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Disclaimer: Nope dont own Naruto, and I never will. Im only saying this because Im at gunpoint.

I do own NarutoI mean I dont! Then again, neither do I own Harry Potter. Even if I want to. Damn. Story: The Fourth Kazekage was supposed to have died. Instead, hes transported to another world, where he has to help Harry Potter find things called Horcruxes and destroy them. Then tables are turned and Harrys brought to his world. Set as an AU. Spoilers: Yes, for both series. Warnings: ???? Pairings: Fem!Harry/Yondaime!Kazekage, Obito/Naruto/Kakashi

Chapter One: Jeweled Sands The first thing he noticed when he woke up was that he wasnt dead. That shouldnt have been possible. Hed been ambushed by that bastard snake Orochimaru and left for dead. There was no way that snake would have won if he had faced him directly The next thing hed noticed was that there was a beautiful girl by his side, staring off somewhere with a faraway look to her eyes. Beautiful green eyesa shade he didnt think was possible and probably couldnt be reproduced in any manner. W-where am I? his voice croaked out and he unsteadily started to help himself up. Hed startled her back to awareness and she looked at him in concern, with her perfect emerald eyes lighting up eerily as she turned to him and helped him up. Sorry, but Im not quite sure where we are at the moment, she confusingly replied, a strange accent coating her voice. Why was he getting the feeling that there should be a language barrier? Im Harry Potter. How do you do? she gave him a strained smile, looking extremely weary but trying to mask it for him. He swallowed harshly, trying to quickly process what information he could glean from the quick observations hed already made. Sabaku no Nagi, he replied, inwardly frowning to himself as what he knew wasnt matching up. Seeing the slightly uncertain look on her face, he tried to quickly figure out the why. Nagi. Nagi is my given name, he ventured. She nodded, face clearing up. Ah. Harrys mine, she smiled reassuringly. H-Harri he tested out, looking at her uncertainly. She looked back encouragingly and nodded, so he accepted that hed said it well enough. Harriyou said that you dont know where we are? What happened? We found you, she volunteered. Er, well, I did. My friend, whos not here right now, had been off making sure we weresafe, there was something more to that, and I was setting up camp. I found you badly hurt and hurried you to our camp, making sure to help you get better quickly. I was worried. It looked like you were dying. I was, was what hed wanted to reply. He was dying and he shouldnt have survived. And yet here he was, alive and well, and looking like hed only had minor injuries and was well on his

way to perfect health. What on earth did this girl do? He figured only the legendary Tsunade could have been able to bring him back from the brink of death, and maybe even thats a stretch. You shouldnt move around so soon. Youre still healing a bit from themedications, Harry gave a hesitant pause at the end that had him even more suspicious. Who are you? Are you with Orochimaru? he demanded, narrowing his eyes at her. She blinked in surprise and sat back warily. Orochi-what? Who are you talking about? He could tell she wasnt lying, but that got him nowhere. And the fact was, even if she wasnt with the snake bastard, she should still know who the snake-nin was. Orochimaru, the snake sannin. A traitor from Konoha, he answered shortly, still confused and wary, but he pulled back on the hostility. After all, she did help him and very much saved his life. Not to be ignorant or anythingbut whats a sannin? And wheres this Konoha? he saw her literally biting back her embarrassment at not understanding him, but he felt growing horror at what her words were implying. Youyou are not a ninja? he hesitantly ventured, risking the question. She looked at him in bewilderment and a lot more wary. Im sorry, butthere are no ninja. Maybe you hit your head harder than I thought, she mumbled, reaching behind her for a vial. His hand shot out and grabbed her arm, forcing her to stop what she was doing and look at him in alarm and slight fear. He let go quickly, inwardly wincing. Im sorry. I didnt mean to alarm you. Im just okay; I dont need any more medicine. I want answers. Do you know what chakra is? Such a simple question could answer quite a bit for him. It just depended on her answer on what more questions he needed to ask. She uncomfortably shifted, shaking her head in the negative. No. What is it? Is it something you can do? He took a moment to try to figure out how he was going to phrase his next words.

