Human Resource Department of RTV

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Internship Report On Human Resource Department of RTV Submitted To: Gouranga Chandra Debnath Assistant Professor Department of Business

Administration Faculty of Business & Economics Daffodil International University Submitted By: Sadia Rezwana Tanni Id No: 082-11-308 Program: BBA (20th Batch) Faculty of Business & Economics

Daffodil International University

Student Declaration:
This Internship report is submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement of Bachelor of Business Administration. I am Sadia Rezwana Tanni hereby declare that the work presented in this report titled Human Resource Department of RTV has been carried out by me and has not been previously submitted to any other University, College or Organization for any academic qualification, certificate, diploma or degree.

Chapter # 1: Introduction
Introduction Origin of the Report Scope of the Report Objective of the Report Importance of the Report Methodology Limitations of Report

1.1 Introduction :
Bangladesh entered into Television Broadcasting age with a single TV Station established at Dhaka from where transmission was first beamed in Black & White with effect named Bangladesh Television, now we know this TV Station as BTV. After a huge revolution in electronic media sector of the whole world, Bangladesh also takes part in the positive changing manners and introduces different types of TV Channels one by one. RTV (National Television Limited) is one of them. While introducing the sophisticated branch of the electronic media in the country, the broad perspective kept in mind was to inform and educate the people through wholesome entertainment and to inculcate in them a greater awareness of their own history, heritage, current problems and development as well as knowledge of the world at large.

1.2 Origin of the Report:

The report is being prepared under direct supervision & guidelines of separate instructors of university and RTV National Television Limited. As a requirement to complete the BBA program.

1.3 Scope of the Report:

This report will give a clear idea about Human Resources Department in the RTV National Television Limited. How efficiently they utilize their resources? What types to benefits they offer to their employees to motivate their work? Does the training program that they organized is effective or not? What are the aims to develop training program? To have answers of all these questions, it is tried to go through the RTV HR policies; with three months working experience in HR & Administration and had discussions with officials of different wings.

1.4 Objective of the study :

Every task has a particular aim. A study without objective cannot reach the destination. My internship program was also directed to some particular targets. The main objective of the study is to gain practical knowledge and experience on Human Resources Department of National Television Limited. The specific objectives are written down below: To know the overall HR Department of RTV National Television Limited. To know the functions of HR in RTV National Television Limited. To evaluate effectiveness of HR Policy in RTV National Television Limited.

1.5 Importance of the study :

The study helps to gain hands on knowledge in Human Resources Department .The study has enormous implication to develop HR guide line. The management of National Television Limited RTV can use the findings and recommendation for their policy making and organizational development purpose. It will help them to introduce a new dimension of hiring more efficient people for their organization. Above all, the study has academic implications, which indicate the academicians can develop them in this field in Bangladesh taking this study as an initiative to study the how effectively HR can work.

1.6 Methodology :
In order to attain the objectives, collection of primary data is necessary. This data will be used to analyze the problem statement. The largest part of the analysis however would obviously be conducted by carrying out the employee satisfaction survey. The intention is to obtain a randomly selected unbiased sample of 100 employees across the station and to question them on various HR Grounds to asses the employee satisfaction level. Therefore the methodology would include relevant information is collected from interviews, Surveys, observation and annual reports of the station and other TV station in comparison. The relevant information is collected from the primary sources and also uses the secondary sources of information.

Primary data are collected through: Observation for the total internee period Open ended and close ended questions Conducted discussions with Officers of HRD

Secondary data are collected through: Manuals of National Television Limited RTV. Website browsing.

1.7 Limitations of the Report :

The sources of the report are collected from different desks, various documents of National Television Limited (RTV). Though the entire stuff member remains busy all the time for their desk work they helped a lot to manage and collect the data & information. But it was very difficult to collect information on the clients and sponsors as it is very sensitive and secret issue for the organization. Every task has some limitations. So, there have also some limitations of the study. These are as followsa) Shortage of time period: This report is written within a shorter period of time since many days have passed during the training session. So the time constraint of the study hindering the course of vast area and time for preparing a report within the mentioned period is really difficult. b) Busy working environment: The officials had some times been unable to provide information because of their huge routine work. Thats why Im not able to gather vast knowledge about the critical issues. c) Secrecy of Management: There some information which are confidential for collecting the data. So, some data could not been collected for confidentiality or secrecy of management.

