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Q.1 A welder can finish job A and job C in 10 days and 20 days respectively. A blacksmith can finish job B and job C in 15 days and 10 days respectively. On the first day, two welders begin work on job A and a day later three blacksmiths begin work on job B. What is the least time required to complete all the three jobs? (a)33/4 days (b) 37 /4 days (c)31/4 days (d) None of these Solution: - Let A involves 30 units, B involves 15 units and C involves 20 units of work. One welder does 3 units of A and 1 unit of C in a day. One blacksmith does 1 unit of B and 2 units of C in a day. Two welders would take 5 days to complete A. They finish A at the end of day 5. On day 6 they finish 2 units of C. Three blacksmiths finish B at the end of day 6. After days 6, two welders and three blacksmiths together would take 18/8 days to finish the rest of C. So in all it takes 33/4 days to complete all the jobs. Q.2 In the given figure ABCD is a quadrilateral with BC = 4 cm and AD = 2 cm.

What is the length of AB (in cm)? a) 4 (1/_/3) b) ( 4_/3 2) / _/3

c) ( 2_/3 + 1 ) / 2

d) (2_/3 -1) / 2

Solution: - extend AB and CD and meet at point E so now triangle ABC an equilateral triangle formed. So BE = EC = BC =4 And triangle EAD is a right angle triangle (30,60,90) So ratio of sides will be 1 : _/3 : 2 If AD = 2 then AE will be ( 2 / _/3)

So length of AB = BE AE = 4 - (2 / _/3)

Q,3 In how many ways can 4 distinct balls be distributed into 3 identical boxes? (a) 14 (b) 17 (c) 11 (d) 6

Solution :Case 1: All four balls in the same box: 1 way Since all the boxes are identical. Case 2: Two balls in 1 box and the remaining two in another box: 4 C2 / 2! = 3 ways It is divided by 2! because the boxes are identical. Case 3: Two balls in a box and one ball in each of the remaining two boxes: 4 C2 = 6 ways Note: We need not select a box for the remaining two balls as they will go one each in the remaining two boxes in one way only. Case 4: Three balls in one box and one remaining ball in another box: 4 = C3 = 4 ways Since there is only one way of selecting the other box as the boxes are identical. Total ways = 1 + 3 + 6 + 4 = 14

Q.4) In the figure given below, OMN is an octant of a circle having centre at O. ABCD is a rectangle with AD = 6 and AB = 2. Find area of the octant of the circle

A) 8

B) 8.5

C) 12

D) 10

E) 12.5

SOLUTION: - Join OC. In triangle OAD; angle O =45 deg (octant of a circle) so, angle D= 45 as angle A = 90 deg. hence, OA=OD=6 In triangle OBC: OC is radius R, OB=OA+AB = 8 , **= 6 applying Pythagoras R= 10 therefore, area of octant = 45/360 *2pie *10 = 12.5pie

Q.5 On the periphery of a square grass field ABCD, two poles are fixed. One is at the midpoint of AB

and another at midpoint of BC. Side of the square ABCD is 16m. a cow is tied to one pole and another is tied to the other pole. if each cow is tied with 8m long rope, then find the area of the field unreachable to the cows. in sq m

a) 256-32(pi)

b) 216-32pi

c) 192-32pi

d) 240-32pi

Solution: - area covered by cow1 + cow 2 = (area of quarter circle covered by only cow 1) + (area of quarter circle covered by only cow 2) + (area of square where quarter circles of both cows overlap) = (pi * 8^2 / 4) + (pi * 8^2 / 4) + (8^2) = 32pi + 64 Area ungrazed = 256 - 64 - 32pi
Q.6 The lines y = 3x and x + y = 40 and the x axis bound a triangular area. Find the total

number of points on or inside this triangle with integral coordinates.

a) 600 b) 641 c) 655 d) 662 Solution: - point of intersection of the two lines = (x,y) = (10,30) from x = 0 to x = 10 0<= y <= 30 total points = (11/2)*(2 + 10*3) = 176 from x = 11 to x = 40 and total points = 30(31)/2 = 465 so total = 641
Q.7 (1111111 + 5

) is divided by 4 find out the remainder ? c) 3

c) 3

a) 7

b) 9

d) 0

Q.8 find out the unit digit of the following expression: - (7


d) 1

Q.9 M and N are natural numbers such that by M = (5N 4) (5N + 1). If 1=< N<=200, What is the harmonic mean of all the possible values of M? 2 2 (a) 200 /1001 (b) 1001 (c)1001/200 (d)1/1001
When N = 1 M=16 N=2 M = 6 11 N = 200 M = 996 1001

HARMONIC MEAN = 200 / { (1/1*6) + (1/6 *11)+...........................+(1/996 * 1001) On solving given expression we will get = 1001
Q.10 If the perimeters of a circle, square, rectangle and equilateral triangle are equal. Which will

have the maximum area? a) Circle b) square c) rectangle d) equilateral triangle

Q.11) There are 3 candles with their lengths in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 (Every other dimension is the same

for all the candles). They are lit in such a way that when the second candle has been lit, the first candle had been reduced to half its original length & when the third candle is lit, the second candle is half its original length. The total time taken for all the candles to totally burn out is 9 hours. Assume that the candles are lit in increasing order lengths. In how much time does the longest candle completely burn? 1) 2 hours 2) 6 hours 3) 4 hours 4) Cannot be determined

