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SciencQ,PtnC zool -- It

_ T;i:iv-:r.;t

PAPER1[40 marks] Time: One hour

Eachquestionisfollowedbyfour choices
Instruction: Answer all questions. thebest answer
of answers.Choose
for eaeryquestion.

1 Which of the following is a natural The smallest cell in the human body
phenomenon? SeIterkecildalambadanmanusia
Antara yang berikut,yang manakah
fenomena Can move by itself
. semulaiadi? Bolehbergeraksendiri
A Dam construction
Pembinaanempqngan Which of the following ceils is described by
B Growth of a baby the statements?
Pertumbuhanbayi Antara sel berikut,yang manakahdiperihalkan
C Uses of mobile phone olehpernyataanitu?
Penggunaantelefonbimbit A Ovum cell
D Discovery of new medicines Seloaum
Penemuanubat-ubat an baru
B Sperm cell
Table 1 shows the volumes of different C Red blood cell
quantities of metal bobs, found using the water Seldarahmerah
displacementmethod. D White blood cell
Jaduall menunjukkanisipadubagiladunglogam Seldarahputih
yang bilangannyaberbezamenggunakan kaedah
sesaranair. Diagram 1 shows four types of micro-
Quantity of metal bobs Volume/cm3
R a j a h 7 m e n u n j u k k a ne m p a t j e n i s m i k r o -
Bilangan ladung logam Isipadulcm3
2 6
4 72

Table 1
ladual 1.

Predict the volume of 5 metal bobs. Chlamydomonas Amoeba

Ramalknnisipadubagi5 ladunglogam. Klamidomonas Ameba

A 3cm3
B 9cm3
C 15 cm3
D 18 cm3

The following are statementsabout an animal Paramecium

cell. Paramesium
sel haiwan. Diagram 1
Raiah 1


lJ* "'n.,t Cnt
Which of the following are unicdllular
A n t q r n y a n g b e r i k u t ,y a n g m a n a k n h
A Amoeba, paramecium and Spirogyra
Amebs,paramesiumdan Spirogira
B Spirogyra, Amoeba and ChlJmydomonas
Spirogira,Amebadan Ktamido*o,ro,
C Chlamydomonas, Amoeba anrl
Klnmidomonas, Amebadan paramesium
D Paramecium, Spirogyra and Y
Paramesium,Spirogiradan Klamidnmonas Diagram 2
Table 2 shows four subtanceswith different
Which of the following statements is
densities. true
about the particles as the matte. .hu.,g",
I adual2 menunj ukkanempat bahanyang berlainan
from state X to state y?
A n t a r a p e r n y a t a a nb e r i k u t , y a n g
Substances b.enartailang zarah-zarahapabiajiim
Density/g cm-s berubnt
Bahan daripadakeqdqanX kepadakeadaany? \-
A The kinetic energy of the particles
Te-naga kinetikzarqh_zarah berkurangan .
B The distance between the pu?ti.l",
becomefar apart
larak di antara zarah-zarah menjadi lebilt
C The particles take the shape
of the
D The size of the particles increases
Iable 2
Saiz zarah-zarah bertambalt
ladual 2

Given that the density of water is 1.0 P, Q and R are steps to separatea mixture
g crnr, of
which substancescan float on water? sand and salt.
Diberi bahazuaketumpatanair ialah 1.0 g cm-3, P , Q d a n R a d a l a hl a n g k a h _ l a n g k a h
bahayyang manakahbolehterapungdi atqs mengasingkan campuranpasir dan gorom. v
A Ice and oil
Ais dan minaak Salt is left in the
B Ice and iron I P l*
I I |la |l-i I
n l---- evaporating
I dish
Ais dan besi Goianiitin'ggotkon
C Oil and mercury di dalammangkuk
Minyak dan merkuri seiat
D Iron and mercury
Besidan merkuri Which of the following correctly represent p,
Q and R?
Diagram 2 shows matter in state X changing Antara yang berikut,yang manakahmewakilip,
to state Y when heat is released. Q dan R denganbetul?
Rajah 2 menunjukkanjirim dalam kearlasn
X..berubahkepadakeaclaany apabila

