Planificación Mayo-Junio

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UNIT: 5 places and buildings. UNITE PURPOSE: To enable students to describe the place were they live, ask the way and give directions. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind. TOPIC: giving simple information about places. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson students will be able to practice short conversations with (travelers) the person sitting next to them on the bus, the person behind them in line at the airport, or a friendly ticket agent. DIDACTIC SITUATION: Travelers GRADE: 1 GROUPS: C y D

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:






LANGUAGE TO BE USED. Hi, I'm Jen. I grew up in Acambay.Then the second student will continue in the following manner: That's Ana. She grew up in Acambay.m Miguel. I'm interested in punk music.Then the third student will continue:


WARM UP Chain Activity: P.L.T. Line up MINGLE WORK. Getting to Know Your Class worksheet. FURTHER PRACTICE. taking notes. WRAP UP. Evaluation.

To introduce themselves and find out basic information about each other. To learn how to complete a reading with daily activities words. To complete a text about animals. To play golf to review the text. To evaluate the activity.

T handouts the worksheet to the class and Ss have them fill in the blanks with their information. T tells them they must also think of some questions that are appropriate for getting those answers. The teacher walks around the class and offers advice while the students are writing. Ss can easily come up with a question for each answer. Have the students sit in a circle. Starting at one end, a student will give an introduction and say one fact: Hi, I'm Jen. I grew up in Acambay.Then the second student will continue in the following manner: That's Ana. She grew up in Acambay.m Miguel. I'm interested in punk music.Then the third student will continue: T forms two lines of chairs facing each other. Students sit in the chairs and face each other. Students will have conversations with the people across from them for about 3-4 minutes. Then, the teacher yell "change" and all of the students in one row move over one chair. The person at the end will come around to the front of the row. Ss have to exchange their personal information that is on the worksheet.Ss take notes of the different ways to start a conversation with another person. T evaluates the writing activities.

OBSERVATIONS:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

UNIT: 5 places and buildings. UNITE PURPOSE: To enable students to describe the place were they live, ask the way and give directions. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind. TOPIC: giving simple information about places. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson students will be able to learn some buildings. DIDACTIC SITUATION: My neighborhood. GRADE: 1 GROUPS: C y D

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:


June (3-7) QUIZ


ACTIVITY WARM UP Buildings. P.L.T. Buildings. MINGLE WORK. Jazz chant of my neighborhood. FURTHER PRACTICE. Jazz chant of Buildings. WRAP UP. Evaluation and singing.

OBJECTIVE To tie-in familiar knowledge about Buildings.. To learn vocabulary about Buildings. To create an energized atmosphere conducive to language acquisition and retention of vocabulary. To follow the structured model of written language to provide some vocabulary about Buildings. To evaluate the exercise and enjoy singing and dancing the jazz chant.


PROCEDURE Before the class starts the T has already stick word cards. T asks a student to put a ball on the middle of the classroom. And students have to say aloud the word that the ball is finding in the classroom. T asks Ss to repeat some prepositions while is using a turtle. T explains briefly each preposition using flash cards, word cards and the turtle. Ss take notes. Ss repeat the pronunciation. T encourages Ss to finding out new vocabulary and identifies the words there is there are in a jazz chant. T asks Ss to work in teams; every line has a leader, then, the leader listen the jazz chant with headphone and say aloud the word that can heard to the class, and another partner has time to write the more possible words on the board that is listening form his/her partner. The winner team is the one with more correct expressions. Gives them a handout with the lyric of the jazz chant and ask Ss to complete it. Everybody sing it at the end. T asks Ss to complete a handout that contains the lyric of the same jazz chant about Buildings Ss and T evaluate together the exercise and ask Ss sing the jazz chant and have fun dancing.

LANGUAGE TO BE USED. Buildings. next to , across from between, on the left on the right, above under

Word cards. Word card of prepositions. Flash cards of Buildings. Karaoke. Handout of a jazz chant of Buildings.

OBSERVATIONS:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

UNIT: 5 places and buildings. UNITE PURPOSE: To enable students to describe the place were they live, ask the way and give directions. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind. TOPIC: giving simple information about places. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson students will be able to write a poem about home. DIDACTIC SITUATION: poem GRADE: 1 GROUPS: C y D

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:




OBJECTIVE To motivate students to follow up a short chant about prepositions using martinillo rhythm. To review vocabulary and expressions about home. To create a poem. To follow a reading activity to catch out vocabulary and expressions in a poem. To evaluate the poems.

AIDS None required material. Handout of a poem. Home. Pieces of bond paper.

PROCEDURE T asks Ss to follow the rhythm of martinillo and move the hands to say the prepositions of place and then, asks Ss to say some prepositions of movements. Ss receive handout with a poem. Repetitions is an important part in this step, everybody repeat the expressions before guessing their meaning. Some students answer the question for the whole class. Ss answer some questions about the poem. T arranges Ss in teams of five or six. T gives to the students a handout that contains a poem. Ss have to get the meaning of every question and expression. T and Ss read the information. Ss underline cognates to get a better understanding of the information. T asks them to complete the poem with other verses. T asks Ss to finish the poem. T gives time to each team to prepare the poem and choreography. T asks for leaders in each team they have to present the poem to the other partners. The rest of the group copies the information that is more interesting for them from the poems. Teacher and students evaluate the poems.

Song of preposition. In, on under, in on under. In front of. Behind of. These are prepositions. These are prepositions of place of place.

