Soal UAM 2010-2011

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Read the following text to answer question 1- 2 KEEP YOUR DISTANCE 1. What does the text mean? a.

You may leave the car behind you b. You have to be careful on the street c. You have to take over of the front car d. You may not drive your car too close to the front car 2. Where can you find such text? a. At home c. On the street b. At school d. On food wrapper Text for number 3 4 Dear Ranti, Congratulations on your achievement in youre re Mathematics. Youre really the best. Keep up the good work! Sinta 3. What is the main idea of the text above ? a. Ranti likes mathematics very much b. Sinta congratulates Ranti for the best effort c. Ranti got the highest score for Mathematics d. Sinta is the cleverest student in Mathematics 4. From the text we know that a. Santi is Rantis friend b. Ranti is sad with her score c. Santi is sad with her score d. Santi is happy with her score Text for number 5 8 Last week, on my school holiday, my classmates and I went to Borobudur. We went there by bus at We enjoyed our trip. At about, we arrived at Borobudur. The Borobudur temple is really magnificent. The hugeness of the temple is really impressed me. How could our ancestors build such a big temple? It was amazing. In the temple, we went upstairs step by step. Walking around the temple, we saw many reliefs on the temple walls. Some foreigners seemed interested in them. I over head their conversation with the guide. Actually, the relief tells a story. We spend three hours there. Then, we went home. We arrived at home at about 5 P.M, it was tiring but I was very happy. 5. What is the text about ? a. The relief of Borobudur b. The visitors of Borobudur c. The writers visit to Borobudur d. The writer and his classmates 6. What is the main idea of paragraph two? a. The temple is really beautiful b. The foreigners talked to the writer c. The relief of the temple tells a story d. The writer enjoyed visiting the temple 7. The Borobudur temple is really magnificent What does the underlined word mean? It means very a. Bad c. small b. Large d. Beautiful

8. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text ? a. The trip took three hours b. The writer was a student c. The writer hated the temple d. The foreigners enjoyed the temple Text for number 9 12 January, 2th, 2011 Hi, Tia Im work in Sydney now, It is fantastic city. I havent started work yet so Im a tourist. I want to see everything that Sidneys offers. The transport system here is great, cheap and fast. I have only been here for a few days and I have seen the Overa house. It is just amazing and the guide tour was terrific. Many beach is Glorious with lots of clean, golden sand and has good waves to play in. I stayed there for hours. Three ferries on Sydney Harbor are real treat and T thought, I am going to see the Olympic Stadium, and the next I am going to climb up the Sydney Harbor Bridge. That will surely be exciting. 9. What is the text about? a. Travelling in Sydney b. The Olympic stadium c. Andys work in Sydney d. Transport system in Sydney 10. What will Andy do at the end of this tour? a. Start to work in Sydney b. Visit the Overa house c. See the Olympic Stadium d. climb up the Harbor Bridge in Sydney? 11. Based on the text, which statement is NOT TRUE? a. Sydney is really amazing place b. Andy really loves his tour in Sydney c. The travelling to Sydney was very exciting d. It is discouraging to work everyday in Sydney 12. Mainly beach is glorious with lots of clean, golden sand has good waves to play in. (line 5 and 6) The underlined word means a.nice c. clean b.good d. beautiful Text for number 13 14 Country Total of population Indonesia India China 250 million 1,1 billion 1,3 billion

13. What is the table about? a. The Chinas population b. The Asias population c. The Indians population d. The Indonesians population 14. from the table about we know that the populous country is China. a. less c. more b. least d. most