Itsa strange energy. It allows me todo extraordinary things. It was best to keep vague. A thousand different ideas kept hitting him from all sides and he had to be careful on what he revealed, but to control the information he gave out as well. The information he revealed, while unwise otherwise, was given because he had no choice and was unclear enough he could twist his words easily to fit whatever response she gave him. Sounds interesting. A lot of people can do extraordinary things, so you might have to be a bit more specific about that, a new voice entered the conversation. He tensed and snapped his head towards the source, watching the new girl suspiciously. This was probably the friend Harry was talking about, though he was still on his guard. Still, he should have sensed before she came in he must still be too disoriented and out of sorts. It depends on what you consider extraordinary, he snapped out sarcastically. The bushy-haired brunette raised an eyebrow and Harry just watched guardedly. So its like magic? Harry hesitantly asked, cutting the sudden tension. He had no idea why she was hesitant, but shed just provided him a good explanation to describe chakra. Yes, like magic. Only magic isnt real. He could tell by the widening of their eyes and the stiffening of their bodies that that wasnt the right thing to say, though he didnt know why. Muggle, the brunette mouthed to Harry. At least thats what it looked like to him, though hes never heard of the term before. Im sorry, but were going to have to obliviate you, he could guess it was out of misguided sense of honor that shed informed him of whatever it was she was going to do to him, but he wasnt just going to stay still while this newcomer went and did whatever to him. He did not like the sound of this obliviate thing. Faster than she could act, hed darted out of bed and was by her side in seconds, grabbing the arm that was holding astick (what the hell?) at him threateningly and twisting it behind her back. He held her up as a shield, just in case Harry decided she was going to attack him as well. Mister Sabaku, he scrunched up his eyebrows at this Mister title, though he presumed it was like san where he was from. Please let go of my friend, Harry asked him calmly. Im not aMuggle, he bit out, still holding onto this new girl who had upset the nice little talk he had been having with Harry. I dont want to beobliviated. Were not going to harm you, Harry said soothingly. Youre not supposed to know of us or what we can do. Thats why we have to obliviate you. Were justgoing to erase your

memories. It wont hurt. Itll be quick and painless and well make sure youre taken cared of after we disappear. This alarmed him even more. I dont want my memories erased, he gritted out. I am not a Muggle. I just want to return to my home, to Suna. Both girls exchanged looks, even with one of them being held in a painful arm lock. I am unfamiliar with both Konoha and Suna, Harry admitted once again. His eyes darted around for a weapon, just in case, because things were becoming too bizarre. If you let Hermione go, then well listen to you. Its best if we just talk this all out and you can tell us your situation, so we can understand whats going on, Harry once again spoke calmly. Hermione looked unhappy and was shaking her head. We dont know if hes a Death Eater, or hes just a Muggle caught up in this. Either way, Harry, this isnt a good idea. Dont be so trusting. Harry shrugged. You know me, hero complex and all. Sorry, Mione. He needs help and I want to help him. Even if its all a trick, she shrugged again, looking back at the other girl apologetically. Nagi frowned, but he surprisingly let go of the other girl. He tensed, waiting for an attack, but none came. Instead, Harry was looking expectantly at him and Hermione was watching him warily, rubbing her shoulder. I was dyingdead, he started out uncertainly. I was just betrayed by Orochimaru and was lying in the desert. I remember nothing else, except lying there waiting to die. Then, next I know, I am here and Harri was beside me as I awoke. Can you tell us more about chakra and what that has to do withninjas? Harry asked tentatively, while Hermione gave her a confused look. Nagi haltingly started to explain about where he came from, the strange conclusion of being in a different place without chakra firmly reached, though he wouldnt quite say a different world. All the evidence hed gathered, everything thats been said and hed analyzed and picked at, pointed to him being somewhere where chakra didnt exist and ninja seem to be uncommon if not nonexistent as well. I believe him, Harry said afterwards, though her friend looked skeptical. There was an underlying tone of guilt that was hidden, as well an odd look on her face that was undecipherable. Nagi still caught it and kept it in mind, even as Hermione moved on to something else.

