345th Tactical Fighter Wing

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May the Higher Power Grant You The Mercy That We Shall Deny!

345th Tactical Fighter Wing Code of Conduct

Writer Senior Master Sergeant Paul Joseph Kirchler Nugget

Approved Into Legislation of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing

Table of Context

Chapter I S1. Introduction . . . Page III

Chapter II (Memberships) S1. Official Member Initiation . . . Page III S2. Allied Guest Initiation . . . Page IV S3. On Leave and Inactive Membership . . . Page IV S4. Sub-Units (Squadrons and Ground Forces) . . . Page V

Chapter III (Civil Order) S1. Wing Behavior . . . Page VI S2. Official Trademarks . . . Page VII S3. Ranks . . . VIII S4. Disciplinary Action . . . Page VIII

Chapter IV (Wing Official) S1. Elections . . . Page X S2. Qualifications . . . Page XI S3. C.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing . . . Page XI S4. X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing . . . Page XI S5. Moderators of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing . . . Page XII S6. C.Os and X.Os of Sub-Units . . . Page XII S7. Code Changes . . . Page XII S8. War . . . Page XIII

Chapter V (Ratification) S1. Into Legislation . . . Page XIII

Chapter I Introduction To promote brotherhood, civil order, and the cause for less confusion upon the people who follow this, we the members of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing hereby establish this Code of Conduct to be followed through with our hearts and minds for the promotion of fair justice and a fluent running Wing. Chapter II Memberships Section 1 Official Member Initiation 2-1-1. To officially become a member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, a potential member must complete the Official Member Initiation Process: 1. Submit a complete Forum of Request to Join The 345th Tactical Fighter Wing on our recruitment page at Ace Combat Skies.com or the HQ page. 2. Be approved by the current C.O or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing with the C.O and / or X.O telling the potential member about the Code of Conduct and that it is not required to be read. 3. Register on the Official HQ forum. 4. Remain active for seven whole days after registering on the HQ by at least doing any of the following: A. Posting on Ace Combat Skies or the HQ page. B. Playing any games with fellow 345th Tactical Fighter Wing members. C. Chatting on skype with fellow 345th Tactical Fighter Wing members. 2-1-2. If the potential member doesnt any steps after the second step within one week (7 days) of being admitted into the initiation process or if the C.O and / or the X.O calls for it, the potential member will be automatically subjected to an interview with the current C.O and X.O on a declared date, time, and chat location. The notice will be posted on the HQ page and the potential members skype (if the member has one). After the interview, the current C.O and / or the X.O will declare one of the following conditions upon the potential member: Condition A. The potential member is found worthy to continue the initiation process. No further action is taken.

Condition B. The potential member is not found worthy to continue the initiation process and his/her application is VOID. The potential member is granted permission to re-apply for membership after satisfying the current C.Os and / or X.Os demands. Condition C. The potential member is not found worthy to continue the initiation process and his/her application is VOID. The potential member cannot re-apply for membership and is banned from the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 2-1-3. The current C.O and X.O have the right to interview the potential member during any part of the initiation process. 2-1-4. If the potential member fails to show up (meaning he is not present in the chat location after 10 minutes from the declared time), leaves during the interview (isnt present in the room / has not had a single response within a 10 minute period) and hasnt notified that he or she cannot make it, then the potential member is automatically ruled under Condition B stated in 2-1-2. 2-1-5. All interviews are private, but if an official member wants to join the interview then they must be approved by the C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 2-1-6. The current C.O and X.O have the right to change the interview date if need too. 2-1-7. After the potential member has been declared an official member by the C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, the new official member must have the following within 30 days of being declared a member: 1. 2. An official signature that is displayed underneath your posts on the HQ and Ace Combat Skies websites. An official biography posted in the biography section of the HQ.

2-1-8. Failure to complete 2-1-7 will result in further disciplinary action by the current C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 2-1-9. If the new official member cannot produce an official signature and none of the other older official members have responded to the new official members demands, then the new official member is granted an 30 day extension if he or she has made demands for an signature. Otherwise, rule 2-1-7 is implied.

