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V VMware View: In nstall, Configu C ure, Ma anage

elivery Metho ods De

Instructor-led training Live-online L O Onsite training

Co ourse Overview O w
Th his hands-on training c course build ds your skill ls in the VM Mware Vie ew suite of products s: VMware V View Mana ager, View C Composer, and VMware ThinApp. This cours se is based on the View 5.1 and Th hinApp 4.7 releases. r Be efore attend ding this cou urse, you m must be able to perform m the following task ks: Create C a tem mplate in V VMware vCe enter Serve er and de eploy a virtual v mach hine from th he template e. Modify M a tem mplate cust tomization file. Open O a virtu ual machine e console in vCenter S Server and access the guest op perating sy ystem. Configure C Active A Direc ctory service es.

Co ourse Duratio on
F Four days of instructor-led training 6 60% lecture, 40% % hands-on lab

Target Audienc ce
Sys stem administrato ors and system inte egrators responsible for deploying g the VMware virtua al desktop infra astructure

Pre erequisites
Req quired E Experience in Mic crosoft Windows s A Active Directory administration a E Experience with VMware V vSphere e Rec commended C Completion of VM Mware vSphere: Install, Configure e, Manage

Co ourse Objective O es
By y the end of f the course e, you shou uld understa and the features and operation of View V and be e able to do o the follow wing: Install and configure c V View compo onents. Create C and manage de edicated an nd floating d desktop pools. Deploy D and manage lin nked-clone virtual des sktops. Configure C and a manage e desktops that run in local mode e. Configure C user u profiles s with View w Persona M Managemen nt. Configure C secure s acce ess to deskt tops throug gh a public network. Use U ThinAp pp to package applicat tions.

Pri icing
Con ntact your VMwa are representative e or a VMware Authorized Training Cen nter for pricing in nformation.

Mo ore Information
Cou urses are conven niently scheduled d around the world. Go G to http p://www.vmware. .com/education to find d the class that is s right for you. Ons site training is als so available for cus stomers who pref fer to bring a VMware Certified In nstructor to their own n facilities. For ad dditional info ormation about onsite classes, including facility req quirements, go to o http p://www.vmware. .com/education.

Edu ucation Services s Datasheet

VM Mware View: Install, Config gure, Manage

Course Modules M
Course Introd duction Introduction ns and course log gistics Course obje ectives

Lo ocal-Mode Desk ktops Configuring loca al-mode desktop ps View Transfer S Server and the Transfer Server re epository Local-mode ope erations Ma anaging View S Security Network configu uration and authe entication option ns Configuring the View security se erver Vie ew Persona Ma anagement Configuring use er profiles with Vi iew Persona Management View Persona M Management and d Windows roam ming profiles Configuring a V View Persona Ma anagement deplo oyment Best practices ffor a View Persona Management t deployment Co ommand-Line T Tools and Backu up Options vdmadmin utilitty Client systems in kiosk mode Backing up the View databases s Restoring the V View databases Vie ew Connection Server Perform mance and Scala ability Replica connec ction servers Performance co onsiderations and load balancing g

Introduction to t VMware View w View featur res and compone ents

View Connect tion Server Installation and configuratio on


View Desktop ps View Agent t PCoIP and Remote Desktop Protocol remot te display protoco ols USB redirection and multim media redirection


View Client Options O View Client t View Client t with Local Mode e Thin clients s and zero clients s Virtual Printing with View Cllient View Adminis strator Configuring g the View enviro onment Managing users, u sessions, and policies Configuring g and provisioning automated poo ols of desktops Role-based d delegated administration Monitoring the View environ nment Configuring and a Managing Linked L Clones View Comp poser operations Deploying and a provisioning linked-clone des sktops Managing linked-clone desk ktops Managing persistent p disks



VM Mware ThinApp Using ThinApp to capture applic cations Deploying and u updating ThinAp pp packages Virtualizing Inte ernet Explorer 6 f for use on a Wind dows 7 system Managing ThinA App applications s in View

VM Mware, Inc. 3401 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto CA 94304 USA Tel 87 77-486-9273 Fax 650-427-5001


2 2012 VMware, Inc. All right ts reserved. The product or workshop materials is pro otected by U.S. and international copyright and intel lectual property laws. VMw ware products are covered d by one or more patents li isted at h html. VMware is a register red trademark or trademar rk of VMware, Inc. in the U United States and/or other jjurisdictions. All other mar rks and names mentioned herein may be trad demarks of their respective e companies. VMware warrants that it will perform p these workshop se ervices in a reasonable ma anner using generally accepted industry standards an nd practices. THE EXPRE ESS WARRANTY SET FO ORTH IS IN LIEU OF ALL O OTHER WARRANTIES, EXP PRESS, IMPLIED, STATU UTORY OR OTHERWISE INCLUDING IMPLIED WA ARRANTIES OF MERCHA ANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PU URPOSE WITH RESPECT T TO THE SERVICES AND D DELIVERABLES PRO OVIDED BY VMWARE, OR AS TO THE RESULTS WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED THEREFROM. VMWA ARE WILL NOT BE LIABLE E FOR ANY THIRD-PART TY SERVICES OR PRODU UCTS IDENTIFIED OR RE EFERRED TO CUSTOMER. All materials provided in this workshop ar re copyrighted by VMware ("Workshop Materials"). VMware V grants the custom er of this workshop a licen nse to use and make reaso onable copies of any Work kshop Materials strictly for the purpose of facilitating suc ch company's internal unde erstanding, utilization and operation o of its licensed VM Mware product(s). Except as set forth expressly in th he sentence above, there is no transfer of any intelle ectual property rights or any y other license granted und der the terms of this workshop. If you are located in the t United States, the VMw ware contracting entity for t the service will be VMware e, Inc., and if outside of the United States, the VMwa are contracting entity will be V VMware International Limited. VMware SKU: EDU-VIC CM51-OE Rev. 5/2012

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