Alright, so hes from somewhere with ninjas and where they use chakra instead of magic. There are ninja villages and feudal lords and all this, Hermione sighed. This is very hard to believe and take in, but since Harryll no doubt put faith in you, Ill just have to take it with a grain of salt. Plus, if it was up to her, shed probably drag you along to keep taking care of you and then help you once our whole Quest is over. I hear a capital Q in that quest, he deadpanned. The girls traded another look, but said nothing. Instead, Hermione moved to go back outside and Harry hesitantly moved closer to him again. Hermiones gone back out to make sure our protections are covered. I think you should go back to bed and rest, Mister Sabaku, she said softly. His frown deepened. Just Nagi. I amuncomfortable with this Mister. Harri is okay? it was his turn to be hesitant, inwardly scowling at himself for his lack of manners. Where he was from, given names must be used with permission and he had been using hers without one. Yes, of course, she smiled brightly, and he could somehow tell she hadnt done so in so long. I hate formalities. Harry is just fine. I dont understand what is going on? Where am I? There is a lot that is going on and I dont know, and I dont like being kept ignorant. I have never liked being in the dark, where I cannot have any control, even if its a little bit, he explained himself, trying not to sound frustrated. Harry frowned, but looked like shed conceded. There is no chakra in this world, she started out quietly. But at least he was somewhat sure that it was another world now. There arepeople with magic and people without. Ninjas are only folklores or ancient history, and in history theyve never been able to do what youve said you can do. She started explaining a little of the Wizarding World and its history, and then she started in on this Lord Voldemort. Hed then been caught up to what the two girls were doing, and how they were now trying to keep going with their third member having gone AWOL on them. This Ron left the two of you by yourself? he asked, frowning again. Its another story, she avoided. But now were stuck on the locket and how to destroy it. Weve been discussing going toGodrics Hollow. The place where your Dark Lord came to kill you and your family, he confirmed bluntly. She flinched and he inwardly winced, but said nothing so that he didnt bring any more attention to his brusque observation. It may be a good idea, but it could also be a trap.

It crossed our minds, but only briefly, she admitted. We were a little more focused on the good the trip might do us, especially for the Quest. And personally for you, he nodded and she shifted uncomfortably. You should have been brought to this place earlier. You had a right to, but whats done is done and nows as good a time as any. Nagi, I think it may have been my fault that you were brought here, she confessed suddenly. I was having one of my moments last night when I saw a shooting star. Its completely corny and everything, but magic can be a little corny, she shrugged. I wished that I had somebody with me that would listen and I could talk to. Someone I could lean on, that was the short version of it, he could tell, but she didnt seem to want to air out all her troubles, especially to a stranger. And then you showed up this morning after Mione and I moved again. She left to cast protection spells and I was setting up camp and then found you. Hermione wasnt all that happy to come back to camp and find that Id dragged in a stray, but she let me continue healing you while she kept going back out to check the spells in paranoia. Nagi sighed. I think that it was for the best. If you hadnt of, I would still be in the desert without anyone knowing and probably dead by now. Its because of you that Im not. So thank you, bringing me to another world or not. She gave him a tentative smile that he returned tiredly. + + + + + + Ron had been gone. It had been some weeks since hed stormed off while she and Hermione had trudged on, when shed found another red-head on the brink of death. Shed levitated him to camp in a panic, not even thinking if this man was a threat in any way, even if he wasnt a Death Eater. She took care of him, even when Hermione protested and argued that the man could be a danger to them, finally making her aware of that fact. Still, shed stood her ground for some reason. And now Nagi was by her side, helping them plan what to do in different worse-case scenarios and pointing out flaws and good points in their planning. He was really good at it too, almost like hed had experience. She had a feeling that was true. We should set out soon, Nagi noted. Its best to not stay here for long, and weve planned as perfect as we can get it. Plus, we shouldnt over-plan and overanalyze everything.