Section 2 Allied Guest Initiation 2-2-1. To officially become an allied guest of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, a potential allied guest must complete the Allied Guest Initiation Process: 1. Be officially recognized my two or more official members of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing by a post on the HQ. 2. Be approved by the current C.O or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing with the C.O and / or X.O telling the allied guest about the Code of Conduct and that it is not required to be read. 3. Register on the Official HQ forum. 4. Remain active for seven whole days after registering on the HQ by at least doing any of the following: A. Posting on Ace Combat Skies or the HQ page. B. Playing any games with fellow 345th Tactical Fighter Wing members. C. Chatting on skype with fellow 345th Tactical Fighter Wing members. 2-2-2. All rules 2-1-2 through 2-1-6 remain in effect except the words potential member are changed to potential allied guest and rules 2-1-2 conditions are changed to following during the allied guest initiation process: Condition A. The potential allied guest is found worthy to continue the initiation process. taken. No further action is

Condition B. The potential allied guest is not found worthy to continue the initiation process and his/her application is VOID. The potential allied guest is granted permission to re-apply for admission after satisfying the current C.Os and / or X.Os demands. Condition C. The potential allied guest is not found worthy to continue the initiation process and his/her application is VOID. The potential allied guest cannot re-apply and is fully denied from the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 2-2-7. After the potential allied guest has been declared an official allied guest by the C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, the new official allied guest must have the following within 30 days of being declared an allied guest: 1. An official signature that is displayed underneath your posts on the HQ. Any official squadron signatures from the allied guests squadron / wing are expectable as long as the signature follows the 345th Tactical Fighter Wings Code of Conduct. An official allied guest biography posted in the biography section of the HQ.


2-2-8. Failure to complete 2-2-7 will result in further disciplinary action by the current C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 2-2-9. If the new official allied cannot produce an official signature and none of the other older official members have responded to the new official allied guests demands, then the new official allied guest is granted an 30 day extension if he or she has made demands for an signature. Otherwise, rule 2-2-7 is implied. Section 3 On Leave and Inactive Membership 2-3-1. An official member or allied guest of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is classified on or can return to ACTIVE status if any of the following conditions are met: 1. The official member or allied guest has posted a message on skype, the HQ, and/or Ace Combat Skies within one month after the last post. Has played any game with the title of Ace Combat within one month after the last acknowledgement of playing the game.


2-3-2. If an official member or allied guest does not satisfy any of the following conditions stated within 2-3-1 under a 14 day period then they are considered On-Leave. 2-3-3. If an official member goes or is treated as On-Leave, they are still in-titled to their official leadership positions. 2-3-4. If an official member or allied guest has remained On-Leave Without Official Acknowledgement for more than 30 days after being declared so by the C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, then they are considered Inactive. 2-3-5. If an official member goes or is treated as Inactive, they are no longer in-titled to their official leadership position(s) and the elected temporary leader / leader(s) to that specific role will be established as permanent leader / leader(s).

