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ETSI Technical Committee STQ

Speech Processing, Transmission and Quality Aspects

Jean-Yves Monfort, France Telecom TC STQ Chairman

STQ Workshop, Tawan, February 13th, 2006

Structure of TC STQ and WGs

Chair - JY Monfort (France Telecom) Vice-Chair - K. Adler (Vodafone) Vice-Chair - H.W. Gierlich (Head Acoustics) Vice-Chair - J. Pomy (Avaya-Tenovis) Secretary - V. Sypli (BMWi) ETSI Technical Officer : D. Zumerle

STQ Mobile
Chair- K. Adler (Vodafone) Secretary - J.O. Rock(Vodafone) ETSI Support Assistant - C. Rihet (also for STQ)

SRQ Aurora
Chair - D. Pierce (Motorola)
STQ Workshop, Tawan, February 13th, 2006 2

Terms of Reference
Speech, but not only Quality of Service(s) Centre of expertise; strong cooperation inside and outside ETSI Results: Standards, Guides, reports But also : Workshops and tutorial sessions Support for test events

STQ Mobile
QoS parameters, test methods, for popular services in GSM and 3G Networks Initiates works that may be extended in STQ (e.g. QoS for SMS)

STQ Aurora
DSR standardized in STQ Aurora and disseminated in other bodies

STQ Workshop, Tawan, February 13th, 2006

Technical overview (1/5)

User-related QoS


A very important and comprehensive document for user-related QoS. Regular updates
Part 1 General Part 2 Voice telephony, Group 3 fax, modem data services and sms Part 3 QoS parameters specific to mobile services Part 4 Internet QoS parameters

Excessive acoustic level

WI 19 (Maximum acoustic pressure), to define the measurement methods needed to test the maximum acoustics pressure, in conformance with the limits defined in the 73/23/EEC .

Wide-Band Speech Two workshops on Wideband Speech, Prediction and assessment Ongoing WI related to wideband speech (terminals, assessment,) Study on a future wideband transmission rating model
STQ Workshop, Tawan, February 13th, 2006 4

Technical overview (2/5) STQ

Workshops and tutorials on test Methods. The success for WB : VoIP? Several WIs : Definition and implementation of VoIP Reference Device , Terminal and gateway transmission quality parameters and test methods,.. A first step on VoIP Overview. Follow-up actions to be planned.

Internal collaborations with TISPAN (NGN), User group and Human Factors. Cooperations and very good relationships with ITU- T SG12, TIA TR-41, ATIS PRQC, benefit : improve the speed of reliability process.
It includes a new common work on Voice

standards Comparison

Open to all other cooperations

STQ Workshop, Tawan, February 13th, 2006

Technical overview (3/5) STQ Mobile

Origin : IREG. Benefit to joint ETSI STQ : number of participants x 2 (great support from ETSI)
Participants are from :
Mobile Operators Equipment Manufacturers and Vendors Measurement equipment manufacturers

Aims : Standards and intercommunications between operators Inputs to STQ on QoS for mobile and fixed convergence (e.g. SMS) New interests : Video Quality for mobile and picture compression algorithm; Push-to-talk,
STQ Workshop, Tawan, February 13th, 2006 6

Technical overview (4/5) STQ Mobile

WI and Deliverables : QoS aspects for popular services in GSM and 3G Networks. 7 Parts
Part 1 : Identification of Quality of Service aspects Part 2 : Definition of Service parameters and their computation Part 3 : Typical procedures for Quality of Service measurement equipment Part 4 : Requirements for Quality of Services measurement equipment Part 5 : Definition of typical measurement profiles Part 6 : Post processing and statistical methods

Some applications : "Connect Magazine" 2 times/year in Germany : benchmark on the 4 operators, for data, voice,..
Connect uses the services of P3 (service provider for measurement). P3 makes the measurements based on standards of STQ Mobile.
STQ Workshop, Tawan, February 13th, 2006 7

Technical overview (5/5) STQ Aurora

Dissemination of STQ Aurora Results 3GPP Test vectors (to check the bit-exactness of fixed point version) were agreed by 3GPP SA4 in November 2004, and approved by 3GPP SA in December 2004 3GPP2 : Work Item "Speech enabled services", Jan 05 IETF . RTP Payload formats for DSR. Specifications standardized at rfc.

Presentation on DSR to be given by D. Pierce (STQ Aurora Chairman) in Workshop on ICT in Vehicles, Geneva, 2-4 March 2004

STQ Workshop, Tawan, February 13th, 2006

Major activities/deliverables
Recently approved The quality of speech when carried over packet technology including IP, asking questions for the future. A complete set of Etsi Guides : User related QoS parameters; Definitions, limits and measurement methods; Several documents including the results of STF 273. Don't hesitate to use them, using

STQ Mobile
6 documents already approved, which are revised on a regular basis, to include new services. Recently approved : Guidelines for the use of Video Quality Algorithms for Mobile Applications
STQ Workshop, Tawan, February 13th, 2006 9

How we operate !
2 or 3 meetings/year + Workshop(s) + Interoperability Events Regular meetings of the STF Steering Committee, and of the management team.

STQ Mobile
4 meetings/year

During meetings, often presentations from other Bodies to improve the knowledge and to better answer to the requests, or presentations on new topics for future standardization (both in STQ and STQ Mobile). Also presentations or tutorials from test manufacturers, from Universities,

Electronic working
Work on mailing lists and in small correspondance groups. Should be improved, but the Experts are often very busy and the most of the activities are done in a time slot around the physical meetings.
STQ Workshop, Tawan, February 13th, 2006 10

Some Characteristics of STQ

A link between technology and real users
A large part taking into account the psychophysics, and user's perception Need of experiments and tests to validate the limits to be put in the standards.

Covering a large scale of technical subjects (horizontal)

Historically speech, but also vido, data, for fixed and mobile networks. Guidances to be given to other bodies in charge of specific topics (eg Emtel,)

STQ Workshop, Tawan, February 13th, 2006



STQ Workshop, Tawan, February 13th, 2006


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