Prepositions chant with martinillo rhythm. P.L.T. A poem. MINGLE WORK. Creating a poem. FURTHER PRACTICE. Different poems!!! WRAP UP. Evaluation.


OBSERVATIONS:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more. But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more.

In My town There is a church. There is a bank and a park. There are two schools. There is a market and square. There is a stadium, A museum, a restaurant, and more.

But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

But the movie theater Is the place I love the most.

UNIT: 5 places and buildings. UNITE PURPOSE: To enable students to describe the place were they live, ask the way and give directions. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind. TOPIC: giving simple information about places. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson students will be able to learn prepositions to locate different thing or buildings in a picture. DIDACTIC SITUATION: Vikings. GRADE: 1 GROUPS: C y D

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:




OBJECTIVE To motivate students to think about Vikings. To review prepositions. And how to describe places. To work together to say some prepositions about the picture. To follow a reading activity by a mirror to get questions. To evaluate the answers.

AIDS Handout Vikings.

PROCEDURE T gives a hand out with a picture of Vikings. T encourages student to think on Vikings when drawing a head helmet o the history on the board. The Ss put the right word in each gap to make right sentences. T remains the class about prepositions. Ss have to use prepositions to complete it. Then they find 5 thing beginning with C and another 5 with B from a picture about Vikings. T arranges the class in pairs. Ss cover the picture and see if they can remember it with a partner. Then T asks them to use a mirror in front of the text below to see the questions. Teacher and students evaluate the poems.

LANGUAGE TO BE USED. See handout of Vikings.

Prepositions. The history puzzle P.L.T. Vikings. Prepositions. MINGLE WORK. By memory. FURTHER PRACTICE. Mirrors. WRAP UP. Evaluation.

The horse is______the tree.

See handout of Vikings. See handout of Vikings.

See handout of Vikings.

OBSERVATIONS:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______

UNIT: 5 places and buildings. UNITE PURPOSE: To enable students to describe the place were they live, ask the way and give directions. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind. TOPIC: giving simple information about places. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson students will be able to write a description about their town using different prepositions and vocabulary of buildings. DIDACTIC SITUATION: My town. GRADE: 1 GROUPS: C y D

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:


17-21 QUIZ


ACTIVITY WARM UP How many cats can you find? P.L.T. Describing places in a town. MINGLE WORK. Fountains in the park block in the tow. FURTHER PRACTICE. Complete the description. WRAP UP. Evaluation.

OBJECTIVE To motivate students to think about finding things in a landscape. To review prepositions. And how to describe places. To motivate Ss to work in pairs to complete a description of their town. To follow a reading activity by a mirror to get questions. To evaluate the answers.

AIDS Handout of cats. Book. QUIZ

PROCEDURE Ss have to find out 42 cats in a hand out. They remember the numbers. Then T arranges the Ss in pairs and asks them to compare and try to find more cats together. T teaches the students how to make a description of their town. T arranges the class in pairs by playing a game. When teacher says fountain, students have to find a partner and simulate a fountain with her arms. When she says block, every student has to find tree more people and simulate a block, when she says tree, every one rise their hands like a tree.. Then t asks them to complete a short description from the book. Ss find five differences in two pictures and write them. Ss design their own town and describe it. Teacher and students evaluate the exercise.

LANGUAGE TO BE USED. See handout of cats.

Book. P. 140 Rally on.

Book. P. 140 Rally on. Book. P. 141 Rally on.

Book. P. 141 Rally on.

OBSERVATIONS:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

UNIT: 5 places and buildings. UNITE PURPOSE: To enable students to describe the place were they live, ask the way and give directions. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind. TOPIC: giving simple information about places. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson students will be able to learn how to make statements and questions about places in their town. DIDACTIC SITUATION: Looking for a place I found a friend. GRADE: 1 GROUPS: C y D

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:



ACTIVITY WARM UP What interesting places are there in your neighborhood ? P.L.T. Asking about specific places. MINGLE WORK. Look for a place and find a friend. FURTHER PRACTICE. Describing location of places. WRAP UP. Evaluation.

OBJECTIVE To motivate students to think about what interesting places are there in their neighborhood? To review prepositions. And how to make questions to get simple information of a specific place. To motivate Ss to work in pairs to complete a description of their town. To follow a reading activity by a mirror to get questions. To evaluate the answers.

AIDS Ball. Book. Big Wall chart of a town. Handout of giving directions. Little pictures and labels.

PROCEDURE T asks Ss to say the name of the buildings that are more interesting for them. Every student pass the ball around the classroom. T teaches the students how to ask about specific places. Ss take notes. They check the different questions and expressions on the board and in the book and students say the differences between the questions and the statements. T arranges Ss in pairs. T gives each students a little piece of paper with a picture and to the half of the students the name of hose pictures. Ss have to find a partner. They have to say Is there amuseum? And the other has to answer yes there is or not, there is not Ss listen to the dialogue and complete it in pairs. Ss make substitutions in a short conversation using information from a box. They write together 2 other ways to describe the location of other places. Teacher and students evaluate the exercise.

LANGUAGE TO BE USED. For me it is the church the most attractive For me the most interesting place is the pet store. Is there a park near here? Yes, there is No there is not. Book. Book. Handout of giving directions. Book Handout of giving directions.