Hermione nodded in agreement and she just stayed quiet. The brunette stared between the two, before giving a meaningful look towards Nagi, leaving after. Harry stared to the side, lost in thought and hadnt noticed the exchange. Are you alright, Harri? he asked, suddenly beside her. She nearly jumped, but controlled herself at the last second. He probably caught that anyway, the too-observant ninja. Ninjas are too sneaky, she muttered, mock-glaring at him. He just gave her a small smile. Ninja. Where I am from, we do not need to attach an s to ninja or shinobi. She nodded, showing she understood, and he moved closer to her. Are you alright? he repeated, not letting go of his question. She winced but looked up at him. This was something she really didnt want to answer. Its such a simple question, but it was always a loaded one when it came to her. I honestly dont know. Im just exhausted right now. Weve been traveling for so long, being on the run, and having no progress while were at it. One of my best friends stormed off and left us behind, I dont know what more this war is going to want from me, and I dont know if I can keep going on or if I can even keep hope. He hesitantly grabbed her hand and gave it a small squeeze. There. Dont you feel better getting all that out? Arent I here to listen to you and be your confidant? You wanted someone to lean on, so lean on me, Harri. It was strange how this stranger helped her feel calm and safe. Shed just met him that day and already she felt she could trust him and do all that. Funny how accepting he seemed to be of why he was supposedly there and how easily hed taken to it. Howd he remembered her words and used them to comfort her as well And as for him, well if those were the reasons why he was there, then by Kami hed fulfill his role the best damn way he can. It was only bonus that her eyes were so beautiful and that shade of green was beyond rare, and hed always had a habit of putting value on things. Rubies were a bit plentiful in Sand, but emeralds were definitely not. He had the strangest urge to capture her and never let go.

Chapter Two: White Christmas In the days theyd been practicing and adjusting their plans, Nagi and Harry had gotten quite closer. Hermione even seemed to be aiding this, purposely seeming to leave the two alone for frequent long periods of time and even prodding them towards each other when she was with them. Like especially when Nagi would be attempting to make contact with his chakra, unsuccessfully for some reason, Hermione would send Harry over to try to relax him or learn meditation. On the eve of the time they were to depart for Godrics Hollow, Hermione had gone off by herself, also adding that she was going to leave another item with flesh memories for Ron, just in case he came to that area and missed them. That left Nagi and Harry with each other once again. Harry looked like she was brooding, sitting on the steps that led to the bedding area with a morose air. She sniffled once and wiped her eyes, but she didnt make another indication that she was going to cry. Nagi frowned and was about to say something, when a song came onto the radio and he closed his mouth, gears turning in his head with an idea. Stopping right in front of her, he reached around her neck and unhooked the cursed necklace, placing it by the radio. She looked up at him, a hint of tears in her eyes but refusing to fall. He held out a hand and she tentatively grabbed it, curious as to what he was planning. He gently tugged her up to him and kept a hold on both hands. Feeling rather silly, he held onto that feeling and let himself act like a fool (how long has it been since hes allowed himself to do such a thing?), swinging their arms around and twirling her around, mildly heading into odd leaps as part of the dance. The silliness slowed down and he held her hands and led them to his waist, letting her wrap them around him like a hug. He reciprocated and wrapped his own arms around her waist, and they danced slowly in an embrace for awhile. Hesitantly, he brushed his lips against her forehead and she instinctively leaned forward. His arms squeezed around her tighter and he felt her lips shyly kiss his neck. He pulled back slightly and looked at her seriously. You knowIm a grown man, Harri. Do you know what youre asking, what you want? he murmured, burying his face into her hair and feeling her mimic that action to his neck, both of them still holding tightly to each other as they slow-danced in the middle of the tent. His words were loaded and unclear in meaning, because there was a lot of ways to take them and a lot of questions that were attached. And Im a seventeen year old girl who has to win this war or die trying, she murmured back, and he didnt like it one bit. Where he was from, there was a lot of war and even children got caught up in it. He understood that and he knew they knew what they were getting into once they became shinobi, or they should. But that kind of thing had no place with Harry and he didnt ever want to see her hurt or

