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A.W. Roberts Emeritus Professor and Director. Centre for Bulk Solids and Particulate Technologies, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. SUMMARY Chutes used in bulk handling operations are called upon to perform a variety of operations. For instance, accelerating chutes are employed to feed bulk materials from slow moving belt or apron feeders onto conveyor belts. In other cases, transfer chutes are employed to direct the flow of bulk material from one conveyor belt to another, often via a three dimensional path. The importance of correct chute design to ensure efficient transfer of bulk solids without spillage and blockages and with minimum chute and belt wear cannot be too strongly emphasised. The importance is accentuated with the trend towards higher conveying speeds. The paper describes how the relevant flow properties of bulk solids are measured and applied to chute design. Chute flow patterns are described and the application of chute flow dynamics to the determination of the most appropriate chute profiles to achieve optimum flow is illustrated. The influence of the flow properties and chute flow dynamics in selecting the required geometry to minimise chute and belt wear at the feed point will be highlighted. 1. INTRODUCTION Undoubtedly the most common application of chutes occurs in the feeding and transfer of bulk solids in belt conveying operations. The importance of correct chute design to ensure efficient transfer of bulk solids without spillage and blockages and with minimum chute and belt wear cannot be too strongly emphasised. These objectives are accentuated with the trend towards higher conveying speeds. While the basic objectives of chute design are fairly obvious, the following points need to be noted:

chute should be symmetrical in cross-section and located central to the belt in a manner which directs the solids onto the belt in the direction of belt travel in-line component of the solids velocity at the exit end of the chute should be matched, as far as possible, to the belt velocity. This is necessary in order to minimise the power required to accelerate the solids to the belt velocity, but more importantly to minimise abrasive wear of the belt normal component of the solids velocity at the exit end of the chute should be as low as possible in order to minimise impact damage of the belt as well as minimise spillage due to particle rebounding slope of the chute must be sufficient to guarantee flow at the specified rate under all conditions and to prevent flow blockages due to material holding-up on the chute bottom or side walls. It is implicit in this objective that the chute must have a sufficient slope at exit to ensure flow which means that there is a normal velocity component which must be tolerated adequate precautions must be taken in the acceleration zone where solids feed onto the belt in order to minimise spillage. Often this will require the use of skirtplates in the case of fine powders or bulk solids containing a high percentage of fines attention needs to be given to design details which ensure that during feeding aeration which leads to flooding problems, is minimised. For this to be achieved, free- fall zones or zones of high acceleration in the chute configuration should be kept to a minimum.

Chute design has been the subject of considerable research, a selection of references being included at the end of this paper [1-29]. However, it is often the case that the influence of the flow properties of the bulk solid and the dynamics of the material flow are given too little attention. The purpose of this paper is to focus on these aspects, indicating the basic principles of chute design with particular regard to feeding and transfer in belt conveying operations. 2. BOUNDARY FRICTION, COHESION AND ADHESION 2.1 Boundary or Wall Yield Locus

For chute design, wall or o boundary surface friction has h the major influence. It ha as been shown that friction de epends on the intera action between the relevant properties p of th he bulk solid an nd lining surfac ce, with extern nal factors such h as loading co ondition and en nvironmental parameters p suc ch as temperat ture and moisture having a significant influe ence. The deter rmination of wa all or boundary y friction is usu ually performed d using the Jen nike direct shea ar test as illust trated in Figure 1(a a). The cell dia ameter is 95mm m. The shear fo orce S is meas sured under varying normal force f V and the e wall or boundary yield locus, S versus V, or more m usually sh hear stress ve ersus normal stress s is plott ted.

