Paper Bag Book Report and Rubric Language Arts Grades

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Paper Bag Book Report

This is a fun alternative to the standard book report, which many students have come to know and hate. It can be used with any story or novel and includes the main elements of setting, plot, characters and theme. Students really enjoy this form of assessment as a change and are usually excited to share their work. Therefore, this is a perfect opportunity to also address oral presentation skills of speaking and listening, in addition to the comprehension and presentation of the main story elements.

Other bonuses to the paper bag book report: -Students enjoy it -It is easily adaptable to any grade level - Its quick and easy to assess -You can change the assignment to include: an example of figurative language - a metaphor, simile from the novel, a favorite quote with an illustration, an important quote from a character whatever you choose to focus on -Requires students to provide the necessary information in a small area therefore they need to cut to the chase and must truly understand the story -Can be adapted to other areas: * You could complete a poetry report where students present their favorite line(s) from the poem other titles by the same author, good examples of descriptive language etc.; in addition to items inside the bag that represent the main idea(s) from the poem *You could also use this assignment to assess non-fiction topics: social studies content, science concepts, healthy eating etc.

-It makes a nice display when complete

Paper Bag Book Report

You will be completing a paper bag book report as an assessment for this novel/story.

On the Outside. For this book report, you must consider each the following: setting, plot, main character, and theme.

There are four panels on a paper bag. You will be expected to dedicate one panel of your brown paper bag to each of these four elements.

1. For the setting, you must include the time and place (if there is more than one time/place include those too). As well, you must create a small illustration to add to this panel that illustrates one of the main settings in the novel.

2. You must summarize the plot in a few sentences keep it short and sweet. Many times, this is more difficult than writing a lengthy description.

3. Tell about the main character on the third panel. Do not focus on the physical and the obvious. Tell how this character changed throughout the story. What happened to him/her to cause this change etc.? You

can include the obvious information (family background, physical traits etc.). However, dont include ONLY this information. As well, list the other major/minor characters in the story by name on this panel.

4. The final panel must be about the theme of the book. What is the theme(s) and what are your feelings about the message in this novel?

The information for each panel must be neatly written/typed on a small piece of paper and glued/taped to the bag. You wont need any more than a paragraph or so for each panel.

Drawings/visuals are welcome, but optional

Be sure to include the title of the novel, author and your name clearly on the outside of the bag

On the Inside You must include 10 items in your bag that have some significance to the story. Be imaginativeThink outside of the

box. You can use toys, modeling clay, or anything else that may represent something important from the story. Make sure each item that you pick is unique and include a one sentence descriptor attached to the item about its significance.

You will be expected to share your book report with the class (inside and out) and will be marked on: inclusion of the setting, plot, major character, theme and conventions (for the outside of the bag), your ten items inside the bag and your overall speaking/listening skills during the presentation. This will give you a total mark out of 50 for this book report. Have fun and do your best!
Name: ____________________ Date:_____________ Paper Bag Book Report Rubric

Category Setting 4 Excellent Includes ALL settings and times that were important to the book, as well as an appropriate illustration Includes ALL key events to story, without retelling the entire book; includes only the most necessary information Includes ALL important information about the main character (including how s/he changed over the course of the story, as 3 - Good Includes most of settings and times that were important to the book, as well as an appropriate illustration Includes most key events to story, without retelling the entire book; includes only the most necessary information Includes most important information about the main character (including how s/he changed over the course of the story, as 2 Fair Includes either some settings and times that were important to the book or an appropriate illustration Includes some key events to story, but excludes other important events 1 - Inadequate Includes incorrect or incomplete settings/times and/or an incomplete illustration Includes an inadequate explanation of the plot, excluding many of the key events Includes little important information about the main character OR chooses a minor character rather than the main character


Main Character

Includes some important information about the main character, but excludes other Information ALSO, names

well as the more obvious character traits) ALSO, names ALL other major and minor characters that were discussed in the story Includes a complete description of the theme(s) of the book AND a well explained personal opinion concerning the theme(s)

well as the more obvious character traits) ALSO, names most/all other major and minor characters that were discussed in the story Includes a good description of the theme(s) of the book AND a well explained personal opinion concerning the theme(s)

some other major and minor characters that were discussed in the story

May or may not include other major and minor characters that were discussed in the story


Includes incomplete/ inaccurate information about the theme(s) and may or may not include an opinion about the theme(s) Conventions All spelling and Most spelling There are many There are punctuation is and punctuation errors with multiple errors correct; title, is correct; title, conventions; with author and author and title, author and conventions; key name are name are name are information included included included missing On the Inside: Students will receive one mark for each unique item that they have included inside the paper bags for a total of ten marks (Be sure to label each with a sentence strip) Total: _____

Includes some information about the theme(s) of the book, but omits the personal opinion about the theme(s)

A note about the oral presentation:

It's not necessary to have the students all present to the whole class. If you know that you'll have opportunities to record oral presentation skills as another time in the term, you can try the following, more stream-lined option.

-Have students break into smaller groups, perhaps 3-4 groups, depending on class size and spread out around the room.

-Students then present to their own smaller group of 6 -10 students (you can even number students so that they know their presentation order).

-Students still need to present effectively in front of the group (in correspondence with the rubric) but should be less nervous as it's to a much smaller group.

-You should be able to gather data on at least half of the class during the presentations.

-You should play the role of "timer" so that one presentation doesn't drag on for 10 minutes.

-While you are observing presentations and scoring with the rubric, you also need to take notes on the active listening of the other students in the group. Make sure students know that you'll

be watching them and marking them on their listening skills.

-The other members of each group should have a peer assessment task to complete while each student presents. The most simple way to do this, is to ask each student to write what the student did a good job of during the presentation (they can use the rubric to guide them) and what content and ideas they liked and ONE thing that the student could have done differently. They can write these down, share them and/or give the written copy to the presenter at the end. Make sure that everyone knows that this ONE thing for improvement is for the everyone's good, because no one is perfect. It is meant to be helpful NOT to hurt anyone's feelings.

Oral Presentation Rubric Category 4 Excellent 3 - Good 2 - Fair Eye contact Maintained Maintained Maintained 1 Inadequate Avoided eye

Confidence and Preparation

excellent eye contact for the entire presentation Showed a high level of confidence and was ready to present Appropriate volume and tone of voice for the entire presentation Listened actively for ALL of the presenters Asked more than one question/ comment during the presentations

good eye contact for the entire presentation Showed some confidence and was ready to present

Volume of Voice

Appropriate volume and tone of voice for most of the presentation Listened actively for most of the presenters Asked one question/comm ent during the presentations

Active Listening

Appropriate Questions/Com ments

some eye contact during the presentation Was not ready to present, but was somewhat confident without preparation Appropriate volume and tone of voice after intervention from the teacher Listened actively for some of the presenters Did not volunteer a question/ comment during the presentations


Lacked confidence; wasnt ready to present

Inappropriate volume/tone of voice even after intervention from the teacher Had to be asked to listen more actively Asked inappropriate question/off topic comment

Total ____

Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___

_____________________________________________________________________________ _ Total Mark:___

Observation Notes

Student Name

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