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Microsoft Virtualization for the VMware Professional - The Platform Module 4: Clustering Deployment and Management

Module Manual
Authors: Symon Perriman Corey Hynes

Published: 3rd June 2011

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Microsoft Virtual Academy Student Manual


CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. III MODULE 4: CLUSTERING DEPLOYMENT AND MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................. 4 Module Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Send Us Your Feedback about This Document ........................................................................................................................ 4 Cluster Deployment ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Send Us Your Feedback about This Document ........................................................................................................................ 5 Cluster Support .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Send Us Your Feedback about This Document ........................................................................................................................ 6 Validate a Cluster Configuration ................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Send Us Your Feedback about This Document ........................................................................................................................ 7 Numerous Management Options ................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Send Us Your Feedback about This Document ........................................................................................................................ 9

Microsoft Virtual Academy Student Manual


Module 4: Clustering Deployment and Management

Module 4: Clustering Deployment and Management Module Overview

This module provides a great High-Availability Overview including software & hardware requirements and cluster deployment helping viewers to understand Hyper-V integration & scale. Next it moves into the more advanced components of Hyper-V High-Availability and Disaster Recovery. The module contains demos of flexible deployment & management options as well as recognizing the importance of automatic disaster recovery.

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Microsoft Virtual Academy Student Manual

Module 4: Clustering Deployment and Management

Cluster Deployment

Symon: so lets get more hands on as well

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Module 4: Clustering Deployment and Management

Cluster Support

Symon: Lets talk a little bit more about cluster deployment and well actually go deploy a cluster, go deploy some VMs on it, show you some cool demos. Now I mentioned a few times, whats required for support, pretty simple, two requirements; everything must have a logo, entire solution must pass our validation test. Use completely dissimilar hardware not a problem.

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Microsoft Virtual Academy Student Manual

Module 4: Clustering Deployment and Management

Validate a Cluster Configuration

Symon: So what is validate, validate is our best practice analyzer, its going to run a series of end to end tests and basically not only make sure that all the hardware and software is suitable for clustering but its also going to make sure youre following best practices, such as having consistent service packs deployed across and consistent patches, making sure that your check those properties appropriately to ensure the services of the VMs can start up as quick as possible. Now, you can go ahead and run this before you deploy your cluster, you can run this after you deploy your cluster, and you can run this as a troubleshooting tool. So if you know somethings not happening right with the cluster, not a problem, just go run validate, it will tell you if youve lost a network interface, if some storage is offline, or the flexibility. And all of the reports are going to be automatically saved so you go run validate and its just really a great compliance tool, a great reporting tool. If you have trouble with troubleshooting things like that and you have to go call product support, not a problem, you just go and send in this validation report, product supports going to say oh, I know everything thats deployed in your cluster heres warnings you have, heres errors you have, we have a really good understanding of how to go and fix this. Corey: Yea, I think it gives people a massive vote of confidence as well that what theyre doing is something thats going to be supported thats going to work without having to get into buying these pre-defined cluster configurations that we had to do a long time ago. You know, before 2008 came along and the idea of validation so I think its a great leap forward certainly.

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Module 4: Clustering Deployment and Management

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Module 4: Clustering Deployment and Management

Numerous Management Options

Symon: Well Im just going to quickly cover all the management options then were going to go ahead and take a ten minute break and then well wrap up for the end of the day. So management, well we kind of talked about this when we talked about Hyper V right, you know one of the things that I thinks great about what the failover clustering team has done with the Hyper V team is theyve realized that these products are you know really coming together, its important that Hyper V works well with clustering, clustering works well with Hyper V and so using Hyper V manager, sorry using failover cluster manager you can go ahead and create your Hyper V VMs straight through that interface. That same high availability wizard that you showed earlier, we can actually go in and view through failover cluster manager. So you no longer kind of have to jump around between these different management consoles just do everything in failover cluster manager. And even above that sits, system center virtual machine manager where you could go and manage your Hyper V, you could do cluster management again from this single console. So a lot of flexibility there.

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