Chapter # 2: About National Television Limited RTV

Corporate Mission Corporate Vision Core Values Special Features of National Television Limited Management Aspects Departments of National Television Limited Employee

2.1 Corporate Mission :

National Television Limited wants to be the absolute leader in the number of television channels throughout Bangladesh. It tries to be a world-class organization in terms of service quality and establishing relationships that help its viewers to develop their mentality and grow successfully. It wants to become the channel of choice both for its viewers and its contenders, the model television channel in this part of the world. The missions that RTV follows areo To give entertainment to people of Bangladesh and outside the country by arranging different movies, plays, programs with effective and informative news also. o To keep its viewers in touch with changing circumstances of world and give them current affairs information like RTV news. o To increase the literacy rate by producing educational programs. o As Bangladesh is Peoples Republic, therefore to convey the message of Democracy and teachings unity to peoples of different views on religions and political aspects through awareness increasing programs. o To bring social and cultural awareness in the people. o Political and social security. o Provide information about science and technology.

2.2 Corporate Vision :

The vision of RTV is- Building a profitable and socially responsible entertainment and information based electronic media institution focused on viewers demand and clients business with growth potential, build a "just, enlightened, healthy, democratic and corruption free Bangladesh".

2.3 Core Values :

Value the fact that one is a viewer of the National Television Limited RTV. Creating an entertaining, honest, open and enabling environment to make programs and describe news. Have a strong quality focus and makes relationship directly with viewers, sponsors and clients. Strive for profit and sound growth. Work as team to serve the best output of our ability. Relentless in pursuit of brands promotion and sponsors business improvement. Value and respect people and make programs based on merit. Base recognition and reward on performance. Responsible, trustworthy and law-abiding in all that we do

2.4 Special Features of National Television Limited:

National Television Limited RTV possesses the following special features:

Target Group Strategy: RTV will attach special emphasis to the target group strategy
of development in their each and every department.

Training: A special feature of RTV will be the provision of training for its employees.
The aim of the training will be to increase the capability of the employee effectively.

Technology: RTV will encourage the use of new and improved technologies in order
to increase quality in each and every department of this channel.

Nations Development: RTV will attach special attention to nation in development.

2.5 Management Aspects :

Like any other business organization, the Top management makes all the major decisions at National Television Limited RTV . The Chairman is being at the highest level of organizational structure plays an important role on the policy formulation. The Chairman is not directly concerned with the day-to-day operation of channel. He have delegated his authority to .Mr. Syed Ashik-ur Rahman is the CEO of this channel. The Management Hierarchy of National Television Limited is given below : Chairman Managing Director Director CEO

2.6 Departments of National Television Limited:

RTV The National Television Limited has 06 departments. The Departments are-

Program News HR & Administration Broadcast Accounts Marketing.

Program Department:
Chief Program Director Program Manager Senior Producer Producer Assistant Producer


Production Assistance of Program

News Department:
Head of News & Current Affairs Chief of News & Reporting Senior News Producer News Producer Assistant News Producer Senior Reporter Junior Reporter Senior News Presenter Junior News Presenter District Correspondent Production Assistance of News

HR & Administration:
General Manager Assistant Manager Senior Executive Executive Junior Executive Store In charge Transport In charge Labor In charge

Broadcast Deparment:
Manager Presentation MCR PCR Studio


Camera Edit Panel Maintenance

Accounts Department:
Accounts Manager Senior Executive Executive Junior Executive

Marketing Department:
Marketing Manager Senior Executive Executive Junior Executive

2.8 Employee:
National Television Limited has in different employees criteria. There are different types of employees working in different places inside RTV. The types of employees are1. Regular employee : The permanent stuffs are known as regular employees. The regular employees are allowed to get the bonus, incentives and other allowances with their basic salaries. And these types of employees also have the benefit of gating extra facilities the National Television Limited RTV is providing for their employees. 2. Freelance Staff : Mainly Program and News department are allowing this type of staff. They are not admitted officially but can participate with responsible producers to help to do their task for RTV.


3. Intern: To encourage and help human resource development in the electronic media National Television Limited RTV may offer to the eligible candidates for intern. All Internships program will be for a three months. Prior approval by GM internship program can be extended for a maximum period of six months.



Human Resources & Administration


National Television Limited RTV.

Administration Recruitment Training and development


Having a Human Resources Division in Bangladesh business organizations today is becoming a common and important part. But Human Resource Management is a relatively new discipline to study and implement in this part of Asia and in most organizations HR Department work as a Support department to the organization. Where as it was suppose to be an integral part of the business without which an organization cannot maximize the utility of its most valuable resource, which is the workforce, the employees of the organization.