2-3-6. If an official member has accumulated two years (730 Days) of being ACTIVE, he or she cannot be subjected to rule 2-3-7. They will remain on INACTIVE status while rule 2-3-5 remains in effect. 2-3-7. If an official member doesnt qualify under rule 2-3-6, after four months (120 Days) of being on Inactive status they are discharged by the C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing under Discharged Due To Inactivity. 2-3-8. If an allied guest has been Inactive for four months (120 Days), their allied guest status is declared VOID by the C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 2-3-9. If an official member or allied guest declares and posts on the HQ page saying they are leaving there ACTIVE status, they are automatically granted to be On-Leave for a period up to two months (90 Days) maximum. 2-3-10. If the official member that doesnt qualify under rule 2-3-6 or allied guest believes he needs an extension to his OnLeave period, the following actions will be conducted in order: 1. 2. The official member or allied guest appeals their case to the C.O and/or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing will schedule a case study within one week of the official notice. The date, time, and chat location will be posted. The case study will take place and one of the following conditions will be ruled upon the official member: Condition A. The official member or allied guest is granted an On-Leave extension for a determined amount of time. Condition B. The official member or allied guest is not granted an On-Leave extension and will go Inactive on the specified date. Rules 2-3-5 and 2-3-7 or 2-3-8 remain in effect for this official member / allied guest. 2-3-11. All case studies are private, but if an official member wants to join then they must be approved by the C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 2-3-12. All members have the right to be Honorably Discharged without questioning or disapproval from any official member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing including the C.O and the X.O, but an official reason is asked under the Code of Conduct. 2-3-13. All official members that are Honorably Discharged or Discharged Due To Inactivity and allied guests that have a VOID status can replay for the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. Section 4 Sub-Units (Squadrons and Ground Forces) 2-4-1. To be created or maintained, sub-units within the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing must have these conditions met: 1. The potential / existing sub-unit must have four Active members of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing that are committed to serving the sub-unit they are under. The sub-unit is approved by the current C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. The sub-units field of operation (games) is not conflicting with another established sub-units field of operation. Exceptions to condition 3 may be appealed to the C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. The sub-unit has an established C.O and X.O. The sub-unit has an official logo that is approved the C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. The sub-unit as a mascot and a title name that is approved by the C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. The sub-unit has an established HQ (non-comment / locked) thread with the following displayed on it in a uniform and presenting manner: A. B. C. The sub-units official name The sub-units official logo The sub-units official roster with the C.O and X.O of the sub-unit known.


2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.


2-4-2. All sub-units and its members of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing are still subjected to the Code of Conduct and cannot make up any additional rules that adds or takes away rules from the Code of Conduct. 2-4-3. All members of a sub-unit must have at least one working title that the sub-units field of operation covers. 2-4-4. All sub-units and their members have the freedom and rights to perform the following actions and activities without the consent of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wings C.O an X.O:

1. 2. Make alliances with other outside squadrons / originations. Step-up and participate in battles, joint-military practices, and / or any other confrontations that isnt under any conditions of war. Recruit members specifically for the sub-unit as long as they are joining that 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. Hold private meetings and chat rooms under the term members of this sub-unit only. Reject requests for any official member to join and / or kick any official members out of the sub-unit with a good reason. Add other platforms / games that do not conflict with other sub-units or the sub-units area of protection (Air, Sea, or Land).

3. 4. 5.


2-4-5. All actions and activities stated with rule 2-4-4 are defined as Sub-Unit activities. 2-4-6. For an official member to join any of the sub-units, an official member must complete the sub-unit initiation process: 1. The official member request to join one of the sub-units. 2. Wait for approval by the current C.O or X.O of the sub-unit. 3. Remain active for seven whole days after being placed on the sub-units roster by at least doing any of the following: A. Posting on Ace Combat Skies, HQ page, skype, and / or the 345th Tactical Fighter Wings Facebook. B. Playing any games with fellow sub-unit members. 2-4-7. The C.O and X.O of the sub-unit have the same rights as stated from rule 2-1-3 through 2-1-6 for interviewing a new member of the sub-unit except the C.O and X.O of the sub-unit cannot ban an official member from joining the sub-unit. Rule 2-1-5s quote of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is VOID under this rule. 2-4-8. The C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing reserve the right to interfere with Sub-unit activities and discontinue it with a good reason. This interference is defined as a 345th Tactical Fighter Wing activity. Chapter III Civil Order Section 1 Wing Behavior and Prohibited Acts 3-1-1. All official members and allied guests are automatically sworn to follow all rules and regulations stated within the 345th Tactical Fighter Wings Code of Conduct upon their official membership into the Wing. Any violations of the Code of Conduct will be dealt with further disciplinary action. 3-1-2. The HQ page at all times must show a short summery of rules that cover rules 3-1-3 through 3-1-19 and that the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing operates under their Code of Conduct. 3-1-3. An official member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is allowed to exercise the following actions and activities without any restrictions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Post under or create topics on the HQ page unless rule 3-4-1 is in effect. Chat on the official 345th Tactical Fighter Wings skype and Facebook unless rule 3-4-1 is in effect. Report violations of the Code of Conduct to the C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. Represent themselves as an official member. Vote on any issues related to the 345th Tactical Fighter Wings operations including electing new officials and putting proposals into new rules. Create potential or joining sub-units under the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. Request a promotion in their rank. Run as a candidate for an official position if the official member is qualified. Give our orders that doesnt violate the Code of Conduct.

