Lesson Plan: Lesson'S Stages Teacher'S Activity Students' Activity Aims/ OBJ Timing

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Lesson Plan NAME: Niculescu Mirela DATE: CLASS: XI th i grade UNIT: GET A LIFE!

LESSON: TV programmes General competences: to understand the oral and written messages. to develop oral and written messages, to express their own opinion. Lesson aims/objectives: 1. to understand the global meaning of the text. 2. to identify the words related to television programmes . 3. to describe their TV programmes . 4. to practice agreeing and disagreeing. Materials: - textbook - magazines - newspapers - dictionaries Procedures: conversation, describing the images, dialogues. Types of activities: - frontal - individual - pair work - group work ACTIVITY PROCEDURE

Initial moment Announces the lesson: TV

- the absents - warming-up - check the homework

- prepare for the class - read the homework

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- asks students how long -answer the question they watch TV - each group presents the yesterday. programme they read about to O1

programmes - the students are asked to read some previews from news paper. (group work)

the class and answer the questions of the teacher. - choose their favourite programmes and try to make their own TV programme and O2 discuss about it -present main ideas; - the teacher gives them expressions found in the text some newspapers and agreeing/disag. magazines O3



- read a letter about TV progtammes Feed-back - their opinion about the - try to say their opinion. TV programmes. -a letter programmes like/dislike. about they

O4 15 5

Homework Evaluation

- appreciate their work and gives marks.

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