OBSERVATIONS:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Post office Bakery Music store Pet store Restrooms Restaurants Boutique Movie theater Shoe store Bank Bookstore Cathedral Telephones Internet caf Mall Hospital Gas station Bus station Market Stadium Police Pak School Travel agency Drugstore

Post office Bakery Music store Pet store Restrooms Restaurants Boutique Movie theater Shoe store Bank Bookstore Cathedral Telephones Internet caf Mall Hospital Gas station Bus station Market Stadium Police Pak School Travel agency Drugstore

Post office Bakery Music store Pet store Restrooms Restaurants Boutique Movie theater Shoe store Bank Bookstore Cathedral Telephones Internet caf Mall Hospital Gas station Bus station Market Stadium Police Pak School Travel agency Drugstore

Post office Bakery Music store Pet store Restrooms Restaurants Boutique Movie theater Shoe store Bank Bookstore Cathedral Telephones Internet caf Mall Hospital Gas station Bus station Market Stadium Police Pak School Travel agency Drugstore

Post office Bakery Music store Pet store Restrooms Restaurants Boutique Movie theater Shoe store Bank Bookstore Cathedral Telephones Internet caf Mall Hospital Gas station Bus station Market Stadium Police Pak School Travel agency Drugstore

Post office Bakery Music store Pet store Restrooms Restaurants Boutique Movie theater Shoe store Bank Bookstore Cathedral Telephones Internet caf Mall Hospital Gas station Bus station Market Stadium Police Pak School Travel agency Drugstore

There are many ways to give directions. One common way to give directions is to give the name of the street and then some building nearby. Below are some examples. Fill in the name of the building that they are talking about:

Street Information Its on 2nd Avenue Its on Elm Street Its on the corner of 2nd and Elm

Nearby Buildings next to the bank between the pharmacy and the shoe store across from the cafe

Floor Information (Option) X on the second floor X

Possible Buildings?

Practice the following conversation with a partner using the substitutions in the box: A: Do you know where I can get a cup of coffee? B: Sure. You could try the Starry Caf. A: Wheres that? B: Its on 2nd Avenue across from the pharmacy. A: Thanks. get some hiking boots get some cat food buy some milk work out buy some pants get some aspirin see a movie buy a book mail a letter buy some CDs

B: No problem

grab a hamburger

get a bite to eat

Choose five stores and on another piece of paper write down 2 ways to describe the location for each of the five stores you choose.

Numbers and colors. T gives a hand out that contains a small puzzle where students have to find the numbers from 1 to 12. Then Ss add numbers in shapes next to each other and get the number in the square above to fill in the numbers and color a picture using a number code. The mystery ship. T gives Ss a handout with a famous ship picture. SS have to discover the name of the ship by finding the letters of the pictures (cat, eight, ship, teapot, chair, photo, pizza, mountains, three, sea, house) The Mystery Picture. Ss learn and review different vocabulary related to: weather, months, school subjects, and seasons. They have to discover a picture, for this it is necessary to color every word with different colors. Secret message. Ss draw the time in different clocks. Then T asks them to look to the semaphore alphabet. They have to find the letters which match the shapes of the hands on the clocks. SS write the secret message and give the answer.

UNIT: 5 past times. UNIT PURPOSE: To enable students to describe past events in their real life and that of others. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind. TOPIC: Expressing ability and disability in the past. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson students will be able to review some verbs in past. DIDACTIC SITUATION: Rescue the animal.

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:









1 WARM UP. Review 2 P.L.T. Rescue the animal. 3 MINGLE WORK. Guess the verb 4 FURTHER PRACTICE. Bingo. 5 WRAP UP. Evaluation

To remember the last class by asking students to name some verbs. To identify different verbs. To motivate students participation in pairs by guessing some verbs. To encourage students to make an activity to learn the basic past continuous structure. To evaluate the vocabulary by asking.

Ss play the hot potato in order to remember some verbs. T explains the Ss that there are people who get themselves into trouble by helping animals. Ss have to help a fireman get the top of the tree. They also have to choose the correct word in each line so they can read the true story of what happened to the man and the cat. T puts students in pairs and gives each pair a bunch of verbs. T sets a time limit of one minute for students to define as many as they can for their partner to guess in one minute. The winning pair has guessed the most correctly from their partners definitions. T gets students to draw a three x two square bingo boards and write six verbs in it from the flashcards. T picks out verbs randomly. Ss cross them off when they hear them. The first to cross all out calls bingo and takes the role of bingo caller for the next round. Ss go pass in front to the class and model a verb.

Play, carry, receive, cook, have, kick, ring, walk, run, and wake up. sleep/slept, clean/cleaned, count/counted sleep/slept, clean/cleaned, count/counted sleep/slept, clean/cleaned, count/counted Reading, painting, walking, studying.

Word cards. Word cards.

Get general idea by answering some questions. Pronunciation. Intonation.

Word cards.

Pronunciation. Identification vocabulary. Spelling.



Flash cards.

Word cards.


OBSERVATIONS:________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

UNIT: 5 past times. UNIT PURPOSE: To enable students to describe past events in their real life and that of others. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind. TOPIC: Expressing ability and disability in the past. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson students will be able to review some verbs in past. DIDACTIC SITUATION: Retelling a story.

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:


June (3-7) QUIZ 10- 14 EVIDENCIA

TIME June (3-7) QUIZ 10- 14 EVIDENCIA

ACTIVITY 1 WARM UP. Alphabet Ladders. 2 P.L.T. Past 3 MINGLE WORK. Re-tell the story! 4 FURTHER PRACTICE. Concept questions! 5 WRAP UP. Sillyville.

OBJECTIVE To remember the last class by playing a quick warmer with the class. To identify different verbs and their form in past. To elicit their ideas and encouraging the use of the past. To encourage students to make a spoken language activity to learn the basic past simple structure. To evaluate the vocabulary by asking.