3.1 Functions of Human Resources & Administration:

National Television Limited RTV has a fully functional Human Resources & Administration department supported by manpower. This department of National Television Limited performs the following functions: Selection and Recruitment. Training and Development of Employees. Promotion Planning. Policy Formulation for Leaves. Making Reward and Recognition Policies. Policies for Resignation or Termination from Services. Employee Welfare Fund Policy Formulation.

3.2 Administration:
The word Administration means controlling the people. In National Television Limited RTV, HR Administration is much more than just controlling. It includes motivating the workforce, encouraging them to be more productive and innovative, leading or selecting or providing an appropriate leader for a leaderless team. Some smaller and simpler day-to-day functions are carried out by the Administration as well. These includes employees leave balance monitoring and approving if they can avail leave, if yes then planning and suggesting how many days, which days etc. Checking and approving employees medical loan requests.


Administration also has to undertake some harsh duties which are Show Cause letter issue, Warning letter issue, issuing letter of Termination, issuing Dismissal order, Audit and Investigation etc. These are certain unavoidable and rare incidents caused mostly by employees and their personal issues that directly violate RTVs code of conduct.

Another motivational factor rewarded and monitored by HR Administration is Bright Ideas. Bright ideas are usually those which employees come up with from their own judgment and if it benefits the channel (e.g. Cost reduction, organization or work process development) then it is considered as a Bright Idea. The respective employees are rewarded accordingly as a factor of motivation. The HR Administration covers the following tasks:

3.2.1 Leave Policies :

The policies followed for employee leaves management based on the types of leaves and their criteria are given below:

Annual Leave:

All employees will become eligible for annual leave of 14 working days after completion of one-calendar year. Any pending leave may be carried forward to the next year. Any leave taken in advance to be adjusted during the final settlement period. Casual Leave:

Casual leave up to 10 calendar days can be granted per year to an employee who may be unable to attend duty due to sudden urgent private affairs. Not more than 3 days casual leave can be taken at a time in a month.


Sick Leave: Sick leave up to 10 calendar days can be granted per year to an employee who may be unable to attend duty due to sudden illness. Casual Leave more than 3 days will be considered as sick leave and has to be supported by medical reports. In case of prolonged illness the GM may grant medical leave in excess of sick/casual leave with full pay and allowances for a period up to one month.

Maternity Leave:

Female (confirmed) employees will enjoy 4 months maternity leave. One employee will be entitled to avail this leave for 2 times in her entire service period.

3.2.2. Probation and Confirmation:

The terms of probation are as follows: A person selected for appointment with less than 3 years job experience will be on probation period of one year. An employee with job experience of 3 years or more will be on probation for 6 months. In the event of the probationers failure to show satisfactory progress and acquire required efficiency during employees probationary period, the appointing authority may, at its discretion, extend his probationary period by a maximum of additional 6 (six) months, or dispense with his service by giving one months notice or by paying a sum equal to one months pay without assigning any reason. In the case of one year, if the person fails to show satisfactory progress, employees appointment will be terminated.


After the probationary period of six months or one year the administration send the appraisal form to the Department Heads. After completing the appraisal form send the form to the administration. In the procedure the HR head send this appraisal form with his approval signature to the Department Head of RTV to approve and forward it CEO and after that it will be approved signed by the Managing Director. According to the comment and remark of appraisal form the employee will get the confirmation with increment of salary or confirmation with promotion or no confirmation.

3.2.3. Promotion Pattern :

Promotion is a continuous process by which the employee motivates for batter work; get the price for employees better work. In RTV there are two types of promotions-

a) Regular Promotion: Regular promotion is given according to the employees regular performance. When the supervisor or department head of the employee evaluate that his employee is become an asset for the Channel and deserve promotion then the supervisor or the department head take a promotion appraisal form from HR and recommended the employee for promotion. In the procedure the HR head send this appraisal form with his approval signature to the Department Heads of RTV to approve and forward it CEO of RTV and after that it will be approved signed by the Managing Director. According to the comment and remark of appraisal form the employee will get the promotion with increment of salary. b) PM Promotion: Performance Matter (PM) is the annual performance report of individual employee of National Television Limited. According to Performance Matter ranking scale the employee can get promotion in the job grade of their own. According to the policy any employee cant get any promotion within a year after the employees joining in the National Television Limited. And on the other section the employee can get promotion after six months of his previous promotion. 18

