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Human Resource Management HRM Question Papers Pune University

Here are the different years Question Papers of Human Resource Management (HRM) MBA of Pune University. Also you can find answers in our MBA Notes section. We will upload some new question papers as per availability. You can send some more question papers or notes on MBA to publish. HRM Question Papers Pune University May 2009 Instructions to the candidates:1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Ql) Define Human Resource Management & discuss the difference between Personnel Management and HRM. Q2) Explain in detail the process of recruitment & selection of the employees. Q3) Explain the importance of training & development & further describe the need for evaluation of training programmes. Q4) What do you understand by Performance Appraisal management system? Elaborate any three methods of Performance Appraisal. . Q5) Compensation Management plays a vital role in various aspects of HRM. Discuss. Q6) Elaborate various methods of employee separation. Q7) Write short notes (any two): a) Succession Planning. b) Quality Circles. c) Rating Errors. d) Job Description. May 2009 old Ql) Discuss what is Human Resource Management and explain the difference between Personnel Management and HRM. [14]

Q2) Discuss the importance of Manpower planning and elaborate its objectives. [14]

Q3) Explain the need of training and further discuss why the training programmes are evaluated. [14]

Q4) Discuss the ethics and concep.t of Performance Management and explain MBO method of performance appraisal. [14]

Q5) Explain the different methods of separating employees from the organization. [14]

Q6) Discuss what is collective bargaining and explain its importance in industrial relations.


Q7) Write short notes on any two: [14]

a) Job enlargement and job enrichment. b) Succession planning. c) Time Management. d) TQM. MAY 2008 1) Attempt any Five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Ql) Discuss what Human Resource Management is and explain the role of HR Manager. [14] Q2) Define Manpower Planning and elaborate its need. [14]

Q3) Explain the importance of Training and Development and further explain the need for evaluation of Training Programmes. [14] Q4) What is Performance Appraisal? Discuss the different methods of Performance Appraisal. [14] Q5) Explain in detail the various methods used by organizations to separate their employees. [14] Q6) Discuss Collective Bargaining as method of settlement of industrial disputes and establishing peaceful industrial relations. [14] Q7} Write short note on any two: a) Job enlargement and Job environment. b) Succession Planning. c) Rating errors. d) Quality circles. Dec 2008 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. Q. l) What is Human Resource Management? Explain the duties and responsibilities of Human Resource manager in changing economic environment. [14] Q. 2) Manpower planning is the process of estimating the requirement of manpower. Explain this statement by giving process of manpower planning in detail. [14] Q. 3) a) Explain the difference between recruitment and selection. b) Explain the process of selection in detail. [7] [7] [14]

Q. 4) What is performance appraisal? Explain the modem methods of performance appraisal. [14] Q. 5) What is training and development? Explain the various methods of training. [14]

Q. 6) Explain the relationship between Human Resource Management and Total Quality management for organisational effectiveness. [14] Q. 7) Write short notes (any two): a) Time management. b) Grievance handling procedure. c) Career planning. d) VRS Golden Handshake. May 2007 Q1) What is human resourse management ? While discussing the difference between planning . Q2) Explain the objectives of Manpower planning and elaborate succession planning. Q3) What is the need and objectives of training in the organization? Why training in the Organization ? Why training programs should be evaluated ? Q4) Discuss how the managerial effectiveness can be improved through time management and TQM . Q5) Explain the need and importance of Performance Appraisal System in the Organization and discuss the MBO method of performance appraisal. Q6) What is Industrial Relation ? How collective bargaining helps in improving industrial relations. Q7) a) b) c) d) Write note on any two: Job enlargement and Job enrichment Retention of man poewer Quality circles Rating errors.

Oct 2006 New Ql) Discuss the importance of Human Resource Management and explain the role of HR Manager. [14] Q2) Describe Recruitment and selection process and point out various resources of recruitment. [14] Q3) Explain the need and objectives of training and further discuss the process of evaluating training programme. [14]

Q4) What are the different kinds of retirement in industry.


Q5) Discuss the process of collective bargaining and explain how does it help in settlement of industrial disputes. [14] Q6) How the managerial effectiveness can be achieved with the help of time management and TQM? [14] Q7) Write short note on any two: a) Grievance procedure. b) Succession planning. c) Ethical aspect in performance appraisal. d) Quality circles. May 2006 New Q1) Discuss the importance of Human Resource Management and explain the role of HR Manager. [14] [14]

Q2) Describe Recruitment and selection process and point out various resources of recruitment. [14]

Q3) Explain the need and objectives of training and further discuss the process of evaluating training programme. Q4) Wnat are the different kinds of retirement in industry? [14] [14]

Q5) Discuss the process of collective bargaining and explain how does it help in settlement of industrial disputes. [14]

Q6) How the managerial effectiveness can be achieved with the help of time management and TQM? Q7) Write short note on any two: a) Grievance procedure. b) Succession planning. c) Ethical aspect in performance appraisal. d) Quality circles. MAY 2006 OLD Q1) Explain the role of HR Manager in current scenario of Globalization with specific reference to their Duties & responsibilities. [15] Q2) a) Explain the importance of man power planning. b) Describe recruitment & selection process. [7] [8] [14]

Q3) a) What is the need of Training to Industrial employees, discuss with objectives of Training? [6] b) What are the different tools used for Training in, Industry? Q4) a) What is Performance Appraisal system? b) Discuss different methods of Performance Appraisal. Q5) a) What is role of HRD in Industrial Relations? b) Explain the concept of Industrial Democracy. Q6) Short notes (any five): a) Promotions b) TQM c) Time Management d) Lay-off, e) Job Enrichlnents. OCt 2005 [9] [7] [8] [8] [7] [15]

Q-1) a) Explain the difference between personnel Management & HRM. [8] b) What do you understand by structure of HR Dep? [7] Q-2) a) What is marketing? b) What is job Evaluation? Q-3) a) What is HRD systems? b) Explain any three systems. Q-4] a) Discuss different methods of Performance Appraisal [10] b) Explain the concept of Rating Errors. Q-5) a) What are the main resources of Recruitment? b) What is Job rotation? Q-6) Short notes (any three): a) Kaizen b) Quality Circles. c) Suspension. d) Golden Handshake c) Succession planning. [7] [8] [5] [10]

[5] [7] [8] [15]

May 2005 Ql) Define concept of Human Resource Management & explain its importance in Changed economic environment. [12] Q2) a) Explain the concept of Manpower planning with its objectives. [8] b) Give the different sources of Recruitment. [4] Q3) Elaborate how the Training & Development activities in organization improves organizations effectiveness. [12] Q4) a) Define performance appraisal. b) Discuss various methods of Performance Appraisal. [4] [8]

Q5) a) Explain the role of HRD in improving industrial relations & maintaining Industrial peace. [8] b) What is Industrial democracy? [4] Q6) a) What is merit rating? b) What is Job evaluation? [6] [6]

Q7) a) Explain different types of separation schemes . b) What is Golden Handshake? Q8) Short notes (any three ): a) Succession planning. b) Job Enrichment. c) Quality circles. d) TQM. e) Selection. f) Kaizen.

[8] [4] [12]

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