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Inayah Ifa Prili Ilma Lusi Dian Annisa

: Victim : Inayahs Sister : Inayahs Mother : Inayahs Friend : Inayahs Friend : Nurse : Nurse

Inayah was a college student, she was 20 years old. one night she was walking alone and looked like so frustrated, after she knew that her best friend was dating with her boyfriend. Suddenly there were a group of citizens, they looked like little drunk. They tempted her and two of them pulled and carried her away. Inayah Citizen : Aaaarrrrgggghhh. : Shut up !!! shut up !!!! The citizens brought Inayah into an old warehose and Inayah got sexual abused by the citizens there. After that night Inayah looked more depressed and frustrated, she always sat alone in her room and nobody allowed to enter her room. Mother : (knocking the door), Inayah lets have a meal girl (enter the room) dont be afraid about everything was happened last night, your father have reported them to the police. Im sure that bad citizens will be jailed soon. Inayah : (suddenly Inayah angry), dont come to me. Get out !!!! (throwing alarm clock to her mother). Her mother worried about her condition, Inayah often angry and hurted people around her. The next day her friend, Lusi and Ilma came to see Inayahs condition. Ilma Mother : How is Inayahs condition, Mam ? : It is hard to have communication with Inayah after that night. She often angry and hurt people around her. Lusi Mother : I think it better when we bring Inayah to hospital, isnt it Mam? : Yes. Father and I have had planned to bring Inayah to a Psychologist. Im afraid she get mental traumatic. Ilma : May we see her Mam?


: Of course Inayahs sister was accompanying Inayah whom was crying. : Inayah (coming to Inayah) Inayah got angry. Suddenly she stood up and tried to reach a chair in front of her and

Ilma & lusi

threw it to Ilma but her sister prohibited her. Inayah Sister Inayah Sister : take my boyfriend. You make me like this. You have to die. : Cooling down In. Dont be like this. Everything can be solved. : No way she is a traitor. ( she run to Ilma). : Ilma, lusi can you get out please??? I think it is impossible to have communication with her. Please, leave her. Then, her mother and sister brought Inayah to the hospital. Sister : Nurse, help my sister please. I think my sister get hard mental traumatic. She often hurt herself and other people. Mother Nurse 1 : Thats right nurse, I afraid something happen with her. help her nurse. : Okay mam, calm down. We will care her as good as we can. The nurse brought Inayah to patients room. Nurse 2 : Sorry mam, can you tell me what has happened with Inayah before? : How is the chronology? Mother : My daughter is a sexual abuse victim and she is getting mental traumatic. Nurse 2 Sister : Inayah is a cheerfull girl. She usually tell me abaout her boyfriend. S he love him too much. But her boyfriend unfair with her best friend. We afraid when her frien came to see her. She was angry and want to kill her friend. So that we bring her to this place Nurse 2 :ok mam, I may be Ms. Inayah will cared here for some day later. Mother :ok nurse, Give the best for my daughter. Nurse 2 : of course mam. Nurse 1 : Good morning Ms. Inayah, my name ners dian. I will care you with ners anisa from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Inayah : what!!! Get out or Ill kill you right now. Nurse 2 : calm down miss, we care about you. What do you feel right now miss? Can you tell me little, may be it can helping. Inayah : (threw a pillow). Shut up !!! ( pushed, and threw a glass behind her)

The nurses tied inayahs hand because she couldnt control herself. Inayah : take this rope out. Why you do this to me? Nurse 1 : calm down miss, you have to calm down first and we will take this rope out, okay. Inayah : so??? Take it out right now. Im not a tiger, so you cant do this to me. Nurse 2 : ok..ok..calm down please. Inayah :okay Ill tryIll try. Please take it out. Nurse 2 :you did good. Now, can you tell me what have happened with you? Inayah : I want to kill that citizens. They broke my dream, my future. I also disappointed with that traitor. She make me like this. The nurses discussed in their room to find the right therapy for Inayah. Nurse 2 : ners Dian, I think inayahs condition need modality therapy to minimalize her violence behavior. Nurse 1 : yes ners nisa, I have analyzed her affective and history. My planning will need help from her family and her best friend. Nurse 2 : yes ners. Then, nurses continued their other intervention that helped by inayahs family and best friend to support and get her individual coping. After all intervention did, inayah could find her life spirit again and open new live to for the future. One morning, inayah was in her room. Nurse 1 : good morning miss Inayah, how are you today? Inayah :Im fine ners. Nurse 1 :how about walking in the garden this marning?? Inayah : I think that sound great. Nurse 2 : miss, how many sister do you have? Can always came when I need someone to naccompany me. I miss my sister too much. Nurse 2 : yes, your sister going to see you today. Inayah : I also have friend, best friend, but i disappointed when I know she have she have cheated to me. Nurse 2 : okay cooling down, I believe everyone have did something bad in their life. Our life will be so beautiful when we can always have a spirit and enjoy it. Inayah : what do you ners?

Nurse 2 :the key of happiness is forgiving each other inayah, so forgive your best friends fault. You can find a boy better than your boyfriend, but you cant find a better best friend lik e you have right now. Inayah : do you think so? Nurse 2 : of course, how about you? Inayah : yes I think so, Ill try forgive her. In the evening, inayahs mother, sister and best friends same to see her condition. Nurse 1 :good evening everybody, inayahs condition is better than before. But, we need your help to bring inayah into normal condition. Sister : what should we do ners? Nurse 1 : ok, after this we will go to inayahs room together. We will give her a support, because it will help her to bact to normal. Lusi : I see ners, I also really miss her. Nurse 1 : okay come on. Friends and family : okay ners. Nurse 1 : good evening inayah, here are your best friend and family, they want to see you. Inayah : momsister(hug her mother and sister) Mother : do you feel good dear? I really afraid about you honey. Sister : thats right inI really miss you. Inayah : inayah miss you too. Im sorry mom, sistI have made you confused. Mother and sister : dont worry girl. (hug her harder) Lusi : inayahhow are you? I miss you too much. Class feel so different without your laugh. Inayah : yes lusi. Ilma :(little confused, but come to inayah) inayah,I want tel you something. Im so sorry inIm really stupid, I have lost the best frien like you just because of a bad boy. Im sorry in. (asking and crying) Inayah : no, dont worry ilma, Im so sorry too. Lusi : our friendship is everything girls. Inayah, lusi and ilma : friends forever

--- The End ---

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