think about the idea of her dying. His attachment to her, so quick and heady (almost blinding), made him balk at such a thought. How strange how fast Ive grown so attached to you, he nuzzled her ear lightly, trailing his lips across her cheeks, down her nose, above her upper lip teasingly, and flutteringly on her closed eyelids. She responded by squeezing him a little tighter to her, tilting her head up and leaning up against him, almost offering herself up. She echoed him by trailing her lips across his jaw, rubbing her nose affectionately at his bared neck (which hed done when she trailed her lips at his jaw), and surprising him with a soft press of her lips to his own that was quick and nearly made him think hed imagined it. No ones ever admitted something like that to me, she hid her face into his shoulder. Then let me be the only one, and then he made his decision, lowering his face to hers and kissing her firmly. The song drifted off to quiet and she apprehensively led him to her bed and lay down, him following after, and letting him hold her there as they shared the cot. There was still a lot of things to be worried about, but they were rather trivial in the face of this war he had been dragged into and that this girl was expected to win or else. If things were normal, he would have been troubled by the very words hed said. He was a grown man, and she was still just a girl barely about to exit her teenage years. But that could easily be countered by the fact that shed already suffered and experienced so much. But also as a grown man, he had a lot more experience than her. While maybe not in war, but in relationships and in lifehe had already been married and had three kids already, all three whom were only slightly younger than Harry herself. Hed had sex with many people and was knowledgeable in how to pleasure someone, when it was clear that she had little to none knowledge about that if her hesitancy and questioning looks were anything to go by during their affectionate touches while dancing. Questioning what he was doing or if what she was doing was okay So he had been right to ask her if she knew what she wanted out of him. Anyone else he couldnt care less about taking advantage of, but not Harryfor some reason, never herThere were a lot of things he meant from that, one of which was wondering if that was the kind of comfort she wanted or needed from him. Did she want someone to comfort and show her affection? Did she want the physical touches, maybe even going beyond and treacherously into sexual? What exactly did his little emerald want from him? And with that shy kiss to his neck, did she know what she was asking? Was she asking anything hed just thought of from him? Or was she just trying to copy him or get a pleased reaction from him? After all, as he stated, he was a grown man and that kind of action brought up a specific reaction and a specific assumption of what the other party wanted. Did she fully realize what that kiss would mean to him?

Really, what was the purpose of his presence in this world? Again, there was also how fast this seemed to be moving. But something was pulling him to her, something that kept telling him that she was utterly his. But just as equally, there was an insistent whisper in his ear that said he was just as much hers It was too late to turn back now, and he had no real inclination to. And those were the thoughts that plagued him as he fell into sleep with Harry in his arms. When Hermione finally came back, hurriedly rubbing her hand across her sore eyes because she never wanted Harry to see her crying, on top of everything else piling on the poor girl , she noticed the couch where their guest usually slept was empty. Her eyes trailed to the sleeping area and saw the man cozily wrapped around her best friend, both of them lying together in one bed. She almost frowned in disapproval at how inappropriate and improper that scene would be, only she couldnt really summon any real unhappiness at it. The fact was, Harry deserved what little comfort she could get, especially since she never really had been given any before. And strangely this man seemed to be fine giving that and more. She rolled her eyes, getting ready for bed herself. One red-head runs out on us, and then we pick up another red-head the next day to replace the old one. Haha. The next morning, they were ready to head out. Everything got packed up and Hermione didnt mention the twos new sleeping arrangement and they didnt bring it up. Hermione held Harrys hand and she held Nagis, and then the three of them apparated to Godrics Hollow. Nagi resisted the urge to hurl, finding that the most despicable way to travel. What the hell was that? Thats a horrible way to get to places! But its instantaneous, Harry grinned at him. Its probably worse for you because youre a Muggle, No, he most certainly was not, and for most Side-Along apparations, its worse than actually doing the apparating, Hermione lectured. He hated lectures. Always had, always will even when he was lecturing. Right, right. We should split up to find out whatever we can, Harry directed them back to task. Nagi should stay with you since hes unfamiliar with our world. And it should be you because he seems to be more comfortable with you and he seems to like you more, Hermiones mischievous tone near the end was only barely subdued.

