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Pop Culture Memoir

Pop culture texts influence everyones lives. What do the texts that you consume say about you?
For this assignment youll be examining your relationship with a pop culture text (or multiple texts) and describing the impact its had on your life. We will read some pop culture memoirs as examples, but since this is a personal narrative, there is no single correct way to write it. You should choose a text that has had a direct impact on the person you are today and explain that impact in detail. As we will discuss in class, text can be defined broadly to include not just books, but movies, television, music, video games, art, food, etc. The final draft of your memoir should be 3+ pages, double-spaced, set in a standard 12-point font. The final draft will be due in class, printed/stapled, on Tuesday, 1/22. The project is worth 75 points.

How will writing a memoir benefit your writing? Its simple, really. A memoir is a personal narrative that allows you to WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW. You should be relatively comfortable with material thats drawn directly from your own life and interests. Your familiarity with the material as well as the key elements of narrative structure will help us focus on quality, clarity, and organization in your writing. These three key characteristics are transferable to all kinds of writing. We will be completing this project in steps, including: o brainstorming lists o brief written sketches/scene writing o practice at descriptive writing and quotations o peer review

LAC 1.3.12

Pop Culture Memoir Rubric: 200 points

Blackboard posts including journals and rough drafts: ____/75 points Topic and Content: 65 points 65 points 55 points
Topic and content are relevant to the assignment. Content greatly elaborates on and addresses the topic. Topic and content are relevant to the assignment. Content does an adequate job of elaborating on and addressing the topic.

45 points
Topic and content are mostly relevant to the assignment. Content is in need of revision and rethinking to better address the topic.

35 points
Topic and content are not relevant to the assignment. Content poorly addresses the topic.

25 points
Topic and content are not relevant to the assignment. Content fails to address the topic.

Structure/Organization: 25 points 25 points 20 points 15 points

Memoir has introduction, key scenes, and conclusion. Memoirs structure has great coherence that makes the writing clear and understandable to the audience. Memoir has introduction, key scenes, and conclusion. Memoirs structure has adequate coherence. Memoir has introduction, key scenes, and conclusion. Memoirs structure in need of revision and restructuring to have better coherence.

10 points
Memoir lacks an introduction, key scenes, and conclusion and lacks coherent structure.

5 points
Memoir lacks an introduction, key scenes, and conclusion and fails to have any coherent structure.

Description: 25 points 25 points 20 points

Memoir contains very detailed and well thought out description that greatly illustrates key scenes to the audience. Memoir contains detailed description that adequately illustrates key scenes to the audience.

15 points
Memoir contains some description but is in need of revision to better illustrate key scenes to the audience.

10 points
Memoir contains little description that poorly illustrates key scenes to the audience.

5 points
Memoir contains little to no description that does not illustrate key scenes to the audience.

Grammar/Mechanics/Word Usage: 10 points 10 points 8 points 6 points

Memoir contains little to no errors in grammar, mechanics, and word usage. Memoir contains some errors in grammar, mechanics, and word usage, but errors do not distract from the overall reading. Memoir contains multiple errors in grammar, mechanics, and word usage that are slightly distracting from the reading.

4 points
Memoir contains many errors in grammar, mechanics, and word usage that are very distracting from the reading.

2 points
Memoir contains excessive errors in grammar, mechanics, and word usage that greatly hinder the audiences reading experience.

Total: ________ /200 points


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