like a soggy sponge(!!) – but 4. If not, soak the tofu in the sauce for
don’t worry, it absorbs flavours really well. If you anything from 20 minutes to 24 hours.
buy the plain version, try our two methods below! 5. Drain and mop up as above.
6. Fry in oil in a wok or frying pan as above.
How to Cook Plain, Firm Tofu
Use this in stir-fries, Thai, Japanese etc dishes You can also deep fry it! That’s what the
Chinese do to get that golden crispy texture on
1 slab of firm tofu, drained the outside and creamy middle.
Garlic paste (optional)
Sunflower oil for frying Smoked or ready-made marinated tofu is much
Soya sauce like Kikkoman, Sanchi or Clearspring stronger in taste and ready to cook without
flavouring first. It all depends on what sort of
1. Mop up the tofu’s excess dampness with savoury dish you are going to add the tofu to –
kitchen paper or a clean tea towel. if you are using a highly flavoured sauce, plain
2. Slice it long ways into 2 ‘steaks’. is probably better.

Scrambled Tofu This is a great alternative to scrambled eggs. It’s good on
Serves 2 its own on toast – or add it to a big cooked breakfast!

10-15 minutes: 5 minutes preparation time, 7-10 minutes to cook.

1 block firm tofu Chilli (only if you like hot spicy food!)
1 tbsp oil Chopped spring onion (if you like it)
1 small onion, finely chopped Salt and pepper
Turmeric (mild tasting yellow spice – watch you Bread for toast
don’t get it on clothes, as it stains! It’s available
in all supermarkets, health and Indian stores)

1. Remove the tofu from its wrapper and drain all the water out.
2. Pat dry using a clean tea towel and then squash it between two plates so that the excess water
drains out.
3. Add 1 tbsp of oil to a frying pan and heat gently.
4. Add chopped onion.
5. When the onion is beginning to soften and brown (after about 5 minutes) crumble in the tofu –
it should be in small pieces about the size of peas.
6. Gently fry for a couple more minutes and add some turmeric, chilli and spring onion if you want
them and a little bit of salt and pepper.
7. Serve with toast and any other breakfast things you fancy!

How to be dairy-free

Tofu Lasagne An easy and delicious variation on an old

Serves 8 favourite. If you are really stuck for time, use
ready-made pasta sauce such as Meridian.
50-80 minutes, depending on whether you use Although this might seem to take a long
sauce from a jar or make your own: 10 minutes time to cook, remember that you can be
preparation, 20-30 minutes to cook fresh sauce/1 doing other things while it’s baking – just
minute to open jars…, 30-40 minutes to bake. use the oven timer or any bleepy clock!

Sauce 1 bay leaf Filling

1 tbsp olive oil 11⁄2 tsp salt 3 cups firm tofu (such as
1 medium onion, chopped 1
⁄2 tsp freshly ground black Cauldron), drained and
quite small pepper crumbled
1 tsp minced garlic 1
⁄4 cup finely chopped fresh
4 cups passata (sieved Or parsley or 1 tbsp dried
tomatoes – usually sold in 4 cups (approximately 2 large 8oz lasagne no-cook sheets
cartons or glass bottles and jars) of herby tomato sauce in 1 cup grated dairy-free cheese
found in supermarkets and a jar, such as Meridian, – use Redwood’s Cheezly
other food outlets) Dolmio, Ragu or Loyd Melting Mozzarella or Melting
1 tbsp dried basil Grossman Cheddar style if possible
1 tsp dried oregano

1. If using ready-made sauce, ignore steps 5-6 & 9!

2. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat.
3. Add onion, cover and cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
4. Add garlic and cook for a few minutes.
5. Remove lid, add garlic, passata, basil, oregano, bay leaf, 1⁄2 tsp of salt and 1⁄4 tsp of pepper.
6. Simmer 20-30 minutes to allow flavours to blend.
7. 5-10 minutes before end of sauce cooking time, preheat oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas Mark 5.
8. In a large bowl, combine crumbled tofu with parsley, remaining 1 tsp salt, remaining 1⁄4 tsp
pepper, mixing until well-combined.
9. When sauce has cooked, discard bay leaf.
10. If using ready-made sauce, add this to the cooked onions.
11. Spread a thin layer of tomato sauce in bottom of a shallow rectangular baking dish.
12. Arrange a layer of lasagne sheets on top.
13. Spread layer of tofu mixture.
14. Repeat with alternating layers, ending with tomato sauce.
15. Top with ‘cheese’ and bake for 30-40 minutes, or until heated through.
16. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving.