Fig gure 1. Bounda ary or Wall Frict tion Measurem ment ke test was orig ginally establish hed for hopper r design for wh hich the normal stresses or pressures are always The Jenik compress sive. In the cas se of chute design, the pressu ures are norma ally much lowe er than in hoppers, and often tensile, particular rly where adhesion occurs due to the cohesive nature of the bulk solid. The T Jenike test t of Figure 1(a) does not allow low compressive pressures p to be e applied since there is alway ys the weight of o the bulk solid d in the shear cell, the shear ring g and lid which h forms part of the normal loa ad. To overcom me this shortco oming, the inve erted shear tes ster of Figure 1(b b) was develop ped at the Univ versity of Newc castle. The she ear cylinder is retracted r so as s to maintain co ontact between t the bulk solid and a the sample e of the lining material. In this way, it is po ossible to meas sure the shear stress under low w compressive and even tensile stresses. Th he inverted she ear cell has bee en manufactur red with a diam meter of 300mm in n order to allow w more represe entative size distributions of bulk solids to be b tested. The boundary or wall yield loci (WYL) for most bulk solids and linin ng materials te end to be slight tly convex upw ward in shape and d, as usually is s the case, each WYL intersec cts the wall she ear stress axis indicating cohesion and adhesion characteristics. This cha aracteristic is re eproduced in Figure F 2. The wall w or boundar ry friction angle e is defined by y: w w

= tan-1 [


where w = shear stress s at the wall; w = pressure acting a normal t to the wall

Figure 2. Wall W or Bounda ary Friction and d Adhesion Cha aracteristics ulk solids is oft ten convex upw ward in shape and, when extrapolated, inte ersects the she ear stress The WYL for cohesive bu se with increase in normal pressure. This is illustrated in Figure F 3 axis at o The Wall Friction Angle, , will then decreas which sho ows the wall fri iction angles fo or a representa ative cohesive coal in contact t with a dull an nd polished mild steel surfaces. It is to be note ed that the wall friction angle e cannot be lar rger than the effective e angle of internal frict tion which is an a upper bound d limit for . Thu us, for very low w normal press sures where th he friction angle e 4 can be quit te large, the bulk s solid will fail by y internal shear rather than by b boundary sh hear, leaving a layer of mater rial on the surf face.

or a Particular Coal on Mild Steel Surfaces Figure 3. Friction Angles fo The natur re of adhesion and cohesion is i quite comple ex; a study of this t subject wo ould require a detailed d understanding of the phy ysics and chem mistry of bulk solid s and surfac ce contact. It is s known, for ex xample, that cohesion and ad dhesion generally increase as the wall surface becomes smoo other relative to t the mean pa article size of the adjacent bu ulk solid.

Also adhe esion and cohesion generally increase as mo oisture content t of the bulk so olid increase, particularly p in the t case of very smoo oth surfaces. No N doubt, in su uch cases, surfa ace tension has a significant influence. Coh hesion and adhesion can cause ser rious flow block kage problems when corrosiv ve bonding occu urs, such as when moist coal l is in contact with w carbon ste eel surfaces. The T bonding action can occur after relatively y short contact t times. Impurities such as cl lay can also seriously aggravate e the behavior due to adhesio on and cohesio on. 2.2 Type es of Adhesion n Problems In order t that build-up and hence block kages can be avoided, a it is ne ecessary for th he body forces generated in the t bulk mass to b be sufficient to overcome the forces due to adhesion and shear. Figure 4 illustrates the e types of build d-up that can occur r.

4 Build-Up on Surfaces Figure 4. S = Shear Force; B = Body Force; Fo = Adhesive e Force The body forces are nor rmally those du ue to the weigh ht component o of the bulk solid but may also o include inertia forces in dynamic systems suc ch as in the cas se of belt conve eyor discharge e or, in other ca ases, when vib brations are applied as a flow prom motion aid. 2.3 Mech hanisms of Fa ailure When the e body forces are sufficient to o cause failure and, hence, flo ow, the mode of o failure will depend d on the relative strength v versus shear conditions exist ting at the boundary surface and internally within the bulk k solid. As disc cussed by Scott [29], the following g failure condit tions are consid dered: e Envelopes - General G Case (a) Failure In this case the shear st tress versus no ormal stress fa ailure envelope e for a cohesive e bulk solid is always a greater than the failure envelope at the boundary. b This s is illustrated in i Figure 5. For such cases, it t is expected that failure will occur at the bound dary surface ra ather than internally within th he bulk solid.

