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The Causes of World War I (aka The Great War, The War to End All Wars)

1) Alliance System a) Resulted in polarized Europe, increase in confidence, and a chain reaction b) Collapse of Bismarkian Alliances i) Three Emperors League (1) Russia leaves League in 1878 Results in the Dual Alliance in 1879 ii) Reassurance Treaty (1)Existed between Germany and Russia but ended in 1890 by German Kaiser Wilhelm II and Russian Czar Nicholas II (a) Resulted in the Franco-Russian agreement c) Triple Entente France, Britain and Russia i) The purpose of these alliances were to protect themselves from the growing threat of Germany ii) Franco-Russian Military Convention of 1892 (1)If any member of the Triple Alliance attacked or mobilized against France or Russia, the other was bound to provide military assistance iii) Entente Cordial was signed in 1904 between Britain and France iv) Anglo-Russian Entente in 1907 d) Triple Alliance Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy i) Dual Alliance of 1879 signed between Austria-Hungary and Germany specified that only if Russia attacked, the other would come to aid ii) Triple Alliance of 1881 created to deter Italy from declaring war on Austria-Hungary (1)Germany and Austria-Hungary promise to assist Italy if Italy was attacked by France and vice-versa. (2)If any member was attacked by two or more states, the other two were required to provide aid. (3)If any member state started a preventative war, the other states could remain neutral e) Secret Franco-Italian Alliance i) Italy would remain neutral if Germany attacked France (1)Undermined the Triple Alliance 2) Weltpolitik a) Weltpolitik or the extremely aggressive German colonial expansion policy b) Policy leads to the arms and naval races as well as rivalry between Britain and Germany 3) Arms/Naval Race a) A massive buildup in armaments and boats began in the early 1900s between Britain and Germany b) Germanys main goal was to have a navy equivalent to Britain and an army equivalent to France 4) War Plans a) Plan XVII: French plan to regain Alsace-Lorraine Entirely offensive

b) Schlieffen Plan: Germany plan to knock France out of the war in the first 6 weeks before Russia could fully mobilize c) Britains War Plan: Planned to send the British Expeditionary Force to Belgium if Belgium Neutrality was violated d) Austria-Hungary Plans B and R: Plan B was to keep the war in the Balkans and Plan R was to be prepared to fight Russia e) Plan G: Russian plan for full-scale war against Germany 5) French anger at Germans a) Franco-Prussian war i) Alsace-Lorraine was lost to Germany angered the French who believed this was a part of France and wanted the territory back 6) Balkan Peninsula a) A-H wanted to expand its empire into the Balkans but Russia wanted the Balkans to become independent states but wanted Russian economic influence b) Also, a large number of Serbians and Croats were living in Austria-Hungary and wanted a Serbian state created Example of nationalism 7) July Crisis 1914 a) June 28 1914 - Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated by extreme Serbian terrorist group The Black Hand i) This sets off a series of events called the July Crisis b) July 5 German blank check of support: guaranteed to A-H if they went to war, they would have German support c) July 23 A-H declares ultimatum to Serbia Serbia must censor publications against A-H, dissolve the Black Hand, eliminate propaganda against A-H and remove anti-A-H officials i) This ultimatum was unacceptable to Serbia because it would make them appear weak (1)Refusal was backed by Russia d) July 28 A-H declares war on Serbia e) July 30 Russia mobilizes their army against A-H f) August 1 Germany declares war on Russia g) August 3 Germany declares war on France h) August 4 Germany violates Belgium neutrality which was stipulated in the Treaty of London of 1810 i) Britain declares war on Germany due to infringement of Belgium neutrality

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