Vodka Pasta Sauce No worries about getting drunk – the
Serves 4 alcohol boils off, I’m afraid! But it does add a
special something to this very creamy tomato
10-15 minutes: 10 minutes preparation and to sauce – which is also very quick to make.
cook garlic plus whizzing time (the pasta cooks
while you’re doing preparation and blending).

2 tbsp olive oil 2 cups pasta sauce from a jar, or 2 cups home
3 cloves garlic, crushed made
10 black olives, without stones 1
⁄2 cup silken tofu, drained
⁄4 tsp chilli flakes or pinch chilli powder Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp vodka or dry sherry 450g/1lb rigatoni, penne or other tubular pasta

1. Cook pasta in boiling water – 8-10 minutes, according to packet instructions and how soft you
like it.
2. Sauté garlic in olive oil until cooked but not brown.
3. Add vodka and stir for a minute or so.
4. Throw all ingredients (except pasta!) into a food processor and blend until smooth.
5. Drain pasta and keep warm.
6. If sauce too thick, add a little soya milk.
7. Heat through, serve on pasta and sprinkle with freshly-ground black pepper.

Red Onion & One of Viva! and VVF’s favourite recipes. If you’re
Thyme Tart Serves 4-6 thinking, ‘oh no, not pastry-making’, think again! It’s a fool-
proof recipe even for pastry-phobes like me. Don’t worry if it
75 minutes: 10-15 minutes won’t roll out easily – just do a ‘stick and patch’ job and it’ll
preparation, 30 minutes cooking still turn out fine. And to save time, you could make the
onions, 30 minutes baking. pastry the night before.

Pastry Filling
150g/5oz/11⁄4 cups wholemeal self-raising flour 25ml/11⁄2 tbsp olive oil
65g/21⁄2oz/5 tbsp vegan margarine 3 medium red onions, finely sliced
40-60ml/3-4 tbsp cold water 5ml/1 tsp dried thyme
25g/1oz walnuts, finely chopped 2.5ml/1⁄2 tsp brown sugar
130g/31⁄2oz soft silken tofu
150ml/1⁄4 pint/2⁄3 cup soya cream
15ml/1 tbsp Dijon mustard
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Sift flour and salt into a bowl, adding any bran left in the sieve. Rub in the margarine with your
fingers until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
2. Mix in walnuts, then add enough cold water to form a dough.
3. Turn out dough on to a lightly floured work surface and knead until smooth and elastic. Wrap
in plastic and chill for 30 minutes.

1. Heat oil in a large heavy based frying pan. Sweat onions over a low heat for 20 minutes until
very soft and translucent, stirring often.
2. Stir in thyme, sugar and seasoning and cook for a further 5 minutes until caramelised.
3. Set aside and leave to cool slightly.
4. Blend silken tofu, soya cream, Dijon mustard and seasoning in a food processor or liquidiser
until smooth and creamy.
5. Preheat oven to 200ºC/400ºF/Gas Mark 6.
6. Lightly grease a fluted 23cm/9 inch loose-bottomed quiche tin.
7. Roll out pastry on a lightly floured work surface, then gently lift it using a rolling pin. Don’t
worry if it breaks up.
8. Press pastry into tin with your finger tips and trim top. Use extra bits to mend any holes!
9. Prick pastry base with fork, line with greaseproof paper and baking beans and bake blind for 10
minutes until lightly golden.
10. Remove paper and beans, then spoon onions into pastry base.
11. Mix tofu mixture into onions and smooth with a knife.
12. Bake for 30 minutes until golden and set.