Solution:- their height vl b directly proportional to the time taken by dem, nw when first candle has burnt upto x/2, 2nd candle starts burning,2nd candle of height 2x comes upto x when third candle of ht 3x starts burng, n dey burn along 2gethr, so total time vl b x/2+x+3x=9,x=2, so time taken by candle of ht 3x=3*2=6 hrs

Q.12 A five digit number is formed using the digits 0, 2,3,4,5 and 7 with no digit occurring more than once. The probability that the number is divisible by 12 is? 1)2/25 2)17/300 3)9/100 4)29/300 5)3/100 Solution:- last 2 digits are 32 then we have rest of the 3igits are (4,5,7)in any order so 32=6(457) 40=6(572) 52=(0,4,7)+(4,7,3)=10 72=10(453&054) 20=6(574) 24=10(057&573) 04=6(572) 54/(5*5*4*3*2)=9/100 Q.13 AC is the Longest Chord of the circle with centre O and Chord EF is parallel to AC. ADF=70* then what is EFA a) 35 b)20 c) 40 d) none of these

Angle ADC=90 , Angle CDF=20 ;Angle CDF=Angle CAF=Angle EFA( same segment : alternate interior angle)

Q.14 Gopal sells fruit juice mixture using orange juice and pineapple juice. Gopal prepares this mixture by drawing out a jug of orange juice from a 10 litre container filled with orange juice, and replacing it with pineapple juice. If Gopal draws out another jug of the resultant mixture and replaces it with pineapple juice, the container will have equal volumes of orange juice and pineapple juice. The volume of the jug, in litres, is A. 2 B. > 2 and 2.5 C. 2.5 D. > 2.5 and 3 E. 3 Solution: - total volume is 10 let volume of jug be x. then u can use the formula ((V-x)/V) ^n (where n is the number of times replacement is done) = amount of original liquid left (in this case orange) ((10-x)/10)^2 = 1/2 (equal volumes means ratio of orange to total is 1/2) Option D --> x>2.5 and x<=3 satisfies.. Q.15 when a producer allows 36%commission on retail price of his product; he earns a profit of 8.8%. What would be his profit % if the commission is reduced by 24%? A. 49.6 % B. 57.8% C. 66.5% D. None of these

Q.16 Q.28A class of 24 boys was divided into two sub-sections containing 12 boys each. What is the probability that the two shortest boys of the class are in different sub-sections, if all boys have different heights? (1)7/24 (2)6/23 (3)12/23 (4)14/23 (5) None of these

Solution: - Assume that they are in the same section. So just select 10 or 12 students out of 22. => Probability = C (22, 10)/C (24, 12) = 11/23. But we need them to be in different sections, hence the required probability would be -> 1-11/23 = 12/23. Q.17 Q.1 How many scalene triangles exist whose sides a, b and c are natural numbers less than 8? (A) 13 (B) 14 (C) 15 (D) 16 Solution: - scalene triangle = a triangle with all sides unequal also, sum of any two sides of a triangle has to be always greater than the third side. so using above two properties we hve to do exhaustive combination of three sides wich can b as folows... 2, 3, 4 2, 4, 5 2, 5, 6 2, 6, 7 3, 4, 5 3, 4, 6 3, 5, 6 3, 5, 7 3, 6, 7 4, 5, 6 4, 5, 7 4, 6, 7 5, 6, 7

Q.18 ABCD is a square of side 12cm. AFGE is a square of side 4cm. O is the point of intersection. Find the area of shaded portion. a) 34 b) 35 c) 35 /3 d) 36

Solution:- let the trapezium EFBC where EF and BC are parallel so triangle OEF and OBC are similar triangles .EF =4 and BC = 12 so the ratio of their heights will be 1:3 and FB is height = 8 cm So the area of shaded part is = * BC * height of triangle OBC = * 12 * 6 = 36 ans .
Q.19 X is the largest sum of rupees which can never be paid using any number of coins of denominations Rs.4, Rs.8, Rs.13 and Rs.18. What is the sum of the digits of X? (a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) None of these Solution: - All numbers are of the form 4K or 4K +1 or 4K + 2 or 4K + 3. The coins are available in the denominations of 4, 8, 13 and 18. Since we have infinite 4s (a) We can make every number of the form 4K. (b) We can make every number of the form 4K + 1 starting with 13. (c) We can make every number of the form 4K + 2 starting with 18. (d) We can make every number of the form 4K + 3 starting with (18 + 13) i.e. 31. So among these the largest number that is not possible is a number of the form 4K + 3 less than 31, which is 27. So the sum of the digits is 9. Q.20 On 1st January, 2000 the average age of a family of 6 people was A years. After 5 years a child was born in the family and one year after that the average age was again found to be A years. What is the value of A? (Assume that there are no other deaths and births.) (a) 25 (b) 35 (c) 37 (d) 39 Solution: - Total age of the 6 people on 1st January 2000 = 6A Total sum of ages (including childs) of the family after 5 years = 6(A + 5) = 6A + 30 Total sum of ages (including childs) of the family after 6 years = 6A + 30 + 7 = 6A + 37 Average = (6A + 37)/7 = A Hence, 7A = 6A + 37 or A = 37 Q.21 If log5log4log3(x^2 11x + 1) = 0 (where x > 0). then what is the value of x? (a) 16 (b) 13 (c) 20 (d) 8

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