Figure 5 Failu ure Envelopes - General Case e (b) Failure e Envelopes - Special Case In cases of o high moistur re content cohe esive bulk solid ds it is possible e for the failure e envelope of the t bulk solid at a lower consolidat tion stresses or o pressures to give lower inte ernal strength than the corre esponding stren ngth conditions s at the boundary. This is depict ted in Figure 6.5. The body fo orces may then n cause failure by internal shear leaving a layer of build solid d adhering to the t chute surfa ace. This layer may then build d up progressiv vely over a per riod of time.

ure Envelopes - Special Case e Figure 6. Failu Often suc ch problems ari ise in cases wh here the bulk solid s is transported on belt co onveyors leadin ng to segregati ion with the fines and moisture migrating m to th he belt surface as the belt mo oves across the e idlers. The se egregation condition d to chute surf faces. Other cases occur when the very coh hesive carry-ba ack material fro om may then be transferred conveyor belts is transfe erred to chute surfaces.

(c) Failure e Envelope - Fr ree Flowing Bu ulk Solids. For free fl lowing, dry bulk solids with no n cohesion, th he boundary su urface failure envelope is high her than the bu ulk solid failure envelope. In this s case, adhesio on of the bulk solid s to a chute e surface will not occur. Figur re 6.6 illustrate es this condition. .

Figur re 7. Failure En nvelopes - Free e Flowing Bulk Solids The foregoing cases indicate that for failure f and, hen nce, flow to oc ccur, the shear stress versus normal stress state within the e bulk solid nea ar the boundar ry must lie abo ove the failure envelope. 2.4 Exam mple Consider the case of a cohesive c coal of o bulk density = 1 t/m which has a meas sured adhesive stress of o = 1 kPa for with mild steel, a typical value e. The coal is attached a to the e underside of mild m steel surfa ace as illustrated in contact w Figure 8. A vibrator is proposed as a means m of remo oving the coal. Assuming a failure condition as depicted by y Figure 5, the sta able build up, denoted d by the hb , is given by b

Figure 8. Adhesion Problem P o g(1+ a g ) (2)

hb =

where a = (2 f) Xf = amplitude a of ap pplied acceleration Without v vibration (that is a = 0), hb = 0.1 m = 100 mm, a substan ntial amount. To reduce e hb to say 10m mm, an acceler ration a = 9.2 g is required. There T are many combinations s of frequency and amplitude e to achieve this. For instance e, a frequency of f = 151 Hz and amplitude e of X = 0.1mm m would suffice e. This example i indicates the difficulty of ove ercoming adhes sion problems. 3. FEEDI ING OR LOADING CONVEYOR BELTS Figure 9 illustrates the application a of a gravity feed chute c to direct the discharge from a belt or r apron feeder to a conveyor belt. The bulk solid is assum med to fall vertically through a height 'h' bef fore making co ontact with the curved section of f the feed chute. Since, norm mally, the belt or o apron speed d vf 0.5 m/s, the velocity of f impact vi with h the curved se ection of the feed chute will be, b essentially, in the vertical direction. As a comm ment, the alter rnative to the use u of an accelerating chute is to employ a short accelera ating conveyor. These are high m maintenance devices and still require head room. Feed ch hutes may be regarded r as the e better propos sition. 3.1 Free Fall of Bulk Solid S For the free fall section, , the velocity vi may be estim mated from __ _________ vi =

vfo + 2 g h


Equation (3) neglects ai ir resistance, which w in the case of a chute, is likely to be small. s If air res sistance is take en into account, t the relationship between heig ght of drop and d velocity Vi (F Figure 9) is,


vfo v vi v

vi - vo (4)

h = ----- loge [ -------- ] - ( ------- ) v g 1g

where v = terminal velocity vfo = vertical com mponent of velo ocity of bulk so olid discharging g from feeder Vi = velocity cor rresponding to drop height 'h' at point of im mpact with chut te.