How to be dairy-free

Chocolate Mousse (Photo on the cover.) The perfect recipe – it’s lip-smackingly
delicious, very quick to make and nutritious! Serve in little
25 minutes, plus chilling expresso cups for a sophisticated feel, or in glasses interlaced with
time. non-dairy cream… or with chopped strawberries/raspberries.

455g/1lb silken tofu (red packet) – available in Blacks/Divine

good supermarkets or health stores. 3 tbsp maple syrup
285g/10oz dairy-free chocolate chips or dairy- 1 tsp vanilla extract
free dark chocolate such as Green & Pinch salt

1. Line a sieve with kitchen paper and place tofu inside. Cover tofu with paper and place a weight
on top (such as a tin of beans laid on its side).
2. Allow the tofu to drain for about 15 minutes, or until about 80ml/3fl oz has drained out.
3. Blend tofu in a food processor or blender until just smooth.
4. Soften chocolate with maple syrup in a double boiler (or bowl over pan of hot water), set over a
low heat.
5. Stir gently with a rubber or plastic spatula until the mix has melted and combined.
6. Pour chocolate mixture with vanilla extract and salt into processor with the tofu.
7. Mix until creamy, scraping down sides once or twice to ensure everything well mixed in.
8. Refrigerate in individual serving dishes of your choice and allow to set in the fridge for an hour
or so.

Maple Banana Custard Simple, smooth, delicately flavoured and comforting.

Serves 3-4

1 pack firm silken tofu (blue packet) 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 large ripe banana, mashed 1 tsp vanilla extract
⁄4 cup maple syrup

1. Place everything in blender or food processor.

2. Process for several minutes until the tofu has lost its grainy texture and the whole thing is very creamy.
3. Serve at once or transfer to a covered container and chill.
4. The flavour gets even nicer when the ingredients have the chance to party together!

Rhubarb & Ginger Fool

Serves 4

20-25 minutes, plus chilling time.

450g/1lb rhubarb 290g/10oz silken tofu (blue or red packet)

90g/3oz/scant 3⁄4 cup dried dates Toasted slivered almonds
1 tsp fresh ginger, grated Mint leaves to decorate
60ml/2fl oz/1⁄4 cup water

1. Slice rhubarb into 2.5cm/1 inch pieces and stew in a pan of boiling water for 1 minute, then
strain. (This takes away some of the rhubarb’s tartness and acidity.)
2. Finely chop the dates and place in a saucepan with rhubarb, grated ginger and water.

How to be dairy-free

3. Bring to boil and simmer until rhubarb and dates are soft.
4. Allow mixture to cool.
5. Blend or food process the rhubarb mixture with silken tofu until smooth.
6. Divide the fool between 4 individual dishes and decorate with toasted almonds and mint leaves.
7. Chill before serving.

Fruity Tofu Cheesecake

Serves 4-6

30 minutes: 10 minutes preparation, 20 minutes baking plus cooling time.

200g/7oz vegan digestive biscuits or Hobnob 1-2 tbsp golden syrup

type (supermarket own brand oat crunch type 1 tsp vanilla essence
are often vegan) 1
⁄2 tsp lemon or orange essence (optional)
75g/21⁄2oz vegan margarine 2 tsp arrowroot
50ml/2fl oz soya milk Mixed berry fruits (tinned or frozen) for
350g/12oz silken tofu (red packet) topping. If frozen, the fruit might be a bit tart,
200g/7oz vegan cream cheese so you can sprinkle it with some caster sugar.
1 tbsp vegetable oil

1. Preheat oven to 180ºC/350ºF/Gas Mark 4.

2. Grind biscuits until there are no lumps left (or batter them with a rolling pin in a sealed plastic bag!).
3. Melt margarine in pan, mix in biscuit crumbs.
4. Spread biscuit/margarine mixture in a greased flat tin (about 8-9 inch spring form tin best) and
bake in oven for 5 minutes.
5. Blend all other ingredients – but not fruit – thoroughly until smooth.
6. Remove cheesecake base from oven.
7. Pour filling mixture over base and return to oven.
8. Bake for 20 minutes.
9. Remove and leave to cool.
10. Top with fruit topping and chill before serving.