3.2.4. Resignation:
The following sections will display the policies of National Television Limited regarding its employees resignation and termination situations. This part will discuss about the policies and procedures for resignation or termination in situations when: A regular employee wishes to resign A probationary or temporary employee wishes to resign When a regular employee is terminated When a probationary or temporary employee is terminated

o Resignation of Regular Employee: A confirmed employee may leave or discontinue from the services of the Channel by giving one month notice, in writing or pay to the Channel as compensation an amount equal to the employees total pay for one month. o Resignation of Probationary or Temporary Employee: Probationary or any temporary employee shall leave or discontinue employees service from the Channel by giving 15 (fifteen) days prior notice in writing of employees intention to do so or pay to the Channel as compensation an amount equal to employees total pay for fifteen (15) days. Note: Certificate will not be provided to staffs who were forced to resign, got unsatisfactory rating in their Performance Matters or have integrity issue and nonconfirmed staff. o Termination of Regular Employee: The competent authority may terminate the services of a confirmed employee or call upon him/her to resign without assigning any reason, by giving him/her one month notice in writing or on payment of one month substantive pay in lieu of such notice and the employee shall not be entitled to any form of compensation for termination of service. 19

o Termination of Probationary or Temporary Employee: The service of a probationer or a temporary employee shall be liable to be terminated by the competent authority without assigning any reason without giving him or her any notice and the probationer or the employee shall not be entitled to any form of compensation for termination of service.

3.2.5. Resignation Process:

Resignation submitted to line manager

With the acceptance & recommendation line manager forwards it to departmental/ divisional Head

Resignation letter forwarded to HR

HR will take final approval from Managing Director to start the process

Resigned staff will collect clearance form from HR which to be cleared by all concerned Departments

The filled up clearance form will then sent to Accounts for final settlement

After final settlement HR will take exit interview of the resigned staff

HR will prepare the release letter and a certificate 20

3.2.6. Resignation and Settlement Procedure:

The official formalities for resignation and settlement cases administered by the concerned department and HR are sequentially shown below:

Serial Number


Working Days Required to Complete the Task 2 Days

Resignation letter must be forwarded to HR by concerned supervisor or department head after his/her proper signing. After Receiving Resignation/Termination/Dismissal Letter with handover and takeover documents HR will due clearance from various departments. HR will do the final settlement work after having clearance. Accounts will pay the final settled amount after having final settlement documents from HR. If separated staff has liabilities with the channel then the concerned department / owner of liabilities will take initiatives. HR will send the personal file after final settlement done in normal case. In case of unsettled matter HR will hold the files. Total

4 Days

4 Days

2 Days

Reasonable Time

Once in a month

Until settlement Reasonable Time


3.2.7. Reward:
Reward and Recognition is a way to express appreciation for another employee's hard work, dedication and contribution to the Channel. There are many levels of Reward and Recognition, to ensure both small contributions as well as the larger ones is recognized. There are four levels of rewards and recognition: LEVEL 1: Individual Contribution Award LEVEL 2: Departmental Committee Award LEVEL 3: Organizational Competence Award LEVEL 4: Chairmans Excellence Award Spot award: This is an award is given to employees on the spot recommended by the sponsors or the employees very nicely handle any difficult situation or for making good programs.

3.3 Recruitment :
Selection and Recruitment is an integral part of any organization that heavily depends on their workforce to successfully perform their mission and achieve their vision in the long run. Thus appropriate selection of candidates to join in the workforce is a necessary part of Human Resource Management, which is ensured by the Human Resource Department in National Television Limited.

3.3.1. Recruitment Process:

For the recruitment The National Television Limited use the following process: Direct Recruitment: The National Television Limited RTV has a CV Bank in HRD. In direct recruitment the HRD short list the CVs from the CV Bank or collect the CVs that referred by the employees of RTV for direct interview for the specific selected post. After short listing targeted applicants are directly informed for the interview. And after interview the applicant will be finally selected.


Process Flow of Direct Recruitment :

Sorting of applications based on specific Criteria

Preparation of Preliminary selected list

Conducting Interview: There will be two parts of that interview. The interview committee will compile first part of some basic Q/A with uniform scoring system. In second part there will be meeting with Departments Head, the session will reveal the behavioral aspects of the interviewee.

Investigation of previous employment history

Issuing Appointment Letter

Through Advertisement: Sometimes the HRD of National Television Limited cant able to short list CVs for specific post from their CV Bank. In this situation the HRD advertise of recruitment in specific post mentioning the job description with the minimum requirement that the applicant should have for the post. And collect CVs which are being specified according to the requirement that has been published in the advertisement. After that the CVs will be short listed and the recruitment procedure will go according to the direct recruitment process. Sometimes they announced through their TV screen in a program or news or as a ticker so that more eligible and capable applicants can know about this.


