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System Analysis:System Analysis refers to the process of examining a situation with the intent of improving it through better process and methods. System analysis is, therefore, the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problem and using the information to recommend information in system or in other words, it means a detailed explanation or description. Before computerizing a system under consideration, it has to be analyzed. We need to study how it function currently, what are problems and what are requirements that proposed should meet.

The main components of making software are: 1. System and software requirements analysis. 2. Design and implementation of software. 3. Ensuring verifying and maintaining software integrity.

Information Gathering:The team paid a visit at the site to have a smell of existing system. All relevant personal were consulted and no information was over-looked. The strategy consisted of: 1. Identify information sources. 2. Revolving a method of obtaining information from identified source. 3. Using information from module of organization.

Information Sources:The main sources of information were: 1. Users of the system 2. Presentations an documents using organization 3. Prospectus, manuals and the rulebooks, which specify how various activities, are carried out in the organization. 4. Computer Presentation of existing system.

Understanding the existing system:Existing system here is manual i.e. all the transaction or the information is

recorded in the registers and as simple text files on the computers. The person needy of particular information has to go through the registers and the text files and then prepare the information needed by him manually. Besides this, there are many other drawbacks with the existing system which are listed as under : Flexibility in generation of information: The generation of information in the proposed system takes long time and they are manually prepared. Long time taken to draw conclusions: As individual files are maintained for each information, it is very difficult to compile information, measure performance over a period and draw conclusions from the information stored in two different files. User Friendliness: The system is not easy to learn and understand. A native user cannot use the system effectively. User Satisfaction: The system is such that it does not stand up to the user expectations like easy and faster retrieval of information.

Response Time: Being manually driven, the response of all the operations is very slow. Error Handling: In case there arise some error in recovering or computation of information, it is very cumbersome to trace it. Safety and Robustness: The informative media is accessible by everyone. As information being the most crucial for the organization, there are no safety measures for the security of information. Furthermore, information is lying in the organization in an unorganized manner and does not resemble the real world model. Lack of Accuracy: Information being prepared manually cannot be said as accurate which is the first and the foremost condition for taking a crucial decision by the management. More Time Consuming: Work carried out by the staff at various stages is highly time consuming. Error Prone Resources: Resources being used by the informative media were provided by the organization long ago. Due to wear and tear with the resources, they are highly error prone.

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