F Chute Configuration Figure 9. Feed 3.2 Flow w of Bulk Solid d around Curv ved Chute of Constant Rad dius The case of 'fast' flow around curved chutes c is depic cted by the chu ute flow model of Figure 10. The releva ant details are The drag force FD is due e to Coulomb fr riction, that is FD =


where E = equivalent friction which takes into account the friction coefficient betw ween the bulk solid and the chute c surface, t the stream cros ss-section and the internal sh hear of the bulk solid. E is approximated by y

= [ 1 + Kv H/B ]



= actual friction coefficient fo or bulk solid in contact with chute c surface Kv = pressure rat tio. Normally K~ K = 0.4 to 0.8 8. H = depth of flo owing stream at a a particular location B = width of chute

For contin nuity of flow, A v = Constant C (7)

where = bulk density A = cross-section nal area of flow wing stream It follows, , therefore, tha at equation (6) ) can also be written w as C1 v



Figure 10. Chute Flow w Model

For a chut te of rectangul lar cross-sectio on Kv vo Ho B

C1 =


where vo = initial velocity at entry to chute c Ho = initial stream m thickness Analysing g the dynamic equilibrium e con nditions of Figu ure 10 leads to o the following differential equ uation: dv d gR v

+ Ev =

(cos -

sin )


If the curv ved section of the chute is of f constant radius R and ~E is s assumed cons stant at an ave erage value for r the stream, it t may be shown that the solu ution of equatio on (10) leads t to the equation n below for the velocity at any y location . ____________ ____________ ____________ _________ v=

2gR 4


[( 1 - 2 E) sin + 3

cos ] + K e-2E

(11 1)

For v = vo at = o, 2gR 4

K = { vo -


[( ( 1 - 2 E) sin o + 3

cos o ]} e-2Eo


ase: Special Ca 6 gR

When o = 0 and v = vo, K=vo -



Equation (11) becomes, , ___________ _____________ ____________ ____________ _________ v=

2gR 4


[( 1 - 2 E) sin + 3

cos ] + K e-2E [vi -

6 4


Rg +1

(14) )

4 TRANS SFER CHUTES The foregoing discussion n has focused on curved chut tes of concave upward form in which contact between the e bulk solid and the chute surf face is always a assured by gra avity plus centr rifugal inertia forces. In the case c of conveyo or transfers, , it is common to employ chu utes of multiple e geometrical sections s in whic ch the zone of first contact an nd flow is an inverte ed curve. This is illustrated in n Figure 11 in which w the use of curved impa act plates is em mployed in a co onveyor transfer. The T lining is divided into two zones, one for the impact re egion under low w impact angle es, and the oth her for the streamlined flow. The co oncept of remo ovable impact plates, used in n conjunction with w spares allo ows ready main ntenance of the line ers to be carrie ed out without interrupting th he production.

Figure 11. Transf fer Chute Show wing Impact Pla ates 4.1 Inverted Curved Chute C Section ns

The method outlined in Section 3.2 for curved chute es may be read dily adapted to inverted curve ed chute sectio on as illustrated d in Figure 12. Noting that FD = E N , it may y be shown tha at the differential equation is given by dv d gR v


(cos +

sin )


For a cons stant radius an nd assuming

eam, the soluti ion of equation n (15) is is constant at an average value for the stre

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _ v=

2gR 4


[ sin (2

- 1) + 3

cos ] + K e2E


For v = vo at = o, the en 2gR 1+4


K = {vo -

[ 3 cos o + (2

- 1) sin o ]} e-2Eo

(1 17)

Figure 12. In nverted Curved d Chute Model Special Ca ase: v = vo at o = /2 2gR 1+4

K = {vo -


- 1]} e-E


and ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _____________ __________ v=

2gR 4


[ sin (2

- 1) + 3

cos ] + e-E( - 2) [v vo -

2 R g (2 4

+ 1)



Equations s (16) to (19) apply a during po ositive contact, that is, when n v Rg

sin n


Figure 13. Minimum Velocities for I Impact Chute Contact C The minim mum bulk solid d velocities for chute contact as a function of o contact angle for three cur rve radii are pr resented in Figure 13. 4.2 Conv vex Chute Sec ctions On some occasions, it may m be desirable to incorpora ate a convex cu urve as illustrated in Figure 14 1 in order reduce the adhesion effects and assist the discharge process.