PROCEDURE T asks the students to give a long word, e.g. Elephant and write the word lengthways down the board as many times as there are teams. Ss in each team runs to the board and writes a verb beginning with the letter E then runs back to the line, passes the chalk onto the next player and then goes to the back of their teams line. The second player then runs to the board and writes a verb beginning with the letter L. This continues until a word has been written for each letter. The first team to do this wins a point. T starts telling a story including a lot of examples of the past simple. Ss read the text. Ss listen to the teacher and say aloud the verbs. T gives them a handout about the story. T gets students to re-tell to other partner the whole story. Ss ask for the meaning of new vocabulary and write it on their notebook. T asks some concept questions to ensure students have understood the use of the past continuous, e.g. What happened whilst I was walking down the street? Your phone rang. What was I doing when the dog jumped up at me? You were talking on the phone. Which started first me walking down the street or the phone ringing? You walking down the street. Did I stop walking down the street? Yes. Why? Because your phone rang. T gives a copy of the picture to the students and gives them a time limit for studying the picture. After time is up takes the picture away. T starts them off with a past simple sentence. Ss in groups write as many sentences as they can describe the scene. T in order to make it more fun awards points for number of sentences and points for correct sentences.

LANGUAGE TO BE USED Play, carry, receive, cook, have, kick, ring, walk, run, and wake up. I met him when I was seventeen I was walking I stopped walking I was walking I stopped walking I was talking. I was walking I stopped walking I was talking.

AIDS None required material. Handout ( see appendix 2) Handout ( see appendix 2) Handout ( see appendix 2) Handout ( see appendix 3)

EVIDENCE OF EVALUATION Get general idea. Pronunciation. Intonation. Pronunciation. Identification of new vocabulary. Participation. Pronunciation. Intonation. Participation. Spelling.

OBSERVATIONS:________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

UNIT: 5 past times. UNIT PURPOSE: To enable students to describe past events in their real life and that of others. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind. TOPIC: Expressing ability and disability in the past. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson students will be able to learn about Plain Indians and their past, also how to use WAS and WERE. DIDACTIC SITUATION: Pocahontas WAS a Native American.

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:











1 WARM UP. Review 2 P.L.T. Pocahontas was a Native American 3 MINGLE WORK Quiz. 4 FURTHER PRACTICE The Native American quiz. 5 WRAP UP To close the lesson

To remember the last class by asking students to name some verbs in ING form. To identify different questions related with past. The use of WAS and WERE. To encourage to the students to answer a quiz about all the classes. To encourage students to answer a quiz about all the classes. To give a general feedback about the activities in the lesson

Ss play the hot potato in order to remember some verbs in ING form. T explains that Pocahontas was a Native American. That her family had different customs but they all had a similar way of life. They are talking about past events so Ss have to help the teacher to write some simple questions using past structures and auxiliary. WAS WERE T gives students a worksheet about past. T gives to the students the instructions and read aloud the quiz. Ss have to read about the facts about the Plains Indians and decide which are true and which are false. The letters will spell the Sioux Indian word for cloudy waters. It is also the name of the place.

Verbs. Regular and irregular verbs.

Word cards. Word cards. Handout (See appendix 4) Hand out of Quiz. None required material

Get general idea. Pronunciation Intonation. Pronunciation Spelling. Spelling Writing. Participation Homework (HW)

T gives a general comment about the activities and encourages students to ask questions about doubts. Ss reflect about their learning.

OBSERVATIONS:________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ LESSON PLANNING

UNIT: 4 Planning Holidays. UNIT PURPOSE: To enable students to enable students to describe and discuss future plans in the context of holidays and travel. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Carrying out certain transactions. TOPIC: Asking for and giving information MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to create a poem using the expression GOING TO. DIDACTIC SITUATION: Ready to go? WHISHES GRADE: 3 GROUPS:A ,B C y D

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:



OBJECTIVE To motivate students to think about their plans for the next Saturday and Sunday. To review vocabulary and expressions about travelling by reading a poem. To create a poem. To follow a reading activity to catch out vocabulary and expressions in a poem. To evaluate the poems.

AIDS None required material. Handout of a poem. Wiches. Pieces of bond paper. Pieces of bond paper. Pieces of bond paper.

PROCEDURE T asks Ss to write on the board the words: SUNDAY and SATURDAY. T divides the class in two groups. Number one makes the question using going to: what are you going to do next Saturday?, then a student from number one answer using going to Ss receive handout with a poem. Repetitions is an important part in this step, everybody repeat the expressions before guessing their meaning. Some students answer the question for the whole class. Ss answer some questions about the poem. T arranges Ss in teams of five or six. T gives to the students a handout that contains a poem. Ss have to get the meaning of every question and expression. T and Ss read the information. Ss underline cognates to get a better understanding of the information. T asks them to complete the poem with other verses. T asks Ss to finish the poem. T gives time to each team to prepare the poem and choreography. T asks for leaders in each team they have to present the poem to the other partners. The rest of the group copies the information that is more interesting for them from the poems. Teacher and students evaluate the poems.

Going to.

P.L.T. A poem. MINGLE WORK. Creating a poem. FURTHER PRACTICE. Different poems!!! WRAP UP. Evaluation.

We are going to

See poem. See poem.

See poem.

