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Introduction and Scope of Industrial Sociology Lecture:1

Introduction Industrial Sociology: industry and Sociology Industrial derived from Latin word which means dexterity and resourcefulness Sociology: Social relations and society It is an applied discipline Industrial sociology is concerned with application or development of principles of sociology relevant to the industrial mode of production and industrial way of life.

Introduction to Industrial Sociology

Industrial Sociology includes Social processes Methods and cause effect relationships concerning industrial system and sub-systems. It is an outcome of industrialization over the last 5060 years. Owes to the famous experiments conducted by George Elton Mayo :Hawthorne works in Chicago

Scope of Industrial sociology

Amitai Etzioni It is a study of those economic organizations which have primary aim of producing goods and services, exchanging them, or organizing and manipulating monetary processes.

Burn classified industrial Sociology

Bureaucracy Study of functions Study of functional groups Analysis of industrial relationships Influence of industrialization on the individual

What the subject matter includes

Miller and Form Work groups, interpersonal relationships in it, the role of work groups, study of machines and instruments in social organizations C.B Spaulding Industrial organizations, factories, godowns, sale, purchase centres, administration and social relationships of the individuals involved in all the activities

Social Relations

Social relations in industry may be internal and external. Internal relations are those existing within the industry itself concerning management, operations or both External relations are between industry or outside bodies as government, community, educational institutions etc

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