6. 7. 8. 9.

3-1-4. All actions and activities stated with rule 3-1-3 are defined as 345th Tactical Fighter Wing activities. 3-1-5. An allied guest is only allowed to exercise the following actions:

1. 2. Actions 1 through 3 stated within rule 3-1-3. Represent themselves as an official allied guest of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing.

3-1-6. All official members and allied guests are to take reasonability for their actions while remaining truthful, trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. 3-1-7. Any official member or allied guest insulting, directly abusing, and/or causing a fight with any other official or nonofficial member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is prohibited on all social and messaging platforms including skype, the HQ, and Ace Combat Skies. 3-1-8. Not taking / refusing to follow orders from any ranks higher than the official members own is prohibited. 3-1-9. Giving orders that violate the Code of Conduct / to higher ranking officials is prohibited. Giving suggestions to higher ranking officials is not prohibited. 3-1-10. An allied guest cannot give orders to any official member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. An allied guest is obligated to refuse orders from any official member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing only if the refusal does not violate the Code of Conduct. 3-1-11. Any act or content that is considered spamming or illegal will be dealt with on a case by case basis. 3-1-12. Not safe for work content is prohibited on any social or messaging platform. No exceptions. 3-1-13. Any form of typing that is considered texting language or 1337-speak is prohibited. 3-1-14. No official member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing can illegally spy on another outside Ace Combat Squadron or Wing. 3-1-15. No official member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing can join or be part of another outside Ace Combat Squadron or Wing. 3-1-16. An official member can be part of another gaming clan that doesnt conflict with the 345th Tactical Fighter Wings areas of engagements (Games that the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing supports), however he or she is still bound by rule 3-1-12 and 3-1-13. 3-1-17. Creating fake accounts to be used on any 345th Tactical Fighter Wing social or messaging platform is prohibited. 3-1-18. Performing duties that are not assigned / entitled to the official member is prohibited. 3-1-19. Performing any acts that are considered corruptions upon / in the Lancers are prohibited. 3-1-20. No official member when recruiting can disregard or disrespect a potential member's Squadron / Wing. Section 2 Official Trademarks 3-2-1. The following trademarks are to only be used by any current member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing only under the permission of the current C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 3-2-2. If any use of the official trademarks is deemed unusable by at least three current members of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing or by the current C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, the violating member must change the content of which the trademark is misused in or face further disciplinary action.

Official Wing Patch

Official Mascot Lancer

Official Motto May the Higher Power Grant You The Mercy That We Shall Deny!

Official HQ Website http://s3.zetaboards.com/The_Lancers_HQ/index/

Section 3 Ranks 3-3-1. To rank all official members, the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing will only use the official United States of Americas Air Force Officer Rankings for all 345th Tactical Fighter Wing activities. 3-3-2. The C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing are the only official members that can promote any official member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing after they both approve of the promotion. 3-3-3. After an official member has been promoted or de-promoted, they cannot be promoted until 90 days have passed since their last promotion or de-promotion. 3-3-4. No official member can be promoted or de-promoted more than two ranks. 3-3-5. No official member can be de-promoted except through a Court Martial. 3-3-6. After the complementing the Official Member Initiation Process (OMIP), the new Official Member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing will be automatically promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. 3-3-7. Allied Guests of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing are to remain unranked at all times. They cannot at any time receive a rank within the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 3-3-8. Each rank within the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing has a maximum amount of people who can hold that rank. Those maxes per rank are:

