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ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIN 551008 Basic English 1 Activity guide and evaluation Rubric Unit 2 collaborative assignment

ACTIVITY GUIDE Opening date: April 2nd, 2013 Due date: May 7th, 2013 Grades: 34 points Activity type: Collaborative work forum Objetives: Describes places. Compares people, things and places. Understands simple conversations about comparisons and descriptions.

Topics: Adjectives for places Comparative and superlative adjectives There is / there are Singular and plural nouns Prepositions of place

Activities and description of the learning strategy: In this activity all the students in the group will discuss about the topic their tutor proposes in the forum and then, each one will record an audio. It is necessary to review all the links and the online content unit 2 in order to work in the forum. The activity has 2 phases: Discussion in the forum (phase 1) In this phase students in the group must: Check the links presented in the forum in order to know how to make comparisons and descriptions about places. Check the attached file submitted by the groups tutor in the forum (exercise 1 or 2). According to this document the students must write a description of a place and the objects found in there or a comparison between 2 places. All the ideas or contributions must be posted directly in the forum (individual attached files will not be accepted).

Created by: Claudia P. Mnera Mora

Cead Bucaramanga

ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIN 551008 Basic English 1 Activity guide and evaluation Rubric Unit 2 collaborative assignment
Choose a leader who will dynamize the discussion and submit the final document with the asked description. Each student must comment at least three partners posts in order to correct mistakes or confirm that the ideas are good.

In case that all the groups students do not participate in the forum (it means, the 5 students of the collaborative group), the ones who participate must make the complete assignment. In this case the tutor will grade only those students whose participations appear in the forum.

Individual phase (phase 2) In this phase each student must: Practice the pronunciation of the description or comparison made by the group. Record this description or comparison in a mp3 file. Submit the mp3 file to the link Act 10: Unit 2 collaborative assignment Phase 2.

Keep in mind that any other file format different from mp3 will not be accepted (wav, ogg, um3, ace3, aac, wma, spx, etc).

Final groups product (phase 1): The leader will post into the forum the document which presents the description or comparison made by the group. Final individual product (phase 2): Each student will submit in the forum a mp3 file in which presents the description or comparison made by the group. Important: It is necessary to take into account the opening and due dates of this activity according to this schedule: April 2nd to 30st: Revision of the activity guide and the online content. Posting in the forum each students individual contributions to create the description or comparison. Comments on partners contributions. Submission of the final text with the description or comparison asked for the activity, corresponding to the phase 1. May 1st to 5th: Recording of the individual mp3 audio file for phase 2. May 6th and 7th: Submission of the individual mp3 audio file to the corresponding link for phase 2 ( Act 10: Unit 2 collaborative assignment Phase 2).

Created by: Claudia P. Mnera Mora

Cead Bucaramanga

ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIN 551008 Basic English 1 Activity guide and evaluation Rubric Unit 2 collaborative assignment
Do not forget to take into account the evaluation rubric tutors will use to grade your individual and team work. Remember it is important to participate on time. Students who participate late will have a lower grade in the items 1 and 3, according to the evaluation rubric. Resources Course agenda Online content Attached document in the forum (exercise 1 or 2)

The feedback and grades of this activity will be published after the due date, in the assignment link created in the course. Tutors will be grading from May 8th to 15th. On May 16th you will be able to review your comment and grade of this activity.

Created by: Claudia P. Mnera Mora

Cead Bucaramanga

ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIN 551008 Basic English 1 Activity guide and evaluation Rubric Unit 2 collaborative assignment
Evaluation rubric
Evaluated item Low evaluation Medium evaluation High evaluation Total score

Individual participation in the forum

You post your first participation st You did not participate in the in the forum after April 31 . forum Your contributions have lots of mistakes, so ideas can be (score 0) confused or not clear. (score 5)

You participate on time and your contributions are grammatically correct. The ideas are clear and well-constructed. (score 10)


Forum interaction

You did not participate in the You commented only one of forum. your partners contributions. (score 0) (score 5)

You commented 3 or more of your partners contributions and this comments were meaningful. (score 10)


You did not submit any mp3 You submitted the audio file in a You submitted the mp3 audio audio file. different format from mp3. file on time. Individual Submission of the mp3 audio file (score 3) (score 2) (score 4) 4

There are a lot of Pronunciation mispronunciation mistakes and and the intonation is not intonation natural. It is difficult to understand the ideas or the recording has a lot of noise. (score 2)

There are some mispronunciation mistakes. The recording is not complete. (score 5)

The pronunciation is clear and the ideas can be easily understood. (score 10)




Created by: Claudia P. Mnera Mora

Cead Bucaramanga

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