P a R Which energy change takes place when the
wound-up spring is released?
A Filter the Stir and Evaporate Apakahperubahantenagayang berlakuapabila
solution dissolve the salt springyang diputar itu dilepaskan?
Turaskan the mixture solution A Kinetic energy Sound energy
larutan Kacaudan Sejatkan --='
Tenagakinetik TenngaUunyi"
Iarutkan larutan B Potential energy Sound
campuran Saram ---->
Tenagakeupnyaan "r.,"igy
Filter the _
Evaporate Stir and C Kinetic energy potential
solution ---------->
the salt dissolve Tenagakinetik "
Turaskan solution the mixture D Potential energy Kineiic
larutan Sejatkan Kacaudan Tenagakeupayaan€ ".,"rgy
larutan larutkan
garam SAram 10 Houses in tropical countries are usuallv
C Stir and Filter the painted white to
dissolve solution Rumah-rumahdi negaratropika biasanyadicat
the salt
the mixfure putih untuk
Turaskan solution
Kacaudan Iarutan A absorbheat
larutknn menyeraphaba
campuran B radiate heat
Saram menyinarluba
D Stir and Evaporate Filter the C detect heat
dissolve the salt solution mengesan haba
the mixture solution Turaskan D reflect heat
Kacaudan Sejatkan larutan memantulhaba
larutksn larutan
campuran Saram 11. Diagram 4 shows a fire alarm s,gstem.
Rajah 4 menunjukkansistem penggera
What are the products of combustion of a kebakaran.
Apakahhasilpembakaran lilin?
A Nitrogen and oxygen
Nitrogendan oksigen
B Water vapour and oxygen
Wapair dan oksigen
C Nitrogen and carbon dioxide Bell
Nitrogendan karbondioksida Loceng
D Water vapour and carbon dioxide
Wapair dan karbondioksida

Diagram 3 shows a wound-up spring toy

Rajah menunjukkankeretamainan berspring
yang diputar.

Spring winder

Diagram 4
Diagram 3 Rajah4
Rajah 3

P, Q, I{ and S are steps by which of the alarm Masa yang diambil untuk paku tekan
works. dicstatkandalam[adual3.
P, Q, R dsn S adalahlangkah-langkah bagaimana
peftggerqtersebutherfungsi. Thumb- Thumb- Thumb-
tack at P take at Q tack at R
Paku Pnku Paku
P - Bimetaliic strip expands and bends teknn diP tekan di Q tekan di R
lalur dzoilogam mengembang dan
rnembengkok Time/s
150 270 90
- Bimetallic Masals
Q strip touches the contact screw
and the circuit is complete Table 3
lalur dwilogammenyentuhskru sentuhdan ladual 3
melengkapkan litar
R - The fire increasesthe room temperature Which of the following shows the metals in
Api meningkatkan suhu bilik ascending order of their conductivity of heat?
S - The fire alarm bell rings Antara yang berikut,y ang manakahmenunjukkan
Locengpenggera kebakaran berbunvi kedudukanlogam-logamitu dalamurutan menaik
kekonduksian haba?
Choose the correct sequenceof steps to make A Q,&P C P,Q,R
the alarm works. B &Q,p D Q,P,R
Pilih urutan langkah4angkah yang betul untuk
membuatpenggeraitu berfungsi. 13 Which of the following sensory organs can
A R ---> P ---> Q ---+ S detect touch, pain and p.ersorei
B P ----> Q ----.. R ---+ S Antara organderiaberikut,yang manakahboleh
C R,--->Q---+P---+S mengesan sentuhan,kesakitandan tekanan?
D P ----->R ---> Q ----+ S A Eyes
12 Diagram 5 shows the heating of three metal B Nose
rods, P, Q and R. Hidung
A thumb-tack is attached at the end of each C Ears
rod by a layer of plasticine. Telinga
5 menunjukkanpemanasantiga rod logam, D Skin
P, Q dan R. Kulit
Satu paku tekandilekatknnpadahujung setiaprod
menggunakanpIast isin. 14 The calorific value of rice is 15 kJ/g.
Calculate the calcirificvalue in 100 g of rice.
Nilai kalori bagi nasi ialah lS kJlg.
Hitung nilai kalori untuk 100g nasi.
A lskj c 1s00ki
B 30kj D 3000kj

15 Which of the following animals are cold-

Antara haiwan berikut, yang manakahberdarah
Heat A Pigeon, Elephant, Frog
Burung merpati,Gajah,Katak
B Gold fish, Snake, Frog
Diagram 5 Ikan emas,lllar, Katak
Rajah S C Elephan! Pigeon, Frog
Gajah,Burung merpati, Katak
The time taken for the thumb-tacks to drop is D Pigeory Gold fistr, Snake
recorded in Table 3. Burung merpati,lknn emas,lllar