Nagi scowled at her and Harry blushed a bright red, but she only smiled brightly at them. See you two soon! Well meet back at this church, alright? And then it was just Nagi and Harry again. I still wish we could have gone in some kind of disguise. Maybe that Polyjuice Potion you two were talking about, Nagi frowned. She wrapped her arms around herself. No, this is where I was born. Im not returning as someone else, she looked away from him. He sighed, but he gave her an affectionate smile surprised at himself as he did so. Youre so sentimental, but he took her hand and grasped it tightly, brushing his lips against her knuckles. She shrugged and looked at him apologetically. Sorry. I guess I cant think all militaristically like you. I suppose Im just nave. He shook his head and drew her closer, maneuvering her to be more in his arms and subtly moving one of his arms to be within her arms reach, glad when she grasped onto it as hed wanted her to. Id rather youd stay like that. Its refreshing and I would always hope that you keep believing in something brighter, and not become all cynical like me despite all that you have gone through. She gave a happy smile and he gave her a quick squeeze comfortingly. Harrys eyes drifted to the cemetery and he noticed. You think my mum and dad might be in there? she asked him softly. I think your kaa-san and tou-san have a very good chance of being in there, he reassured her and she looked back at him curiously at the language change, though she figured out the meaning of them right then. He shrugged at her. I am just more used to saying it. She nodded and he directed her back to the cemetery. We should go look.

She winced. Were supposed to be here for any clues about the Horcruxes or the Sword. We really should be focusing on that. Dont kid us. Hermi-Hermiie, he winced as well. Your friend and I know that part of the reason for coming was for you, and we understand. So lets go. Mione. Just call her that. It might be easier, but Harry was no longer hesitant and refusing to go, so he led the way there, still holding onto her. Once there, she let go of him and wandered off, while he stayed behind a little and allowed her to have some time to herself. He gazed around the small cemetery, taking note of everything. Something he saw might be important and he wanted to be aware of his surroundings, especially of the exits and anything that looked suspicious. In fact, his eyes did catch something. On a gravewas a familiar symbolone that Harrys friend repeatedly focused on in the past days. He went over to it and wiped the snow off the symbol more and confirmed it was the exact one. Underneath was a name and he wiped the snow off of it as well, reading the name and remembering to bring Harry here to say it, or at least remember what it looked like so he could write it down later. Harri, he called out. When there was no answer, he looked quickly to look for her, only to see her gazing quietly at a gravestone, stiff and solemn. He could only see her back, but he could clearly tell that she was aggrieved and close to being overwhelmed. Heading over to her, he took her into his arms again and placed his chin on her shoulder to gaze over it at the gravestone. James and Lily Potter The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. An insightful quote, but gives you no comfort, Nagi murmured. Still, deep inside of him, that quote gave him a chill that resonated within his bones. Something about it bode a warning for him and made him uneasy, and he didnt want to acknowledge it foreshadowing at all. If he looked deeper, he could probably take apart the quote, but just those feelings made him wary and shy from doing so lest he uncover a meaning he didnt like. Plus, while a very wise and suiting quote for events and circumstances, it does nothing for a young girl grieving for her parents. Taking out a kunai from his pouch, glad it had survived the world travel and come with him, he started scratching out words underneath it. Carefully carving the words, he finished quickly and stepped back into place beside her and once again held her, observing his work critically. The girl beside him was very silent and he was starting to get worried shed disapproved.