Ranks List 0-1. 0-2. 0-3. 0-4. 0-5. 0-6. 0-7. 0-8. 0-9. 0-10. 2nd Lieutenant Unlimited 1st Lieutenant 10 official members Caption 8 official members Major 5 official members Lieutenant Colonel 4 official members Colonel 3 official members Brigadier General 2 official members Major General Reserved for the Moderators (Max: 2) Lieutenant General - Reserved for the Executive Officer of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing General - Reserved for the Commanding Officer of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing

3-3-9. Any promotions or de-promotions in rank that violate the Code of Conduct will not be subjected to Disciplinary Action. Instead the promotion or de-promotion is VOID. 3-3-10. Each rank holds the power to stop any action or order by ranks lower than the official member's own. 3-3-11. All sub-units are responsible for creating and following their own ranking structure as long as the C.O of the sub-unit is the top position and the X.O of the sub-unit is the second top position. Rules 3-3-1 and 3-3-8 are VOID within sub-unit activities. 3-3-12. Ranks within Sub-units are VOID for all 345th Tactical Fighter Wing actions and activities. 3-3-13. No other official member can occupy a spot in a rank that the current C.O, X.O, or Moderator of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing had before taking the official position.

Section 4 Disciplinary Action 3-4-1. When a violation of the Code of Conduct is occurring and / or is acknowledged by two or more official members, the C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing are obligated to issue an immediate order for all official members to Stop all current activities and chats until the violation is resolved. Chatting or posting on any 345th Tactical Fighter Wings social or messaging platforms including skype, the HQ, and Facebook are hereby prohibited until restrictions are lifted by an order from the C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 3-4-2. Any violations of rule 3-4-1 (if issued) will be an immediate strike against the official member or allied guest for Failing to comply with official orders. This strike can be permanent or temporary depending upon how deep the violation is. The C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing will be allowed to speak only for addressing 3-3-2s punishment and this punishment cannot be court martialed. 3-4-3. The only exception to rule 3-4-1 (if issued) is for rules 3-4-4 through 3-4-7. 3-4-4. After the violation is known by the C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, one of three different courses of action must take place within 4 hours after the violation has been committed: Course A: The violation is ignored and cannot face Disciplinary Action. Course B: The violation is acted upon by the C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. Course C: The violation is acted upon by the two or more official members (who did not violate anything stated within the Code of Conduct) of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing after approval from the C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 3-4-5. If the C.O and / or X.O do not reach a decision upon the course of action after 2 hours since notification by an official member, Course A stated within rule 3-3-4 automatically takes effect. 3-4-6. If Course B stated with rule 3-3-4 is chosen by the C.O a Court Martial date, time, and chat location on skype and the will not be subjected to rule 3-3-1 if issued. After the court Fighter Wing will declare one of the following conditions upon and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, ether one will announce HQ page. All names stated within the announcement must attend and martial, the current C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical the each individual violating member or single member:

Condition A. The member is found to be not violating any rules of the Code of Conduct and will not revive any punishment. Condition B. The member is found to have violated a rule or rules of the Code of Conduct. 3-4-7. If the official member(s) or allied guest(s) is ruled under Condition B of rule 3-3-5, the C.O and X.O must agree and address one or more of the following punishments to the violating member / members: 1. No punishment will be placed on the member / members. Their actions are justified even though it violated the Code of Conduct. The violating member / members will revive a strike on their HQ profile. If the condition of the strike (permanent or temporary) will be determined by the C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. The violating member / members will revive a de-promotion in their rank. The condition of the de-promotion will be determined by the C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. The violating member / members is / are temporarily banned from the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing for a period of time determined by the C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. The official member that is temporarily banned will be treated as On-Leave member. The violating member / members is / are temporarily banned from the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing for a period of time determined by the C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. The official member that is temporarily banned will be treated as Inactive member. The violating member / members are / is permanently banned from the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. His or her account on the HQ will be terminated within 24 hours after the court martial case has been dismissed and will be classified as Dishonorably Discharged. The official member that is permanently banned will be treated as Inactive member.