Figure 14. Co onvex Curved Chute C Section For FD = dv d


N ,it may be shown that the e differential eq quation is give en by gR v


(cos -



This holds s for v sin Rg


It is noted d that Figure 13 also applies in this case with the vertical axis now representing the maximum m value e of the velocity fo or chute contac ct. For a cons stant radius an nd assuming

is constant at an average value for the stre eam, the soluti ion of equation n (21) is

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _ v=

2gR 4


[ (1 + 2 E) )sin -

cos ] + K e2E


For v = vo at = o, the en 2gR 1+4


K = {vo -

[( 1 + 2 E) sin o -

cos o ]} e-2Eo

( (24)

Special Ca ase: v = vo at o = /2 2gR 1+4


K = {vo -

[1 1 + 2 E]} e-E


and ___________ ____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ _ v=

2gR 4


[(1 + 2 E) sin +

cos ] + eE(2 - ) [vo -

2Rg 4



5. WEAR R IN CHUTES Chute wear is a combina ation of abrasive and impact wear. Abrasive wear may be e analysed by considering c the e mechanics of chute flow w as will be now w described. 5.1 Abrasive Wear Factor of Chute es In cases where w the bulk k solid moves as a a continuous s stream under r 'fast' flow con nditions the ab brasive or rubbing wear may be determined as follows: f

Figure 15. Chute Flow w Model (a) Wear r of Chute Bottom Consider the general case of a curved chute as show wn in Figure 15 5, the chute being of rectangu ular cross-sect tion. An abrasive w wear factor Wc expressing the rate of rubbing against the e chute bottom has been derived as follows: Qm g Kc tan B

Wc =



Wc has un nits of N/ms NWR is the e non-dimensio onal abrasive wear w number and is given by, , v Rg


+ sin


The various parameters s are te friction angle e B = chute width (m m) = chut Kc = ratio o vs/v vs = velocity of slid ding against chute surface Qm = thro oughput kg/s R = radius of curv vature of the chute (m) v = ave erage velocity at a section cons sidered (m/s) = chu ute slope angle e measured from the vertical The factor Kc < 1. For 'f fast' or accelera ated thin strea am flow, Kc ~/= = 0.6. As the stream s thickness increases Kc, will reduce. Two particular chute c geometri ies are of pract tical interest, straight s inclined chutes and constant c radius s curved chutes. (i) Straigh ht Inclined chu utes In this case R = and equation (27) reduces to Qm Kc tan g sin B

Wc =


On the as ssumption that Kc is nominally constant, the en the wear is constant along g the chute and d independent of the velocity v variation. (ii) Consta ant Radius Cur rved Chutes In this case R is constan nt and the wea ar Wc is given by b equations (2 27) and (28).

(a) Velocity Varia ation

(b b) Abrasive We ear Figure 16 6. Velocities an nd Wear in Chu utes of Constan nt Curvature Q=30 t/h; vo = 0.2m/s; = 1 t/m; b=0.5m; ; = 30

= 0.6;.

The veloc city variation ar round a consta ant radius curved chute is giv ven by equation ns (11-14). By y way of examp ple, Figure 16(a) sho ows the variatio on of velocity, and Figure 16(b) the corresp ponding abrasiv ve wear number as functions s of angular position for constant curvature chutes of rad dii 1m, 2 m, 3 m and 4 m. It is interesting to observe tha at as R es progressively smaller. In Figure F 16(a), th he limiting cut-off angle for the chutes increases, the increase in NWR become to be self cleaning is ind dicated. (b) Chute Side Walls It is to be e noted that the wear plotted in Figure 16 applies a to the chute c bottom surface. For the e side walls, the wear will be mu uch less, varyin ng from zero at a the stream surface s to a ma aximum at the chute bottom. . Assuming the e side wall pressure t to increase line early from zero o at the stream m surface to a maximum m valu ue at the bottom, then the av verage wear on the t side walls can c be estimate ed from W c Kv 2 Kc