You spelled my name wrong, and he turned to her to see her lips twitching upwards, a soft look in her eyes as she gazed at the new inscription on the marker. Ah, gomen. I forgot that though thats how I say it, it is not the correct way to pronounce your name, he embarrassedly scratched the back of his head. He moved to go back and change it, but she held him back, shaking her head. No, its alrightI think I prefer it this way, she gave him a soft smile that matched the soft look in her eyes, and he felt a strange warmth enter him at her response and the look. Two brave parents who loved their Harri enough to die for her. Looking back at the words he carved though, he remembered again his own failures as a parent. The more he looked at it, the more he remembered how horrible a father he was. But just when he was about to spiral into darker thoughts and stew in them, soft lips pressed against his cheek thankfully, startling him out of his thoughts and looking down to look into grateful emerald eyes. He turned to her fully, holding onto her closely and seeking his own silent comfort from her, thinking that he was just as grateful to have her and be with her. Afterwards, he grabbed her hand and they walked out of the cemetery quietly, with him quickly showing the grave he found earlier. Then, as a cheery pick-me up, they searched out a place to eat at and hope they could find some locals who might be able to tell them where Bathilda Bagshot lived at, though Nagi insisted she wear a hat to hide her scar. Harry, herself, wasnt quite sure how well-known her current looks were, especially around there, so they tried to play it as safe as they could. Going inside an opened tavern, they were surprised and happy to find it cozily warm. Finding some seats, Nagi wasnt quite sure what to order, but she ordered for him and he was more than satisfied with the taste of warm apple pie and butterbeer. The butterbeer was surprisingly warm and slid easily down his throat, and he licked his lips after, still tasting the sweet drink. The apple pie melted in his mouth and he could taste a hint of cinnamon in it. You look like youre enjoying yourself, Harry commented, her lips once again twitching upwards. The food and drinkand the company are very enjoyable anddelicious. Its been a long time since Ive indulged myself, he let himself give her a full smile, restraining from turning it into a smirk when he saw her turn bright red at his words overall and partly for the secondary innuendo he couldnt resist tossing in.

Still, hed probably compliment her and tease her more, just to get her used to it and stop being so embarrassed to receive them all the time. She was much too modest, though he liked that about her. They finished up in there, after Harry surprisingly retaliated by feeding him and trying to make him embarrassed. But he countered that by embracing the act full-heartedly, eating from her with a huge gusto and finally letting himself smirk. He also returned it by feeding her back. Outside, they trailed the town quietly, holding hands as they looked around. Nothing had come up, and any subtle inquiries, with Nagi mainly asking since no one would know of him, was easily rebuffed by the Christmas cheer around the town. It is Christmas Eve, isnt it? Harry murmured, looking up at the darkened sky with softly falling snow landing around and on them. I suppose so. It must be a holiday not celebrated where I am from, Nagi responded solemnly, seeing her mood turn somber. Christmas is supposed to be a time for family and friendsand here we are, on the run, ragged, and terrified. Busy and weary about a war thats counting on us to win it, she sighed in aggravation. Next Christmas will be spectacular then, Nagi declared. Harry looked at him in disbelief, before a wide smile spread across her face and she grabbed onto his arm fully and laid her head on it, letting him guide their walk. Off to the side of the edge of town, near some trees, there was a large expanse of just snow and nothing else. Harrys eyes lit up at this and she let go of his arm to run forward and twirl herself around in the open space in carefree abandon, face turned upwards to receive the still coming snow and arms thrown out. He watched in amusement, before he was suddenly dragged by her to join in. And then they were running around and twirling and whirling in silliness, grinning wildly as they danced around in the snow. Even when they grabbed hold of each others arms and spun, rotating fast and becoming dizzy with each spin and then letting go, they were still giddily eager to run about. Though him falling back ungracefully and her stumbling around before face planting into the snow after the crazy spinning wasnt so much. Then she had a mischievous grin on her face that told him she was up to something. Before he could figure out what or why, he was dealing with the how with her throwing a snowball into his face. He blinked as the snow slowly fell off his face, realizing that shed just thrown a snowball at him. Thisis war, you know? he told her seriously.