Internal Job Posting: For any kind of internal job search it will operate through a circular as board notice. Any existing staff other than permanent also HR Temporary (minimum one year with RTV). Only the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer can allow exceptions. Job specification will be clarified in that circular and interested candidates will have full liberty to apply subsequent to the clearance from his or her respective line manager. After a formal interview in front of the Recruitment committee or Management Committee he or she can be absorbed in the suitable position.

Process Flow of Internal Job Posting :

Circular will be issued through Lotus Mail or on the Notice Board to every employee.

Interested candidate will get clearance from their respective department heads regarding the employment in other department.

An interview will take place in front of an interview selection committee comprises of delegated authority approved by the Management (Must attend GM of HR & Administration department).


Promotion: Promotion can be used as an effective tool for recruitment as it can serve the internal purpose for recruitment within the organization. Promotion may also take place if the job size increased and the MD/ Management Committee decide(s) to upgrade the job upon recommendation of the respective Department Head or Line Manager. The process of upgrading a job will have to be undertaken through a process of reviewing the Job Content, Responsibilities, Dimensions, Changes in the Organization Structure, etc. Full justification of the necessity of the change must be presented.

Transfer on deputation: Based on requirements and needs channel can adopt that policy after taking the approval from CEO.

Contract as specialist/consultant/counsel: It is not a post of regular employee. It is a contractual job and these persons are directly appointed by MD with the reference of the Chairman.

Note: If the number of post for recruitment is several then the candidate will face the interview in Direct Recruitment system. If the number of Post is in large number then the HRD of RTV collect huge number of CVs by giving TV/paper advertisement and then create a written exam for short listing the candidates and after that the candidates have to face interview board.


3.3.2. Recruitment Service Level Agreement :

Beside the general guideline recruitment procedure will be followed as per Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Recruitment through Internal Job Search & CV Bank

Working Days Required to Complete the Task

Serial No.

Particulars Internal Job Search will be published or CV will be collected through the CV bank/E-Recruitment site after getting requisition from respective department with respective Job Description (JD) as per approved head count budget. After CV collection interview will take place. From the date of CV collection, HRD will constitute interview Board and Members will be informed prior to interview. Appointment letters will be signed after final interview. Appointment letters to be handed over to candidate after signing by CEO and Managing Director.



02. 03. 04. 05.

05 03 03 02

Recruitment through Advertisement

After Receiving Requisition from Concerned Department, Marketing Department will publish the Advertisement upon the advice from HRD. Advertisement will also publish in our website. Application Duration (Collection of CV with application from external candidates against the advertisement published) HRD will scrutinize the CVs after CV scrutinize is over. HRD will arrange the Interview after CV collection is over.



07. 08. 09.

15 03 05


10. 11.

HR will send the letters to the applicants ahead of interview process Other Process (SL # 03 to 05)

15 Same as above (SL # 3 to 5)

3.3.3. Recruitment Budget:

Managing Director & CEO will determine and analyze the necessity of manpower based on recruitment required by the Departments and projected budget based on the year after discussing with different department heads. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the management to examine the work load and carry out the job analysis and as well as looking into the real requirement of employees under various categories, to see whether an additional hand is really necessary Chairman holds the authority to finally decide any matter regarding any sort of recruitment. Besides he is the supreme authority to create any kind of new position.

RTV must recognize the importance of manpower estimation and accordingly an organization structure should be prepared for the Channel and for each Department. The organization structure shall however, not be rigid, it may be reviewed and revised when necessary from time to time. Subject to review from time to time, the competent authority as per power delegated by the Board will make the appointments.

3.3.4. Recruitment Policy:


All regular employees will appointed by the Managing Director. All HR contract and outsource contract employees will be appointed by The Head of Human Resource Division. The schedule of recruitment will be created according to the Service Level Agreement (SLA). The interview board will with The Head of Department of that post, The Supporting Department Head and The Head of HRD. Officer Grade-I and Officer Grade-II can appoint directly after the interview. From Senior Officer and more there will be a second interview with the Managing Director of National Television Limited after the first interview. For internal job posting the employee can only apply if he has the service time in RTV is more than two years and also need to recommend the candidates application by the reporting supervisor of the employee.

The HR Contract employee can apply for the regular post after servicing more than two years in the RTV. The new recruited will get the probationary period of one year if the employee has less than three years of working experience and will get the probationary period of six months if he has more than three years working experience.

3.4 Training & Development :

After recruiting a potential candidate the next important function of HRD is to orient the new entrant to the organization and providing him/her with all the necessary knowledge about their duties and responsibilities. This is done to ensure effective input from the employees into the organization thus, their most efficient level of performance. The training program used in the organization also ensures employee retention. To National Television Limited spending in training programs for employees is not an expense, but an investment.