Wcsw =

(3 30)

Kc and Kv are as previou usly defined. If f, for example, Kc = 0.8 and Kv = 0.4, then the average side wall wear is i 25% of the chute bottom surfac ce wear. 5.2 Impa act Wear in Chutes Impact wear may occur r at points of en ntry or points of o sudden chan nge in direction n. For ductile materials, m greatest wear is caused when impinge ement angles are a low, that is in the order of f 15 to 30. For r hard brittle materials, m great test impact da amage occurs at a steep imping gement angles s, that is angles s in the vicinity y of 90. 6. WEAR R OF BELT AT FEED POINT An import tant application n of feed and transfer t chutes s is to direct the flow of bulk solids onto belt conveyors. The T problem is illustrated in Figure 17.

Figure 17 Feeding a Con nveyor Belt ary objectives are to The prima

matc ch the horizont tal component of the exit velo ocity vex as close as possible to the belt spe eed reduce the vertical component of f the exit velocity vey so that abrasive wear due to impact may be able limits kept within accepta load the belt centra ally so that the e load is evenly y distributed in order to avoid d belt mistrack king ensure streamlined d flow without spillage s or bloc ckages

6.1 Abrasive Wear Pa arameter

An abrasive wear param meter expressin ng the rate of wear w for the be elt may be esta ablished as foll lows: ressure pvi = vey Impact pr (kPa) (31)

where = bulk density, , t/m; vey = vertical compone ent of the exit velocity, m/s Abrasive wear w paramete er Wa =

vey (vb - vex)


(kPa m/s)



= friction coeffi icient between the bulk solid and conveyor belt; vb = belt t speed

The wear will be distribu uted over the acceleration a len ngth La. Equation (32) may be also expressed as Wa =

ve Kb

(33) (34)

where Kb = cose (vb/ve - sine)

e = chute slope angle with w respect to o vertical at exi it on-dimensional wear paramet ter. It is plotted in Figure 18 for a range of ve/vb values. Kb is a no As indicat ted, the wear is quite severe at low chute angles a but redu uces significant tly as the angle e e increases.

Figure 18. Non-Dimension N nal Wear Param meter versus Slope Angle For the ch hute to be self cleaning, the slope s angle of the chute at ex xit must be gre eater than the angle of repos se of the bulk solid on the chute surface. s It is re ecommend tha at tan-1 (E) + 5o 6.2 Acceleration Leng gth The acceleration length La over which slip occurs is given g by vb - vey 2 g mb (35)

La =

(3 36)

7. WEAR R MEASUREME ENT The abras sive wear of ch hute lining and conveyor belt samples may be determined d using the wea ar test apparat tus illustrated d in Figure 19.

Figure 19. Wear Test Apparatus A

As illustra ated, the rig incorporates a surge bin to con ntain the bulk material, which h feeds onto a belt conveyor. The belt delivers a continuous su upply of the bu ulk material at a required velo ocity to the sam mple of material to be tested d, which is held in po osition by a ret taining bracket secured to loa ad cells that monitor the shea ar load. The bu ulk material is drawn under the e sample to a depth d of severa al millimetres by b the wedge action a of the inclined belt. The required nor rmal load is applied by weights on n top of the sam mple holding bracket. b The bu ulk material is cycled c back to the surge bin via a bucket ele evator and chu ute. The appara atus is left to run r for extende ed periods interrupted at inte ervals to allow measurem ment of the tes st sample's wei ight and surfac ce roughness if f required. The e measured we eight loss is the en converted d to loss in thic ckness using th he relationship given in equat tion (37). M.10 A

Thickness s Loss =



where M = Mass loss (g) A = Contact Surf face Area (m) = Test Sample Density (kg/m m)