Chain Gang - Food and Coffee Outlets
It’s amazing where you can get dairy-free food Costa Coffee – soya milk at no extra charge and
and drink nowadays. The UK is catching up with soya lattes etc included on their menu.
the USA in this respect, and as greater numbers National, including airports and railway
of people turn to a dairy-free lifestyle, more stations.
companies are offering alternatives. It’s always
good to ask – the more requests a company Prêt a Manger – always stock at least one vegan
gets, the more likely it is to make changes! sandwich. National.

AMT – soya milk at no extra charge. National, Ritazza – soya milk on request at no extra cost.
mainly railway stations. National, including motorway services.

Boots – their Free From lunch range includes a Starbucks – sell a falafel, hummus and salad
couple of vegan sandwiches, plus small cartons wrap which is vegan. They also stock soya milk
of soya milk and a vegan snack bar. National. on request at an extra 35p. National, including
kiosks in the Borders.
Caffe Nero – soya milk on request at 30p extra.
National. Wetherspoons – sell several vegan items,
including a veggie burger. All their products are
Coffee Republic – soya milk on request at 35p clearly marked on the menu. They even provide
extra. Mainly South East, although Manchester vegan margarine! National pub chain.
and Birmingham branches also.

Soya Milk Tips

• Soya milk is great in tea
• Fresh Provamel Alpro Soya (as opposed to the ordinary UHT packs) and So Good don’t curdle in coffee.
UHT soya milk does curdle sometimes in coffee, depending on the brand, so follow these tips:
• Heat soya milk – the heating process stops it curdling
• If you don’t have time for that, let the coffee cool a little or add some cold water
• Then add the coffee to the soya milk rather than the other way round

Viva! and VVF Taste Test - Soya Milk recommendations

Top of the list came
1. Alpro sweetened (blue).
2. Alpro Orange was a close runner-up.
3. We also liked White Wave, So Good and Soleil.

Almond milk (especially Ecomil’s organic) was also very popular as a drink in its own right, on
breakfast cereals or in smoothies.

Remember - everyone’s taste buds are different, so you might want to experiment. There are also
other types of milk, such as rice and oat, which some people prefer. However, they aren’t as high
in calcium as the soya products – although all are very healthy.

How to be dairy-free

Booja-Booja – ‘Everyone needs a little Booja- Plamil – gorgeous mayonnaise, dairy-free
Booja now and then’ so they say! Don’t ask, just chocolate (some available from Viva!), carob
revel in the sexiness of their chocolate fair- bars – and divine chocolate spread! Available in
trade, organic, gorgeous products. Dairy-free health stores and some supermarkets or online
and lovin’ it! Available from Viva! and health at
stores, amongst others.
Provamel Alpro – their soya milk comes in
Blue Lotus – Blue Lotus sell vegan cakes and several varieties. They also sell Yofu – a dairy-
other goodies online. free yoghurt – amongst other things. You can buy their products in large supermarkets as well
as health stores.
Cauldron – make great tofu and falafels, which
are available in most good-sized supermarkets. Realeat – sausages, veggie mince, nuggets. The
However, not all their products are dairy-free mince is available in big supermarkets, the
or vegan. others can be found in health stores. Great taste
and the mince makes a fine lasagne, shepherd’s
Free & Easy Cheese Sauce – cheese sauce pie, spaghetti ‘Bolognese’ and suchlike.
without cheese! Quick to make and tasty, it’s
available in Morrisons, Holland & Barrett or by Redwood – meat, cheese and fish alternatives!
mail order from Veggie Stuff (see below). This award-winning company produces a
wonderful range of foods, their melting
Fry’s – some of the best veggie sausages, veggie ‘cheeses’ being particularly good. They also
mince, burgers and nuggets around – and all make Cheatin’ Meats and Fishless Fish patés,
animal-free. Try their veggie strips too, good in amongst other amazing things. Redwoods
stir-fries or veggie doner ‘vebabs’! Available foods are available at some supermarkets and
from Holland & Barrett, health stores and mail by mail order: 01536 400557 or email
order from Visit their website to
Telephone 01489 574593 or email see their entire range of fantastic cruelty-free foods They also have
a store finder guide to locate stockists in your
Marigold – (no, not the rubber glove people!) area. Viva! Supporters get a 10% discount on
This company makes vegan stock powder and orders £25 or more (via mail order and the web
Engevita yeast flakes. Available from large shop). To join Viva! call 0117 944 1000 or online
supermarkets and health stores. at