OBSERVATIONS:________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

UNIT: 4 Planning Holidays. UNIT PURPOSE: To enable students to enable students to describe and discuss future plans in the context of holidays and travel. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Carrying out certain transactions. TOPIC: Asking for and giving information MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to make a postcard highlighting to introduce travel information. DIDACTIC SITUATION: A postcard highlighting Dream weekend GRADE: 3 GROUPS: A, B and C st WEEK: FROM APRIL 27th, TO MAY 01 2009..
TIME 8:00 - 8:50 8:50 9:40 9:40 10:30 10:30 11:20 11:20 1140 11:40 12:30 12:30 13:20 13:20 14:10 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 3C 3C 3A 3C 3B 3A 3B 3A 3B FRIDAY


ACTIVITY WARM UP Amazing places all around the world.

OBJECTIVE To tie-in familiar knowledge about travel.



PROCEDURE T plays soft music T invites them to share what they remember about the last class. T shows some postcards and pictures about beautiful places. Plays the presentation of different amazing places.

SKILLS Speaking. Listening.

LANGUAGE TO BE USED. Guest houses. Hotels. Country hotels. Where did they go? How did their families decide to go to these places? How is text presented? paragraphs? bulleted lists? Are there specific places highlighted? What kind? Are there maps? photos? diagrams? other illustrations? What kind of language and vocabulary is used?

Music. Power point presentation.


P.L.T. Creating postcards highlighting about a dream weekend.

To learn vocabulary postcards highlighting.



Some postcards highlighting. Variety of magazines. Cartoon, paper bond. Some postcards highlighting. Variety of magazines. Cartoon, paper bond.


MINGLE WORK. Creating postcards highlighting about a dream weekend.

To create postcards highlighting.

By teams of five.

T introduces to the class some postcards highlighting. T explains that the class is going to create one. T displays a variety of Some postcards highlighting. T provides time for students to look through the brochures, in groups, pairs or individually. T asks them to pay attention to layout, the highlighted features, illustrations, and the style of the included text or message aimed to whom. T arranges Ss in teams of five or six. After the students have had some time to look through the brochures, T asks them to share more about what they saw in the brochures. The following questions can guide the discussion: Are there maps? photos? diagrams? other illustrations? What kind of language and vocabulary is used? How is text presented? paragraphs? bulleted lists? Are there specific places highlighted? What kind?

Writing. Reading. Listening. Speaking.

Writing. Speaking.

FURTHER PRACTICE. Creating postcards highlighting about a dream weekend.

To follow the structured model of written language to provide some vocabulary about postcards highlighting.

By teams. .

Some postcards highlighting. Variety of magazines. Cartoon, paper bond.

Ss design by teams their own postcards highlighting. T gives time to create it and to prepare their presentation to the class.

Writing. Listening.

How is text presented? paragraphs? bulleted lists? Are there specific places highlighted? What kind?

WRAP UP. Evaluation

To evaluate highlighting.




Variety of postcards highlighting.

Ss and T evaluate together the exercise. T allows time for the students to share their postcards highlighting with the rest of the class.

Reading. Writing.

How is text presented? paragraphs? bulleted lists?

UNIT: 5 life in the future. UNIT PURPOSE: To enable students to enable students to make predictions about their life in the future. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Establishing and maintaining social contacts. TOPIC: Making predictions about the future. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to understand the basic difference between something that is planned for the future (use of 'going to') and a spontaneous decision (use of 'will). DIDACTIC SITUATION: The Party.


SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:



OBJECTIVE To motivate students to think about future using the word WILL To study a short a dialog and answer some questions. To practice a dialogue. To answer to a number of questions Mental map about future plans and predictions.

AIDS None required material. Handout Dialog - The Party. Handout Dialog - The Party. Handout Dialog - The Party. Mental plan.

PROCEDURE T asks Ss to think in a verb. Ss in lines have to say a sentences using WILL. They have to create creative and funny sentences using the words on the board that the teacher has previously written. I think I will dance with a dog, I think I will eat shoes. T passes out the dialog and asks the students to read through and answer the questions. Ss correct the questions and T asks students to explain why certain questions used 'will' and others 'going to'. Ss highlight the sections of the dialog that used 'will' and those that used 'going to'. Ss explain why. T asks students to use the small talk questions with each other in pairs or in small groups. They use the same dialogue to practice the expressions. T monitories. Ss change roles. T and students give answers to a number of questions which elicit either 'will' or 'going to'. Have students write out answers to the question sheet. T goes around the room to help individual students and checks that students are answering using the correct form. T elicits answers from various students and asks students to elaborate on their answers in order to give them a further chance to use these forms. T asks students to prepare a small mental map on their future plans for study, hobbies, marriage, etc. (Use of 'going to'). Ask them to write out a few predictions about the future of their lives, the country, the current political party, etc. (future with 'will')

I think I will

Chain of verbs with will. P.L.T. Dialog reading. MINGLE WORK. Small talk to practice. FURTHER PRACTICE. follow-up questions WRAP UP. Evaluation. Mental map.

We are going to Dialog - The Party.

Dialog - The Party. Tell me about your future plans for work or study. What important event do you think will happen soon? Your friend needs some help with some homework. What do you say? Tell me about your plans for this coming summer. Complete these sentences: If I don't understand this exercise ... What do you think future English lessons will be about?

