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Submitted to:

Dr. Ramlal porika

Assistant professor



Management development
Management development is a systematic process of growth & development by which the managers develop their abilities to manage. It is concerned with improving the performances of the managers by giving opportunities for growth & development. Basic Requisites: Top management should accept responsibility. Management Development is essentially a line job. It involves both the person and the boss. Every manager must accept direct responsibility and give a high priority for developing managers under his control and must be geared to the needs of the company and the individual. Promotion from within is a necessary incentive for managers to grow. It starts with the right selection at the entry level and should have a realistic time table in accordance with the need of the company.

Essential ingredients of the management development program:

Analysis of organization present & development needs: The decision to launch a management development programs having been made, the next thing to do is the close and critical examination of organizational present and future developmental needs. By this they will know how many and what type of managers are required to meet the present and future needs. Appraisal of Present Management Talent: A qualitative assessment of the existing management talent should be made and an estimate of their potential for development should be added to that to meet the present and future project needs. Inventory of Management Manpower: This is prepared to have complete information about each executive in each position. For each member of the management team, a card is prepared listing such data as name, age, length of service, education, work experience, training courses completed, health record, psychological test results and performance appraisal data etc. to select the individuals for the management development program. Planning of Individual development Program: An Individual Development Plan, also named as IDP, is a document completed by individual for the plan of self-development over the next period, usually one year. This plan is then reviewed and discussed by supervision to match the individual goals with company goals. Establishment of Development Program: The HR department has to identify the existing level of skills, knowledge etc, of various executives and compares them with their respective job requirements and will establish specific development programs like leadership courses, Management games and Sensitivity training. Evaluation of the programs: Evaluate whether the implemented programs are properly working or not. It includes assessing and making value judgments on whether you achieved your training goals or not, and on the quality of the process to reach those goals.

Approaches to management development:

Mentoring: It refers to a personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps a less experienced or less knowledgeable and its focus is to develop the whole person. Coaching/Understudy Approach: Here the trainee works directly with a senior manager or with the person he or she is to replace; the latter is responsible for the trainees coaching. Normally, the understudy relieves the executive of certain responsibilities, giving the trainee a chance to learn the job. Job rotation: It involves moving employees from job to job to add variety and reduce boredom by allowing them to perform a variety of tasks. The trainee thus learns the departments business by actually doing it, while discovering what jobs he or she prefers. Professional development: It refers to skills and knowledge attained for both personal development and career advancement. There are a variety of approaches to professional development, including consultation, coaching, communities of practice, lesson study, mentoring, reflective supervision and technical assistance. Action learning: Experiences are the best learning tools. It allows, individual to try out different approaches to solving issues & problems.Many management qualifications now have an action learning element. Action Learning recognizes that individuals learn best from experience, so that process is structured. Action Learning sets allow individuals to try out different approaches to solving issues and problems Upward feedback: Upward feedback is a term in leadership development for a structured process of delivering feedback from subordinates to managers, intended to identify ways to increase management effectiveness and enhance organizational performance. Executive education: Many universities provide executive education and continuing education programs in leadership, supervision, and the like. These can range from one-to four-day programs to executive development programs lasting one to four months. An increasing number of these are online.

References: 22-1-2011 4:30 pm 22-1-2011 5:00 pm g2.html?cat=31 22-1-2011 6:00 pm 22-1-2011 6:45 pm 22-1-2011 7:09 pm

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