Figure 20. Wear Test Results Tests hav ve been conduc cted on sample es of solid wove en PVC convey yor belt using black b coal as th he abrading agent. A typical tes st result for a normal n pressur re of 2 kPa and d a velocity of 0.285 m/s is given g in Figure 20. The graph h indicates a wear rate of approxim mately 1.3 m/ho our. This inform mation may be e used to estim mate the wear expected e to tak ke place due to loa ading of coal on this type of conveyor c belt. 8. CONVE EYOR BELT DISCHARGE CH HARACTERIST TICS 8.1 Gene eral Discussio on Figure 21 shows the transition of a conveyor belt wh hich may cause e some initial li ift of the bulk solid s prior to discharge. The bulk s solid will also have h the tende ency to spread laterally as the e belt troughin ng angle decrea ases through the transition. The amount of spreading is s more pronoun nced for free flowing bulk solids than for co ohesive bulk so olids. The spreading g is also more pronounced p at lower belt spe eeds. Once the bulk solid on the t belt reache es the drum, a velocity profile ma ay develop as illustrated i in Fi igure 22. As a result of the velocity profile there t will be a spread in the discharge trajectorie es

(a) Conveyor C Disch harge

(b) Sect tion X at Idler Set

(c) Sect tion Y at Discharge Drum

Figure 21. Conveyor Belt t Transition Ge eometry and Lo oad Profiles

Figure 22 Belt Conveyor r Transition

There will also be a variation in the adhesive stress across the depth of the stream. In most cases, however, the segregation that occurs during the conveying process will result in the moisture and fines migrating to the belt surface to form a thin boundary layer at the surface. This layer will exhibit higher adhesive stresses than will occur for the remainder of the discharging bulk solids stream. The magnitude of the adhesive stresses at the interface of the boundary layer and the belt surface will determine the extent of the carry-back on the belt 8.2 Profile of Bulk Solid on Belt The conveyor throughput is given by Q m = A vb (38)

Referring to Figure 21(b), the cross-sectional are at Section X is given by A=Ub (39)

where U = non-dimensional cross-sectional area factor b = contact perimeter Assuming a parabolic surcharge profile, for a three-roll idler set, the cross-sectional area factor is given by 1 (1 + 2 r) r 2 tan 6


{r sin +

sin2 +

[1 + 4 r cos + 2 r (1 + cos2)]}


where r = C/B

= troughing angle = surcharge angle

8.3 Height of Bulk Solid on Belt at Idlers


Overall Height H (Figure 21(b)) tan 4

H = C sin + (B + 2 C cos )



Mean height ha tan 6

ha = C sin + (B + 2 C cos )


8.4 Cross-Sectional Profile at Drive Drum The profile shape at the drive drum, Figure 21(c), is difficult to determine precisely. It depends on the conveyor speed, cohesive strength of the bulk solid and the troughing configuration. The mean height h may be assumed to be A (B + C)



where A = cross-sectional area determined from equation (39). 8.5 Angle at which Discharge Commences In order that the conditions governing discharge may be considered, the model of Figure 23 is considered. In general, slip may occur before lift-off takes place. Hence, the acceleration /v and inertia force m /v are included in the model, v being the relative velocity. However, it 15 unlikely that slip will be significant so it may be neglected.

Figure 23 Conveyor C Disch harge Model For an arb bitrary radius r, r the condition n for discharge will commenc ce when the no ormal force N becomes b zero. v r FA m

= g cos s+

(44) )

where m = A (h - r) = mass of element o = adhesive stress s

FA = oA = adh hesive force = bulk densit ty

8.6 Minim mum Belt Spe eed for Discha arge at First Point of Drum m Contact In most cases, c the spee ed of the conve eyor is such tha at discharge will commence as a soon as the belt makes co ontact with the discha arge drum. In this case = - , where = slope of the belt at contact point p with the drum. The critical case will be for r the belt surfa ace, that is, wh hen r = 0. The e minimum bel lt speed for dis scharge at the first point of drum contact is s ___________ ______ vb =

