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GRAMMAR EXPLANATIONS PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE e.g. Ive worked here for ten years. Have you ever been to America? Cei care studiaz limba englez gsesc acest timp extrem de dificil. Forma lui seamn cu cea a multor timpuri din limbile romanice, dar ceea ce exprim este cu totul diferit. Alegerea ntre Present Perfect sau Past Simple, Present Perfect sau Present Simple nu se refer la timp. e.g. Ive worked as a barman. I worked as a barman. Ambele propoziii se refer la aceeai aciune din trecut. Alegerea se refer la aspect, adic, la modul n care vorbitorul percepe aciunea. Astfel prima propoziie se refer la experiena de via a cuiva, prin urmare momentul cnd s-a petrecut aciunea nu este important. Present Perfect leag trecutul de prezent. In cea de-a doua propoziie, ne ateptm ca o expresie de timp s ne precizeze cnd exact se petrece aciunea. e.g. I worked as a barman when I was in France. 1. Care este forma? - subiect + have + participiu trecut (past participle) POSITIVE ( AFIRMATIV) I have seen the queen. You have seen the queen. We have seen the queen. They have seen the queen. Forma scurt: ve = have He has worked before. She has worked before. It has worked before. Forma scurt: s = has QUESTION (INTEROGATIV) Where have I worked before? Where have you worked before? Where have we worked before? 1

Where have they worked before? Where has he worked before? Where has she worked before? NEGATIVE (NEGATIV) I have not finished yet. You have not finished yet. We have not finished yet. They have not finished yet. He has not finished yet. She has not finished yet. It has not finished yet. Forme scurte: hasnt = has not; havent = have not. Rspunsuri scurte: A: Have you done your homework? B: Yes, I have. A: Has he arrived yet? B: No, he hasnt? 2. Cnd utilizm Present Perfect Simple? - Unifinished Past (trecut neterminat): Present Perfect Simple se folosete pentru o aciune care a nceput n trecut i mai continu nc. e.g. I have been a teacher for ten years. He has had a car since he was 18. Expresii de timp: - for (ten years, two weeks, half an hour, ages) + perioada; - since (August, last year, Christmas, 8.00) + momentul. - Experience (experiena): Present Perfect Simple se folosete pentru o aciune care s-a petrecut n trecut i este ncheiat, dar pe noi nu ne intereseaz cnd, ci ne intereseaz experiena de via a cuiva. De notat este faptul c dac sunt date mai multe detalii, atunci timpul se schimb n Past Tense. e.g. Have you ever been in a car crash? I have never been to Paris. dar A: Have you ever had a car accident? B: Yes, I have. A: When did it happen? B: In 1979. I was driving down a road when a car came out in front of me. - Present Result (rezultat prezent): Present Perfect Simple se refer la o aciune trecut, dar al crei rezultat are loc n prezent. 2

e.g. The taxi has arrived. (It is outside the house now.) She has broken her leg. (That is why she cannot walk.) 3. Cu ce alte expresii de timp se mai folosete? - already (deja): e.g. We have already talked about Present Perfect Simple. - just (tocmai): e.g. The teacher has just entered the classroom. - yet (nc): e.g. Havent you finished eating yet? - recently (recent): e.g. They have recently moved into a new house. - lately (n ultima vreme): e.g. Have you seen him lately? 4. Cum se formeaz Past Participle (participiu trecut)? n cazul verbelor regulate (regular verbs), participiul se formeaz la fel ca i trecutul (Past Simple), adugnd ed. e.g.-to work; worked n cazul verbelor neregulate (irregular verbs), participiul trecut este forma a treia din tabelul verbelor neregulate (vezi Cursul de limba englez, anul I, semestrul II, pag. 8, 9, 10. READING (Arranging jumbled text) Here are three stories about people who have started their own business. Read the paragraphs and put them into the right order, using the scheme: James McClarty: 1- 2- 3- 4Jeremy Taylor: 1- 2- 3John Glover: 1- 2- 3- 45-

a. James McClarty, 16, runs a part-time bakery delivery service. Every Friday evening he goes round his village selling his wares- bread, rolls and teacakes, which he buys wholesale from a bakery. b. Jeremy Taylor has had his market garden for 18 months now, growing fruit and vegetables for local consumption. He is most proud of his early potatoes and juicy raspberries. He thought starting a business would be complicated, but in fact it was quite straightforward. c. He had the excellent idea of giving out free hot cross buns before Easter, and as a result he got bumper orders for the Easter weekend. Ive already expanded to include the next village, but Ive employed a friend to do the delivery. d.

