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Free time
Simple present (afrmative and negative; questions and short answers) like + -ing Vocabulary: hobbies and interests, school subjects

Read and listen

Look at the pictures. How old do you think the girl is? What is her hobby? Read the text quickly to check your ideas.

CD1 T14 Now read the text again and listen. Answer the questions.
1 3 5

Where is Kellie from? When does she get honey from the hives? Why dont her friends go near the hives?

2 Why does she feed the bees in the winter? 4 What does she do with the honey?

Kellie Lenamond is 16. Shes from Texas in the United States. She has many hobbies. She likes playing volleyball. She also likes playing the fiddle, and she loves singing. But, Kellie has an unusual hobby: beekeeping. Kellie doesnt work with the bees every day. She checks her hives about twice a month in the spring, summer and fall. She spends more time with the bees in the winter. There arent many flowers for the bees to get food from at this time of year. So, Kellie feeds the bees a mixture of sugar and water in the winter. This is a typical day for Kellie when she works with the bees: 8:00 9:00 She gets up and eats breakfast. She sets out her beesuit. She makes sugar water for the bees. 11:00 She practices the fiddle. 12:00 She makes lunch for her brothers and sisters. Then she does her homework. 3:00 She goes to volleyball practice. 5:00 She and her mom make dinner. 7:00 After dinner, Kellie puts on her beesuit. She and her dad go to the backyard. She feeds the bees the sugar water. Every summer, Kellie takes honey from the hives. Her bees produce about 35 liters of honey a year. Kellie and her family sell some of the honey, cook with the honey and give friends honey, too.

Kellie has six beehives. She has about 360,000 bees!

Kellies friends dont go near the hives. They are afraid. They dont want the bees to sting them. Kellie says they dont understand that bees are a good thing. She says, I like standing safely in the middle of a swirling mass of stinging insects. No one else is brave enough!



2 Grammar
Simple present (afrmative and negative)
Look at the examples. Then complete the rule.
Kellie gets up at 8:00. She feeds the bees. The bees produce honey. They cook with honey.

Look at the pictures. Write simple present sentences. Use like, love or hate and a word from the box.
cats soccer apples ice cream bananas winter

RULE: We use the simple present for things which happen regularly or which are always true.
With I, , we and we use the base form of the verb. With he, . she and it we add

He likes apples.

2 I

With he, she and it, some verbs end in es. -sh they wash she washes -ch we teach he teaches, I go she goes If the verb ends with consonant + y, the ending is ies. they y it ies you study he studies

3 She

4 They

5 She

6 We

Complete the sentences. Use the simple present form of the verbs.

Look at the examples and complete the table.

Kellie doesnt work with the bees every day. They dont go near the hives.

Sara sports.


(love) movies. (hate)

2 My friends 3

Afrmative I/you/we/they run he/she/it runs

Negative I/you/we/they he/she/it (do not) run (does not) run

You (take) good photographs. (teach) us English.

4 Mrs. Jameson 5

My father Chile twice a year. lot of books.

(y) to (read) a

Complete the sentences. Use the simple present form of the verbs.
1 3 5

6 My mom 7 We

dont like

(not like) this kind of music. (not eat) a lot of meat at home. (speak) Spanish. (not know) his phone number. (get up) late on the weekend. (not drive) to work.

2 We

(go) to school at 8:30 in the morning.

My parents My brother

4 I 6 My father


Make the sentences negative.


My brother spends a lot of money on clothes. My brother doesnt spend a lot of money on clothes.

2 I get up early on Sunday.

3 .

My sister watches a lot of TV. .

4 I buy music on that Web site.


You know the answer. .


3 Vocabulary
Hobbies and interests
CD1 T15 Match the activities with the pictures. Write 19 in the boxes. Then listen, check and repeat.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

going to the movies reading swimming painting playing computer games dancing listening to music playing the guitar running


Use words from the three lists to make ve true sentences.

play plays dont play doesnt play listen to doesnt listen to go goes doesnt go read dont read doesnt read

I My friends My brother My sister

{ }

magazines. the guitar. pop music. computer games. tennis. to soccer games. a newspaper every day.



4 Grammar
like + -ing
Look at the examples and complete the rule.
Kellie likes playing the ddle. She loves singing. We enjoy cooking with honey. I hate getting up early!

6 Listen
Listen to the interview. Which picture shows Marks hobby?
CD1 T16

RULE: We often use the form after verbs of liking and not liking, for example, like, dont like, love and hate.

CD1 T16

F (false).
1 3

Listen again. Write T (true) or

Mark gives shows once a month. Mark practices every day.