3-4-8. If Course C stated with rule 3-4-4 is chosen by the C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, the C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing will state who are representing the 345th Tactical Fighter Wings Jury of Disciplinary Action and who is / are the violating member(s) within 4 hours after Course C is selected. If this rule is violated, then Course A stated within rule 3-3-4 automatically takes effect. 3-4-9. Once the 345th Tactical Fighter Wings Jury of Disciplinary Action (JDA) is selected, one member of the JDA must declair a date, time, and chat location on skype and the HQ page of the Court Martial within 12 hours. All names stated within the announcement must attend and will not be subjected to rule 3-4-1 if issued. After the court martial, the official JDA members must unanimously agree on one of the Conditions stated within rule 3-4-6.

3-4-10. If Condition B is unanimously ruled upon the violating official member(s) / allied guest(s), the JDA must also unanimously agree and address one or more of the punishments stated within rule 3-4-7. The statements within rule 3-4-7 that say determined by the C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing under this rule (only) are changed to determined by the JDA. 3-4-11. After a dismissal of a Court Martial with the JDA, all JDA decisions must be enforced after the approval of the C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. If any decisions are rejected by the C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, then course B of rule 3-4-4 automatically takes effect for that decision. 3-4-12. If the C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing do not respond with their approval or disapproval of a JDA decision after 2 hours since the Court Marshal has dismissed, the JDAs decision is approved without consent from the C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 3-4-13. All Court Martials are private, but if an official member wants to join in on a Court Martial then they must be approved by the C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. Seeking this approval will not violate rule 3-4-1 if issued. 3-4-14. If the violating member(s) fails to show up for a Court Marshal (meaning he is not present in the chat location after 10 minutes from the declared time) or leaves a Court Martial (isnt present in the room / has not had a single response within a 10 minute period), then the violating member(s) is automatically ruled under Condition B stated in 3-4-6. 3-4-15. The current C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing or the selected JDA have the rights to change the Court Martial date, time, an chat location if need too. 3-4-16. If any official member or allied guest of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing accumulates five strikes on their record, they are temporarily banned from the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing and an official member will be treated as On-Leave member. 3-4-17. No official member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing cannot accumulate more than two strikes per Court Marshal. 3-4-18. Court Marshals can only address the violation(s) of the Code of Conduct that the violating member(s) did within then the four hours prior to the course of action chosen. 3-4-19. If multiple violations occurred within the four hours prior to the course of action chosen, then the Court Marshal must address all the violations and tie all the violations into one or more punishments for the violations as whole. 3-4-20. If the C.O or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing violates the Code of Conduct, then the following changes will occur under this condition only: 1. The violating C.O or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing cannot make any decisions, approvals, or denials within their own Disciplinary Action. Course B stated within rule 3-4-4 is voided. If Condition B stated within rule 3-4-6 is ruled upon the violating C.O or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, then the punishment must be voted upon in a poll on the HQ by fellow official members of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing.

2. 3.

3-4-21. If both the C.O and the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing are found to be violating the Code of Conduct, then the following changes will occur under this condition only: 1. The violating C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing cannot make any decisions, approvals, or denials within their own Disciplinary Action. Course B stated within rule 3-4-4 is voided. The Moderators of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing will acquire the responsibilities of the C.O and X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. If Condition B stated within rule 3-4-6 is ruled upon the violating C.O or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, then the punishment must be voted upon in a poll on the HQ by fellow official members of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. Chapter IV Wing Official Section 1 Elections 4-1-1. If the position of the Commanding Officer of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is to become open after the previous Elected Commanding Officer resigns, is appealed from office, or goes Inactive, then the current X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing can take the position and become the new C.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 4-1-2. If the X.O refuses to take the office of the C.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing doesnt declair his taking of office within 24 hours after the C.O has left the office, then an election cycle for the position of the Commanding Officer of the 345th Tactical Wing must occur.