OBSERVATIONS:________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Dialog The Party Martha: What horrible weather today. I'd love to go out, but I think it will just continue raining. Jane: Oh, I don't know. Perhaps the sun will come out later this afternoon. Martha: I hope you're right. Listen, I'm going to have a party this Saturday. Would you like to come? Jane: Oh, I'd love to come. Thank you for inviting me. Who's going to come to the party? Martha: Well, a number of people haven't told me yet. But, Peter and Mark are going to help out with the cooking! Jane: Hey, I'll help, too! Martha: Would you? That would be great! Jane: I'll make lasagna! Martha: That sounds delicious! I know my Italian cousins are going to be there. I'm sure they'll love it. Jane: Italians? Maybe I'll bake a cake... Martha: No, no. They're not like that. They'll love it. Jane: Well, if you say so... Is there going be a theme for the party? Martha: No, I don't think so. Just a chance to get together and have fun. Jane: I'm sure it'll be lots of fun. Martha: But I'm going to hire a clown! Jane: A clown! You're kidding me. Martha: No, no. As I child, I always wanted a clown. Now, I'm going to have a clown at my own party. Jane: I'm sure everyone will have a good laugh. Martha: That's the plan!

Dialog The Party Martha: What horrible weather today. I'd love to go out, but I think it will just continue raining. Jane: Oh, I don't know. Perhaps the sun will come out later this afternoon. Martha: I hope you're right. Listen, I'm going to have a party this Saturday. Would you like to come? Jane: Oh, I'd love to come. Thank you for inviting me. Who's going to come to the party? Martha: Well, a number of people haven't told me yet. But, Peter and Mark are going to help out with the cooking! Jane: Hey, I'll help, too! Martha: Would you? That would be great! Jane: I'll make lasagna! Martha: That sounds delicious! I know my Italian cousins are going to be there. I'm sure they'll love it. Jane: Italians? Maybe I'll bake a cake... Martha: No, no. They're not like that. They'll love it. Jane: Well, if you say so... Is there going be a theme for the party? Martha: No, I don't think so. Just a chance to get together and have fun. Jane: I'm sure it'll be lots of fun. Martha: But I'm going to hire a clown! Jane: A clown! You're kidding me. Martha: No, no. As I child, I always wanted a clown. Now, I'm going to have a clown at my own party. Jane: I'm sure everyone will have a good laugh. Martha: That's the plan!

Dialog The Party Martha: What horrible weather today. I'd love to go out, but I think it will just continue raining. Jane: Oh, I don't know. Perhaps the sun will come out later this afternoon. Martha: I hope you're right. Listen, I'm going to have a party this Saturday. Would you like to come? Jane: Oh, I'd love to come. Thank you for inviting me. Who's going to come to the party? Martha: Well, a number of people haven't told me yet. But, Peter and Mark are going to help out with the cooking! Jane: Hey, I'll help, too! Martha: Would you? That would be great! Jane: I'll make lasagna! Martha: That sounds delicious! I know my Italian cousins are going to be there. I'm sure they'll love it. Jane: Italians? Maybe I'll bake a cake... Martha: No, no. They're not like that. They'll love it. Jane: Well, if you say so... Is there going be a theme for the party? Martha: No, I don't think so. Just a chance to get together and have fun. Jane: I'm sure it'll be lots of fun. Martha: But I'm going to hire a clown! Jane: A clown! You're kidding me. Martha: No, no. As I child, I always wanted a clown. Now, I'm going to have a clown at my own party. Jane: I'm sure everyone will have a good laugh. Martha: That's the plan!

Follow-up Questions

Follow-up Questions

Follow-up Questions

Follow-up Questions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What do they think about the weather? What does Martha have to share? What are Peter and Mark going to do? What does Jane offer to do? How does Jane react to the news about the Italian cousins? What special plan is there? Why does Martha want a clown? Does Martha know exactly how many people are going to come? If yes, how many. If not, why not? How does Jane think people will react to the clown?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What do they think about the weather? What does Martha have to share? What are Peter and Mark going to do? What does Jane offer to do? How does Jane react to the news about the Italian cousins? What special plan is there? Why does Martha want a clown? Does Martha know exactly how many people are going to come? If yes, how many. If not, why not? How does Jane think people will react to the clown?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What do they think about the weather? What does Martha have to share? What are Peter and Mark going to do? What does Jane offer to do? How does Jane react to the news about the Italian cousins? What special plan is there? Why does Martha want a clown? Does Martha know exactly how many people are going to come? If yes, how many. If not, why not? How does Jane think people will react to the clown?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What do they think about the weather? What does Martha have to share? What are Peter and Mark going to do? What does Jane offer to do? How does Jane react to the news about the Italian cousins? What special plan is there? Why does Martha want a clown? Does Martha know exactly how many people are going to come? If yes, how many. If not, why not? How does Jane think people will react to the clown?

10. Is there a theme for the party?

10. Is there a theme for the party?

10. Is there a theme for the party?

10. Is there a theme for the party?

Follow-up Questions What do they think about the weather? 2. What does Martha have to share? 3. What are Peter and Mark going to do? 4. What does Jane offer to do? 5. How does Jane react to the news about the Italian cousins? 6. What special plan is there? 7. Why does Martha want a clown? 8. Does Martha know exactly how many people are going to come? If yes, how many. If not, why not? 9. How does Jane think people will react to the clown? 10. Is there a theme for the party? 1.

Follow-up Questions What do they think about the weather? 2. What does Martha have to share? 3. What are Peter and Mark going to do? 4. What does Jane offer to do? 5. How does Jane react to the news about the Italian cousins? 6. What special plan is there? 7. Why does Martha want a clown? 8. Does Martha know exactly how many people are going to come? If yes, how many. If not, why not? 9. How does Jane think people will react to the clown? 10. Is there a theme for the party? 1.

