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Professional Regulation Commission Baguio Regional Office


I. BEFORE THE EXAMINATION 1. If unable to report for duty, inform Examination Section at 304-3180 or 0915-135-3563 for Baguio, Laoag and Cabanatuan and 0915-135-3564 for Dagupan. Do not send a representative. 2. Wear semi-formal dress. NO jeans, sleeveless, tights, mini skirt, rubber shoes and slippers. 3. Report to your testing center not later than6:30 AM. Present your RW Certification to the Attendance Officer (AO). Log your time of arrival on the Attendance Sheet. Check with the Attendance Supervisor your room assignment Get your Room Watcher badge. Turn off mobile phone. 4. Get plastic envelope of examination materials from the Supply Officer. 5. Attend briefing to be conducted by the Building Supervisor (BS) and synchronize your time with BS. 6. Proceed immediately to your room. II. INSIDE THE EXAMINATION ROOM 7. Check contents of plastic envelope: ID/AS Sheets. Count the number of sets and write the Serial Numbers of 1st and last in the Room Watchers Report Form. List of Examinees Examinees Record of Attendance (ERA) PERRCs (Permanent Examinees Registration and Record Cards) PERRC Cover Form Seat Plan Program of Examination RW Report Form RW Checklist 8. Advise RW2 to write on the board: Program of Examination Name Grid Time Check 9. Guide examinees to their seats and instruct them to bring out NOA, brown and plastic envelopes, ball pen, pencils and calculator (if needed) 10. When examinees are seated, make a roll call using the PERRC to check: Proper seating arrangement Identity of examinee by comparing the face against the picture pasted on PERRC. Note: Failure to check the identity of the examinee (whether he/she is personally taking the Licensure Examination or he/she has a surrogate test taker or impersonator) Penalty: Perpetual disqualification to serve as Room Watcher/Supervisor.

11. Instruct examinees to print in bold letters on their brown and plastic envelope (using pentel pen- request from your Floor Supervisor) Complete name on the upper left corner Seat Number on the upper right corner and on the flap. 12. Distribute individually the Examinee ID/AS Set according to Seat Plan and advise examinees to wait for your instruction. DO NOT LEAVE ID/AS ON VACANT SEAT. 13. Instruct examinees: Ball pen for writing Pencil for shading/marking Insert their brown envelope in between ID and Answer Sheet to avoid impression on the next page. 14. Instruct examinees how to fill-out the ID Sheet front and back page, following Name Grid sample on board. 15. While examinees fill up ID Sheet, pass around the Seat Plan and advise Room Watcher 2 (RW2) to assist examinees. 16. When examinees are done with ID Sheet, instruct them to detach Answer Sheet (AS): From the bottom page Put inside the brown envelope the remaining ID/AS 17. Advise RW2 to collect brown envelopes. Following Seat Plan. Advise examinees to put their plastic envelope in front of the room. 18. Instruct examinees to write on the AS the title/subject of examination (Refer to the Program of Examination written on the board) Negligence in the performance of duty : Failure to give instructions to the examinees ( Instructions 13-18) Penalty: 1st Offense Reprimand 2nd Offense Six (6) months suspension from serving as RW 3RD Offense Perpetual Disqualification 19. While waiting for the Test Booklets (TBs), remind examinees: To attend to personal necessities Lead or call on a volunteer-examinee for a prayer. III.EXAMINATION PROPER: 20. LATE EXAMINEES SHALL BE REFERRED IMMEDIATELY TO FLOOR SUPERVISORWHO SHALL REFER THE SAME TO THE BUILDING SUPERVISOR AND WHO SHALL REFER THE SAME THE AREA COORDINATOR. Before distributing the Test Booklets: Count the number of TBs.If lacking, report immediately to FS. Check the Serial Number Report Form, compare with TBs serial number Advise examinees to read the instructions on TBs. Distribute TBs with the assistance of RW2 at least 5 10 minutes before start of the examination, following Seat Plan. Ensure that examinees with odd number should have Set A, and examinees with even number, Set B. After distributing TBs, instruct examinees to: Check if they received correct TB set (A or B) Check number of pages and complete items of test questions Write their Seat Number on the first page TB





Mark their test question set (A or B) on the Answer Sheet Write the name of subject Negligence: 1. Wrong distribution of test booklet sets or failure to maintain the ideal alternate distribution of TQs/TBs 2. Failure to check the examinees Answer Sheets if the set of TQs/TBsGiven to them is properly shaded 3. Failure to check whether the examinees had properly written the the subject in their Answer Sheets Penalty: 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3RD Offense 25. Reprimand Six (6) months suspension from serving as RW Perpetual Disqualification

Remind examinees: Strictly no erasures on Answer Sheet. Use TB as scratch paper. Place Answer Sheet on top of the arm chair (to avoid dangling/interchanging of Answer Sheet). After distributing TBs, at 8:am the FS will collect the following from your room: Excess/unused TBs Names of absent examinees. Excess/unused ID/AS Sheet