Text for number 15 - 18 Solo is one of small cities in central Java. It is located on the banks of the river Bengawan. Solo has many things to offer. It has the unique Keraton Surakarta or the Kasunanan Palace. It is also the gateway to the most well-known Borobudur temple. Solo is rich of some batiks and handy crafted jewelry. Solo is really a very interesting place to visit. 15. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ? a. Solo is a unique city in Java b. Solo has many things offer c. Solo is located in Central Java d. Solo is well-known city in Java 16. What is the unique thing in Solo ? a. The Bengawan Solo b. The Borobudur temple c. The Kasunanan Palace d. The Batiks and jewelery 17. How many things does Solo offer ? a. One c. Three b. Two d. Four 18. What does the word it the text refer to ? a. Solo b. Bengawan Solo c. Kasunanan Palace Text for number 19 21 d.: Bram Borobudur Temple To Dont forget to pick me up at the English course at 4.30 p.m and brig a raincoat with you for it is raining. Thank you. Your sister, Kathy 19. What is the text about ? a. Brams message for Kathy b. Kathys message for Bram c. Brams message for the course d. Kathys message for the course 20. Who send the message ? a. Bram c. His Brother b. Kathy d. Her Brother 21. What does the word me refer to ? a. Bram c. The reader b. Kathy d. The course Text for number 22 -23 Alfa Department Store Now in your city New opening discount up to 20% for the items Sweater, dress, scarf, vest, coat, and tie. Disc 10% for jeans, trousers, T-shirt, and underwear. Come before May 25 22. What the advertisement about? a. Food c. Clothes b. Cooking d. Appliances 23.How many percent discount for T-shirt and jeans? a. 5 c. 15 b. 10 d. 20

Text for number 24 - 26 THE WOLF and THE GOAT

A wolf saw goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at the thought of a fine goat dinner. My dear friend, said the wolf in his sweetest voice. Arent you afraid you will fall down from the cliff?. Come down here and graze me on safe, level ground. No thank you, said the goat. Well then, said the wolf, arent you cold up there in the wind? You would be warmer grazing down here beside me in this sheltered area. No thank you, said the goat. but the grass taste better down here! Said exasperated wolf, Why dine alone? My dear wolf, the goat finally said. Are you quite sure that it is my dinner 22. From the story we know that you are worrying about and your own? a. The goat was very hungry

b. The wolf was a helpful animal 24. What did the wolf ask when he saw the goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff? a. To be his dinner b. To be his friend c. To climb up higher d. To graze on the level ground 25. Arent you cold up there in the wind?. a. Grass b. Ground c. A high cliff d. Sheltered area 26. What can we learn about the story about? a. Dont easily beat other creatures b. Dont look down to other creatures c. Dont judge others by their appearance d. Dont easily believe in well behaved creatures Text for number 27-28 Attention, please! All students of grade IX of MTs Al-Berkah required to gather in the school hall after the 2nd break. Mr. Abdul Malik, our principal, will inform you about the final examination. Thank you. Vice Principal, Badriah 27. Who is the announcer ? a. Miss. Badriyah is b. Mr. Abdul Malik is c. Grade IX Students d. All Students of MTs Al-Berkah 28. What does the word principal mean ? a. The basic truth b. The director of film c. The head of a school d. The manager of a school

Text for number 29-31

In December 1984, there was an explosion at the union Carbide factory, India. The disaster that followed the accident shocked the whole world. It was the worst industrial accident in the world. Most of the 750.000 people living in Bhopal were asleep when the accident occurred. Many of them never woke up. A thick cloud of gas spread over the whole city. The chemical gas affected the breathing of the people and about 3500 people died, but more than 50,000 people were seriously injured. Many of them suffered from lung injury which would make them suffer for the rest of their live. Others suffered from injury to their eyes, some even lost their aye sight. Most of the causalities were children and elderly people. For thousand of people in Bhopal, that night was like any other night. But a little after midnight, the poisonous gas slowly leaked into atmosphere. Hundreds of people woke up from their sleep coughing and vomiting. Others woke up with eyes watering and some were temporally blinded. Many people tried to escape the poisonous clouds by getting out of the town. They tried to get any kind of vehicle to get out of the town to save their live. Hundreds of poor people tried to flee the town on foot but many of them dropped on the way.