Follow-up Questions What do they think about the weather? 2. What does Martha have to share? 3. What are Peter and Mark going to do? 4. What does Jane offer to do? 5. How does Jane react to the news about the Italian cousins? 6. What special plan is there? 7. Why does Martha want a clown? 8. Does Martha know exactly how many people are going to come? If yes, how many. If not, why not? 9. How does Jane think people will react to the clown? 10. Is there a theme for the party? 1.

Follow-up Questions What do they think about the weather? 2. What does Martha have to share? 3. What are Peter and Mark going to do? 4. What does Jane offer to do? 5. How does Jane react to the news about the Italian cousins? 6. What special plan is there? 7. Why does Martha want a clown? 8. Does Martha know exactly how many people are going to come? If yes, how many. If not, why not? 9. How does Jane think people will react to the clown? 10. Is there a theme for the party? 1.

UNIT: 5 life in the future. UNIT PURPOSE: To enable students to enable students to make predictions about their life in the future. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Establishing and maintaining social contacts. TOPIC: Making predictions about the future. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to ask and answer questions using the future tense DIDACTIC SITUATION: WHEN I GREW UP GRADE: 3 GROUPS:A ,B C y D

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:



OBJECTIVE To motivate students to think about future using the word WILL To presents the basic sentence structure: with will and the contraction. To practice questions. To motivate students to make and respond questions about future. To evaluate.

AIDS None required material. None required material. None required material. Balloons None required material.

PROCEDURE T creates a situation. Everybody has spent 10 years in another country and is time to go back with their family. Teacher tells a story about what she will do when she returns to the United States. Then she asks the students some questions about the story and about what they will do when they return to their communities. Y draws a calendar to show that events will take place in the future. Teacher presents the basic sentence structure: I will + verb (action), You will visit.... Together the class and teacher create 6 sentences about the future of [community] by brainstorming, what will [community] be like in 10 years? T now introduces the contractions: I will = Ill, You will = youll, He will = hell, etc. T arranges Ss in uestions, now that they know how to provide the responses.trios. Each student answers the question, What will your town be like in 10 years? They each write at least 15 sentences. Then they present their responses to the class and discuss. They are encouraged to think about this in terms of conservation and tourism. Teacher asks questions with will and solicits responses. Teacher has students repeat the q Ss take a piece of paper form a balloon with a question. Ss interview using questions similar to the following: What will you do when you return to your town? Where will you go after home? Who will you kiss? What will you eat? T evaluates Ss participations and gives extra information for next lesson.

LANGUAGE TO BE USED. I will + verb (action), You will visit.... I will = Ill, You will = youll, He will = hell, etc. What will your town be like in 10 years? What will you do when you return to your town? Where will you go after home? Who will you kiss? What will you eat? I will see you tomorrow.

OBSERVATIONS:________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

UNIT: 5 life in the future. UNIT PURPOSE: To enable students to enable students to make predictions about their life in the future. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Establishing and maintaining social contacts. TOPIC: Making predictions about the future. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to ask and answer questions using the future tense DIDACTIC SITUATION: dancing robots before a horror movie. GRADE: 3 GROUPS:A ,B C y D

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:



ACTIVITY WARM UP Dancing robots.

OBJECTIVE To motivate students to think about future using the word WILL


AIDS CD that has dance music.

PROCEDURE Ss work in groups of 4-8. Have them stand up. T asks them to work in groups that are standing in loose circles. Have them pretend to be robots. They can move their bodies, arms and legs, but not very smoothly. Now suggest they are dancing robots. They dance to the music, but with large, jerky movements. Suddenly, T stops the music and say, Freeze. Ss notice their body positions and think of something they could be doing in that position. In their groups, the take turns. They say, This weekend, Im going to do this. And do the rest of the action (they no longer have the jerky action of a robot.). They pantomime the action. Partners guess what the action is. T continues for 3 or 4 bits of music. Of course, they can change the sentence to a different time: Tonight, next winter., Someday, etc.). T asks Ss to watch a movie without subtitles. T shows the first part of the scene. Ss pay attention because they will have to write information in a piece of paper after the teacher stop the movie.

SKILLS Writing. Reading. Listening. Speaking.

LANGUAGE TO BE USED. This weekend, going to do this.



P.L.T. What's Going to Happen?

To presents the first part of the scene.


Horror movie. Death silence

Writing. Reading. Listening. Speaking.

I think they are going to... I think hell probably... Maybe hell...


MINGLE WORK. Video Scene Predictions

To write predictions.


Horror movie. Death silence

The students work in small groups to discuss their ideas about the setting, who the characters are, their relationships, etc., and what they think will happen next: I think they are going to... I think hell probably... Maybe hell...

Writing. Speaking.

I think they are going to... I think hell probably... Maybe hell...


FURTHER PRACTICE. Sharing ideas. WRAP UP. Evaluation. What actually happens.

To motivate students to share their ideas with other partners.

In pairs. .

Horror movie. Death silence

Then each group joins another group and they tell each other their ideas.

Writing. Listening. Reading. Reading. Writing.

I think they are going to... I think hell probably... Maybe hell... I think they are going to... I think hell probably... Maybe hell...

To evaluate their ideas.


Horror movie. Death silence

Finally, continue playing the scene so that students can see what actually happens.

UNIT: 5 life in the future. UNIT PURPOSE: To enable students to enable students to make predictions about their life in the future. SOCIAL PRACTICE: Establishing and maintaining social contacts. TOPIC: Making predictions about the future. MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to get some vocabulary from a song and will be encouraged to talk about the song that involves future will. DIDACTIC SITUATION: listen to the song "I will" by The Beatles GRADE: 3 GROUPS:A ,B C y D

SKILLS: Speaking Grammar and vocabulary: Reading: Listening:




OBJECTIVE To motivate students to think about future using the word WILL


AIDS Tarot cards Ss drawings.

