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NAME: MONICA PETRUTA AROTARITEI CLASS: 11 A OBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL: ADVANCED DATE: DECEMBER 4 TH 2009 TIME: 50 minutes NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 29 LESSON TOPIC: THE FOOD OF LOVE LANGUAGE SKILLS: Speaking- productive skill Reading- receptive skill Writing- productive skill Listening- receptive skill GENERAL AIMS: to arouse the pupils interest in the subject of the new lesson to improve the students vocabulary with words related to music to develop communication during class to check comprehension to make students use their previous knowledge SPECIFIC AIMS: - by the end of the lesson: students will be able to use a certain vocabulary related to the topic students will be able to recognise positive, negative and neutral comments students will be able to compare different events students should perceive the oral and written message given by the teacher

TEACHING TECHNIQUES: Conversation Questionnaire Questions and answers Discussion ORGANIZATION OF THE CLASS: lockstep, pair- work, individual work

AIDS: textbooks(PROSPECTS ADVANCED- MACMILLAN), handouts, dictionaries and blackboard

1..Activity One- Conversation Warm-up ( 3 minutes) - organization of the class (the attendance of the pupils) 2. Activity Two- ( 7 minutes) -Speaking, - checking homework assignment - the teacher asks the students to comment the quotation at the beginning of the lesson IF MUSIC BE THE FOOD OF LOVE, PLAY ON (WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE TWELFTH NIGHT). 3. Activity Three ( 6 minutes)- Speaking ,Listening - the students form pairs. They talk about different songs composed and interpreted by The Beatles. They are asked to match phrases. After discussing in pairs the students give feed- back 4. Activity Four- ( 7 minutes) Reading - the students work individually, Before reading the students are asked to scan the text and find out what is the topic of each new paragraph. - After reading the text the students do ex2b/ page 45 5. Activity Five- ( 6 minutes)- Listening - the students listen to a text taken from SHOUT! And afterwards they have to describe the Beatless first visit to the United States of America. - before listening the students make predictions about what they are going to hear - the teacher writes some of the suggestions on the blackboard 6. Activity Six- (7 minutes) Listening, Speaking - the teacher asks the students to listen the text again and to describe how the Beatles felt about the trip - the teacher writes some of the suggestions on the blackboard - the students listen once to see if they predicted correctly. 8. Activity Seven- (8 minutes) Writing - the teacher asks the students to write a short composition of the Beatles visit to Hamburg and New York referring to the way they traveled, the people they traveled with and what happened when they arrived in the two cities. 9. Activity Eight (2 minutes) - the teacher congratulates the students

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