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Juan Zapata and Jesus Oliveros 4/29/13 Per.

CST Reflection Graphic Organizer and Essay

About the test. How did you feel before the test, during and after the ELA part of the test? How do you feel before, during, and after the math part of the test? How can you and others do even better next year? Share some advice and tips you learned throughout this process.
By studying and sharing some tips with my friends. Take deep breath and take a break for a few seconds. Read though the answers first and then do the work.

The test was simple this year.

I felt that I was going to as the CSTs with a high score. I saw a lot of things During the ELA that I learned part I knew tat I throughout the year. was going to pass it. The test was to I felt nervous long, before the test.

I felt exited to do the math test because I was prepared. During the test I felt nervous because I will do bad. After the test I felt accomplished.

CST Reflection
About the test. you have to prepare your self for the test. Have confidence in yourself. The test determines what classes your going to take next year, if you do bad in the test you will have to take two classes in high school. The test will be hard if you dont study, if you study the test will be easy for you. CST stands for California Standard Testing. The test includes all the subjects and all the things that you learned though out the year, so pay a lot of attention in class. The test includes these subjects math, science, history and English

Before the test I felt nervous because I was afraid of not passing the CST. During the ELA part I felt confident that I was going to pass it. I knew that I had prepared myself for it. During the test I got nervous when I saw how much I had to read. The stories where very long like two pages long. Before every test I sometimes blank out because I forget all of the things that I learned through out the year. I will be nervous when they tell us our scores.

Before the math part I felt nervous because I felt I was going to fail. Also I didnt study hard. After the test I felt accomplished because I made my mom proud. Also I know I did great job on the test. I felt like l know everything after the test because I forgot everything I learned throughout the curse. I felt You can do better next year by studying the math. Another thing is you can review some math question with your friends in class or at home. You can tell your teacher what kinds of questions are there going to be. Also Read though the answers first and then do the work. Dont be scared be confident.

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