But there werent any. I still had 200$ and my bike. Im lousy at mathematics, but my girlfriend Lynn was good at accounts, so we set up with another friend, Paul, as a third partner. e. James likes the extra money, but he does have one complaint. Im getting fat. I cant help eating the teacakes! f. At first they found very difficult to get known. Nothing seemed to work leaflets and adverts in the paper brought nobody. Then slowly the customers trickled in. g. Since then they have grown and grown. We use up to 20 riders and we buy ourselves a new bike every year. Weve learned a lot about management, and were now pretty confident about the future. h. But his organization is far from old- fashioned. He has bought a computer, which he uses to work out orders, costs and profit. He has had the business for nine months. i. He was given good advice by his bank manager. Start small, consolidate and then expand gradually. Theres been an increased demand for really fresh vegetables, and my produce is picked, packed and sold within 24 hours. j. A clever observation by John Glover gave him and two of his friends the idea for their small business. Wed all had jobs but we were made redundant. I had seen a lot of motorcycle couriers in London, so I thought I would try and get a job with one locally. k. Ive always loved gardening, and the thought of making a living out of a hobby is wonderful. l. There hasnt been a baker in the village since the supermarkets opened in town 10 years ago. People like the service and especially the old- fashioned bread. VOCABULARY to run = a conduce (o afacere) part-time = cu jumtate de norm wares = produse wholesale =vnzare en gross old- fashioned =de mod veche, ca altdat to work out = a rezolva to give out = a distribui hot cross buns = chifle cu stafide fierbini n form de cruce bumper orders = comenzi foarte mari complaint = nemulumire straightforward = cinstit 4

to make a living out of = a-i ctiga existena din to be made redundant = a fi de prisos, a fi omer lousy at = slab la to set up = a porni ceva leaflet =brour, foaie volant advert =reclam, anun, afi to trickle in = a aprea ncet- ncet pretty = destul de SPEAKING Getting a bank loan Student A: You want to borrow 25,000$ to start a small business. Decide what the business is: A hotel? A factory? Import/ export? Prepare to explain to the bank manager: - your business experience (Ive worked as a/for) - your experience in the business you want to start - the preparation youve already done (Ive found/asked/started) - what competition is - how much capital you already have - what exactly you want to do with the loan - how soon you can pay it back Student B: You are a bank manager. Student A is going to ask you for a loan of 25,000$ to start a small business. Prepare the questions you want to ask him/ her about: - business experience Where have you worked ? What experience have got ? - what preparation has been done Have you found an office? Have you done any market research? - the competitors - the capital that he/ she already has - why he/ she wants the loan - the problems involved Have you thought of ? How soon do you want the loan repaid? Can you decide whether to give the loan at the end of the interview or do you need more time?

WRITING Informal letters We have already found out what an informal letter is. Lets remember few things. Think of: - the address - the date - the salutation - the organization of the letter: introduction/ body/ conclusion 1. What is the main reason for this letter? - to apologize? - to invite ? - to accept an invitation? - to give news? 2. An informal letter can sound like spoken English. 3. There are several ways of ending an informal letter. With love,/ Best wishes,/ Regards, 4. Some useful phrases: a. Beginning the letter It was lovely to hear from you. Iwas pleased to hear that Thank you for your letter. I was sorry to hear that Im sorry I havent written before, but This is just a note to say b. Giving general news Im having a lovely time in Im Ive been very busy recently. Last week I and next week Im going to c. Ending the letter Im looking forward to seeing you/ to hearing from you Give my regards to your mother. Write to me soon. I hope to hear from you soon. Write and tell me when you/ where you. 5. Contractions are allowed in informal letters: Ill/ Id/ Im/ Hes/ Shes/ Weve/ etc. 6. Read this letter, and notice its organization.