16 Table4 shows the massesof four students. Antara t, yangmanakah menunfukkan
The students climb up the stairs to different kesank at ittt jikn semuaular dalam
heights. habitat unuh?
ladual 4 menunjtrkkanlisim bagi empatoranR A Frog
Murid-murid fersebutmemanjattanggadengan Katak
ket inggianyang berbeza. Caterpillar
Student Mass/kg Height of stairs/m
Murid Leaves
Iisimlkg Ketinggian tanggalm
P 42 a

a 50 6 B
R 80 4.5
S 54 2'5 Caterpillar
Table 4
Arrange the four students in ascenclingorder
starting from the one with the leasl work C
Susunempatorangmurid itu mengikutsusunan
menaikbermuladaripadayang melakukankeria
paling kurang.
D S,P,R,Q Frog
17 Diagram 6 shows a pyramid number in a
Rajah6 menunjukkan
habitat. Leaves
Ular 18 The following is a list of organisms.
Caterpillar Rat I Tikus
500 Paddy I Padi
BelU N C A S
Caterpillar f Beluncas
5 000 Cobra I Ular senduk
Sparrow I Pipit
Diagram 6 Eagle I Helang
Choose a correct food web for these
Which of the following shows the effect on organisms.
the habitat if all the snakesin the habitat are Pilih j aringan makanan
yang betul bagi organisma
killed? tersebut.

A Caterpillar Sparrow
--u--4 Beluncas Pipit
Pa<tdy -=.---_*__Eagle
Padi <----__
=-=- ,--..-...'z Helang
_ Rat _----> Cobra ---''
Tikus Ular senduk

Caterpillar -_-'-_..--_-->,'l Cobra

Beluncas Ular senduk-\_

-o'? Hrlong
______> Sparroy__r'
Tikus Pipit

Rat Cobra
Tikus Ular senduk _

--"? Helang
Sparrow _-_=__> Caterpillar-'
Pipit Beluncas

Sparrow Cobra
Pipit Ular senduk

Caterpillar Rat
Beluncas Tikus

19 Diagram 7 shows processesp, e, R and S that Which of the following are involved in
occur in the carbon cycle. the production and absorption of carbon
Rajah 7 menunjukkanprosesp, e, R dan S yang dioxide?
berlakudalamkitar karbon. Antarayangberikut,yangmanakahterlibatdnlam
dan penyerapan
Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
Knrbon dioksida di atmosfern
Produce rarbon Absorb carbon
dioxide dioxide
Menghasilkan Menyerap
karbon dioksidn karbon dioksida
A P,Q &S
B &s Q,P
D Q,&S P

Death and decay

Mati dan reput


20 Diagram 8 shows two methods, p and
e, of
water purification.
Rajah8 menunjukkandus kaerlah,
p ande, unttrk
pembersihan air.

Muddy water
Air lumpur

First day After three day

Hari pertama Selepas tiga hari
Diagram 9

After three days, the water level in the beaker

Why does this happen?
Pa S e l e p a st i g a h a r i , a r a s a i r d i d a t a m b i k s r
Diagram 8 Mengapaknhini bertaku?
Rajah 8 A Water molecules lose heat and turn into
What is the reason for using methods p Molekul air kehilanganhabadan bertukar
and Q? kepadapepejal
Apakahalassn menggunakankaedahp dan B Water molecules absorb heat and turn
kaedahQ? into gas
Molekul air menyeraphabadan bertukar
P a kepadagas
C Water molecules lose energy and turn
A To separate To kill
insoluble solids into gas
Mengasingkan Molekul air kehilangantenagadqn bertukar
pepejaltak larut kepadagas
D Water molecules vibrate in a fixed position
B To remove To remove colour and turn into gas
impurities Menghilangkan Molekulair bergetardi tempatyang tetapdan
Mengeluarknn 7.0arna bertukarkepadagas
C To remove To remove 22 Diagram 10 shows a syringe used to transfer
sediment impurities water.
Mengeluarkan Mengeluarkan Rajah.l0 menunjukkanpicagariyang digunakan
keladak bendasing untuk memindahkanair.
D To remove colour To kill
Menghilangkan microorganisms
warna Membunuhmikro-
Diagram 9 shows a beaker of water left on a
table in the laboratory for three days.
Rajah 9 menunjukkansebuahbikai berisi air
ditinggalkandi atas mejadalammakmalselama
tiga hari.