Meridian – their Free From sauces and other Sainsbury’s – own brand soya milk and Free
products are very good. We love the Mushroom From range, as well as some own brand dairy-
& White Wine sauce, but their pasta sauces, free ready meals.
yeast extract and many other goodies are also
brilliant. They’re widely available from good Sanchi – soya sauce. Available in most good
supermarkets – try the Organic or Free From sized supermarkets or health stores.
sections – and health stores.
Sojasun – delicious soya yoghurts, available in
Mori-Nu – silken tofu, available in good health stores.
supermarkets, health stores, delis and elsewhere.

Tesco – their own brand soya milk (in the pale or telephone us for free Gifts
blue and cream pack) is good and they also sell For Life and/or Books For Life catalogues on 0117
Realeat veggie mince and their own brand 944 1000 (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm).
dairy-free dishes, as well as a Free From range.
Oh, and let’s not forget those Value After- VVF – buy a wide range of merchandise and
Dinner Mints! books – or call for a
free Vegetarian Shop catalogue on 0117 970
Vegan Store – great range of mail order dairy- 5190 (9am-6pm).
free goodies. Order online or else phone. Tel 01273 302979. Waitrose – own soya milk is good. Also do a
range of dairy-free products and ready-meals.
Veggie Stuff – another great mail order source.
Order online or else phone them. Check out other supermarkets such as the Co-op Tel 0800 542 9707 (who label all their products if they are suitable
between 10am-1pm. for vegetarians or vegans); Morrisons, Asda and
so on, for dairy-free goods. But the best places
Viva! – buy dairy-free sweets and chocolate from to shop are your local health food stores - as
our lovely Merchandising and Book Department. they have a myriad of dairy-free products.

Big Up Your Health!
The Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation is your
corner shop for nutritional information about vegetarian and
vegan diets.

Just starting out? Becoming Vegan will answer both

practical and specific questions about your new way of life. It
costs just £12.99 (plus add £2 p&p) to lay that foundation
of knowledge.

For quick reference in the kitchen, our colourful, laminated

Wallchart (£2, plus £1 p&p - what a steal!) is a necessity.
At a glance, you'll see where to get your vital vitamins and
nutrients, and there’s plenty of them in the recipes from the
venerable Rose Elliot’s Vegan Feasts cookbook, only
£8.99 (plus £2 p&p). If you’re already a vegan gourmand,
you’ll want Vegan in your culinary arsenal. At £12.99 (plus
£2 p&p), and packed to the hilt with stunning recipes for
every occasion, those pages will be worn in no time.

Want to eat yourself to health? Just wait until you read The China Study
by T. Colin Campbell (£24.95 plus £4.50 p&p). A remarkable book from a
world renowned cancer scientist (he was advisor to the World Health
Organisation), who explains in a very compelling style, why vegans are
protected so much from all cancers; heart disease; diabetes, autoimmune
diseases and more - and why dairy is such a culprit in causing these killers.

Remember, your health is in your hands. A wholegrain vegan diet can prevent
and cure many diseases. If you want to know more, read Jane Plant’s
landmark tome about preventative nutrition in Your Life in Your Hands.
£9.99 (plus £2 p&p) is a tiny price to pay for robust health, n’est-ce pas?

To order any of the above or to request a free copy of our Vegetarian Shop catalogue,
please contact The Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation, Monday-Friday from 9 to 6 on
0117 970 5190 or see our website on Alternatively, send a
written order and cheque or PO, payable to VVF (with your name and address) to:
VVF, Top Suite, 8 York Court, Wilder Street, Bristol BS2 8QH

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