32. How many times do we have to hold the paper ? a. 3 c. 5 b. 4 d. 6 33. How many steps should we follow to make a good paper boat or hat as mentioned in the text ? a. 4 c. 6 b. 5 d. 7 34. finally open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat or flip it over and wear it as a hat. a. have c. design b create d. perform Text for number 35-37 To : Rio From : Rima I want you to come to my house for dinner on Saturday, 28th, March 2009, at 7 p.m. Ill wait for you. Thanks. 35. What is the main idea of the text above ? a. Rio invites Rima for dinner b. Rima invites Rio for dinner c. Rio invites the rider for dinner d. The readers invites Rima for dinner 36. Who wrote the invitation ? a. I c. Rio b. Rima d. The reader 37. When will the dinner be held ? a. At night c. In the morning b. In the evening d. In the afternoon Text for number 38 40 One day I ..(38) my grandma make dumpling. First, we poured the flour and the water to make the dough, the it was rolled out and shaped. After that, we (39) the filling with meat and cabbage. The rolled dough was then (40) the fillings and cooked in boiling water. T last the dumplings were ready to eat. 38. a. helps c. was helped b.helped d. am helping 39. a. make c. makes b. made d. are making 40. a. give c. given b. gave d. gives Text for number 41-43 Some people have trips planned by travel agents who give out information about(41). The agents talk with their clients, find out how to travel, what kinds of places to visit, and how much money to (42). The agents will buy the necessary tickets and make (43). This service is free for travelers. 41. 42. 43. a. going b. staying a. save b. spend a. cancellation b. reservations c. leaving d. travelling c. waste d. borrow c. transportation d. accommodation

29. What is the text about? a. People living in Bhopal b. The union Carbide Factory in Bhopal c. The poisonous gas at the Union Carbide factory d. An explosion at the union Carbide factory in Bhopal, India. 30. What is the main idea of paragraph three? a. The accident in Bhopal shocked the world. b. Many people in Bhopal suffered from lung injury c. The victims of the explosion were children and elderly people. d. The victim of the accident tried hard to save their lives. 31. Hundreds of poor people tried of flee the town on foot. (par 3) a. Moved in b. Run away c. Jump over d. Crawl into Text for umber 32-34 HOW TO MAKE A BOAT OR A HAT
Things you need. A half page of newspaper What to do First, fold the paper in half the long way, crease and unfold. Second, fold the slides up to the middle crease, keep fold., Next, fold the corners down to the middle. After that, fold the corners down to the middle again. Then, fold the point downs to the middle. Finally, open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat, or flip it to over and wear it as a hat.

Text for numbers 44-46 VANESSA MAE Vanessa Mae Vanakom Nicholson is a musician. She is only nineteen years old. But she is a world-famous (44). When she (45) classical violin concertos on her electric violin, the world listens. Vanessa Mae is Thai-Chinese. Her mother is Chinese, her father is Thai. She is from Singapore, but she now (46) in London with her mother and her English stepmother. 44. 45. 46. a. pianist b. violinist a. play b.playes a. lived b. live c. drummer d. guitarist c. plays d. playing c. lives d. living

47. The first prize competition congratulations 1 2 3 on winning our school speech 4 5 a. 3-4-1-5-2 c. 4-3-1-5-2 b. 5-2-3-1-4 d. 1-2-3-4-5 48. The lights you before leave turn off 1 2 3 4 5 the room 6 a. 4-6-3-5-2-1 c. 5-1-3-2-4-6 b. 4-1-3-2-5-6 d. 5-6-3-2-4-1 49. 1. A watching programmed makes us keep watching it. 2. They are music, films, sports, news, and many others. 3. We can choose as we wish 4. There are a lot of TV programmed we can enjoy. The best arrangement of the above sentences to make a good paragraph is a. 4-3-2-1 c. 1-2-4-3 b. 4-2-3-1 d. 1-2-3-4 50. 1. In the trunk are thousands of muscles which enable it to bend easily. 2. An elephants trunk is an extension of its nose and upper lip. 3. The trunk is very strong, but it also has a sensitive tip which can act as a finger. 4. It is a remarkable part of the animals body and services as a hand, arm, nose, or lips. The correct arrangement of these sentences above to make a coherent paragraph is a. 3-1-4-2 c. 1-3-4-2 b. 1-2-3-4 d. 2-4-1-3

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