2. 3.


4-1-3. If the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing does declair his taking of the position of the C.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, then an election cycle for the position of the Executive Officer of the 345th Tactical Wing must occur. 4-1-4. If the position of the Executive Officer of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is to become open after the previous Executive Officer resigns, is appealed from office, or goes Inactive, then an election cycle for the position of the Executive Officer of the 345th Tactical Wing must occur. 4-1-5. If the position of a Moderator of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is to become open after the previous Moderator resigns, is appealed from office, or goes Inactive, then an election cycle for the position of a Moderator of the 345th Tactical Wing must occur. 4-1-6. The election cycle for the all positions (C.O, X.O, or mod) within 345th Tactical Fighter Wing will proceed in this order: 1. 2. A thread will be opened up in the Operations section of the HQ page for the running of the open position. After three candidates have declared they are running for the open position on a first come first served basis or 48 hours have passed since the thread has opened, the thread will close. After the thread for candidates closes, for two days (48 hours) all candidates can be questioned via. the HQ or skype over any questions that any official member has. The candidates can hold Q&A sessions. After the 48 hour period, a voting thread for the open position will be created. All candidates in the race will be on the voting poll and official members can place their vote for the candidate within one week (168 hours) before the poll closes. After the poll closes, the candidate with the most votes wins the open position.




4-1-7. The official member that will be in charge of the election will be the highest ranking official member that isnt running for an open position. 4-1-8. If there are more than one open positions that require an election cycle, each election will happen one at a time starting with the highest open position and descending from the highest position. 4-1-10. There can be up to three candidates running for the any open position of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 4-1-11. If the official member that won an official position goes On-leave, the following process will occur and rules that violate this process are VOID for the official member taking the temporary position: 1. The highest ranking official member without an official or temporary position that is on ACTIVE status will automatically take the open official position on a temporary official status. They will be fully entitled to all duties of the official position they are covering. The official member that takes the official position will be selected by highest ranking official member that is on ACTIVE status. When the official member that was elected into a particular official position returns to ACTIVE status after being on a On-Leave status, the official member that temporarily occupies the official position will be appealed from the official position. If the official member that was elected into a particular official position goes INACTIVE, the official member that temporarily occupies the official position will be appealed from the official position. Section 2 Qualifications 4-2-1. For an official member to become candidate for position of the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, the official member must satisfy the following requirements: 1. 2. Has been an official member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing for more than two years. Have a rank higher than a Major.



4-2-2. For an official member to become candidate for position of a Moderator of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, the official member must satisfy the following requirements: 1. 2. Has been an official member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing for more than one year. Has a rank higher than a Caption.

Section 3 Commanding Officer of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing 4-3-1. The position of the C.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is area of huge responsibility and the official member that holds this position must have either been elected into the position or was the previous X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing that has taken over the position while leaving his position as the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing.

4-3-2. When an official member takes the position of C.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, the official member is promoted to the rank of General. When the official member resigns, is appealed from office, or goes Inactive, then they will lose the position and be de-promoted back to their original rank before taking the position of C.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter wing. Rule 3-3-5 is VOID under this rule. 4-3-3. The C.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is fully entitled to all duties stated within the Code of Conduct that includes the intervention of the C.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing and moderator duties and titles.