IV.DURING EXAMINATION: 27. Fill up examination forms: Room Watchers Report On the Test Booklets Serial Number Report Form, write the names of examinees based on the List of Examinees attached on PERRCs and have examinees write personally their TBs serial number and affix their signature. PERRC Cover Form Instruct RW2 to check the ID Sheets of examinees: If school has campus (ex: PSU Lingayen, MMSU Batac or UP Diliman). If signatures on the PERRC and ID Sheet are consistent. IF NOT, REPORT ASAP TO FS WHO SHALL REPORT THE SAME TO THE BS WHO SHALL REFER THE SAME TO THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR/OVER ALL COORDINATOR. If properly accomplished and signed by the examinee Keep examinees brown envelope inside your plastic envelope Note all prohibited acts while the examination is in progress Using cell phone or other electronic gadgets Leaving the room without permission from the Floor Supervisor Wandering, entering and staying in other rooms not officially assigned Penalty: 1st Offense 2ndOffense 3RD Offense Reprimand Six (6) months suspension from serving as RW Perpetual Disqualification



V.SUBMISSION OF ANSWER SHEETS/Testbooklets 30. Upon receipt, check Answer Sheet and TBs: Correct subject title on AS Shaded correct TB set on AS Examinee wrote her/his seat number on TB Put the Answer Sheet inside brown envelope and secure Test Booklets. Instruct RW2 to let examinee sign on the Examinees Record of Attendance (ERA), write the time of submission and number of pages.

31. 32.

33. 34.

Affix your signature on the examinees Notice of Admission (NOA). Remind examinees to come back at least thirty minutes before the start of the next exam. Count and sort the AS (all Set A on top) Count and check the Test Booklets received from the examinees, attached Accountability Form and put inside the plastic/package of TBs. Submit Answer Sheets and Test Booklets including your plastic envelopes containing exam forms to your FS (with RW2). Negligence in not collecting TQs/TBs and ID/Answer Sheets from the examinees after examination. Penalty: Perpetual Disqualification to serve as Room Watcher/Supervisor

35. 36.


VI. SUCEEDING SUBJECTS/EXAMINATION 38. Report to your FS at least 30 minutes before the start of the examination and get your plastic envelope containing examination forms. Proceed to your room and distribute the brown envelope of your examinees. Announce the name and seat number to ensure that examinees receive the right envelope. Do not leave brown envelope on a vacant seat. Instruct examinees to: Check if brown envelope and ID/AS belongs to them; Detach AS from the bottom page Write the subject/title of examination Put the remaining ID/AS Sheet inside the brown envelope



41. Repeat Procedures 17-25. VII.SUBMISSION OF ID SHEETS/PERRCs 42. After distribution of TBs for the last subject, detach ID Sheets from the Serial Number Stub and put inside the Room Watchers plastic envelope. FS will collect from your room: ID Sheets and PERRCs. Announce that PRC is accepting voluntary donation of ball pens, pencils, sharpeners, and erasers for schoolchildren. DO NOT ACCEPT CALCULATORS OR CASH. Turn over donated items to FS.

43. 44.

SEAT PLAN 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 A B A B A B A 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 B A B A B A B 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 A B A B A B A


A. Program of Examination
Licensure Exam for Nurses Date &Time June 2 , 2013 7:00 am 7:45 am 8:00 am 10:00 am 11:30 am 1:30 pm 2:30 pm- 4:30pm June 3, 2013 8:00 am -10:00 am 11:30am- 1:30 pm Date: June 2 & 3, 2013 Subject General Instruction Nursing Practice I Nursing Practice II Nursing Practice III

Nursing Practice IV Nursing Practice V

B. Name Grid

C. Time Check : __________________(update time every 30 minutes)


1. Get the copy of List of Examinees - As examinee arrives; Check and admit only examinees who are in the list Guide them to proper seat according to Seat Plan 2. Instruct examinees to Turn-off all mobile phones. Empty-out pockets Place all prohibited items inside their bags or clear plastic envelope Place bags in one side/corner of the room. 3. Collect, arrange and place clear plastic envelopes in front per row. 4. Copy name grid sample, program of examination and time check on the board. 5. Check and reset calculators (if any). 6. Assist examinees in filling-out the ID/AS. 7. Write names of examinees on the Test Booklets Serial Report Form (LET and NLE only) based on the List of Examinees (RW1) and have examinee write the Serial Number and Set of the TB received. 8. Make rounds to check AS of examinees if: 8.1. Correct subject title; and 8.2. Marked corresponding set (A or B) on their Answer Sheets 9. Update Time Check on the board every hour. 10. Escort examinees during their rest room trips, one at a time. 11. Assist RW1 during submission of Answer Sheets and Test Booklets. 12. Sign on the Examinees Notice of Admission. (Check if examinee submitted both Answer Sheet and Test Booklet before you sign on the NOA)
13. Submit Answer Sheets and Test Booklets (including plastic envelopes containing exam forms to your FS (with RW1).

Note: Same penalties will be imposed on Room Watcher 2. Both Room Watchers are liable for any negligence and violations of Examination Guides and Policies.

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