SAT Everyday Questions 09-02

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SAT Everyday Questions Feb ʼ09

Sunday, February 1

Because it lacks water, this makes the area known as Death Valley a desert, but it is by no means devoid
of life.
A. Because it lacks water, this
B. They lack water, which
C. Water, the lack of which
D. Lacking water, it
E. Lack of water

Here's Why:
Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the awkwardness and wordiness of the original by making Lack of water
the subject of the sentence.

Tuesday, February 3

Understandably, it is the ------- among theater critics who become most incensed when producers insist
on ------- celebrated classic plays.
A. strategists . . discussing
B. mediators . . staging
C. conformists . . praising
D. traditionalists . . recognizing
E. purists . . reinterpreting

Here's Why:
It is logical to conclude that critics who are purists would be devoted to traditional ways of staging
classic plays, and would get angry when these plays are presented in new ways.

Wednesday, February 4

Besides conserving forest resources, recycling produces fewer pollutants than does the
conventional pulping and bleaching processes that are normally used to create paper. No err

Here's Why:
The error in this sentence occurs at (B), where there is subject-verb disagreement. The singular verb
does does not agree with the plural noun processes. The plural verb do is needed instead.

SAT Everyday Questions Feb ʼ09

Friday, February 6

Although Rolf is usually quite -------, he was so ------- by the salesman s rude remarks that he insisted on
complaining to the manager.
A. tractable . . reassured
B. timorous . . angered
C. plucky . . offended
D. valiant . . incensed
E. diffident . . satisfied

Here's Why:
Choice B is correct. The term Although in the first clause suggests that Rolf s response to the
salesman s rude remarks differed from his usual behavior. If Rolf is usually timorous, or timid,
complaining to the salesman s manager would be an uncharacteristic response.\]

Saturday, February 7

Africa is not nearly so mountainous as in Asia.

A. so mountainous as in
B. that mountainous as
C. equally mountainous to
D. as mountainous as
E. that mountainous as in

Here's Why:
Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the awkwardness of the original by using the idiomatic as … as
construction to compare Africa with Asia.

Monday, February 9

The play, which features ------ mix of comedy, pathos, and music, was correctly described by one honest
critic as a ------.

A. a seamless . . debacle
B. an ungainly . . hodgepodge
C. an unfortunate . . masterpiece
D. an inappropriate . . success
E. a harmonious . . failure

SAT Everyday Questions Feb ʼ09

Here's Why:
Choice (B) is correct. If the play is an ungainly, or clumsy, mixture of different elements, an honest
critic would justifiably describe it as a hodgepodge, or a disorganized jumble.

Tuesday, February 10

Once the suspension bridge replaced the cantilever, the United States becomes
the world leader in this new type of long-span bridgebuilding. No error

Here's Why:
The error in this sentence occurs at (B), where there is an inappropriate verb form. To match the past
tense established and used elsewhere in the sentence ( Once, replaced ), the past-tense became is

Thursday, February 12

Observing the newspaper s tradition of ------- attention to accuracy, the reporter ------- every statement
made by her informant.
A. scrupulous . . verified
B. lax . . challenged
C. sporadic . . corroborated
D. systematic . . bungled
E. inordinate . . exaggerated

Here's Why:
It makes sense to claim that the reporter s verification of a source s information would conform to her
newspaper s scrupulous, or precise, standards for accuracy.

Friday, February 13
The wide variety of spices and condiments used in sausage making including salt and, it depends on the
ethnic or regional origin of the recipe, coriander, nutmeg, cloves, garlic, vinegar, mace, pepper, chili
peppers, or pistachio nuts.
A. include salt and, it depends
B. include salt, depending
C. includes salt, and it depends
D. includes salt and, depending

SAT Everyday Questions Feb ʼ09

E. including salt and, depending

Here's Why:
Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by using a singular verb, includes, to agree with
the singular noun, variety, and by eliminating the unnecessary pronoun it.

Sunday, February 15

With the 1969 film The Learning Tree, Gordon Parks proved what a truly ------- artist he was: he not only
directed the film and composed its musical score, but also adapted its screenplay from his own novel.

A. complacent
B. protean
C. lauded
D. clairvoyant
E. harried

Here's Why:
Choice (B) is correct. The structure of the sentence indicates that the word that fills in the blank will be
explained by the part of the sentence that follows the colon. We are told that Gordon Parks adapted the
screenplay for The Learning Tree "from his own novel," wrote music for the film, and directed the film.
Because of his involvement in several different aspects of the film, it makes sense to describe Parks as
"protean," or demonstrating great variety and diversity.

Monday, February 16

The following sentence contains either a single error or no error at all. If the sentence contains an error,
select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the sentence correct. If the sentence
contains no error, select choice E.

A meteorite shows an enormous variation in size, from micron-sized dust particles

filtering slowly through the atmosphere to giants weighing many tons. No error

Here's Why:
The error in this sentence occurs at (A), where there is noun-noun disagreement. Instead of the singular
A meteorite, the plural Meteorites is needed to agree with the plural nouns found later in the

SAT Everyday Questions Feb ʼ09

sentence ( particles and giants ). In addition, the singular verb shows should be changed to show.

Wednesday, February 18

Drew's loss in the demanding cross-country race had ------- effect, weakening both his strength and his

A. a morbid
B. a palliative
C. an enervating
D. an onerous
E. a recuperative

Here's Why:
Choice (C) is correct. Something that is "enervating" causes a lessening of vitality and strength.

Saturday, February 21

The double feature, which featured two films for the price of one, became popular in the 1930s as a
scheme to ------- former moviegoers who had begun to stay home since the ------- of the Depression at
the beginning of the decade.

A. lure . . advent
B. discourage . . end
C. dissuade . . dawn
D. perplex . . onset
E. instigate . . devastation

Here's Why:
Choice (A) is correct. With money scarce, many people had stopped going to movies since the advent,
or beginning, of the Depression in the 1930s. It is logical to assume that theater owners would come up
with a scheme to lure, or entice, these people back into the theater with the promise of a good bargain
̶ two films for the price of one.

Tuesday, February 24

Professor Chen believes that the universal character of art refutes the prevailing notion that art is a
------- of civilization, a cultural frill, a social veneer.
A. guarantee

SAT Everyday Questions Feb ʼ09

B. hallmark
C. record
D. luxury
E. depiction

Here's Why:
Only luxury, which can describe something that is inessential but conducive to pleasure, is similar to
the words frill and veneer.

Friday, February 27

The ballet stage is a bright, seemingly weightless world where gravity is continually being ------- by the
A. prolonged
B. reapportioned
C. unbalanced
D. reflected
E. defied

Here's Why:
The dancers seem to oppose, or defy, gravity when they look weightless.

Saturday, February 28

The following sentence contains either a single error or no error at all. If the sentence contains an error,
select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the sentence correct. If the sentence
contains no error, select choice E.

One of the northernmost countries of Europe, Finland's borders are Russia on the east,
Sweden on the west, and the tip of Norway on the north. No error

Here's Why:
The error in this sentence occurs at (C), where there is improper modification. It does not make sense
to say that Finland s borders are One of the northernmost countries of Europe. The proper noun
Finland should be used instead.

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