3.4.1 Training & Development Issues :


The training program includes: Orientation Training In-house training Job specific training Need based local/foreign training Peer or Supervisors coaching E-learning: Online training and evaluation

Every department has to follow an employee performance measurement method devised by the HRD. This performance measurement form is filled out and signed by the supervisors and respective Department Heads. Based on these performance reviews, training needs are identified for different employees. Below is a training need identification flow chart:
Identification of the need by the employee in performance measurement Discuss with the Dept. Head Recommend by Dept. Head of HR Arrange Training Completion of Training

Feedback to HR Counseling, Mentoring, Material Reading Record Keeping in Personal File

In every 3 month, the HR sits with the trainees to follow up on their progress. The whole training program is divided into two major parts. One part is the training on foundation courses and the other part includes attachment in operations unit. The different departments (program/news/broadcast) conducts this training session; HR department works as a coordinator for the whole process. Training wing also follow an SLA.

3.5 Compensation, Payroll and Benefits :


The channel is committed to follow a fair, competitive and flexible remuneration policy. The Chairman is the final authority for approval of this policy and will amend and review the policy on recommendation of the Managing Director and CEO. The remuneration policy of the channel will cover all persons engaged in permanent service of RTV. The Job Grades of National Television Limited is as follows: CEO General Manager Senior executive Executive Head of Departments Department Manager Senior Assistant Manager Assistant Manager Producer Assistant Producer News Reporter News Presenter Program Presenter/Anchor Accounts Manager Marketing Manager Broadcast Manager Maintenances Assistant Set Designer Set Maker Light Designer MCR


PCR Camera man Assistant Camera man Editor Online Video Editor Online Sound Engineer Store Keeper Camera Store Keeper Production Assistant Receptionist Peon Cleaner Driver Security

The Salary structure of RTV will be based on Job Grades. Job grades will be decided on the basis of an analytic assessment of the position based on the size, responsibilities, decision-making authorities and the nature of the job. The remuneration of employees consists of: Basic Salary House Rent and Medical Allowance

Salaries are confidential between the employees concerned and the Management. The salary ranges for these job grades will be reviewed from time to time. HR Temporary & outsource staff do not have any assigned job grade. The contract will have a consolidated payment per month and there will be no other entitlements applicable except commission based on job criteria.


Internees will be paid a consolidated honorarium per month, as decided by the GM and will not be entitled to any other benefits. Basic Pay: Basic Salary Ranges (BSRs) is commensurate with the job grades and is determined by the Chairman on the recommendation of the Managing Director. The Chairman reviews the BSR at least once every two/three years. Basic Pay means the pay on the scale or fixed rate of pay that has been sanctioned by the competent Authority for the post held by an employee but does not include any other remuneration. Gross Pay means the summation of the all types of payment received by an employee. House rent allowance: House Rent Allowance paid to the CEO and GM at such rates and on such conditions as prescribed by the Competent Authority from time to time. Medical allowance: Medical Allowances may be paid in accordance with the job grades and on such conditions that may be prescribed by the Competent Authority from time to time. Festival Bonus: Festival Bonus will be paid to all confirmed staff at one month basic salary which will be reimbursed twice in each calendar year. All confirmed employees would get one bonus during Eid-ul-Fitre and another one for Muslims during Eid-ul-Azha and for others based on their respective religious festival. Non-confirmed employees will be entitled to get Festival bonus as pro rata basis depending on his/her RTV joining Date. The Authority will decide the annual salary revision and recommendation will be based on:


Revised Pay Scale, and/ or Inflation adjustment rate Performance

Performance Bonus (PB);(once a year): The Authority at its discretion, based on the RTVs profit will declare a certain percentage of the pre-tax profit as Performance Bonus. The contribution measurement will be coming from the Performance Matters. Performance Matters for such purpose shall be made on the criteria set by the management from time to time. Amount of Performance Bonus will be 3% based on net profit after tax and method of distribution will be based at Management discretion No bonus will be applicable to the employees rating marginal & unsatisfactory. Final Evaluation will be decided by the Chairman for the entire RTV after going through a rating process to ensure that a consensus is reached for RTV. Telephone policy: Employees from AVP and above are entitled to have mobile phone sets with all facilities (T&T incoming, outgoing, and ISD connection) Employees of RTV below AVP are requested to take up a post-paid mobile at their own expense according to departmental need and also given a ceiling on the basis of their job functionality. Hospitalization Insurance: In the event where hospitalization or surgery is required for a member of the officers (confirmed employee) dependent (Spouse and Children) including hospitalization on account of maternity - RTV will reimburse the officer (Group C) up to a maximum of Tk.10,000/- per annum, for executives (Group B) Tk.30,000/- per annum and 50,000/per annum for Managers (Group A). 33