PROCEDURE Asks Ss to drew about 20 simple little pictures which represent such things as: travel, heart, broken heart, money, no money, family, man, woman, child, time, death!, fire, loneliness/independence, power/strength, weakness, be careful, foolishness, devil, work, etc. Ss discuss how each image makes them feel. Then Ss and teacher introduce simple future tense and tell each other's fortunes!

SKILLS Writing. Reading. Listening. Speaking.



P.L.T. A song of future.

To presents the song to listen for getting the main idea to some difficult vocabulary


Song "I will" by The Beatles

Ss listen to the song for first time and guess the mood of the song, happy, sad, angry, nervous, etc.) Listen for the new vocabulary words. T helps Ss to examine the song's lyrics and identify the arguments. Talk about this song.

Writing. Reading. Listening. Speaking.

travel, heart, broken heart, money, no money, family, man, woman, child, time, death!, fire, loneliness/independe nce, power/strength, weakness, be careful, foolishness, devil, work 1. Have you ever been in love and are you in love now? 2. How do you imagine your future love(s)?


MINGLE WORK. Vocabulary test.

To look at the words in more detail.


Song "I will" by The Beatles.

Ss have listened to the song one time; they look at the words in more detail. T gives them a vocabulary test. These are words from the song. Ss try to write the

Writing. Speaking.

See handout of vocabulary test.

Vocabulary test.

letter of the correct definition into the box on the left of each word.


FURTHER PRACTICE. Fill in the blanks.

To motivate students

In pairs.

Song "I will" by The Beatles

T gives each student a handout with the lyric of the song and asks them to listen again to fill in the blanks. Ss compare with a partner.

Writing. Listening. Reading.

The Beatles: "I Will" lyrics ________how long I've loved you You know I love you still Will I wait a lonely

WRAP UP. Evaluation. Song discussion.

To evaluate


Song "I will" by The Beatles

Now that you've listened to the song a few times and examined the lyrics, let's discuss the song.

Reading. Writing.

The Beatles: "I Will" lyrics ________how long I've loved you You know I love you still Will I wait a lonely


A. cause someone to like


A. cause someone to like


A. cause someone to like

who knows...? B. someone's whole life catch lifetime matter C. I don't know D. be important E. hear; understand

who knows...? B. someone's whole life catch lifetime matter C. I don't know D. be important E. hear; understand

who knows...? B. someone's whole life catch lifetime matter C. I don't know D. be important E. hear; understand


A. cause someone to like


A. cause someone to like


A. cause someone to like

who knows...? B. someone's whole life catch lifetime C. I don't know D. be important

who knows...? B. someone's whole life catch lifetime C. I don't know D. be important

who knows...? B. someone's whole life catch lifetime C. I don't know D. be important


E. hear; understand


E. hear; understand


E. hear; understand

The Beatles: "I Will" lyrics how long I've loved you You know I love you still Will I wait a lonely If you want me to--I will. For if I ever saw you I didn't your name But it never really I will always feel the same. Love you forever and forever Love you with all my heart Love you whenever we're together Love you when we're apart. And when at last I find you Your song will fill the air Sing it loud so I can hear you Make it easy to be near you

The Beatles: "I Will" lyrics how long I've loved you You know I love you still Will I wait a lonely If you want me to--I will. For if I ever saw you I didn't your name But it never really I will always feel the same. Love you forever and forever Love you with all my heart Love you whenever we're together Love you when we're apart. And when at last I find you Your song will fill the air Sing it loud so I can hear you Make it easy to be near you

The Beatles: "I Will" lyrics how long I've loved you You know I love you still Will I wait a lonely If you want me to--I will. For if I ever saw you I didn't your name But it never really I will always feel the same. Love you forever and forever Love you with all my heart Love you whenever we're together Love you when we're apart. And when at last I find you Your song will fill the air Sing it loud so I can hear you Make it easy to be near you

For the things you do me You know I will I will.

you to

For the things you do me You know I will I will.

you to

For the things you do me You know I will I will.

you to

The Beatles: "I Will" lyrics Who knows how long I've loved you You know I love you still Will I wait a lonely lifetime If you want me to--I will. For if I ever saw you I didn't catch your name But it never really mattered I will always feel the same. Love you forever and forever Love you with all my heart Love you whenever we're together Love you when we're apart. And when at last I find you Your song will fill the air Sing it loud so I can hear you Make it easy to be near you For the things you do endear you to me You know I will

I will.

I wish I didn't have to get up so early. I wish I knew how to be successful. I wish I had an older brother or sister. I wish I went to bed earlier last night I wish I were someone else. I wish I lived somewhere else. I wish I understood people better. I wish I were still a child. I wish I had more time to study English. I wish I lived in another era. I wish my parents didn't annoy me so much. I wish I could change my life. I wish I were more confident. I wish I was never impolite. I wish I were a parent. I wish I had more skills

Tell the students to read through the sentences and check five which are true for them Tell the students to write the reason why the sentences are true for them. Tell the students they now have to walk around the class and find 5 people who have the same wishes and to compare their reasons. Be sure to model a conversation using the target grammar. ie. A: Do you wish you knew how to be successful? B: Yes, I do. A: Why do you wish you knew how to be successful? B: Well, I want to make a lot of money.

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