2.test 2nd Day

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CPHQ - Review and Study Course

2nd Day Test

DIRECTIONS: Each question or incomplete statement is followed by several suggested answers or completions. Select the one that BEST answers the question or completes the statement.
1. Which of the following is the BEST reason why the graphic representation of data is usually superior to verbal or written representations? A. Faster interpretation B. Easier to perform C. Most managers can't understand numbers D. Easier on the eyes 2. Which of the following statements are consistent with a focus on continuity of care? A. The same level of care is provided throughout the care setting. B. If nurses give injections on the floor, nurses should also be responsible for giving injections in radiology. C. Floor nurses should accompany their patients through- out the hospital. D. All of the above 3. A hospital suddenly realizes that the methods it has been using to plan for the future are illogical and that entirely new methods are needed. This is an example of a A. paragon shift B. paradigm shift C. thinking frame D. thinking shift 4. Organizational culture is best defined as A. assumptions about individuals and how work gets done B. ethnic make-up of employees C. provision of activities to employees such as National Nurses Week D. professional development of employees 5. A good mission statement should include I. defining the intent and market of the organization I- defining the measure of commitment III. ensuring the mission and vision statements are consistent with each other The CORRECT answer is: A. I, II B. I, III C. II, III D. I, II, III 6. The recipient of care is typically best qualified to evaluate which aspect of care? A. Availability B. Continuity C. Efficacy D. Respect and caring 7. Which of the following, though important and discussed by the JCAHO, is NOT a joint Commission Dimension of Performance? A. Availability B. Competency C. Continuity D. Efficacy 8. The capacity of any medical test to achieve its desired outcome is known as A. appropriateness B. continuity C. efficacy D. effectiveness 9. The function of management in CQI, according to Deming is to A. be responsible for data collection

B. provide rewards and punishment: for performance C. track down the causes of poor performance D. optimize the system 10. Resistance to change is not merely lack of acceptance but behavior intended to maintain the status quo and to prevent change People resist change for all of the following reasons EXCEPT A. threatened self-interest B. inaccurate perceptions C. objective disagreement with the change D. high level of adaptability 11. According to the principles of adult education, which one of the following should the QI Coordinator do first when planning an educational activity? A. Assess knowledge and learning needs of learners B. Find an appropriate room C. Make sure the learning conforms to management's expectations D. Determine how the activity will be paid for 12. Which one of the following typically provides the best data regarding continuing education needs of staff? A. Case management B. Risk management C. Quality improvement D. Utilization review 13. Which of the following are elements of a well-developed CQI program? I. identify all customers for each service II. Development of a CQI Committee III. Strong, directive management policies The CORRECT answer is: A. I. II B. I, III C. II, III D. I, II, III 14. Which of the following is the BEST definition of process? A. The steps required to provide care B. A series of steps that achieve a desired outcome C. Patient care activities D. Technical aspects of providing care 15. CQI is most likely going to save money by A. reducing time spent on training B. reducing time spent on meetings C. reducing labor and material wastage D. all of the above 16. The four foundational elements of the quality improvement process as seen in the Shewhart cycle are A. find, organize, clarify, and understand B. plan, do, check, and act C. find, plan, organize, and do D. plan, find, check, and act 17. All of the following are guidelines for dealing with resistance EXCEPT: A. Communicate with the people who oppose the change and identify the cause of their opposition B. Clarify information and give accurate feedback C. Decrease psychological security and reduce threat to it D. Maintain a climate of trust, support, and confidence 18. A hospital wants to look at past patient records to determine trends. This- is a ____ study, and involves A. retrospective; clinical trials of medications or procedures B. retrospective; review of databases and evaluation of patient outcomes C. prospective; clinical trials of medications or procedures D. prospective; review of databases and evaluation of patient outcomes 19. Who should introduce middle managers to the principles of QI? A. QI supervisor

B. Staff C. Upper management D. Outside consultants

20. Which of the following statements BEST reflects the principles of QI? A. The team way is the only way. B. That is the way we have always done it. C. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. D. Processes, not employees, are usually to blame. 21. Motivation relates to whether the client wants to learn and is usually greatest when the client is ready, the learning need is recognized, and the content is meaningful to the client. Nurses can positively influence a client's motivation by A. relating the learning to something the client values and helping the client see the relevance of the learning B. helping the client to make the learning situation pleasant C. encouraging self-direction D. all of the above 22.Which of the following graphic representations of data is usually best for showing relationships? A. Bar graph B. Histogram C. Pareto chart D. Scatter diagram 23. Which of the following is typically considered the LEAST restrictive of all health plans? A. Capitated payment B. HMO C. Indemnity insurance D. PPO

24. You have collected trends for the past year showing that 30% of your back injuries happen on the day shift (73)60% on the evening shift (3-11); and 10% on nights (11-7) From a risk management perspective, you should probably begin your back education program on the ____ shift. A. day B. evening C. night D. weekend 25. The different phases of the planning process are interdependent and continuous; they frequently overlap in time and often are not discrete. Viewed in phases, the planning process consists of A. seeking common purposes and objectives B. identifying issues and concerns C. determining an organizational structure for planning D. all of the above

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