Travel allowance: An employee of RTV may be allowed to draw traveling allowance in respect of journeys performed for the purposes authorized by the competent authority which include: On officially assigned tour News Reporting On outdoor shooting On compulsory recall from leave To attend a course of training sponsored by RTV To bear the cost of travel of deceased employee

Types of allowances under travel policy: Traveling Allowance (Mode of Transport) Accommodation Allowance (Hotel Rent) Daily Allowance

Welfare Fund: The motive behind establishing the welfare fund is to be able to provide the regular confirmed employees with financial support for incidents or events when the cost may not be affordable for the employees. These may include the following: Accidents on the job Extended illness Education for children Marriage of children

Employees of the grade c may be the members of this fund. The amount to be received by the employees under such special circumstances would be settled on by the fund management committee after thorough assessment of the claim application and relevant documents.


A beneficiary will not be entitled to receive fund more than once in one calendar year.

Leave Without Pay: Under certain special circumstances when no other form of leave may be awarded to an employee, he/she can be granted with a leave without pay. The period of such leave must not exceed continuous sixty days during which no salary and allowances will be paid. Termination Benefit: In case a confirmed employee is asked to resign from his/her services by the relevant authority without stating any reason, he/she is eligible to receive one months notice in writing or one months gross salary as payment. If the employee is duly notified with one months notice, he/she will not be entitled to receive any form of compensation for the termination of services. Suspension Benefit: In the event that a report/information about misconduct or fraud is received against an employee, he/she has to undergo stages of disciplinary proceedings. The employee is presented with charge sheet and is given 4 days to come up with an explanation. A preliminary enquiry committee is formed and an enquiry notice is issued that marks the beginning of a proper domestic enquiry. If, according to the committees report, the employee is found guilty he is duly punished. In case the employee is found not guilty, he/she is retained with due respect. During the period of enquiry, the employee may be suspended and will only receive 50% of his basic salary. In case he/she is proven to be not guilty, then the full amount of salary must be refunded to the employee. 3.7 MIS & Strategic Planning : MIS & Strategic Planning wing is a relatively new division under the HRD. The MIS & Strategic Planning section does not follow any procedure of work, as most of the functions are project or assignment based. It includes work process improvement, project management, increasing use of technology more and paperwork less by developing and generating ideas to incorporate technology in different business and day-to-day functions. RTVs different departments use different MIS, there is no centralized system formed


yet. Thus MIS & Strategic Planning does not go by any specific work procedure. The Manager, MIS & Strategic Planning is in charge of the Projects/Assignments and currently the MIS & Strategic.


About Job
o Job Description o Job Responsibilities o Critical Observations


4.1 Job Description:

Creation of Database of the interview candidates. Conducting different interviews. Maintaining & updating database of the employees. File processing. Updating personal files. Checking the documents of personal file. Sending reference letters. Maintaining the external CVs. Evaluation of trainees exam script. Leave Processing. Attendance Vehicle Management File Management (Both Hard & Soft copy)

4.2 Job Responsibilities:

CV data entry. Calling the candidates. Preparation of interview documents. Conducting the interview. Joining of the selected candidates. Creating the personal files. Checking the documents of the personal file. Updating personal files.


Assisting the recruitment team in checking the reference of all RTV employees. Maintenance of the external CVs in archive that come to the HR. Assisting training team to evaluate the exam scripts of the trainees. Processing of leave of the employees. Assisting the admin to conduct the employee satisfaction survey. Updating the Database of disciplinary actions. Creating the Database of full & final settlement of the resigned or terminated employees. Updating the schedule of day off. Updating the duty roster of different departments production assistants. Controlling Transportation according schedule Updating the transportation rout of drivers Supervising the group (C) employees in order to their schedule.

4.3 Critical Observations:

During internship program, there has found some critical issues in the Human resources Department of National Television Limited It has seen that RTV does not go for paper ad that much when they recruit employees. Only give an announcement on Channel screen. They should give more paper ad so that many people can know about it. RTV is a famous channel now. Insufficient manpower in proportion to the channels total workforce. They should recruit more people. Strong influence of external references in some cases. The external forces should be reduced. There is lots of pending work in HR admin & in Pay benefits because of less manpower. Sometimes they keep a lot of work pending. If they check the papers on regular basis then the work does not remain pending.


Not Sufficient manpower to execute large sized recruitments. HR software in use needs up gradation and modifications.


