Online House Tax System

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A Project Report On Online House Tax System

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Technology In Information Technology

Submitted by Student Name (roll no ) Student Name (roll no ) Student Name (roll no ) Student Name (roll no ) Under the guidance of Mr. Akash Mr. Prasoon Mishra Submitted to: Mr. J.P Dixit Head of Information Technology Department

Affiliated to Gautam Buddh Technical University, Lucknow, India (SESSION: 2012-2013)

Ambalika Institute of Management & Technology, Lucknow

Date: ______________

This is to certify that this Project report of B. Tech. Final Year, entitled Online House Tax System is a record of bona-fide work, carried out by Shivam Singh (0936313040), Ajeet Yadav (0936313004), Hirdesh Prajapati (0936313023) and Pawan Mishra (0936313030) under my supervision and guidance. In my opinion, the report in its present form is in the requirements, as specified by the Ambalika Institute of Management & Technology and as per regulations of the Gautam Buddha Technical University. In fact, it has attained the standard, necessary for submission. To the best of my knowledge, Synopsis report, is original in nature and worthy of incorporation in the present version of the synopsis report for B. Tech. (I.T.). This Work is original and not submitted earlier for the award of any Degree / Diploma of any other University / Institution.

__________________________ ( Guide) Mr. Prasoon Mishra (Faculty- Incubation Cell) A.I. M. T. Lucknow

____________________ Examiner

______________________________ Mr. J. P. Dixit (H O D- Information Technology) Ambalika Institute of Management & Technology

I am very much thankful to Mr. J.P. Dixit head of information technology department for providing all facilities and support to meet my project requirements. I would like to take opportunity to express my humble gratitude to Mr. J.P. Dixit whom I executed this project. His constant guidance and willingness to share his vast knowledge made me understand this project and its manifestations in great depths and helped us to complete the assigned tasks. I am highly thankful to my project internal guide Mr. Akash whose invaluable guidance helped me understands the project better. Although there may be many who remain unacknowledged in this humble note of gratitude there are none who remain unappreciated.

Shivam Singh Ajeet Yadav Hirdesh Prajapati Pawan Mishra

(0936313040) (0936313004) (0936313023) (0936313030)

The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts with success. We owe a great many thanks to great many people who assisted and helped me during and till the end of the project. We would like to express our gratitude towards Mr. J.P. Dixit (HODIT) and guide of the Project Mr. Prasoon Mishra, Faculty Incubation Cell, Ambalika Institute of Management & Technology, for his guidelines and scholarly encouragement. We are indebted to Mr. Akash, Faculty -IT of A.I.M.T, Lucknow for their valuable comments and suggestions that have helped us to make it a success. The valuable and fruitful discussion with them was of immense help without which it would have been difficult to present this project in live. We gratefully acknowledge and express our gratitude to all faculty members and friends who supported us in preparing this project report. Finally, this acknowledgement is incomplete without extending our deepest-felt thanks and gratitude towards our parents whose moral support has been the source of nourishment for us at each stage of our life.

Shivam Singh Ajeet Yadav Hirdesh Prajapati Pawan Mishra

(0936313040) (0936313004) (0936313023) (0936313030)

Students Declaration
I / We hereby declare that the work being presented in this report entitled Online House Tax System is an authentic record of my / our own work carried out under the supervision of Mr. Akash The matter embodied in this report has not been submitted by me / us for the award of any other degree.

Signature of students(s) (Name 1..............................)

Signature of students(s) (Name 2..............................)

Signature of students(s) (Name 3..............................)

Signature of students(s) (Name 4..............................)


The main aim of our project is to prepare a Tax summary of a client. In online house tax system, a client registers himself enters all the details and uploads various Documents that are necessary for preparation of Tax Summary and Schedules for an interview after successful submission of all the documents. After all the procedures are completed Tax summary is prepared for all the clients by the admin who calls the clients and arranges an interview for discussing various issues regarding Tax summary. Once the client pays the amount for preparation of Tax Summary he can download the PDF format of his Tax Summary. Hardware requirement Core 2 Duo Processor 1GB of RAM About 150MB of free Hard-Drive space Windows NT Server 4.0, Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or Windows98/Windows95 with TCP/IP Networking support properly installed and configured. A web server that supports ASP 2.0 A Database that supports ODBC (Such as Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server). Microsoft Visual Studio

Software specifications windows 2000 server/professional or above .Net Framework 4.0 Asp.Net, C# .Net SQL Server 2008 IIS 5.0 or above


of Contents

Certificate.I Preface..II AcknowledgementIII Students DeclarationIV Abstract.V Table of ContentsVI

Chapter 1: Introduction.1-3 Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis Document (RAD)4 2.1: Introduction.5 2.1.1: Purpose of the System.5 2.1.2: Scope of the System......6 2.1.3: Acronyms and Abbreviations.6 2.2: 2.3: Current.6 Proposed System..6 2.3.1: Overview..6 2.3.2: Functional Requirements7 2.3.3: Nonfunctional Requirements..9 2.3.4: Pseudo Requirements .10 2.4: Functional Model .11

2.4.1: Scenarios.11 2.4.2: Use case Model13 2.5: Object Model..17 2.5.1: Data Dictionary..17 2.5.2: Class Diagrams..20


Dynamic Model.22 2.6.1: Sequence Diagrams23

Chapter 3: System Design Documentation (SDD) 42 3.1: 3.2: Subsystem Decomposition.42 Persistent Data Management44

Chapter 4: Forms45 4.1: 4.2: Input Forms.46 Output Forms.56

Chapter 5: Testing.72 5.1: 5.2: 5.3: 5.4: Unit/Module Testing.73 Integration Testing77 System Testing.83 Functional Testing84

Chapter 6: Conclusion.85 Chapter 7: Bibliography..87

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