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C5 Speedo Fix Mk1 C5 Diagnosis If the Speedo/rev counter pointer falls to zero or behaves erratically and the mile

e meter and other instruments behave normally it is likely the stepper motor has failed. To avoid the cost of replacing a complete instrument cluster it is possible to just replace the stepper motor. The speedometer and rev counter motors are identical but are not available to purchase as a separate item. The only way to get a replacement motor is via a scrap dealer or Ebay. The picture below is of a cluster I obtained for 45. Changing the whole cluster is not really an option as it would cause a mileometer mismatch error with the cars ECU.

Repair The job of changing the motors over is quite easy but care should be taken not to damage the other instruments. So give yourself an hour, have a cup of tea/coffee first and clear a suitable working space. First remove the donor motor. Take the instrument cluster and starting at one end lift the Black loop clips in turn while carefully prising the front cover away to remove the front cover.

Place the cluster on its back and lift off the pointer cover. I used the rev counter as a donor motor.

Next carefully remove the pointer, I think care should be taken not to rotate the pointer as it is prised upward.

Now replace the front cover to protect the other instruments. In the same way as removing the front cover now remove the back cover by lifting the White loop clips and working from one end. Place the cluster on its front and withdraw the motor its just a push fit but to make removal a little easier I shaved some plastic from the top of the support posts with a sharp knife.

The stepper motor removed;-

Replace the back cover. - Replacement motor is ready!

Replacing the faulty motor in the Car Instrument Cluster 1 Disconnect the battery. 2 Use two credit cards or similar to release the two clips at the lower edge of the cluster. Two small dots mark the position of the clips, you will feel the resistance as they release and the cluster can then move forward from the bottom edge.

3 There is now access to the rear of the cluster and the single plug connector. Two photos below show the connector. Depress the retaining clip locking lug and rotate the retaining clip to release the plug.

4 Now take your cluster to the working area and remove the front cover as described above.

5 Remove the pointer cover and pointer from the faulty instrument.

6 Replace the front cover temporarily to protect the other instruments. 7 Remove the back cover, and withdraw the faulty motor. 8 Carefully align the four pins on the replacement motor and the two support posts and push into position. 9 Replace the back cover and again remove the front cover.

10 Re fix the pointer cover to the pointer. Align the pointer with the zero dot and press onto the spindle.

11 A Good time to give the front cover a clean, then replace. 12 Return to the car. Position the cluster to reattach the plug, rotate the clamp until locked. Position the top of the cluster to locate the top pegs and push the lower part back into place. 13 Reconnect the battery. Adjust clock and radio settings.

All being well .Job done !!!

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