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Rules and Guidelines included below.

Multiple Choice Questions - 1 mark for each correct answer.
1. In regard to this nawwab (representative), Imam al Mahdi himself remarked the
following: Indeed I have reliance on him, and his writings are those of mine.

Uthman bin Saeed al Amrawi

Muhammad bin Uthman al Amrawi
Husayn bin Ruh
Ali bin Muhammad al-Saymari

2. To which nawwab (representative) did one scholar write the following about: Even if
the enemies cut him into pieces, he will never betray off the Imam to them.

Uthman bin Saeed al Amrawi

Muhammad bin Uthman al Amrawi
Husayn bin Ruh
Ali bin Muhammad al-Saymari

3. Which of the following supplications is written by our Twelfth Imam?


Dua Nudba
Dua Ahad
Dua Sabah
Dua Iftetah

4. After establishing his rule on this earth, where is the Twelfth Imam prophesized to
live with his family?

Mosque of Kufa
Mosque of Sahla
Mosque of Jamkaran
Mosque of Gowharshad

5. Which of the following cities will be the capital of the Imam when he makes his


Fill in the Blanks 2 marks for each correct answer.

6. ________________
al _ ________
(peculiar title) was about to conduct the
funeral prayers of Imam Hassan al Askari before Imam al Mahdi, aged five at the time,
took over and recited it. He was the
__ ____ of Imam al Mahdi.
7. Imam al-Baqir has said, When al-Qaim makes his advent,
_____will be
distributed among the people in such an equitable manner that not a single person will
be seen in need of ______

8. The letters that are believed to have been written by the Twelfth Imam to some of
his trusted Shias are known as ____________ in Arabic.

9. When Imam al Mahdi makes his reappearance, he will excavate the ____ from a
cave in

10. The

__________ would not appear until

_____ is conquered by the

Short Answers Marks vary. Provide references to hadiths whenever applicable.

11. The first nawwab (representative) of Imam al Mahdi, Uthman bin Saeed al Amrawi
served more than just one Imam in his lifetime. Who were the Imams that Uthman bin
Saeed al Amrawi served? (3 marks)



12. It is narrated that when Lady Narjis Khatoon conceived the Twelfth Imam, the signs
of her pregnancy were not manifest. Name two Prophets who had similar births. (4


13. Immediately after he was born, Imam al Mahdi prostrated himself and proclaimed
the oneness of Allah, and the prophethood of Rasoolallah. He also recited a particular
verse from the Holy Quran. State the surah and verse number he recited. (2 marks)




14. The mother of Imam al Mahdi, Lady Narjis Khatoon, has three titles apart from
Narjis. What are these three titles? (6 marks)




15. When the Imam makes his awaited reappearance, he will establish a government
which will be perfect in three areas. What are these three areas? (6 marks)



16. According to Imam as Sadiq, what will the role of a certain group of women be
when they rise alongside Imam al Mahdi? (3 marks)




17. State a hadith which shows the staggering amount of knowledge that will be made
manifest once the Imam makes his reappearance. Hint: Letters. (4 marks)





18. Refer to question 9. Why will he do this, and what effect will this have on those who
consider themselves followers of the item he will excavate? (3 marks)



19. Both Shias and Sunnis unanimously believe in the emergence of Imam al Mahdi
before the end of the world. What is the key difference between Shias and Sunnis with
regard to his birth? (3 marks)



20. Imam al Baqir has related in a hadith as to how Imam al Mahdi will carry out the
promise of Surah Qasas (28) verse 5 of the Holy Quran. This is also a key aspect in
launching Imam al Mahdis universal revolution. Explain how the Imam will fulfill this
promise. Bonus marks for stating the hadith of Imam al Baqir word to word with the
appropriate source.
(4 marks)





21. Our Twelfth Imam was born over a thousand years ago and is still alive today. Is
there any precedent for men of God living such long lives? Provide at least four
examples. Bonus marks for giving more than four. (4 marks)




22. If only one day is left until the Day of Judgment, and the 12th Imam has not
appeared, what will Allah (SWT) do to that day? Justify your answer with a Hadith of the
Prophet. (3 marks)





After reading the respective characteristic, select weather it is the Dajjal, or the
Sufyani, that is being referred to - 1 mark for each correct answer.
23. He will say, "I am your Almighty God who created you and who sustains you. Run
towards me!"


24. He is known in Christendom as the Antichrist.



25. He will emerge before the Mahdi from the depths of Damascus.


26. It is reported that he will emerge from Isfahan, in the village of Yahudiyya.


27. When he hears about the Mahdi, he will send an army to seize and kill him.
However the earth will swallow this army before it even reaches our Twelfth Imam.


28. His army will go to Kufa and launch a vicious attack against the people of


29. To him, the Bible (John 2:22) says the following: Who is the liar but he who
denies that Jesus is the Christ?


30. He will ride a donkey which will be white in color.



31. Some scholars are of the thought that he is a metaphoric entity that symbolizes
material aspects which completely ignore spirituality.


32. From certain historical evidence, some historians are of the belief the tradition
about him are amongst the fabricated hadith.


33. Match the correct title of Imam al Mahdi in Arabic transliteration, with its
meaning in English. 1 mark for each correct answer.
The Guided One

a. Al-Muntazar

One Who Rises

b. Imam al Asr

The Proof

c. Hadi

Master of the Era

d. Baqiyatullah

The Righteous Successor

e. Sahib al Amr

Master of Command

f. Al Qaim

Imam of the Age

g. Al Muntazir

One Who is Awaited

h. Saahib al Zamaan

One Who Awaits the Order of Allah

i. Al Hujjah

Remnant of God

j. Al Ghaib


k. Al Mahdi

Unseen One

l. Al Khalaf al-Salih

----O Imam al-Mahdi! How long will You be hidden?

Oblige us, O our father, with your return!
We feel sad the waiting time is prolonged.
For the sake of Thy Lord, bless us with your audience.
O the pole of being! Hasten, O our beloved!
Return, so that we may enjoy the sight. Surely, it is a great a pleasure,
for a lover to meet his beloved after a long absence!
- Poem by Shaikh Amir Ibn Basri


- Research will be required to complete this quiz look at the quiz as chance to learn
more about your Imam and his reappearance.
- The quiz is open to anyone living in the Ottawa area.
- Please send your answers on a separate word document to by 20 June, 2013.

- Include your name and contact details.

- Winners will be announced on the 15th of Shabaan (around June 25).
- Prizes will be awarded to 1st 2nd and 3rd place winners.
- Please direct any questions to or post them on our
Facebook page.


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