Diagram 10


Why does the water enter the syringe when 74 Diagram 12 shows a support system of\
the piston is pulled up? insect.
Mengapakah air masukke dalampicagariapabila Rajah72menunjukkan bagiseekor\
anfuohditarik ke atasT serangga.
A The air pressure outside and inside the
syringe is the same
Tekananudaradi luar dan di dalampicagari
B The water pressure inside the beaker
and inside the syringe is the same
Tekananair di dalam bikar dan di dalam
C The air pressureoutside the syringe is less Diagram 12
than the air pressure inside the syringe Rajah 72
Tekananudaia di luar picagari ada'lahlibih
rendahdaripada tekananudara di dalam What supports the insect's body?
picagari Apaknhyang menyokongbadanseranggaitu?
D The air pressure outside the syringe is A Exoskeleton
higher than the air pressure inside the Rangkaluar
syringe B Endoskeleton
Tekananudara di luar picagariadatahlebih Rangkadalam \
tinggi daripada tekanan udara di dalam C Segmentedabdomen
picagari Abdomenbersegmen
D Hydrostatic skeleton
Diagram 11 shows a glass containing water Rangkahidrostatik
placed upside down on a plastic cover. The
water remains in the glass. Diagram 13 shows four models, W, X, y and
From which direction A, B, C or D, does the z.
air pressure acts so that the water does not Rajah13 menunjukkanempatbuahmodel,W, X,
spill? Y dan Z.
Rajah 71 menunjukkansebiji gelas berisi air
ditelangkupkan di atassekepingpenutupplastik"
Air kekaldi dalamgelasitu.
Antara arah A, B, C dan D dari manakah

t e k a n a n u d a r a b e r t i n d a k s u p a v aa i r t i d a k

Diagram 13
Rajah 73

D--=> Which of the following shows the correct

arrangement of the models in ascending order
of stability?
Plasticcover Antarasusunanmodelberikut,yangmanaknhbetul
Penutupplastik mengikutkestabilansecaraurutan menaikT
Diagram 11 C Y,W, Z, X
Rajah7I D X,Z,W,Y

26 Diagram 14 shows the position of a worket's Which of the following statementsis correct
hands lifting sand using a spade. about the effort that was used?
RnjahT4menunjukkan kedudukrmtanganseorong AntaraTternyataan betul
herikut,yang fiMl1akah
ketiknmengangkatpasir menggunakan
Ttekerja mengtrnidatlayang digunakan?
uenuodok. A P needs less effort than Q to pull out the
Right ha Left hand Sand
P perludayatlangkurnngdaripadaQ untuk
Tangank t Tattgankirr Pasir mencabut paku
B Q needs less effort than P to pull out the
Q perlu dnyatlangkurartgdaripadaP untuk
mencabut paku
C The distanceof the nail frorn the fulcrum
Diagram 14 does not influence the effort used
Rajah 74 Jarakpakttdarifulkrum tidakmempengaruhi
dayayang digunakan
What should the worker do in order to lift D If the distance of effort is nearer to the
the sand using his minimum force? fulcrum. the effort used will decreased
Apaknhyang perlu dilakukanoleh pekerjaitu lika jarak daya dekatdenganfulkrum, daya
untuk mengangkat pasir denganmenggunakan yang digunakanakanberkurang
dayayang minimum?
A Move both hands to P T h e f o l l o w i n g s t a t e m e n t sa r e a b o u t t h e
Gerakkankedua-duatanganke P transportation of oxygen in the human
B Move the right hand to Q and the left body.
hand to S Pernyataanberikutadnlahberkaitanpengangkutan
Gerakkantangan kanan ke Q dan tangan oksigendalambadanmanusia.
kiri ke S
C Move the left hand to S without changing K _ Oxyhemoglobin breaks into oxygen and
the position of the right hand hemoglobin
Gerakkantangankiri ke S tanpa menguhah Oksihemoglobindiuraikanmenjadioksigen
kedudukantangankanan dan hemoglobin
D Move the left hand to R without changing
L Oxygen diffuses through alveoli into the
the position of the right hand
blood capillaries
Gerakkantangankiri ke R tanpamengubah
Oksigenmeresapmelaluialaeolike dalam

