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Introduction to curriculum Studies

Experiential learning is the process of making meaning from direct experience, i.e., "learning from experience" ( Leonard, 2002) Having garner all the relevant

information on the various happenings, within institutions or learning environment which caters for adolescents it is imperative to recognized the ultimate source of survival , which is a stable Christian relationship with the supreme being Almighty God. I believe that every learner have the ability to overcome their challenges within the learning environment if they allow the Lord to be their guiding source. When examined the various type of learners within the institution have different values, morals and principles; some admirable to emulate and some can be disastrous. The learner is confronted with the challenge of making wise decisions, that will influence friends and associates. Introduction to Curriculum Studies have made me understand the significance of having a curriculum for every subject within the schools. This will allow individuals to be developed mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually wherever apply. The students will have the opportunity to strive for excellence through academics, skill training and projects. A curriculum allows school administrator to provide a competitive program for their schools and will attract applicants who are interested and excited at what is offered. A wholistic curriculum will help learners to embrace and to enhance their development in areas of appropriate behaviour such as deportment and integrity. It is surprising to know that being decent sometimes is frown upon among many modern day youths. Sometimes youths are ridicule by their peers as being old fashioned when they do not

give in to the now trend. I believe that embracing morals and values within the curriculum will be beneficial to our learners. There is also need for our learners to be grateful to God for their achievements and successes. This course of curriculum studies have enlighten me to all the aspects surrounding the given subject area. I have develop more critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, and most of all the ability to be creative .This will be quite beneficial to me as I embark upon a new horizon, in molding young minds in the classroom. In conclusion, I must extend my sincere gratitude to my facilitator and her assistants who were so diligent in imparting knowledge. I have learnt a lot from this experience and pray that the Lord will continue to bless her richly.


Leonard, D. (2002) Learning Theories A to Z. Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing

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