And then he started attacking her mercilessly, hearing her squealing as she tried fruitlessly to run away. No fair! Youre good and experienced at all this! That was answered with a snowball to the face, answering for her first snowball. After, they flopped tiredly to the ground next to each other and just relaxed. It was, he thought, one of the most happiest moments hed experienced in his life. Even if he acted completely unlike himself and his usual reserved attitude, it seemed worth it and just special to be spending this time with Harry. We should get back soon. Maybe Hermione found something, or actually doing something other than fooling around like we have, Harry snickered. But then she started moving her arms and legs up and down. What are you doing? he raised an eyebrow, barely lifting his head to face her. Making a snow angel. He shrugged lightly and then he just started to copy her, hesitantly at first before just going with it. When they were done, they carefully got up and saw two snow angels nicely made into the snow ground, though one was really good and the other sort of messy. Harry pouted. Are you good at like everything? I try to make sure to be, he smirked. + + + + + + When they got to the church and cemetery again, leaving a reminder of their presence there in the form of a snowman they made together, they saw Hermione sitting at the front of the steps of the church, reading. Harry scowled when she saw what book it was. Whered you pick up the copy of that book from? Harry glared at it.

I found it at your placeat Potter Cottage, in the first floor. I didnt wander around much, just at the entrance. I thought it was best to wait for you guys, especially since its yourhome, Harry, Hermione told her, smiling encouragingly. So someones been there recently, Nagi noted. Hermione blinked, but nodded, realizing that. Yeah, that books new. Theres no other reason for it to be there than that, Harry agreed. Whereve you two been? Hermione grinned slyly. Harry turned pink and wasnt going to dignify it with a response, but Nagi had other ideas. Around the town Nagi replied stoically. Together, he added with a roguish smile and sharing a grin with the brunette at Harrys expense. Well, the two of them finally found common groundeven if it meant it was her. There was rustling to their side and they all tensed, turning to see an old woman watching them eerily. Harry, Nagishes been watching us, Hermione whispered. Nagi frowned, slipping a hand into his weapons pouch and fingering a kunai. Taking it out, he held it surely in his hand and holding it by his side. The two girls saw him and unsurely copied his action, with their wands instead. The woman gestured them to follow her before turning and leaving them behind. I think I know who that is, Harry said tensely. Bathilda? Hermione mumbled to herself. Not really wanting to, Nagi led them to follow after the woman. Thats Potter Cottage, Hermione whispered again, pointing out what building the elderly woman was entering. Harry clenched her jaw as she stared at the partly destroyed building. This is where it all began. Where they were killedwhere they were murdered, her hand tightened around her wand. Nagi was suddenly closer to her, the hand not holding a kunai clasping her shoulder comfortingly. His small smile was just as comforting as she turned to him, and he leaned down

to kiss her. Surprised at him, especially with others there, she felt a warmth enter hernot unlike the one that had entered Nagi earlier. His lips pressed firmly against hers, sure and real. And she just held onto the feeling as long as she could, even after hed pulled back and moved forward to take point and lead them in. She took a glimpse at Hermione, seeing the surprise clear on the other girls face that quickly turned into approval and happiness. Her face burned hot and she was sure it was as red as a tomato. But as they slowly moved together to cautiously enter the building, Harry couldnt let go of the warm feeling that was still in her chest, despite the foreboding feeling that was threatening her as well.

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