- 27 Diagram 15 shows a nail being pulled out M- Oxygen combines with hemoglobin to
using tools, P and Q. form oxyhemoglobin
Rajah L5 menunjukkansebatnngpaku dicabut Oksigenbergabungdenganhemoglobin
denganmenggunakan alat P dan alat Q. membentuk oksihemo
N_ Oxyhemoglobin is transported to all
parts of the body
O k s i h e m o g l o b id
ni a n g k u tk e s e l u r u l t

Which of the following is the correct

sequenceof the transportation?
Antarayang berikut,yang manakahurutan yang
betulbagipengangkutan itu?
Diagram 15
Rajah 15

29 I ) i a g r a n i 1 6 s h o w s t h e b l o o d c i r c u l a t o r v
r D Deoxygenatedblooclflorvs from the turrg\
systern in the human bodv.
to the heart ancl to all parts of the bodri
tlnlah 76 menunjukkansisien
ltpt.cdaran daroh I)arah terdeoksigen mengalirdari pepani k,,
lnrttung dnn ke selun,th bal.tagiart
30 D i a g r a m 1 Z s h o r a r st h e h u m a n
Pcparu urinarv
Raiah77 menunjukkntsistemt.trinsrimantrsin.


Diagram 16
Diagram 77
Which of the following statements is
true What is the function of X? \-
about oxygenated and deoxygenatedblood?
Apakahflmgsi X?
Antqra pernyataanberikut,yorg *onokah
benar A Carries urine to the urinary bladder
tentangdarahberoksigen dan daiah terdeottsigen? Membazt'a air kencingke puiAi kencing
A Deoxygenated blood flor,r,sfrom
the B Filters the blood rt hich contains
heart to all parts of the body waste
Darah terdeoksigen mengaliirlari lantung Menapisdarah Vangmengandungibahart
ke seluruhbahagianbadai
B Oxygenated blood flows from the
lungs C Removescarbon dioxide and water from
to the heart and to all parts of the bodf
the body
Darah beroksigenmengalir dari peparu ke
Menyingkirkankarbondioksiriadan air clari
jantung dan ke seluruhbahagianbaian
_ hadan
C Oxygenated blood flows irom the heart
D Brings blood containing lvaste products
g th: l_ungsand to all parts of the body to the kidney
Darah beroksigenmengilir tlari jantung
ke Membawadarahyang mengardungibahan
peparudan ke seluruhbahagianbadan
buanganke ginjnt

31 Diagram 18 shows a machine used by

a patient with malfunction of both kidneys.
Raiah 78 menuniukkanmesinyang ,tigrtiakan
oleh seor{tngpesakityang ke.dua-dua ginjatnya tidak
Blood in
Darah mqsuk
"<-- Dialysing fluid in
Cecsirdialisis masuk

Flow meter
Meter ciliran
Partially permeablemembrane

Blood clot and bubble trap _ Blood out ----r" Dialysing
fluid out
Perongkapdarahbekttdan iuih
Darahkeluar Cecairdialisiskeluqr

Diagram 18
I i35
What is the function of this machine? 33 Diagram 19 shows a curve of human
Aitakahfungsimesinini? growth.
A To filter urea from the kidney R a i a h 7 9 m e n u n j u k k a ng r a f l e n g k u n g a n
Menapisureadari ginjal pertumbuhan manusia.
B To filter n'ater from the blood
Ivlenapisair dari darah Height/cm
C To filter protein and glucose from the Tirtggilcm
Mcnapisproteindan glukosadari ginjal
D To filter urea and mineral salts from the
Menapisureadan garammineraldari darah

32 Which of the following pairs are correct

methods of birth'control for a male and a
Antara padananberikut, yang manakahbetul
untuk mencegah
Male Female AgulYuu'
LeIaki Perempuan
Diagram 19
A Cut and tie the Use spermicide Rajah19
sperm duct cream
Potottgdan ikat Cuna krim Which parts show the most rapid growth?
duktussperma spermisid Di bahagianmanakahmenunjukkan pertumbuhan
B Take hormone Use IUCD yang paling pesat?
pills CunaIUCD A QandR
Ambil pil hormon QdanR
C Use diaphragm Cut and tie the B QandS
Guna diaf'agma fallopian tubes QdanS
Potongdan ikat tiub C PandS
P danS
D PandR
D Use rhythm Take birth control P dsnR
method pills
Cuna kaedahritma Ambil pil pencegah

34 Diagram 20 shows P, Q and R using the product of petroleum.

Rajah20 menunjukkanP, Q dan R yang menggunakrtn hasilpetroleum.