14, Victory Road London, N.W.6 12TH Feb. 1986 Dear Jane, Thank you for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you, and yes. Id really like to come and stay next weekend. You know how much I love spending weekends in the country after working all week in the city. Ill catch the usual train on Friday evening. Do you remember Harry? Well, I met him at a party the other day. Hes fine, busy as always. We went to the theatre together and saw an amusing play by Stoppard. Anyway, Ill give you more news when I see you. Must rush now, because Im going to see Jacks new flat this evening. Im really looking forward to the weekend. Give my best wishes to Peter and the children. Love, Pat

PRACTICE 1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple. a. Carlos (come) to London before Christmas. When he .(arrive) he ..(go) to stay with some friends. He (be) in London for several months, and hes going to stay the autumn. b. A: Im looking for Susan. you .(see) her? B: I.(see) her yesterday, but not today. you..(look) in the coffee bar? A: Yes. I(go) there before I (ask) you.

c. A: John, you know I(borrow) your bicycle last night. Well, Im afraid I.(lose) it. B: Thats awful! Where .you(go)? What time.it (happen)? A: Well, I.(leave) your house at 8.00, went home and (chain) it outside my house. Someone must have taken it during the night I..(phone) the police, and they are coming soon. B: OK. You can tell them what ..(happen). 2. Put either for or since with these time expressions. a. ..a long time b. ..ten days c. ..my last birthday d. ..the end of the holidays e. ..ages 7

f. g. h. i.

..I came to England ..the last few days ..the day I met you ..the beginning of the lesson

3. Barry and James are talking about cars. Complete the conversation. Barry: Have you got a car, James? James: Yes, I have. Barry: What..? James: Its a Volvo. Barry: How long.? James: Ive had it for eighteen months, I think. Barry: How much? James: 5,500$. It was second- hand, not new. Barry: How many.? James: It hasnt done a lot, actually. About 10,000. I only use it at weekends. Barry: When? James: In 1971. I passed first time. I was lucky. Barry: ? James: Yes, I have. It was a rainy evening last November, and I skidded into the car in front. Nobody was hurt, fortunately. 4. Complete the sentences by matching a line from column A with a line in column B. A a. Janes angry because b. Annes disappointed because c. Julies excited because d. Kates jealous because e. Marys worried because B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. she hasnt heard from her parents for a long time, and hopes they are all right. shes just seen someone in the kind of car that she wants to buy. her boyfriend hasnt arrived and theyre already late for the party. shes just won first prize in a competition. shes had to cancel her holiday, and she was so looking forward to it.

5. Study these words and complete the sentences. economic = 1.of economics 2.designed to give a profit 3. connected with commerce and industry economical = careful in spending of money, time, etc. and in use of goods 8

economics = science of the production, distribution and consumption of goods economist = expert in ~ economize = be economical economy = 1. avoidance of waste of money 2. control and management of money, strength or anything else of value 3. system for the management and use of resources business = 1. buying and selling; commerce; trade; on ~, for the purpose of doing ~; ~ address, address of ones shop, office, etc. ~hours hours during which ~is done; ~like, showing promptness, care, etc. ~ man, man who is engaged in buying and selling, etc. 2. shop 3. task, duty, concern; get down to ~, start the work that must be done; mind ones own ~, attend to ones duty interfere with those of others; send sb. about his ~ , send him away and tell him not to interfere. a. If we want a holiday this year well have to. Were spending too much. b. Every country has its own ..problems. c. Shes an ..lecturer at Glasgow University. d. The most..way of heating your house is by using solar energy. e. The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the minister responsible for the. . f. Naturally he has many professional.to advise him. g. The world.. situation gets more and more complicated. h. It is usually more.to shop in a supermarket than in a small shop. i. He presented himself very well at the interview. He was very professional and . . j. Would you like a cup of coffee or shall westraight away? 9

k. A: How much do you earn a year, Dad? B: Thats nothing to do with you. .. . l. Peters thinking of the textile business when he leaves university. m. I have to go abroad .for at least two months a year. n. In a hotel, it is a receptionists business. .


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