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Inherit the Wind

So far in the course much of the analysis of course material has been done in written form. The debate forum allows students to practice their oral presentation skills within a structured format, and also provides an opportunity for those who struggle with written expression another option to show what they have learned.

Below is a list of debate topics generated by the class as well as a few generated by the teacher. You are to get into groups of four and rank the topics as either a 1 for you would like to do them, a 2 for you would be okay with being assigned this, and a 3 for you would not like to do it. You must have at least three of each ranking.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Justice is done at the end of the play. The media is too involved in our lives. It is fair for one person to suffer for the general good of the community. Women are portrayed as weak characters in this play. Religion should not have a place in our school system. Religion should not have a place in our judicial system. Trial by judge is much more reliable than a trial by jury. We need extremists to either promote or prohibit change in our society. Freedom of speech is too dangerous for the general population in todays society Hornbeck is more closed-minded than Brady.

The teacher will take the class rankings and determine the five most desirable topics. The teacher will assign groups of four or six and within your group you will rank the five topics from most to least desirable. We will then have a draw to determine which group will select topics first. In your groups you will brainstorm both sides of the resolution on the first day. On the second day, the group will be divided in three. One group will be for the resolution; the other will be against the resolution. On the debate presentation day, each topic will be debated, and all of the judges from all of the topics will determine who won the debate and will have to provide a half page summary explanation of their verdicts.

Mr. A.G. Rehm

Debate Assignment

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Inherit the Wind

Everyone will receive a mark for their participation in the preparation for the debates. The debaters will be marked on their arguments, and their debating style. The judges will be marked on their verdict summaries.

Tues Select debate topics Select debate groups Finish watching the play Wed Brainstorm ideas in the whole group Determine roles within the debate Thur Deliver debates

Mr. A.G. Rehm

Debate Assignment

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