Section 4 Executive Officer of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing 4-4-1. The position of the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is area of huge responsibility and the official member that holds this position must have been elected into the position. 4-4-2. When an official member takes the position of X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, the official member is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General. When the official member resigns, is appealed from office, or goes Inactive, then they will lose the position and be de-promoted back to their original rank before taking the position of X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. Rule 3-3-5 is VOID under this rule. 4-4-3. The X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is fully entitled to all duties stated within the Code of Conduct that includes the intervention of the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing and moderator duties and titles. Section 5 Moderators of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing 4-5-1. The position of Moderator of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is a position that an official member of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing must be elected into. 4-4-2. When an official member takes the position of Moderator of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing, the official member is promoted to the rank of Major General. When the official member resigns, is appealed from office, or goes Inactive, then they will lose the position and be de-promoted back to their original rank before taking the position of Moderator of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. Rule 3-3-5 is VOID under this rule. 4-5-3. A Moderator of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is fully entitled to all duties stated within the Code of Conduct that includes: 1. 2. Editing, Pinning, Closing, and Re-Opening Topics. Accessing the Admin-CP to alter or change anything on the HQ with permission from the C.O and / or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing.

4-5-4. The moderation team reserves the right to close, edit, move, or remove any topic on the HQ for any good reason. Section 6 C.Os and X.Os of Sub-Units 4-6-1. The C.O of an official 345th Tactical Fighter Wing Sub-unit reserves the same rights of the C.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing only under their Sub-Unit. 4-6-2. The X.O of an official 345th Tactical Fighter Wing Sub-unit reserves the same rights of the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing only under their Sub-Unit. 4-6-3. The C.O and X.O can be selected than elected for a Sub-Unit. Section 7 Code Changes 4-7-1. For any rules to be added, changed, or removed from the Code of Conduct, the following must occur: 1. The C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing must approve of the rule that is being added, changed, or removed. The rule that is being added, changed, or removed is voted upon by the official members of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. After the vote as closed, one of two conditions may occur:



Condition A. If the vote approves a rule being added, changed, or removed, then the new rule takes effect immediately while the C.O or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing changes the Code of Conduct to include the new rule within 7 days after the rule has been approved. Condition B. If the vote does not approve a rule being added, changed, or removed, then nothing happens and the rule is tossed. 4-7-2. If the C.O or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing violate Condition A stated within rule 4-7-1, the C.O or X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing do not face a Court Martial. Instead, a Moderator of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing can change the Code of Conduct to include the rule within a 7 day period. Section 8 War 4-8-1. Under all conditions, the C.O and the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing are the only official members than can declair a Declaration of War against another squadron or Wing and discuss terms of war, treaties, challenges, and surrender to the opposing squadron or Wing. 4-8-2. All Declarations of War must have the following passages on it for it to be valid: 1. A clear written intro explaining the logical reasons as to why the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is declaring war and the type of war the 345th Tactual Fighter Wing is fighting. The terms of war. A reminder about the rules stated in the Code of Conduct under a War situation.

2. 3.

4-8-3. The three different types of war the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing can declair are: 1. 2. 3. Mutual War Both sides have agreed to go into war with each other. Aggressive War We declair war against another Squadron or Wing. Defensive War Another Squadron or Wing declares war against us.

4-8-4. Under the conditions of War, all official members with an skype account must remain signed into their accounts at all times until the war is over by a decree from the C.O and / or the X.O of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. 4-8-5. All sub-units within the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing must be ready to be deployed if their area of cover in the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing is challenged. They must be on-time to their challenge and if they cannot make it, the C.O or X.O of the sub-unit must declair that they cannot make their designated time and they ether forfeit the challenge or they ask for a rescheduling of the challenge. Chapter 5 Ratification Section 1 Into Legislation 5-1-1. We trust each other and ourselves to with we hold these words within this document true and not for the use to gain power or an advancement within ourselves that hurts the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing. That this Code of Conduct is fair to all members and allies so that we my build a brighter and nobler foundation of success as the Lancers continue to press forward while remembering everyone who has built the past. After carefully reviewing all chapters, sections, and rules of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wings Code of Conduct, done in convention by the members of this Wing present the twenty-third day of May in the year of two thousand and thirteen, we the official members sign this document into legislation for all official members of the 345th Tactical Fighter Wing in the present and future to immediately follow and accede. We have hereunto subscribed our Names,

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