Training ArcGIS

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Introduction to : ArcGIS

Tabular Data Spatial Data

Warming Up (1-3) Delineating Basin

Use of Hydrology Feature in ArcGIS Need of Elevation Data for input Knowing Basic Components of DEM

Analyzing Data Based on Spatial

Zonal Statistics Thiessen Kriging Field Calculator

Tabular Data and Spatial Data : ArcGIS ArcGIS and supporting program :
Global Mapper Google Earth etc

Tabular Data and Spatial Data

Tabular Data
Table (Excel) Database (Access) etc.

Spatial Data:
Coordinate (x, y, and z) Projection (Lat.-Lon. , UTM, etc)

Merge between Tabular and Spatial : ArcGIS

View of Arc GIS

View of Global Mapper

View of Google Earth

Warming Up (1)
Make a SHP data
Catalog > Home > New Shapefile Name, Feature Type, Spatial Reference Editor > Start Editing Create Feature > Construction Tools > Point Absolute X, Y > Input Coordinate Stop Editing > Save Edits Open Attribute Table Fill in the Fields, Join, or Relates


New > Shapefile

Name, Feature Type, Spatial Ref.

New Layer : St_Cemara

Editor > Start Editing

Create Features > .. > XY

Open Attribute Table > Fields

Warming Up (2)
Input Tabular Data to Spatial
Add Data : St_list_yearly_rf.xlsx Display XY data Data > Export Data

Add Data

Choose Tabular Data

New Layer : St_list_yearly_rf.xlsx

Open > Table

Display XY Data

X Field, Y Field, Coordinate Sys.

Spatial Data Displayed

Data > Export Data

Export Data to SHP

Warming Up (3)
Join Spatial Data with Tabular Data
Add SHP data Add Tabular Data Join and Relates > Join Choose the field in layer SHP, Choose the Tabular Data, choose the field in tabular data Join Options Open Attribute Table > Data was joined

Join and Relates

Delineating Basin
Use of Hydrology Feature in ArcGIS
Arc Toolbox > Spatial Analyst Tools > Hydrology

Need of Elevation Data for input

Hydro-1K SRTM

Knowing Basic Components of Digital Elevation Modeling (DEM)

Arc Toolbox > Spatial Analyst Tools > Hydrology

Elevation Data
Hydro 1K
Cellsize : 1 km x 1 km . .

Cellsize : 90 m x 90 m . .

Basic Components of DEM

The direction of maximum rate of change in the elevations between each cell and its eight neighbors (vary from 0 to 360).

Flow Directions
The direction of flow from each cell in the DEM to its steepest down-slope neighbor (vary from 1 to 255).

Flow Accumulations
The amount of upstream area draining into each cell.

The maximum change in the elevations between each cell and its eight neighbors.

Compound Topographic Index (CTI)

Delineating Basin
Add Data : Elevation (SRTM, Hydro-1K, etc) Define Projection Fill Flow Direction Flow Accumulation Reclassify Snap Pour Point Generate Watershed Extract by Mask Generate Sub-Watershed Raster to Polygon

Add Data


Data Management Tools > Projections and Transformations > Define Projection

Spatial Analyst Tools > Hydrology > Fill


Spatial Analyst Tools > Hydrology > Flow Direction

Flow Direction

Spatial Analyst Tools > Hydrology > Flow Accumulation

Flow Accumulation

Spatial Analyst Tools > Reclass > Reclassify

Reclassified Flow Accumulation

Spatial Analyst Tools > Hydrology > Snap Pour Point

Pour Point Snapped

Spatial Analyst Tools > Hydrology > Watershed


Spatial Analyst Tools > Extraction > Extract by mask (to Reclassified Flow Accumulation)

Watershed with Reclass. Flow Acc.

Generate Sub Watershed : Stream Link as Pour Point

Analyzing Data Based on Spatial

Zonal Statistics Thiessen Kriging Field Calculator Raster Calculator (ex. : Land-cover) (ex. : Daily Rainfall Data) (ex. : Yearly Rainfall Data) (ex. : Calc. Flood Discharge) (ex. : USLE-Sedimentation)

Zonal Statistics

Create Thiessen Polygons


Field Calculator

Raster Calculator

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