Paella For Ella: A Short Story by KORI INDRIYANI

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A short story by KORI INDRIYANI


The sun was shining cheerfully. The beautiful Lake, Lac de Madine seemed to be the most peaceful vacation for Richie, 6 years old, an active and smart boy who always quarrel with his sister Ella, 10 years old. She has curly black brown hair same as Richie. They are good children, but the death of their parents one year ago left a great sadness. It started from the fight of their parents about something that Richie didnt understand as the dawn at one restaurant. Here you are. Lets go back to our camp! said Emilie, their mother. Antonio, their father tried to calm her down. There was a beautiful woman standing near them whom Richie knew her well. Richie was playing outside with Ella but he could saw something was wrong with them. As we arrived at our camp, suddenly the situation was getting cold, so silent. Ella sat at the dining table and I got closer to my mom. Why does everybody keep in silent? Do you have a surprise for us? Hmm... Mom, my birthday is still just 2 months later! Yes! Mom exclaimed. Mom... I was feeling so sorry. Richie, I am tired. Give me a bit time she entered the living car. Richie sat at the dining table and Dad brought some breads and some bottle of jam. Dad, whats wrong? asked Ella angrily. Hmm... I left the camp without telling your mother. Antonio is Spanish and Emilie is English. They met each other when Antonio came to office where Emilie worked. They lived in a beautiful city, Valencia. They were nice couple. But Richie couldnt sleep well on that single night. He was wondering and afraid of their fight, coz that was the first time they seemed to be strange. Richie, Buenas noches! Ella, I cant sleep! I dont like to see Mom in sadness. Richie, everythings ok. Tomorrow we have to go home, you need to take rest. Okay? Richie believed in Ella. For him she is the best sister because she is so strong and always defeats him in every game they used to play, but he doesnt want to confess about it. The best games they really like to play are football and Uno card. Ella can do many things and really potential in sport.

A short story by KORI INDRIYANI

The weather was getting colder and the wind blows the leaves and trees. All fell asleep.

Days after the vacation were beautiful. In Valencia people were happy with Las Fallas, a local festival held in March. But it was not for Richies Family. It was the day was their parents separated. Everything changed to be worse after the going of Antonio from home. Emilie became rather rude to their children and drank every night. She didnt look after her children home works, school, and even their daily meal. On a bright Sunday morning... Richie, tidy your toys up and lets have breakfast! Ella was preparing the breakfast like she always did currently. What do we have for our breakfast Ella? Richie was still playing with his toys on the floor. your favorite breakfast said Ella. What is that Ella? Omelets? Fish? Or... Breads.. Okay, come at the table! she interrupted him who seemed negotiating for a longer time to play. Richie! I wont repeat my words, now you call Mom to go down stair, got it? Yes, Ella.. he smiled and walked slowly upstair. He is a funny kid that never be afraid to his sister who always gets upset to him. Buenos dias, my lovely Mother! he knocked the door for several time. Theres no answer. Perhaps she was still sleeping then he got an idea to give her surprise. He took a violin from his room and play it while he was going in to his mothers room. But, he couldnt see anyone. Where is mother? Ella, Mom isnt here! he spoke so loud, Maybe she is jogging... Richie stared at the balcony, walked closer and screamed. Mamma...! Ella ran upstairs in hurry. Richie go out! No...! i said, out, now! she pulled his hand out from the room. She looked at his mothers face for awhile. She was bleeding, sitting on the chair. Some bottle beers were on the table and small

A short story by KORI INDRIYANI

pieces of broken bottle were on the floor and be scattered around her, then Ella closed the door forcefully. That was the worst scenery shes ever seen. Ella... whats happening with mamma, why doesnt she hear my screaming? he began to cry. Richie... dont disturb her now. She is sick. She needs to take a rest.