P a R
Diagram 20

Which of the following shows the colrect --;\
petroleum products used by p, e anct R? P r-) R
dan R7
hasilpetroleumyang betulbagi p,
e _q _lu_
-lrlr--@- -o-
-€)- ---p tl-

P a R
--@- -G- -lrlr
-o- -o- -€>_9
Fuel oil Diesel Kerosine
Minyak Diesel Kerosin
bahanapi D
Diesel Kerosine Fuel oil
Diesel Kerosin Minyak
bahanapi 36 Diagram 23 shows a circuit where one of the
C Kerosine Fuel oil Diesel bulbs has fused.
Kerosin Minyak Diesel This will prevent the other three bulbs from
bahanapi lighting up.
Rajah23menunjukkan sebuahlitar dengankeadaan
D Fuel oil Kerosine Diesel satu daripadamentolitu telahterbakar.
Minyak Kerosin Diesel Ini akanmenghalangtigamentolyanglain dariparla
35 Diagram 21 shows four symbois for a circuit
Rajah27 menunjukkanempatsimbol bagi suatu
raiah litar.

Diagram 21

Diagram 22 shows a complete circuit.

Rajah22 menunjukkansatu litar lengkap. Diagram 23

Which bulb shown in the circuit is fused?

Me-ntolyang manakohdalarnlitar itu yang tct
- !

37 Aballoon which has beenrubbed with a piece

of cotton cloth is attracted to a positively
charged ruler.
Diagram 22
Satubelonyang telahdigosokdengansehelaikain
kapastertarik kepadapembarisying *r,npunyai
Which combination of the symbols would be caspositif.
the most suitable to measurethe resistanceof This situation occurs becausethe balloon
in the complete circuit inDiagram 22? Keadaanini berlakukeranabelonitu
?-b"l! A releasesnegative charges
Kombinasisimbolyang ffianakahpaliig sesuai
digunakanuntuk mengukurrintangai sebuah membebaskan casnegatif
mentoldalamlitar lengkappadanaiitt ZZZ B receivesnegative charges

C has the same positive chargesas the ruler
memptmyaicaspositifyang samadenganpembaris
D has more positive chargesthan the ruler

Diagram 24 shows an electricalenergy transmissionand distribution system from

a power
station to industrial, tolt'n and residential areas
Rajah24 menunjttkksnstttusistempenghantaran dan pengagihan kuasape
tenagaelektriktiart satu stesert
kazuasan industri,bandsrdan peruftnhan.
275 kV or 500 kV

National grid
Light industries Grid nasional
Industri ringan Heavy industries
Industri berat
Residential areas

475 240V Substation

415 240V Pencawang

Substation Main substation

Pencawang Pencawangutama

Diagram 24
Rajah 24

The decreases of voltage are done 39 Which of the following occur in the core of
Penurunan aoltan dilakukan the Sun?
A because it depends on different values of Antara yang berikut,yang manakahberlakudi
current terasMatahari?
kerana ia bergantung kepadaperbezaannilai A Bright light is formed
arus Cahayayang terangterbentuk
B becausethe main substationcan accept B Projectionof gasesis formed
only 33 kV Pancutangas terbentuk
keranapencqwang utamamampumenampung C Hydrogen atoms fuse to form a helium
aoltansebanyak 33 kV sahaja atom
C due to the different requirementsof energy Atom hidrogenmelakurmembentukatom
by the industries and the residential helium
areas D Charged particles and electromagnetic
berdssarksnkEerluantenagayang berbeza bagi waves are released
kazuasan industri dan kautasqnperumahan Z a r a h - z a r a h b e r c a sd a n g e l o m b a n g
D to ensure the step-up stransformer and elektromagnet terhqsil
step-down transformer function very
untuk memastikan transformeriniak turun
dan transformerinjak naik berfungsidengan


FIow did Claudius Ptolemy contribute terthe He assumedthe Earth was the centre of
study of astronomy? the universe
Bagaimanakah ClaudiusPtolemymenyumbang Dia mengnnggnp Bwni sebagni pusatalatn
kepadapembelaj aran astrononti? semesta
A I'Ie suggested that the Moon producecl He classifiedstars into six grcrlipl;
its own light accordingto their colours
D i a m e n c a d a n gB u l a n m e n g h a s i l k a n Dia mengelaskan
cahaqanya sendiri kumpulan berdasarlcanLU
an ulnVa
B He assumed the Sun was the centre of
the solar system
Dia mengnnggnp Matahari adalahpusat


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