2 He learns new tricks on the Internet.

If the verb ends in e, we drop the e before -ing. dance dancing, smile smiling If a short verb ends in vowel + consonant, we double the last letter before -ing. swim swimming, run running

4 Marks brother wants to be a magician.

7 Pronunciation
CD1 T17 and T18 Pronunciation section starts

on page 114.

Complete the sentences. Use the -ing form of the verbs in the box.

8 Grammar
Simple present (questions and short answers)
Read the examples about Marks hobby and complete the table.
Do your friends know about your hobby? Yes, they do. Does it take a long time to learn? Yes, it does. Do you tell your brother how to do the tricks?




listen talk to jazz.

Maria hates games.


2 My brother doesnt like 3 5

My sister loves I love phone. the weekend.

her bike. on the beach. to my friends on the to soccer games on

4 My dad enjoys

Questions I/you/we/they study English? he/she/it like studying English?

No, I dont.

Short answers Yes, I/you/we/they do. No, I/you/we/they Yes, he/she/it . No, he/she/it doesnt ( (do not). not).

6 We love

5 Speak
Work with a partner. Talk about the hobbies in Exercise 3.
I love I hate I (dont) like/enjoy Im (not) good at

Complete the questions and short answers.

1 A:


Jeremy like swimming? () . () . your friends listen to music? () . she go to your school? () .

B: Yes, he does 2 A: B: 3 A: B: 4 A: B:

you study Japanese?

Make notes and tell other people in your class about your partners hobbies.


9 Read and listen

Tonya, Elsa and Mark go to the same school. Read the text quickly and nd:

the name of the school

2 three different clubs at the school

Look at the pictures. Which things are school subjects? Which things are clubs? Which are sports? Write S (subject), C (club) or SP (sport).

Tonya, Elsa and Mark are students at LaGuardia High School in New York City. Its a school with regular academic classes, but it also specializes in the performing arts. Tonya likes dancing, Elsa wants to be an artist and Mark is a singer. The students are all 15, and theyre in 10th grade. They study subjects like English, math, social studies, science, health and PE. They also choose a foreign language: French, Italian, Spanish or Japanese. Students have many academic classes, but during the school day they also take classes in the arts, like theater, art, dance and music. Mark says, I get the basic classes, but I also take a voice class and a music history class. There is even more for LaGuardia students after school. There are more than 40 clubs for students. For example, theres a movie club, a knitting club and an environment club. We have so many choices here, says Tonya. My favorite club is the camera club. I like taking photos and learning about photography. Its also a great way to meet people with common interests. Students at LaGuardia can also do many sports. For example, they can play basketball, tennis, volleyball and soccer. Elsa is on the gymnastics team. She says, I like being on a team. It makes me work hard and do my best. Students practice after school. They compete against other high schools. Mark says, At school, I study by myself. Im a singer, and I do that alone, too. Thats why I like playing on the basketball team. We work together and compete against other teams. LaGuardia offers many great classes, clubs and sports for students. Students at LaGuardia get a good education, and they also develop their own interests. Many LaGuardia students become dancers, singers and actors!




0 Write
Imagine that Lisa is your new e-pal and this is her rst message to you. Read her message. What are her hobbies and interests?

from: lisa.franklin@aeim.cup subject: Hello!

Hi! Im Lisa Franklin. Im American, and I live in California. Im 15. I love sports. My favorite hobby is painting. I also like taking photographs (Im in the photography club at school), and I enjoy riding my bike. I love watching sports on TV, especially tennis! I really like Rafael Nadal. My best friend is Sonia. We listen to music a lot, and we often go to the movies together, too. Her favorite actor is Ben Stiller. I think hes very funny, but my favorite actor is Johnny Depp. Write soon! Lisa

1 3

Write T (true) or F (false).

2 Mark is a dancer.

CD1 T19 Read the text again and listen.

Write an email in reply to Lisa. Include this information:

Tonya, Elsa and Mark are all 15 years old. Art classes are school subjects at LaGuardia. Tonyas favorite club is the movie club.

your name, nationality and age

For your portfolio

where you live your hobbies and interests some information about your friend(s)

4 Clubs meet during the school day. 5 6 Elsa is on the gymnastics team. 7 Mark sings in a band with other people. 8 Sports teams compete against other

Work with a partner. Think of ve questions that you would like to ask Tonya from LaGuardia High School. Work with your partner: One of you is the interviewer, and the other one is Tonya. Ask and answer questions.


Is this school similar to yours or very different? Discuss this question with a partner or in small groups.



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