SWOT Analysis


SWOT Analysis:
Strength: National Television Limited RTV has perfect policies to maintain and control their employees. The X & Y motivational theories are perfectly use by the Human Resource Division to control the employees properly. Well organized team. Well maintained CV database. Better employee motivation generation through internal recruitment opportunity. Less dependent on external recruitment agencies. Well planned training schedule with sufficient time allotment. Training opportunity provided to employees working in every level. Effectively Stringed with other departments of RTV. Little amount of bureaucracy in the process. The Employees of National Television Limited respect Human Resource Division and the Human Resource Division earned it.



The overall situation of Human Resource for a company like National Television Limited is not that much controlled to be used and utilized it perfectly.

The salary structure is not high enough according to the workload of the employee.

There is less manpower to control and maintain the large amount of employees. Online recruitment system is not upgraded.

Opportunity: National Television Limited has more than 350 employees to work with. The Human Resource Division is always thinking to do something new with their employees that can help to motivate the employees and can able to make them better resources/assets for the National Television Limited. Very few Bangladeshi organizations have this kind of opportunity to be used.

Threat: The resignation rate too high in National Television Limited then it anticipated. Reference control on policy is common situation of Bangladeshi organization. RTV is not out of it. Reference control on Human Resource policy can be a bad threat for National Television Limited.


CHAPTER # 6 Findings
Recommendation Conclusion


6.1 Findings:
Lack of sufficient employees in required position. Salary structure not high Lack of strategic planning The work lode of the employee is high There is less man power to control and maintain the employees. Lack of proper refreshment Lack of managerial control

6.2 Recommendations:
In this part of recommendation, some valuable issues of National Television Limited. (RTV) are discussed. These were the aspects that came out while working as an intern at


RTV. These were related to various parts of RTV and thus are placed in the list of general recommendation. According to SWOT analysis some decision can be taken. Increase the number of employee in required position. Make the salary structure attractive to the employee. Make succession planning. Reduce the extra workload of the employee. The overall situation of Human Resource for a company like National Television Limited is not that much controlled to be used and utilized it perfectly Arrange co-curricular activities for employees refreshment . Managerial control should be implemented perfectly. .

6.2 Conclusion:
RTV intends to set standards as the leader in Bangladeshs electronic media sector. It demonstrates that a locally owned institution can provide efficient, friendly and modern entertainment service on a profitable basis. Human Resource Department is the most confidential department for any organization as well as Human Resources Division in National Television Limited. Here as an intern, limited information was collected for preparing this report because of too much confidentiality. It was an honor to work as an intern in a reputed organization like National Television Limited. The National Television Limited is a channel that confirms the best programs and news to the viewers. National Television Limited is the fastest fame achieving channel in Bangladesh. By working in HR Division the knowledge was learnt would be helpful enough to sustain with the real organizational environment. 44

Bibliography Appendices

7.1 Bibliography:
1. Manual of National Television Limited. 2. Some information about HR from Mr. Kamrul Islam; HR Executive, National Television Limited. 3. Several Booklets & Newspapers from National Television Limited. 4. Different types of products of National Television Limited i.e. Leaflets, Brochures, Synopsizes etc. 5. Previous Internship Report on National Television Limited. 6. Chapter-8: Recruitment & Selection and Chapter-11: Developing People from the book of Human Resource Management in a Business Context, 3 rd Edition, written by Allan Price. 7. Chapter-14: Managing Human Resources in Organizations from the text book of Management, 9th Edition, written by Ricky W. Griffin.


8. Another text book of Human Resource Management, 6th Edition, written by Cynthia D. Fisher, Lyle F. Schoenfeldt, James B. Shaw. 9. Website of National Television Limited 10. Browsing Internet.

7.2 Appendices:

The training procedure followed by RTV HRD can be summarized in the following steps:



Working Days Required to Complete the Task 03 03 03 05

1 2 3 4

Orientation Training after the new hires has completed all the formalities. Special Training for Technical Staff In-house resource person will be informed prior to training. Concern person/department will be informed prior to


5 6

outside local training. HRD will be confirmed by the concerned department/person after receiving offer from HRD. If the participants arrange any course (local training institute), it should be informed to HR along with proper approval from MD for necessary action before training. Training Arranged by FDC or Bangladesh Information where any staff of the RTV has been nominated by the supervisor and the same has been informed to HR. For cancellation of participation in any training (Local or in-house), HR must be informed through concern supervisor/department heads before training.

02 05



Chart of Recruitment Vs Resignation Chart-1 :


Recruit Resigned



Chart-2 :

Sadia Rezwana Tanni News presenter RTV


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