R g (cos +

o gh


Figure 24 Belt B Speed for Discharge at First F Point of Dr rum Contact R=0.5m, =1 t/m, = 0, o = 1kPa. Figure 24 illustrates the e application of f equation (45). The minimum m belt velocity for discharge to t occur at the e first point of b belt contact is plotted p against t bulk solids lay yer thickness 'h h'. The graph applies a to the case c when = 0 and o = 1 kPa. The T need for higher h belt spee eds to achieve lift-off as the layer thickness s decreases is highlighted. Th his indicates the difficulty of o removing the e thin layer of cohesive bulk solid that beco omes the carry-back that is re equired to be remov ved by belt clea aners. 8.7 Disch harge Traject tories In most cases c the influe ence of air drag g is negligible. Hence the equ uations of motion simplify. The equat tion of the path h is 1 2 x v cos c

y = x tan +


The bounds for the traje ectories may be determined for f the two rad dii (R + h) and R for which th he angle is ob btained ation (45). from equa 9. CURVE ED IMPACT PLATES

Section 4.1 presented an a analysis of flow around cur rved impact pla ates. Referring g to Figure 22, the radius of curvature c of the discharge trajecto ory is given by y gx vb cos g vb cos For contact to be made with a curved impact plate of o constant radius, the radius of curvature of o the trajector ry at the point of contact must be e such that, Rc R where Rc = chute radius s Example e Consider the case of a conveyor c discharge in which vb = 4 m/s, = 0 The radius s of curvature Rc as a function n of horizontal distance 'x' is s shown in Figu ure 25. (48)

[1 + ( Rc =

) ]1.5 (47)


Figure 25. Radius of Curvature C of Path Vb = 4 m/s s; = 0 ed impact plate e may be positioned so that the t chute radiu us matches the e radius of curv vature at the point of The curve contact. This T is illustrate ed in Figure 26 6.

Figure 26. Impac ct Plate and Tra ajectory Geome etry 10. CHUT TES OF THREE E DIMENSION NAL GEOMETR RY Although this paper has s concentrated on chutes of tw wo dimensiona al geometry, th he concepts pre esented may be b readily extended to the three dimensional cas se. Using the lu umped parame eter model app proach, the equ uations of motion mat be expressed d in the most convenient c co-o ordinate system m relevant to t the particular chute c profiles. The example of o a transfer c chute for the re eceiving convey yor at 90 to the delivering co onveyor is sum mmarised. Problem S Specification: Bulk Mate erial - Bauxite Bulk dens sity as loaded r = 1.3 t/m throughpu ut Qm = 2500 t/h t Belt speed d, delivery belt t vb = 5 m/s Belt speed d, receiving be elt, vb = 5 m/s; ; Surcharge e angle of baux xite on belt = 25 Conveyor r inclination = 10 Effective drive d drum dia ameter = 1.2 m Idler inclination angle = 35 Receiving belt at right angle a to deliver ry belt

Figure 27. . Transfer Chut te Example Referring to Figure 26 and a 27, the des sign parameter rs are: Impact C Chute: Rc1 = 2.8m; 2 Contact angle c = 74.2; vc = 5.12 m/s; m xc = 0.238 8m; yc = 1.96m m; vd = 6.75m/s Feed Chu ute: Rc2 = 3.0m m; ve = 5.57 m/s m at cut off angle a = 55; vex = 4.57 m/s; vey = 3.12m/ /s; Wear Wa = 2.26 kPa m/s 11. CONC CLUDING REM MARKS An overview of chute de esign with spec cial reference to t belt conveying operations has been prese ented. Particular attention has been direc cted at the nee ed to measure the relevant flow properties of the bulk solid and to integ grate these properties into the e chute design n process. Chut te flow patterns have been de escribed and th he application of chute flow dyna amics to the de etermination of f the most appropriate chute profiles to ach hieve optimum flow has been illustrated d. 12. REFE ERENCES

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