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IB Exploration- W3 T2

Attitude; Creativity
creativity |kr-tivit|
noun the use of the imagination or original ideas

Area 1; Creativity is when someone creates something new which has some kind of value. New Zealand has a rich history of creativity and innovation in many areas of life. As this week is NZ Primary Science Week focus on creative Kiwis in the field of Science- Ray Avery and Sir Ernest Rutherford are 2 of the most notable. Use one of these people, or select one of your own NZ Scientists and write a bio of their life and wider contribution because of the creative use of one of their discoveries.

Ray Avery

Sir Ernest Rutherford

Own Choice

During your research and bio writing, consider which of the IB Learner Profile attributes were used by your person.

Area 2; Reflect on the definition of Creativity from Area 1 of the homework. Creativity is when someone creates something new which has some kind of value. Think about your current Sharing the Planet unit and examples of creativity which have influenced positive environmental changes. Take some examples you have learned about and think about how they were new, and what value they had for society or our planet. How was it new? What value did it have?

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail. Edwin Land

Homework- Week 3 Term 2 Year 8

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