They still remember the last time they had vacation in a beautiful lake in French, the last time their father cooked them his yummy Paella. And most of all they were a perfect family. For the reason that they have no relatives in Valencia, they had to move to stay with their uncle Peter in Alford, England. He had two twins daughter named Rose and Julia. Peter worked as a chef in a restaurant, and his wife Liza is a general manager in a famous travel agency in England. They are very kind but the twins often got quarrel each other especially with Ella. Tomorrow would be nice Sunday for you said Aunt Liza. She makes a several toast bread for breakfast. Hmm... will we go to shopping? asked Ella curiously. Aunt, yesterday I saw a wonderful dress in a fashion shop in town! She is always very enthusiastic to talk about the thing. No, we will visit Grandma. Ella as we know that your relation with my daughter is not good, i have plan to send you to grandma and grandpa in Stretton. What? Oh come on aunt... there is a small village, I dont want to stay with em! Ella, we have considered it. It is the best solution. Grandma and grandpa will sure welcome you said Uncle Peter. They had just two choices between live with their grandparents or Antonio in Valencia, of course with his new wife. On the early morning uncle Peter brought them to Stretton. It took about 3 hours until they arrive at the destination. But suddenly something happened on the way to the village. Sorry that you have to leave, hope you understand your aunt Liza. She still needed time to accepted that hardest reality uncle Peter gave us understanding. Yes, Rose and Julia were dead 2 years ago. Uncle, are you okay? Richie looked at Peter who was pale-faced. Richie, whats going on? asked Ella who sat on the back seat.

A short story by KORI INDRIYANI

Peter was getting lose control and couldnt drive the car well and it went so fast. Ella!Richie screamed. The rapid was uncontrolled, Peter fainted. Ella tried to reach the steering and drive it in to the right way, but it was happining so fast and the street was too sinuous. The trees surroud ran as fast as the car moved on and the wind blew quietly. We will die, Ella..! Richie screamed louder and made the situation more panic. Take the key! Take the key Richie! she still tried to control the steering from the back seat. And ... the car srike hard at the trees around. It was silent. Ella... Richie tried to get up and looked for his sister. He was injured and so weak. Aunt Peter was bleeding on the head and still unconscious. Then he found his sister near the crashed window of the car and almost unknown. Her face was full of blood and her body was bad injured. The street was still so quiet. He checked whether ella was alive or not. She breathed and spoke something. Call grandma.. she said almost as like whisper Tell the truth the last words were almost fade away. She fell down and spoke no more. Richie cried but soon got up to the car. He looked for phone to find some helps. So scare, He came closer to his uncle who was lying on the car. He checked Uncle Peters pocket and found it. What should i do? he cried again because he was not able to use the phone. He saw her sister and he remembered that he should call his grandma. He pressed every button and finally he found the name Mamma..?

Youre safe here my sweet boy Grandma hug him and shed his tears. When youre okay, you may tell us. Then he told her everything started by the reason why they had to leave from Alford. Seemed like something peculiar in this case. Grandma was so surprised when she heard that Emilie was dead. Nobodys told her about what had happened to her only daughter. Why did Peter not tell her about the death of Emilie? Good boy, would you like to speak with Mr. Edward? He will help us. Mr. Edward is a famous police from Stretton. Richie, what had you all had for breakfast? Breads and chocolate jam

A short story by KORI INDRIYANI

Thats delicious, who had prepared it? Aunt Liza. She can also cook Paella like my father, so similar, with mushroom and pinnie nut. tha last smart boy, could you tell me the day that your mother passed away? No, i cant Richie cried. Thats okay darling said his grandma. He told him about the day. There were crashed bottle on the floor and also her mobile phone was broken, i guess she was angry with Pappa, coz he left us, he went from home, he... Richie was too saad to remember that he had no parents anymore. The next day, Mr.Edward investigated Emilis home. And he found a small note book of Emilie. All was answered from the key word that Antonio was Lizas exboyfriend when she still work at the same company with emilie. He made conclusion that Liza didnt like to see Emilies family happy and wanted to break her family. Moreover, Lizas twins children were die because of serious ilness. And she might be very disappointed of herself and geting frustated. She had problem with her psycho that almost made her crazy. Antonio might know about the terror she did to emilie so she did suicidal. After the accident, Liza was the one who had plan to kill all Emilies family. She did terror to Emilie, and prepared a poisonous food for Peter before the went to Sstretton. it left great sadness for Richie that he had no more family except his grandparent. Grandma, i want to be like Ella, she can cook and play footbal. Would you like to teach me how to cook? Yes, Dear she smiled. Im sure when i have alrady been able to cook, after i prepared her favourite food Paella, a Valencian rice dish she will come and asked me to tidy my toys up and come at the table, hmm... no,no,no... i wont play toys anymore coz i have to cook, right Grandma? The sun shines the small house of a farmer. The green of the mountain around blews a fresh scenery.

May 2012

Keep stronger..!
Kori Indriyani

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