Time Allowed: 60 Minutes 50 Questions: English Test

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---------------o0o--------------ENGLISH TEST Time allowed: 60 minutes 50 questions

PART ONE Look at the table below and match the opposites. An example is given. 0. Married 1. Neat 2. Bright 3. Important 4. Male 5. Natural 6. Public 7. Strong 8. Tall 9. Close 10. Wrong 11. Fat 12. Hungry PART TWO Questions 13-22: Circle the odd one out. An example is given. 0. A car 13. A wine 14. A dog 15. A job 16. A bananas 17. A peas 18. A bread 19. A sausages 20. A pasta 21. A uncle 22. A eyes
English test A3

_____C_____ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

A. Female B. Dull C. Single D. Trivial E. Untidy F. Weak G. Artificial H. Short I. Private J. Right K. Far away L. Full M. Thin

B motorbike B beer B horse B vegetable B rice B mushrooms B tea B rugby B piano B aunt B hair

C bicycle C lemonade C cat C fruit C oranges C eggs C salad C tennis C tomato C nephew C fish

D paper D whisky D sandwich D meat D apples D beans D tomato D basketball D potato D father D beard


PART THREE Read the following text and choose the best answers (A, B, C, or D) for questions 23-27. There are many causes of headaches, and most people suffer them at some time or other. Although doctors have come a long way from the old days, when headaches were ascribed to evil spirits and treatments ranged from cutting our part of the skull to concoctions of cow brain and goat dung, they are still not sure what sets off headaches. The most significant advance has been the acceptance that they are not the result of emotional stress. Until recently, many doctors thought that imbalances in the bodys systems were to blame, but experts now believe it is the brain itself. They point to malfunctioning chemicals, such as serotonin, whose job it is to send messages to regulate the contraction and dilation of blood vessels in the brain. Monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer used in Chinese cooking, can cause headaches in some people, as do many other common foods. Red wine, aged cheese, coffee, chocolate, nuts, and preserved meats contain nitrates, caffeine, and tyramine, chemicals that may produce pounding headaches. Even though the exact culprit has yet to be found, there are plenty of treatments for prevention or cure. Over-the-counter preparations such as aspirin are fine for treating the occasional headache, but often exacerbate severe cases. Beta blockers, usually used for lowering blood pressure, seem to head off migraines. Antidepressants are effective, too. But doctors also recommend non-drug treatments such as relaxation techniques, which can be used in combination with medication, and diet modification, to cut out foods that cause attacks. 23. According to the passage, many years ago, one way doctors tried to cure headaches was by A praying to spirits. B sacrificing cows and goats. C operating on the patients head. D writing prescriptions. 24. It is no longer believed that headaches are caused by A emotional stress. B malfunctioning chemicals in the brain. C certain kinds of foods. D contraction and dilation of blood vessels.

English test A3

25. According to the passage, doctors now believe that headaches are related to A imbalance in the bodys systems. B chemicals in the brain. C emotional stress. D high blood pressure. 26. According to the passage, beta blockers can be used to .. A treat migraines. B cause migraines. C contract blood vessels. D treat depression. 27. According to the passage, severe headaches cannot be successfully treated by A beta blockers. B aspirin. C relaxation techniques. D serotonin. PART FOUR Match the statements (28-34) and replies (A-H). An example is given. Example 0. Carol really liked the film. 28. Shell love the party. 29. I wont eat there again. 30. We cant stand discos. 31. Id rather go to the cinema. 32. She doesnt mind opera. 33. We didnt enjoy the play. 34. Anita is fond of Chinese food. PART FIVE Most of the lines in this text contain an unnecessary word. A few of the lines are correct. Read text carefully, find the extra words and mark them. Tick ( ) any lines that are correct. Two examples are given. 0 0 35 I wanted to go abroad for two reasons: to prove I could live on my own and to give myself lot more time to think about what I had wanted to do with my life. In the end, I ______ ___lot___ -0- D A She cant either. B I would too. C Neither do we. D So did Julian. E They didnt either. F So am I. G Daisy will too. H Neither shall I.

English test A3

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

decided to go to Germany as an au pair because of my German was quite good and because it wasnt too much far away if I did got homesick. I stayed for a year. Some days it was fun but others I wished for I was at home with my mother looking after me. It was quite a boring most of the time. I had to look after a three-year-old boy and do some of housework. I also had to babysit three times a week and work all day Saturday as well as. My only day off was Sunday, which it is not the best day of the week to be free. Some au pairs families who help pay for their classes and travel but mine didnt and I found that it impossible to live on the pocket money what I got and I had to ask my parents for help. But it wasnt all bad. I made new friends and my German improved a little.

English test A3

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